Conference / Workshop
Artificial Intelligence applications in WAter Resources (AIWAR - 2024)
Dr.A.Rajani, Professor and Head of ECE organizing a session on “Internships in areas viz., IIOT, Ethernet Drivers etc.,”, invited the speaker Dr.Krishna Nagarajan, Founder CouthIT Infotech Pvt.Ltd. for internships to students on 4th May, 2023 @ 4:00PM at Seminar Hall ECE Dept.
Dr.A.Rajani, Professor and Head of ECE & Chairperson Spoorthi2023 and Dr.K.Anitha Sheela, Professor of ECE & Staff Coordinator Spoorthi 2023 organizing a 2 day Workshop on “3D - Modeling of Robotic ARM and overview of 3D printing” on 24-04-2023 & 25-04-2023 / 10:00 am to 4:00pm as part of Technical Fest Spoorthi-2023.
Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept. organizing a Talk on “Wifi Evolution in IoT” by Mr.Surya Nallaparaju, Senior Manager – IC Design on 15-04-2023 @ 2:00PM, Seminar hall of ECE Dept.
Dr.L.Pratap Reddy, Professor of ECE is the speaker to the Talk “GLobal view of Digital Signal Processing” on 23-02-2023 @ 3:30pm to 5:00pm organizing by Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept.
Induction session by Dr.Asha Rani, Professor of ECE and TBI Founder on “Innovation and Design Thinking as a part of Ideathon” on 04-01-2023 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm.
Dr.L.Pratap Reddy, Professor of ECE is the speaker to the Talk “Overview of Probablity Theory and Stochastic Process” on 11-01-2023 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm organizing by Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept.
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor) organizing a Seminar on “Autonomous Vehicle & VLSI” by Dr. Rajagopalan Srinivasan, NVIDIA,USA on 19th December 2022 in CRC Seminar hall, JNTUH UCESTH
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor) is organizing a Seminar on “Baby Cry- design of Infant Cry Analysis and Classification System to Access Neonatal health Status from an Infant’s Cry by Prof. Hemant A. Patil, ISCA, Distinguished Lecturer(DL) in Coordination with IEEE Student Branch, on 07th December 2022 in CRC Seminar hall, JNTUH UCEH
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor) conducting a Seminar on “Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging Informatics” by Dr. Santhosh University of South Dakota, USA in Coordination with IEEE Student Branch, on 21st November 2022 in CRC Seminar hall, JNTUH UCESTH
Dr. T. Satya Savithri (Professor) is organizing a Two days Workshop on “Applied Python & IoT with Raspberry Pi” in coordination with Physitech Pvt . Ltd. from 16th December, 2022 to 17th 2022
Dr. M. Asha Rani (Professor) organizing a 2 day workshop on “CMOS Layout design flow using Micro Wind Tool” on 2nd and 3rd of September 2022. In association with Tech Fluent SolutionsPvt. Ltd. in CRC building Seminar hall, JNTUH UCEH
Dr. L. Pratap Reddy (Professor) organizing a Seminar on “Contemporary Development in AI with Specific References to Text and Image Processing on13th October 2022, ECE Department Seminar hall, JNTUH UCESTH
Dr.A.Rajani (Professor & Head) is organizing a Seminar “Built your Ideas Quickly: MATLAB & Simulink” in coordination with Mathworks on 22nd September, 2022, CRC Seminar Hall, JNTUH UCESTH
Dr. P. Chandrasekhar Reddy (Professor) Organizing workshop on Research Areas for Research scholars in ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH on 29th March, 2022
Dr. P. Chandrasekhar Reddy (Professor) Organizing workshop on Research Areas for Research scholars in ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH on 29th March, 2022
Dr. A. Rajani (Professor) & Dr. K.P Supreethi Organizing a Three Days Workshop on RM & IPR in ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH, on 22nd March-25th March, 2022
Dr. L.Pratap Reddy (Professor) and Dr. T. Satya Savithri (Professor) organizing a National Level Work shop on "Next Generation Communication, in ECE Department JNTUH UCEH. On 22nd April,2022 -23rdApril 2022
Dr. A. Rajani (Associate Professor) is organizing a National Level Technical Symposium “Spoorthi 2022” as a Staff Coordinator on 12th April and 13th April, 2022 in ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH.
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor and Head) is organizing a work shop on Internet of Things on 26th March,2022. In ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor & Head) & Dr. A. Rajani (Associate Professor) is organizing a Two days work shop on VLSI Design Methodology using FPGA in collaboration with Tech Fluent Solutions Pvt. Ltd on 31st March and 1st April, 2022 in ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH.
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor & Head) organizing a short term course ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on “Applied Python Programming” for faculty of Various Departments of JNTUH UCEH, in ECE Department from February 21st to 26th February, 2022.
