Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering(Heat transfer in nanofluids), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (2004-2010)
M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering( Machine Design), JNTUH College of Engineering,Kakinada with First class with distinction (1999-2002)
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering,Anatapur with First class (1990-1994)
Professional Experience
1. |
Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering,Kukatpally,Hyderabad (2011 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering,Kukatpally,Hyderabad (2003 - 2011) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engineering,Kakinada (1994 - 2003) |
1 .
M.T.Naik,G.Srinivasa Rao, Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Energy Efficiency and Environment(Chapter 9), New Age International Publisher, 81-224-1910-0, 2006
International Journals |
1 . |
G. Ravi, Narsimhulu Sanke, Farid Ahmed ,Naga Sarada S, M.T.Naik, ‘Numerical Investigation of Baffle Spacing in a shell and Tube Heat Exchanger with Segmental Baffle’, International Journal of Applied Analysis Computation and Mathematical Modelling in Engineering., Vol No.897, pp.83-98, Springer, June, 2022 |
2 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali, Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, ‘Comparison of H-based Vertical Axis wind Turbine Blades of NACA Series with CFD, Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications,, Vol No.282, Issue No.135, pp.117-130, Springer, April, 2022 |
3 . |
D. Baloji, K. Anil, K.Satyanaryana, Ahsan ul haq and Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, ‘Understanding frictional behaviour of ASS316L in sheet metal forming’, Materials-today-proceedings, ISBN No.2855-2858, Vol No.44, pp.2855-2858, Science Direct, January, 2021 |
4 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali , Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, , ‘Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine NACAXXXX Series’,, Journal of Resource Management and Technology , ISBN No.0745-6999, Vol No.12, Issue No.3, pp.395-401, March, 2021 |
5 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali, Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, ‘Comparative analysis of low velocity vertical axis wind turbine NACA blades at different attacking angles in CFD’, Materials Today , ISBN No.2214-7853., ELSEVIER , August, 2021 |
6 . |
D. Baloji, Swadesh Kumar Singh , M.T.Naik, K.Satyanaryana, Evolution and Characterisation of ASS316LatElevated Temperature, Advances in Materials and ProcessingTechnologies, ISBN No.2374-0698, Vol No.8, Issue No.3, pp.2987-2998, Taylors& Francis, June, 2021 |
7 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali, Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, ‘Comparison of performance with standard and twisted blades in VAWT, Journal of Engineering Sciences (JES), ISBN No.20377-9254, September, 2021 |
8 . |
D. Baloji, K. Anil, K.Satyanaryana, Ahsan ul haq and Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, , ‘Influence of strain rates on forming characteristics of ASS316L sheets at elevated temperatures, Materials Today: Proceedings, ISBN No.2214-7853, 2020 |
9 . |
D. Baloji, K. Anil, K.Satyanaryana, Ahsan ul haq and Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, ‘Comparative study of ASS 316L on formability at room temperature and super plastic region’, Taylor & Francis, ISBN No.2374-068X, Feb-18th, 2020 |
10 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali, Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, ‘Performance Improvement of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine With Airfoil Geometry, Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.2455-6300., Vol No.5, Issue No.4, April, 2020 |
11 . |
D. Baloji, K. Anil, K.Satyanaryana, Ahsan ul haq and Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, ‘Experimental Determination and Theoretical Prediction of Limiting Strains for ASS 316L at HotForming Conditions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, ISBN No.1059-9495, May, 2020 |
12 . |
D. Baloji, K. Anil, K.Satyanaryana, Ahsan ul haq and Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, ‘ A comparative study on characterisation of ASS 316L at room and sub-zero temperatures’, Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, ISBN No.2374-068X, Taylor & Francis, Jul 19, 2020 |
13 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali, Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, ‘Enhancing the Low Wind Speed Performance of H- Darius Wind Turbine by Novel Methods, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology(IJMTST), ISBN No.2455-3778, pp.218-222, August, 2020 |
14 . |
D. Baloji, Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, Tanya Buddi, K. Satyanaryana , ‘Experimental and Finite Element Studies of Stretch Forming Process for ASS 316L at Elevated Temperature, ASM International Journal, May, 2020 |
15 . |
D. Baloji, ‘Experimental and Finite Element Studies of Stretch Forming Process for ASS 316L at Elevated Temperature, ASM International Journal, May, 2020 |
16 . |
Mohd Hasam Ali, Syed Nawazish Mehdi, M.T.Naik, ‘A Review on Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Used for Household Applications’, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), ISBN No.2349-5162, Vol No.6, Issue No.2, pp.527-530, February, 2019 |
17 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik , ‘An experimental Investigation with Microscopic Results for Dissimilar Material Welds’, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology(IJAST), ISBN No.2207-6360, Vol No.126, pp.118-127, May, 2019 |
18 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik , Experiment on GTAW of AL 6061-T6Material with SUS 304’, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISBN No.2277-3878, Vol No.8, Issue No.2, July, 2019 |
19 . |
D. Baloji, K. Anil, K.Satyanaryana, Ahsan ul haq and Swadesh Kumar Singh, M.T.Naik, Evaluation and Optimization of Material Properties of ASS316L at sub-zero Temperature Using Taguchi Robust Design, Materials Today: Proceedings, ISBN No.4475-4481, Elsevier, 2019 |
20 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik,, Evaluation of Microstructure and Hardness of Dissimilar Metals, National conference on Emerging Trends (NCETMCE-2K19), ISBN No.2457-0931, 2019 |
21 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik, ‘Optimization of GAS Tungsten ARC Welding (GTAW)Process Parameters using Graph Theory Matrix Approach(GTWA)., 2019 |
22 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik, ‘Optimization of Process Parameters During TIG Welding of Si-Mg-Mn AL Alloy 64430,, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), ISBN No.2249-8001, Vol No.8, Issue No.3, pp.659-666, June, 2018 |
23 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik, ‘A Review On Dissimilar Materials Welding Techniques’, International Journal of Advancement In Engineering Technology, Management andApplied Science. (IJAETMAS, ISBN No.2349-3224, Vol No. 5 , Issue No.01, pp.111-123, January, 2018 |
24 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik, A Comprehensive Study And Approach On Dissimilar Materials Used In Welding Process,, International Journal of Research In Engineering And Applied Sciences, ISBN No.2455-6300, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.230-234, April, 2018 |
25 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik , ‘Study And Parameter Optimization Of Dissimilar Materials Using MIG Welding Process’, International Journal of Engineering and Techniques(IJET) , ISBN No.2395-1303, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, pp.1081-1085, April, 2018 |
26 . |
K. Nageswara Rao, B V R Ravi Kumar, M.T.Naik, ‘A Comparative Study of Tensile Strength of Dissimilar Materials (SS 210,304,310, 316 And Mild Steel) Joined Using MIG and TIG Welding Process,', International Journal of Multi-disciplinary Educational Research (IJMER),, ISBN No.2277-7881, Vol No.6, Issue No.7, pp.95-109, 7, 2017 |
27 . |
D. Rajesh Babu, M.T.Naik, A. Jaya Laxmi, ‘A Prototype Model of Augmented Solar Tracking System for Electric Vehicles’, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, International Science, ISBN No.ISBN No.0974-5572, Vol No.10, Issue No.16, pp.23-30, International Science Press, 11, 2017 |
28 . |
M.T.Naik,Sundar L, ’Heat transfer and friction factor with water/Propylene glycol based Cuo Nanofluid in circlar tube with helical inserts under transition flow regime’, International Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering, C Taylor and Francis Group, Vol No.35, Issue No.1, pp.53-62, 2014 |
29 . |
M.T.Naik,Fahad S Syam Sundar,Singh M , ’Comparative study on thermal performance of twisted tape and wire coil inserts in turbulent flow using Cuo/Water nanofluid’, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol No.57, pp.65-76, 9, 2014 |
30 . |
Basma A, AVSSKS Gupata,M.T.Naik , Experimental Study on the Bed Voidage and Minimum Fluidization Velocity of Gas-SolidFluidization under Different Conditions’, IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME),, Vol No.2, Issue No.7, 7, 2014 |
31 . |
Basma A, AVSSKS Gupata,M.T.Naik, Study the effect of different operating parameters on heat transfer coefficient in gas-solid fluidized bed using horizontal heat transfer probe’, International Journal of advanced research in EngineeringImpact Factor (2014): 7.8273, , ISBN No.0976 - 6480 , Vol No.5, Issue No.7, pp.39-46, 7, 2014 |
32 . |
Sundar L,Singh,K V Sharma, M.T.Naik, ‘Empirical and theoretical correlations on viscosity of nanofluids a review,, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Impact Factor: 5.9), Vol No.25, pp.670-686, 9, 2013 |
33 . |
M.T,Naik,Rangajanardhana,Sundar L, Experimental Investigations of heat transfer and friction factor with water-propylene glycol based CuO nanofluids in a tube with twisted tape inserts’, International communications in heat and mass transfer, Vol No.46, pp.13-21, 2013 |
34 . |
Syam Sundar,Singh M,K V Sharma.M.T.Naik , ‘Experimental Investigation of forced convection heat transfer and Friction Factor In a tube with Fe3o4 magnetic nanofluid, Experimental thermal and Fluid Science, Vol No.37, pp.67-71, 2012 |
35 . |
Syam Sundar ,K V Sharma,Ravi Kumar N,M.T.Naik , ‘ Effect of full length twisted tape inserts on heat transfer and friction factor enhancement with FeO4 magnetic nanofluids inside a plain tube:An Experimental Study, International Journal of Heat and mass Transfer, , Vol No.55, pp.2761-2768, 2012 |
36 . |
Rajasekhar Y,M.T.Naik,Sundar L,K V Sharma, ‘Experimental Investigations on thermal conductivity of water and Al2O3 nanofluids at low concentration’, International Journal of Nanoparticles, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Issue No.5, 1, 2012 |
37 . |
M.T.Naik,B.Subba Reddy , CFD Simulation Analysis for Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Copper-Oxide Nanofluids in a Tube with Helical Inserts’, International journal of nanotechnology and applications Volume, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, pp.91-99, 2011 |
38 . |
G.Srinivasa Rao,K V Sharma,M.T.Naik, Forced convection heat transfer effects and flow resistance in a packed bed column with Al2O3 Nanofluids,, International Journal of Engineeering, Science and Metallurgy , Vol No.1, Issue No.2, 2011 |
39 . |
M.T.Naik, Ramya Yasodha, B A Prasad, Design and Thermal Analysis of Heat Exchanger for Energy Conservation, Research India Publication, Vol No.5, Issue No.3, pp.537-544, 2010 |
40 . |
M.T.Naik, Rangajanardhana , Temperature Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Copper oxide Nanofluids Dispersed in Propylene glycol Base fluid, International Journal of Nanoparticles,Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.149-159, 2010 |
41 . |
M.T.Naik,K, B.Subba Reddy,Rangajanardhana,Vijayakumar Reddy, ‘Experimental Investigation Into Rheological Properties of Copper oxide Nanoparticles Suspension in Propylene Glycol Based fluid’, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , Vol No.5, Issue No.6, pp.29-34, 2010 |
42 . |
M.T.Naik ‘Laminar experimental heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of glycol based CuO nanofluids in a tube with helical inserts’, Technology Spectrum, JNTUH Journal,Volume, 5 No.2 |
43 . |
D.Kamesh,M.T.Naik, Study and Analysis of small Micro and Hydro Power’, International journal of Hydro power,, Vol No.2, Issue No.1 |
44 . |
M.T.Naik,G K Srinivasulu , Plant irrigation system using ARM processor using solar power for agricultural applications,, International journal of advanced and innovative research , ISBN No.IJAIR/13/12/02/47 |
45 . |
Basma A, AVSSKS Gupata,M.T.Naik, Heat Transfer in Gas-Solid Fluidization byImmersed Horizontal Surface and Study the Effectof Incorporation Of Fins’, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management, ISBN No.ISSN 2319 - 4847 |
46 . |
Damala Rajesh Babu.M.T.Naik,A.Jayalakshmi, A Prototype Model of Augmented Solar Tracking System for Electric Vehicles’, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications ,International Science, ISBN No.0974-5572 , Vol No.10, Issue No.16, 2017 |
National Journals |
International Conference |
1 . |
M.T.Naik, P.Gopi Krishna Babu, ‘Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Solar Cabinet Dryer’, International Conference on Applied Sciences,During 1-3, Feb,2016,Fukuoka,Japan, 1-3, Feb, 2016 |
2 . |
M.T.Naik,Vijaya, , performance analysis acrylic coated small scale passive solar air heater, ’3rd International Conference on Naotek and Expo held atHampton Inn Tropicana Las Vegas, USA, , December 02-04, 2013 |
3 . |
M.T.Naik, G Rngajanardhana,Sundar L , ‘Investigation into Thermo physical Properties of Glycol based CuO nanofluids for Heat transfer Applications’, International Conference in thermal engineering held at Paris,Franc, 11, 2011 |
4 . |
M.T.Naik, G.Ranga Ganardhan, A.Latha , performance imporvement and nergy ? Conservation of combined cycle power plant-a case study, International conference on Challenges and Strategies for sustainable energy, efficiency and environment, Uttar Pradesh Technological University, Lucknow, 06, 2006 |
5 . |
Latha, J.Chandra sekhar, K.V.Sharma, M.T.Naik, P.Kishore kumar , Artificial Neural Networks Modeling of FPC and CPCE Solar Water Heating System’, International congress on Renewable Energy organized by Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), pp.281-285 |
6 . |
M.T.Naik,Eshan Vojkani, Numerical investigation of turbulent flow and heat transfer characteristics of PGW-CuO nanofluids’, CAN 2012,eleventh AES-ATEMA International Conference, Thailand |
National Conference |
1 . |
M.T.Naik,GKM Rao, ‘Effects of welding and heat treatment on Cast Iron’’, MEENAC-2000, National Conference in Mechanical Engineering, page:93-96, JNTU College of Engineering,, Anantapur |
2 . |
M.T.Naik,J.Suresh Kumar, ‘Design and stress analysis of broaching tool’ page:298-302 MEENAC-2001, National Conference in Mechanical Engineering, JNTU, Anantapur |
3 . |
M.T.Naik.A Gopala Krishna,’Design and Stress analysis of power pipes’ page:200-212,National seminar on ‘Recent trends in Production and Industrial Engineering held on 9 th December 2002. at G.P.College of Engineering, Kurnool, |
4 . |
A.Gopal Krishna,M.T.Naik. ‘Application of Genetic Algorithms to Linear Programming Problems’ Page:118-131,National seminar on ‘Recent trends in Production and Industrial Engineering held on 9 th December 2002. at G.P.College of Engineering, Kurnool |
5 . |
M.T.Naik, P.N.B.V.Chalapathi Rao, “ Heat transfer improvements in heat exchangers by efficient cleaning methods” National Conference on State of Art of Technologies conducted by the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad, June 2004 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Workshop on New and Renewable Energy Gadjets in connection with Rashtriya Urja Jana-Jagriti Abhayan, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 24-01-2011 |
Organized a Refresher Course on Advanced Optimization Techniques For Engineering Systems, UGC Academic Staff College,JNTUniversity Hyderabad, 29-05-2006 to 17-06-2006 |
Organized a Seminar on Security of Indian students going abroad, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, |
Organized a Workshop on National workshop on Energy Conservation opportunities in coordination with National Productivity Council, Govt. of India, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, |
Organized a Seminar on wealth out of waste, JNTUH College of Engineering,Kukatpally, |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a FDP on 4) Participated in FDP and E – Content development, advanced teaching, learning and management tools, Goa, 28-01-2021 to 31-01-2021 |
2. |
Participated in a Workshop on NBA and NAAC accreditation, Lucknow, 09-11-2017 to 11-11-2017 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on Continuing Education Program on Energy Management, IIT Bombay, 23-11-2015 to 27-11-2015 |
4. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Nano Technology, JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally Hyderabad, 13-12-2004 to 26-12-2004 |
5. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Advances in Finite Element Methods, JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, 03-12-2004 to 07-01-2005 |
6. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Advanced Production System, Held at JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 17-11-2003 to 06-12-2003 |
7. |
Participated in a Workshop on Quality improvement in Product & Process Design Using Taguchi Approach, JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 24-09-2003 to 27-09-2003 |
8. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Intelligent Machines, National Institute of Technology-Warangal, 31-12-2001 to 12-01-2002 |
9. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on Training Program for Young Faculty of Engineering, Osmania University College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 26-12-2000 to 13-01-2001 |
10. |
Participated in a Training on Teachers’ Training Programme, JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, 22-05-2000 to 09-06-2000 |
11. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Quality control and Reliability Engineering in Y2K, Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering Tirupathi, 27-12-1999 to 08-01-2000 |
12. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Pumping Systems –Selection, Performance Testing and Latest Advantages, Sri G.S Institute of Technology and Science, Indoor,MP -India, 29-11-1999 to 11-12-1999 |
13. |
Participated in a Training on Intensive Training on Agricultural Mechanization at Southern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Garladinne,Anantapur ,Andhra Pradesh, 10-05-1993 to 31-05-1993 |
Honors & Professional Activities
As part of a National Integrity Program,Fund raised through volunteers and the amount was sent to the National Foundation for Communal Hormany, Govt. of India, New Delhi, to help children victimized in communal violence, Secretary,Nation Foundation for Communal Harmony,Govt of India ,New Delhi, 2009
Adjudged by the out going final year students as the 2nd Best Teacher in teaching, in the Mechanical Engineering Department and Stood in 8th Position in teaching among all the Faulty members of JNTU College of Engineering,Kakinada, JNTU Kakinada, 2001
Professional Activities
Member in the Panel of staff selections at the Central University of Hyderabad
Subject expert in the panel of faculty selections in Mechanical Engineering at Acharya Nagarjuna University,Guntur,Andhra Pradesh
Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Energy and Power
Chairman,Board of Studies in Petroleum Engineering,
Chairman,Board of Studies in Energy Systems,JNTUH College of Engineering(Autonomous)
Member, Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering at JNTU College of Engineering(Autonomous) Kakinada
Member,Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Member,Board of Studies in Mechanical Engineering at CVSR College of Engineering(Autonomous),Hyderabad
Nomonated as JNTUniversity expert to assess the infrastucture at Society,Energy,Environment and Development,an NGO at Hyderabad
Ph.D External Examiner in Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech External Examiner for Osmania University,JNTUniversity,Anatapur,JNTUniversity,Kakinada and Autonomous Engineering Colleges
University Nominee for selection of Faculty members in Mechanical Engineering Departments of,JNTUH affiliated Engineering colleges
Delivered an expert lecture on 'Problem Formulation and Optimization of Certain Eneginnering Systems' at UGC Academic Staff College, JNTU Hyderabad on 13.05.2006
An Invited lecture on 'Energy and Environment' was delivered in 220 th Orientation Course conducted at UGC Academic Staff College, JNTUniversity,Hyderabad
In the State Government sponsored Faculty Development program,An invited lecture was delivered on 'Engineering Graphics' to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Departments of affiliated Engineering Colleges on 17.02.2012 at K G Reddy Engineering College, Moinabad
As a resource person,delivered an invited lecture on 'Role of Nanofluids in Energy Conservation' at UGC Academic Staff College,JNTU Hyderbad
metrology Laboratory in Mechanical II (III B.Tech) | Instrumentation laboratory in Mechanical I (IV B.Tech) | Production Technology Laboratory in Mechanical II (II B.Tech) | Energy Systems Laboratory in Energy Systems II (M.Tech) | Computational Methods Laboratory in Energy systems I (M.Tech) | Engineering Workshops in Mechanical,IDP II (I B.Tech) | Fuels and Lubricants Loboratory in Mechanical I (II B.Tech) | Metallurgy Laboratory in Mechanical I (IV B.Tech) | Advanced Machine Design in Mechanical II (M.Tech) | Reliability and Maintenance Engineering in Mechanical(Energy Systems) I (M.Tech) | Thermal Power Plant Technology in Mechanical(Energy Systems) I (M.Tech) | Computational methods in Mechanical(Energy Systems) II (M.Tech) | Finite Elements Methods in Mechanical(Energy Systems) II (M.Tech) | Design and Optimization of Energy Systems in Mechanical(Energy Systems) II (M.Tech) | Renewable Energy Technologies in Mechanical(Energy Systems) I (M.Tech) | Welding Technology in Mechanical I (IV B.Tech) | Machine Tools in Mechanical II (III B.Tech) | Production Technology in Mechanical I (III B.Tech) | Design of Machine Elements-II in Mechanical II (III B.Tech) | Design of Machine Elements-I in Mechanical I (III B.Tech) | Machine Drawing in Mechanical I (II B.Tech) | Engineering Drawing in CSE,IDP I &II (I.B.Tech) | Engineering Mechanics in Mechanical II (I B.Tech) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Officer incharge of Book Bank
, JNTU College of Engineering,Kakinada, 1994 - 2003
2. Deputy warden
, JNTU College of Engineering,Kakinada, 1997 - 2003
3. Vice-Principal
, JNTUH College of Engineering,Science and Technology, 2021 - 2022
4. Additional Controller of Examinations
, J N T U Hyderabad, 2013 - 2016
5. Coordinator ,Center for Energy Studies
, JNTUH College of Engineering,Kukatpally,Hyderabad, 2010 - 2013
6. Officer in-charge of Examinations
, JNTUH College of Engineering,Kukatpally,Hyderabad, 2006 - 2008
7. N S S Program officer
, JNTUH College of Engineering,Kukatpally,Hyderabad, 2008 - 2010
Project/Research Guidance
Y. Akhil |
CFD Simulation of the effect of Nanoparticle Aggregation on Forced Convection in Al2o3 - water Nanofluid |
2021 |
Download |
A.Charankumar Goud |
Simulation of Horizontal axi wind turbine using Matlab- Simulink by Varying wind speeds |
2021 |
Download |
P.Sairam Reddy |
Design of a Diffuser for a Diffuser Augmented wind |
2021 |
Download |
B. Kondal |
Modeling and Simulation of small wind energy systems |
2021 |
Download |
M.Akshita Naidu |
Solar PV based Induction Heating for Cooking Application |
2021 |
Download |
U.Srikanth |
Solar Energy Monitoring Using IoT |
2021 |
Download |
P.BalaBramha Chari |
Energy Audit and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Rak Ceramics(India) pvt. Ltd. |
2020 |
Download |
K.Anudeep |
Performance Enhancement of a Solar Air heater using V- Type Corrugated Absorber plate |
2019 |
Download |
P.Ranjith Kumar |
Optimization of Power Generation in a grid Connected Photovolatic System with MPPT Fuzzy Logic Control |
2019 |
Download |
B.ParthaSaradhi |
Flexibility Analysis of piping system & Thermal Insulations |
2018 |
Download |
V.Naveen Kumar |
Steady state and Transient analysis of cooling water piping system under pressure surge |
2018 |
Download |
G.Indira Priyanka |
A Single phase Transformerless inverter with charge pump circuit concept for Grid- Tied PV applications |
2017 |
Download |
M. Priyanka |
Effect of a Sustinable biofuel on the combustion, performance and emission of an IC engine under naturally aspirated with Diesel - Vegetable oil- n butanol blends |
2017 |
Download |
K. Rajesh |
Increasing Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic panels using MPP Algorithms |
2017 |
Download |
N. Saritha |
Experimental analysis of solar photovoltaic water pumping system |
2017 |
Download |
K. Aditya |
A Novel Wind Energy System Designing and Analysis Using Fuzzy Logic. |
2016 |
P. Jahnavi |
Reconfigured PV Inverter – Operation and Control |
2016 |
N. Manoj Kumar |
Oxygen Enriched Gasification of High Ash Coal in Fluidized Bed Gasifier. |
2015 |
D. Ramesh |
Performance Analysis of Electrical Utilities in Pharma Industry. |
2015 |
P. Gopi Krishna Babu |
Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Solar Cabinet Dryer. |
2015 |
S. Divya |
Simulation and Implementation of Resonant DC – DC Converter for a Wind Energy System. |
2014 |
M. Nishantha |
Interleaved Soft Switching Boost Converter with MPPT For Photovoltaic Power Generation System. |
2014 |
K. Ramya |
An Interleaved Flyback Module Integrated Converter for Grid- Tied Operation using Photovoltaic Systems. |
2014 |
K. Pradeep |
Design of Waste Heat Recovery System in Sponge Iron Plant |
2013 |
B. Ajaya Ram |
Design & Fabrication of Solar Storage System using Inorganic Phase Change Material. |
2013 |
L.Ganesan |
Viability of Solar in Hospitality Industry. |
2013 |
V. Dail Nayudu |
Design and Cost Analysis of Solar Powered Agricultural Water Pump Set. |
2013 |
S. Bhaskara Rao |
Design and Analysis of Water Distillation Using Solar Energy with Different Phase Changing Materials |
2013 |
A. Ramchandar Raju |
Performance of Solar Evaporation Coolers |
2013 |
K. Shusmitha |
The Design of Photovolataic Power System with High Step- Up Converter and a Viltage Multiplier Module a Thesis. |
2013 |
D. Sreenivasa Reddy |
Design & Analysis of Heat Exchangers for Energy Conservation using Waste Heat Recovery. |
2012 |
K.Srihari |
Energy Conservation Opportunities in chemical Division of Nacto Pharma |
2011 |
Kavitha G |
Operation and analysis of WRIM with chopper controller rotor resistance |
2011 |
Samhita S |
Energy audit and harmonics study |
2011 |
Rakesh S |
Optimization of solar energy in a hybrid system |
2011 |
Pavan Kumar N |
Carbon foot print assembly study |
2011 |
Gopi T |
Energy audit and harmonics study |
2011 |
Sandhya S |
Study and development of micro turbine power generation by automobile exhaust gases |
2011 |
T.Raj Kumar |
Fuzzy logic Control of Buck Boost Converters for fuel cell Vehicle Design |
2010 |
Mahmmad Hafeez |
Modelling of Photo voltaic Modules in mat lab |
2010 |
Kiran Kumar Paturu |
A Wind/Fuel Cell/Ultra Capacitor Hybrid Power Generation System With Power flow Controllers |
2010 |
L.Ramesh |
Protection Schemes for Teed transmission Circuits Using Wavelets |
2010 |
Furqana Nazini Shaik |
Reliability Study on Crystalline Photovoltaic Modules |
2009 |
S.Sumanth |
A Maximum Power Point tracker for PV Systems Controlled by Fuzzy |
2009 |
P.Bhushanam |
Experimental Investigation of Diesel Engine Performance using Bio-Fuel |
2009 |
K.Kiran Kumar |
Improved Design and Fabrication of Solar Water Distillation System |
2009 |
Parvez Khan |
Energy Conservation Opportunities in Commercial Establishments using Dimmer & LDR Mechanism under PV System |
2008 |
A.Peraiah Sastry |
Installation ,Commissioning, Performance Evaluation of 1.2KWP Solar High Concentration P V System |
2008 |
Gabbar Singh N |
Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of A Diesel Engine Piston Using Finite Element Analysis |
2008 |
U.Preeti Rao |
Transient Magnetic Analysis On Regenerator Bed of Magnetic Refrigerator |
2008 |
V.Vijaya Kumar Naik |
Effect Of Geometrical Parameters On The Performance Of Tube and Plate fin Heat Exchanges |
2008 |
Mohd Nazia Hassan |
Power Generation From Solar Energy and its Measure using Prepaid Energy Meter |
2008 |
Parvez Khan |
Energy Conservation Opportunities in Commercial Establishments using Dimmer & |
2008 |
Sajid Faiz Ahmad |
Design and Fabrication of Automatic Lighting System for Residential Application using Photo Voltaic System |
2008 |
M.Manasa |
Wall-To-Bed Heat Transfer in Three-Phase Fluidized Beds |
2008 |
T.Srinivas |
Energy Audit and Energy Efficiency Improvement in Hindustan Aeronautical Limited |
2007 |
N.Hima Silpa |
Parameter estimation based model for Heat Pumps |
2007 |
P.Ashok Kumar |
Renewable Energy based (BIOMASS) Power Project under Clean Development Mechanism |
2007 |
CH.Amulya |
Studies on Feasibility of Burning Low carbon Flash from PFBG Process in a CHAR Combustion |
2007 |
K.Bicha |
Thermal and Structural Analysis of GAS Turbine Blade Along the Groove using FEA |
2007 |
B.Maruthi Krishna Murthy |
Thermal Management of Electronic Components using Jet Impingement cooling Technique |
2006 |
P.Srinivasa Rao Nayak |
Compact Control Circuit for Solar Charging of Storage Batteries |
2006 |
T.Charan Singh |
Installation of Solar Tracker for Enhancing the Water output of SPV Water Pumping System |
2006 |
G.Govardhan Rao |
Vanadium Redox Battery |
2006 |
G.Srinivasa Rao |
Performance Analysis of Combined Cycle Power Plant |
2005 |
K.Hari Krishna |
Testing and Performance Evaluation of DC Submersible Photo voltaic Water Pumping System |
2005 |
J.Venkata Suresh |
Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic loss Factors in Hysrogenarator Stator Components with Inlet Pre-whirl Model |
2005 |
Ramya Yasoda Saripalli |
Improving Power Plant Efficiency Through Plant Waste Heat Recovery |
2005 |
P.Padmanabharaju |
Synthesis & Evaluation of Alternative Cathode Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells |
2004 |
K.Babita |
Co-Shift Reactor for Reformat in 50KW Fuel Cell Reformer System-Design and Scale up Methodology |
2004 |
P.Yeshodara |
Preferential Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide in Hydrogen Rich Reformer Stream Design of Prox Reactor for 50 KW Fuel Cell |
2004 |
Kumara Swamy.V |
Methanol Reformer for 50KW Fuel Cell Design & scale-Up Methodology |
2004 |
M.Sai Mounika Spoorthy |
Study and Experimental Investigation on Flow Forming Technology |
2017 |
V.Naveen Kumar |
Study and Experimental Investigation on Flow Forming Technology |
2017 |
CH.Bhuvan Deep Sai |
Study and Experimental Investigation on Flow Forming Technology |
2017 |
Bimlesh Kumar Shah |
Design and Analysis of Dual Acting Internal Combustion Engine |
2017 |
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Inetrnational Sientific Academy of Engineering &Technology,
, 23-04-2013 to 24-04-2013 Paper presentation in the International Conference |
International Conference on Applied Sciences,
, 01-02-2016 to 03-02-2016 For Paper presentation in the International conference |
Nanotek and Expo atHampton Inn Tropicana,
Las Vegas, USA
, 02-12-2013 to 04-12-2013 To present a paper in the ’3rd International Conference on Naotek and Expo |
World Academy of Science,Engineering and Technology,
, 14-11-2011 to 16-11-2011 To present a paper in the International Conference on Thermal Engineering |
- Member in EAMCET 1997 Confidential Team,in the state level entrance examination conducted by Osmania University
- Member in the result processing Committee of VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology,Hyderabad
- Member in the Result processing committee of Vidya Jyothi College of Engineering and Technology,Moinabad
- Member in EAMCET 2011 Confidential Team,a state level examination conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Tecvhnological University Hyderabad
- University Governing Council member of Gurunanak Institute of Technology,Hyderabad,Telangana
- University Governing Council member of Abudul Kalam Institute of Technology,Kothagudem,Telangana
- University Governing council member of Sri Visveswaraiah Institute of Technology and Sciences,Mahabubnagar,Telangana
Contact : |
Dr. M.T. Naik
Professor and Coordinator
Energy Systems
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad
Centre for Energy Studies,Department of Mechanical Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering,Science and Technology
Official Email:
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