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor & Head) organizing a short term course ‘Train the Trainer’ Program on “Applied Python Programming” for faculty of Various Departments of JNTUH UCEH, in ECE Department from February 21st to 26th February, 2022.
Dr A. Rajani,Associate Professor of ECE Dept. conducting a 3 - Days Workshop on ML using Python organizing by VJIT College of Engineering And Technology during 05th -07th march 2021.
Dr. K. Anitha Sheela Professor and Head of ECE Department organizing a Two-week Online Refresher Course on "Systems and Signal Processing" from 1st-16th, March, 2021
IEEE Student Branch JNTUHCEH & Workshop on Internship and Resume - Dr. K.Anitha Sheela( Professor and Head of ECE Dept.)
Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao,Professor of ECE Dept. - A Ten-Days National Training Programme on “ C programming and data structures” sponsored by TEQIP-III,JNTUH during 27th Jan 2020 to 6th Feb 2020
“SPOORTHI 2020”A National Level Technical Fest by the students of ECE Department ,during 12th&13th March,2020 with faculty Coordinator as Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao, Professor, ECE
“SPOORTHI 2020”A National Level Technical Fest by the students of ECE Department ,during 12th&13th March,2020 with faculty Coordinator as Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao, Professor, ECE
Dr. K.Anitha Sheela (Professorand Head of ECE Dept.) a National level, “Two Days Workshop on 5G Technologies”, 2 daysduring 25th -26th Feb 2020 in ECE Department, JNTUHCEH in collaboration with Mathworks.
Dr. K.Anitha Sheela (Professorand Head of ECE Dept.) a National level, “Two Days Workshop on 5G Technologies”, 2 daysduring 25th -26th Feb 2020 in ECE Department, JNTUHCEH in collaboration with Mathworks.
Dr. K.Anitha Sheela (Professor and Head of ECE Dept.) Conducted a National level Workshopon,“Two Day Boot Camp on Robotic Operating Systems”, 2 days during 7th -8th February 2020 inECE department, JNTUHCEH,in collaboration withSmart Bridge
BoS Meeting (R23 Syllabus)
New Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Inauguration by Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Katta Narasimha Reddy on 19th, June, 2023
award of Shree merit scholarship funded by M/s Deva Shree Ispat Pvt Ltd (TMT)
A 12-hour HACKATHON on 7th March 2020 in association with Xcelero by Department of CSE, JNTUHCEH
A two day hands-on workshop on BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY on 22nd and 23rd February organised by the Department of CSE, JNTUH CEH
A two day hands-on workshop on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking called HACKTIVISION on 8th and 9th February 2020 organised by Department of CSE JNTUHCEH
4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics-2020 (ICCII-2020) during 14th - 15th February 2020 organized by Department of CSE, JNTUHCEH
3-day FDP/ST course on “Designing with ZYNQ SOC and It's Applications” during 16-18 October, 2019
Two Day Faculty Development Programme on “Blockchain Technology” organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, JNTUHCEH Under TEQIP – III in association with TCS during 20th, 21st September 2019
Workshop on "Blockchain" Technologies on 9th March 2019 organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering as a part of Quest 2k19
HACKATHON On Open Theme powered by SOAL on march 9th & 10th organized by Department of CSE, JNTUHCEH
Two Day National Workshop on Preparing for NBA Accreditation & SAR filling on 18th -19th February 2019 Organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering
Two day hands-on workshop on Ethical Hacking #HACKSTORM in association with Entersoftlabs on 9th & 10th Feb 2019 organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering as a part of Quest 2k19
Expert Lecture on “DIGITAL FORENSICS” Under TEQIP – III by M. Krishna, Assistant Director, Central Forensics Science Laboratory, Hyderabad on 2nd February, 2019 from 10.00am to 1.00pm
A pre-hackathon workshop on 'Internet of Things', organized by Statup-cell of JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad under TEQIP-III on 20th December 2018.
A 36-hour Hackathon on SMART MACHINES on INDUSTRY 4.0 organized by Startupcell , JNTUH College of Engineering Under TEQIP-III on 21st and 22nd December 2018.
One Week Awareness Program on “Contemporary Research and IPR” from 28th January -1st February 2019 Organized by Department of ECE, JNTUHCEH, Under TEQIP-III
A Two Week Training Programme on “ETHICAL HACKING” organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad Under TEQIP – III during 26th November -7th December, 2018
Seminar on “Cognitive Sciences & Data” by Ram Chittiboina Under TEQIP - III on 28, August 2018 from 2.30 PM – 4.00PM organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad
Open Session on “Democratizing Data Science” organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad. Venue: JNTU UGC Auditorium on 25th August 2018 from 10.30 AM-1.00 PM
A Technical Seminar on Career Guidance in Artificial Intelligence by Teegala Johnson Jayakar Alumni, Industry Expert Under TEQIP – III on 23rd August, 2018 from 3.40PM to 5.40PM organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering
Two-day workshop on "REAL TIME SIMULATIONS OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS", during 17th - 18th August 2018 in EEE Dept, JNTUH CEH.
The Department of ECE , JNTUH CEH, is Organizing a One - Week Faculty Development Program on " Advanced Embedded System Design on Zynq Ultra Scale using Vivado " from 30th July to 3rd August, 2018 for the benefit of faculty members and Research Scholars
“REAL TIME SIMULATIONS OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS” During 17th -18th August 2018 organized by Department of EEE, JNTUHCEH
3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics-2018 (ICCII-2018) during 28th - 29th December 2018 organized by Department of CSE, JNTUHCEH
A Two day Research Workshop 2018 jointly organized by Department of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering & IEEE Young Professionals, Hyderabad during 23-24, JUNE 2018.
A Two Day National Level Technical Symposium "QUEST 2K18" By Dept..Of Computer Science & Engineering on 14th & 15th March 2018
A Two-Day Hands-On Workshop On Internet of Things- "INTERNET OF EVERYTHING" On Feb 24th & 25 th By the COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING department under QUEST-2018
A Two-Day Hands-On Workshop On Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security - "HackTheHavoc" On Feb 11th & 12th By The COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Department Under QUEST-2018
"National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME -2018)" Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering JNTUHCEH during 26-27 February 2018
Two Week Hands-on Workshop on “COMPUTER PROGRAMMING" under TEQIP-III as a part of JNTUHCEH GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS from 22nd Jan - 3rd Feb 2018 Organized by Coding Club Department of Computer Science & Engineering JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad
Ist National Conference on REMOTE SENSING APPLICATIONS (NCRSA-2018)
Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Programme on Industrial Automation 6weeks
Workshop on NBA Accreditation (SAR Filling and Preparedness for Assessment)
#OpenGovDataHack: 24 Hours Hackathon to create Apps/Infographics by using Open Government Data during 4-5, November 2017 at JNTUH
Faculty Development Programme on “5G Wireless Communications” to be conducted by the Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT Warangal and Dept. of ECE, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad
Two Day Workshop on “Python Programming“ For JNTUHCEH students organized by Department of CSE in collaboration with TCS during 21 – 22, October 2017
Symposium on GEOPRACTICES 2017 (under TEQIP-III) on 14th October 2017
One day pre-conference workshop on "Computational Intelligence: Recent Trends" organized by Department of CSE on 25th September 2017
Technical Seminar On “Internet of Things” under the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of JNTUHCEH on 7th September, 2017
Workshop on Make the World Wonderful on 7th September 2017<
Entrepreneurship Development on How to Export during 21-23 September, 2017
Affiliate Marketing Fest 2017 on 24th September, 2017
A Two Day International Conference on "Recent Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering" (ICRIEEE - 2017)
A Faculty Development Program/Short Term Course on “Analog IC Design- Circuit and Layout Design Methodologies using Cadence Design Flow” during 11th-14th August, 2017 In collaboration with Entuple Technologies, Bangalore
A Two-Day Workshop on “INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) using MSP430 F5529 ULP MCU” during 29-30 July, 2017 in collaboration with EdGate Technologies, Bangalore under TI University Program
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp during 20th – 22nd July 2017 at EDC, JNTUHCEH
A Five Day Faculty Development Program/Short Term Course on “Analog IC Design (AICD) - Circuit and Layout Design Methodologies using Cadence Design Flow” during 03rd-07th July, 2017
Workshop on CYBER SECURITY AND INTERNET OF THINGS from 15-06-2017 to 17-06-2017 Organized by Dept of CSE, JNTUHCEH
Spoorthi 2017 presents A two day hands on workshop on MATLAB by Mathworks on 17th & 18th March, 2017
Spoorthi 2017 presents A one day hands on workshop on Introduction to Telecommunication Industry, Bigdata & Bigdata for Telecommunication Industry on 19th March, 2017
QUEST 2017 presents "WebON", a Two Day Hands on Workshop on Web Designing and Web Development during 18-19 March, 2017
QUEST 2017
SPOORTHI-2017 presents A One Day Hands on Workshop on IoT by Redpine Signals on 16-02-2017
Spoorthi 2017
Medical Camp on 05-01-2017 organized by NSS Unit of JNTUH CEH sponsored by Maxivision Super speciality Eye Hospitals and Omni Hospitals
A One Day Workshop on Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded Systems (under TEQIP-II) on 5th November, 2016
A Two-Day Workshop on Graphical System Design with LabVIEW on 20 & 21 October, 2016 (Under TEQIP-II) in collaboration with National Instruments
One Day workshop on Advanced Programming Techniques with MATLAB scheduled on 16th September, 2016 under TEQIP-II in collaboration with Mathworks India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore