Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Post Doc in Geoenvironmental Engg., FIU, USA (2023-2023)
Ph.D in Geotechnical Engineering, JNTU hyderabad (2003-2008)
M.Tech. in Geotechnical Engineering, (KREC) NITK Surathkal with First Class with Distinction (1997-1998)
B.Tech. in Civil Engineering, (REC) NIT WARANGAL with First Class with Distinction (1992-1996)
Professional Experience
Industrial Experience
1. Design Engineer, MC Consulting Engineers (P), Ltd, Hyderabad, AP, INDIA (1999 - 1999)
Teaching Experience
1. |
Lecturer, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, AP, INDIA (15-12-1999 - 16-12-2000) |
1. |
Professor, JNT University Hyderabad (2016 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNT University Hyderabad (2009 - 2015) |
3. |
Assistant Professor ( Senior Scale), JNT University Hyderabad (2005 - 2009) |
4. |
Assistant Professor, JNT University Hyderabad (2000 - 2005) |
Research Projects
Scientific Study on Slope Stability of Overburden Dump along with fly ash/Pond Ash as admixture at Bhupalpalli Opencast Mine SCCL as Joint Project of NIT Rourkela and JNTU Hyderabad, funded by C-FARM, New Delhi - Rs.6,65,000.00 (sanctioned in 2012 duration of 3 years)
Environmental Engineering- Remediation of Soil and Water, funded by UGC, New Delhi, INDIA - Rs.32,00,000 (sanctioned in 2007 duration of 5 years)
International Journals |
1 . |
Rajashekar Reddy. P, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Bearing capacity of Strip footing on reinforced foundation bed with inclined reinforcement, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol No.12, Issue No.3, pp.7-16, 2019 |
2 . |
Hariprasad Chennarapu, Thejesh Kumar Garala, Rajasekhar Chennareddy, Umashankar Balunaini,G. Venkata Narasimha Reddy, Compaction Quality Control of Earth Fills Using Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ISBN No.0733-9364, Vol No.144, Issue No.9, pp.1-10, 2018 |
3 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav, M.R, G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slopes and Reinforcement Length optimization, Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, ISBN No.0046-5828, Vol No.49, Issue No.4, pp.1-5, SEAGS & AGSSEA, 2018 |
4 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav, M.R, G.V.N. Reddy , Mechanics of Reinforcement – Slope Interactions, Journal of Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE Letters), ISBN No.2366-3278, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.115-121, SPRINGER, 2018 |
5 . |
Ravichandra, A.P, Madhav, M.R, Narasimha Reddy, G.V, Padmavathi, V. , Performance of Model Gabion Type Retaining Walls Built using Cylindirical Cells: A Laboratory Study, International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, Vol No.4, Issue No.18, pp.1-11, 2017 |
6 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slopes, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol No.9, Issue No.3, pp.1-6, 2016 |
7 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall: Effect of Kinematics and Non-linear Backfill Response, Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC, pp.107-110, IIT Bombay, Mumbai., 2010 |
8 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall based on Kinematics - Effect of Transverse Displacement, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, J. Ross Publishing, Inc, USA, ISBN No.1938-6362, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.143-151, J. Ross Publishing, Inc, USA, 2008 |
9 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Pseudo-Static Seismic Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall -Effect of Oblique Displacement, Geotextile and Geomembranes , ISBN No.0266-1144, Vol No.26, Issue No.5, pp.393-403, Elsevier, 2009 |
10 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Kinematics and Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall – Linear Backfill Response, International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ISBN No.1938-6362, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.39-50, J. Ross Publishing, Inc, USA, 2009 |
11 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Pseudo-Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall Subjected to Oblique Displacement, Geosynthetics International, ISBN No.1072-6349, Vol No.16, Issue No.2, pp.61-70, Thomas Telford, 2009 |
12 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Interference Between Adjacent Footings on Sand, International Journal of Advance Engineering Research and Studies, ISBN No.2249-8974, Vol No.1, Issue No.6, pp.95-98, 2012 |
13 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Effect of Ground Moisture on Spread of Contaminants in Sand Deposit- An Experimental Study, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, ISBN No.0974-5904, Vol No.5, Issue No.6, pp.1560-1571, CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society, 2012 |
National Journals |
1 . |
Rajashekar Reddy. P, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Bearing capacity of Geosynthetic reinforced sand bed on problematic soil, Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement, Vol No.8, Issue No.2, pp.8-18, 2019 |
2 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slopes, Indian Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Improvement, ISBN No.2277-5633, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, pp.22-27, 2018 |
International Conference |
1 . |
Rajashekar Reddy. P, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Bearing capacity of Inclined Reinforced Sand bed on clay, International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) Symposium” IIT Gandhinagar , ISBN No.DOI 10.1007/978-15-0886-8, IACMAG, March, 2019 |
2 . |
Rajashekar Reddy. P, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Bearing capacity of Strip footing on reinforced foundation beds with inclined reinforcement, Proc., International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering (ICETE), pp.39-46, Osmania university, Hyderabad, March, 2019 |
3 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Curtailment of Reinforcement on Stability of Steep Slopes and Interaction between Reinforcement Layers, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural, and Geotechnical Engineering (ACSGE-2018), BITS Pilani, Rajasthan, India,, pp.1-4, Feb., 2018 |
4 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Very Steep Slopes,, Proceedings International Symposium on Geotechnics of Transportation Infrastructure, Transportation Geotechnics for Infrastructure Development, April 07-08, IIT Delhi, India, pp.349, 353, April, 2018 |
5 . |
Jha A.K., Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Curtailment of Reinforcement on Stability of Steep Slopes, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ( ICSMGE), Seoul, Korea, pp.2159-2162, Sep, 2017 |
6 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slopes, International Conference on Earth Sciences and Engineering, pp.17-18, June, 2016 |
7 . |
Bala Padmaja S, Narasimha Reddy G.V , Saibaba Reddy E , Constitutive Equations of Elasto-Brittle and Elasto-Plastic Soils, Extended Abstract Volume of International Geotechnical Engineering Conference on Sustainability in Geotechnical Engineering Practices and Related Urban Issues, Mumbai, India, pp.23-24, September, 2016 |
8 . |
Jha A.K., Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slope, 6th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics for Infrastructure Development, New Delhi, pp.8-11, Nov., 2016 |
9 . |
Bala Padmaja S, Narasimha Reddy G.V , Saibaba Reddy E , Analysis of Rain Fall Induced Landslides Using Catastrophe Theory, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Forensic Geotechnical Engineering,IISc., Bangaluru, India, pp.8-10, Dec., 2016 |
10 . |
Sina Borzooei, Saibaba Reddy, E, Narasimha Reddy, G. V. , An experimental study about influence of viscosity of fluid on spread of contaminant in sand deposits, Proceedings of 1st National Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran, pp.3-4, December, 2014 |
11 . |
Sina Borzooei, Saibaba Reddy, E, Narasimha Reddy, G. V. , Improvement of lateral and oblique pull-out capacity of piles in sand-An experimental study, Proceedings of 1st National Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran, pp.1-4, December, 2014 |
12 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall Considering Stress Dependent Angle of Shearing Resistance, Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Lowland Technology , ISBN No.978-602-95227-1-6, pp.131-135, Bali, INDONESIA., September, 2012 |
13 . |
Pseudo-Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall- Effect of Kinematics of Sliding Mass Considering Linear Backfill Response, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ISBN No.10: 1607500310 &13: 978-1607500315, pp.1401-1404, ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT, October, 2009 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Rajashekar Reddy. P, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Kinematics and Bearing Capacity of Geosynthetic Reinforced CNS Soil bed on Clayey Soil with Inclined Reinforcement, National Conference on Geotechnical Applications, JNTU Hyderabad, pp.1-8, January, 2020 |
2 . |
V. Keerthi , G.V.Narasimha Reddy , Bearing Capacity of Square Footing on Reinforced Soil bed with Inclined Reinforcement, National Conference on Geotechnical Applications, JNTU Hyderabad, pp.14-19, January, 2020 |
3 . |
S. Bala Padmaja, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Bearing Capacity of Square Footing on Reinforced Soil bed with Inclined Reinforcement, National Conference on Geotechnical Applications, JNTU Hyderabad, pp.40-43, January, 2020 |
4 . |
53. Bonagiri Srikanth, Nandyala Darga Kumar, G V Narasimha Reddy, Effect of rainfall infiltration on the Stability of Soil Slopes, National Conference on Geotechnical Applications, JNTU Hyderabad, pp.50-55, January, 2020 |
5 . |
V. Raju , G.V.Narasimha Reddy , Experimental Study on Piled Raft in Sandy Soil Subjected to Eccentric Loading, National Conference on Geotechnical Applications, JNTU Hyderabad, pp.34-39, January, 2020 |
6 . |
Rajashekar Reddy. P, G.V.N. Reddy , E. Saibaba Reddy , Bearing capacity of Reinforced foundation bed on soft soil, Conference on Geotechnical applications (GeoApps-2018) , JNTUHCE Hyderabad, March, 2018 |
7 . |
Rajashekar Reddy P, Reddy G V N, Bearing Capacity of Reinforced Foundation Bed on Problematic Soil, Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Innovative Research in Civil Engineering, 21 Jan., 2017, MREC, Hyderabad, Jan, 2017 |
8 . |
Saibaba Reddy E , Narasimha Reddy G V , Determination of Shear Strength Characteristics Using Gravity Shear Box, Proceedings of Conference on Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics (CoNMiG-2017), March,3-4,2017, IIT Roorkee, INDIA,, Mar., 2017 |
9 . |
Akshay Kumar Jha, Madhav Madhira , G.V.N. Reddy , Analysis of Effect of Reinforcement on Stability of Slopes with Marginal Soil, Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017 GeoNEst, 14-16 December 2017, IIT Guwahati, India, pp.1-4, Dec., 2017 |
10 . |
Bala Padmaja S, Narasimha Reddy G.V , Saibaba Reddy E , A Catastrophe Theory For Planar Sliding Slope, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2016), 15-17,December, 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA, Dec., 2016 |
11 . |
Bala Padmaja S, Narasimha Reddy G.V , Saibaba Reddy E , Effect of Clay Liner Stabilized with Charcoal in Sorbing Nickel, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2014), December, 2014, Kakinada, AP, INDIA, pp.1428-1432, IGS, Dec., 2014 |
12 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Effect of Stress Dependent Angle of Shearing Resistance on the Stability of Reinforced Soil Wall, 1st Young Geotechnical Conference of A.P (YGeoTech 2012), Hyderabad, AP, INDIA, 2013 |
13 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Repair and Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Structures)—A Literature Review, Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, pp.238-250, OU, Hyderabad, AP, INDIA, 2013 |
14 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Slope Stability of Dump with Pond Ash as Admixture in Opencast Coal mine- A Case Study, Workshop on Clean Mining Technologies- Extraction, Beneficiation, & Use, Bhubaneswar, INDIA, 2013 |
15 . |
Raghunath Prasad, M., Bhikshma, V, Venkata Narsimha Reddy, G, Repair and Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Structures)—A Literature Review, National Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Engineering, OU, Hyderabad, A.P., INDIA, ISBN No.978-93-82880-61-5, pp.238-250, 2013 |
16 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Effect of Oblique Pull on Reinforced Soil Wall Stability, National Workshop on Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructural Development, pp.8-15, Mysore., 2010 |
17 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Effect of Admixtures on Clay Liner in Sorbing Nickel, Indian Geotechnical Conference (GEOTIDE), pp.323-326, Guntur, AP, India., 2009 |
18 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Critical Failure Plane in Reinforced Soil Walls, Symposium on Engineering of Ground and Environmental Geotechnics(S EG2), pp.148-153, JNTUCE, Hyderabad, India., 2008 |
19 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Pseudo-Static Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall- Effect of Kinematics of Sliding Wedge Considering Linear Backfill Response, Indian Geotechnical Conference, 17- 19, December, (GEOAGE-2008),, pp.555-558, IISc, Bangalore, India., 2008 |
20 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., First Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference Coherent Gravity Approaches using HSM, First Indian Geotechnical Engineers Conference, pp.149-154, JNTUCE, Hyderabad, India, 2007 |
21 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Design Charts for Stability of R.E. Walls using Horizontal Slice Method, National Conference on Corrective Engineering Practices in Troublesome Soils (CONCEPTS), pp.15-18, JNTUCE, Kakinada, AP, India., 2006 |
22 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Design Charts for Pseudo-Static Seismic Stability of R.E. Walls using Horizontal Slice Method, Indian Geotechnical Conference (GEOINDEX), pp.671-674, IIT, Chennai, India., 2006 |
23 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Modelling of Leachate Flow- A Review, National Conference on Geotechnics in Environmental Protection-31, MNIT, Allahabad, UP, India., 2005 |
24 . |
Narasimha Reddy G V, Pollutant Spread in Layered Soil, Indian Geotechnical Conference, pp.519-521, REC Warangal, AP, India, December, 2004 |
25 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Cost Effective Containment of Industrial Waste, National Conference on Advanced Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, pp.458-462, JNTUCE Anantapur, AP, India., 2001 |
26 . |
Narasimha Reddy, G.V., Uplift Behaviour of Granular Pile- Anchors in Expansive Soils, Indian Geotechnical Conference, IGC- 2000, ISBN No.81- 87099-11 -9, pp.305-306, IIT Bombay, India, December, 2000 |
Workshop |
26 . |
Jayanthu, S. , Reddy, G.V.N. , Slope Stability of Dump with Pond Ash as Admixture in Opencast Coal mine- A Case Study, Workshop on Clean Mining Technologies-Extraction, Beneficiation, & Use, 3-4 May 2013, Bhubaneswar, ODISHA, INDIA,, pp.128-130, 2013 |
Surveying-I & II in Civil Engineering I &II (B.Tech-II Y) | Advance Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering I (B.Tech.-IV ) | Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering II (M.Tech.(GTE) | Earth Retaining Structures in Geotechnical Engineering I (M.Tech.(GTE) | Ground Water Contamination and Remediation in Geotechnical Engineering II (M.Tech.(GTE) | Geoenvironmental Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering I (M.Tech.(GTE) | Ground Improvement Techniques in Civil Engineering I (B.Tech.-IV ) | Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering II (B.Tech.-III) | Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering I (B.Tech-III ) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Vice Principal
, University College of Engineering, Science and Technology Hyderabad, 2022 - Present
2. Hostel Manager
, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 2012 - 2014
3. Dy. Warden
, JNTUH College of Engineering, hyderabad, 2005 - 2007
4. Addl. Controller of Examination
, JNT University Hyderabad, 2010 - 2011
5. Officer In- charge of Examination
, JNTUH College of Engineering, hyderabad, 2009 - 2010
Project/Research Guidance
Bonagiri Srikanth |
Slope Stability of Clay soil stabilized with Demolished Waste |
2019 |
K. Zubair |
Slope Stability Analysis using Displacement Factor |
2018 |
Azhar Ali Syed |
Consolidation of clay soil with/without prefabricated vertical drains |
2018 |
K. Harish Reddy |
Slope Stability Analysis of an Embankment using Geostudio |
2017 |
Ch. Rajashekar |
Rapid Evaluation of Field Compacted Soil using Dynamic Cone Penetration Test. |
2016 |
A. Ravi Chandra |
Analysis and Performance of Flexible Retaining Walls |
2016 |
Nitesh Goli |
Stability of Flyash Admixed Overburden Dump in Surface Mines |
2015 |
G. Aditya Sagar |
Static and Seismic Slope Stability Analysis of Overburden Dump Soil with Admixed Flyash. |
2015 |
K. V. Nageswara Reddy |
Effect of Vertical and Horizontal Stress dependent Angle of Shearing Resistance in the Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall |
2015 |
D. Siddu Ramulu |
Analytical and 3-D Numerical Comparison of Ultimate bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Layered Soil. |
2015 |
D. Sidhu Ramulu |
Analysis and 3D numerical Comparison of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation on layered cohesive soil |
2015 |
Shaik Khajavali |
Effect of Reinforcement on Failure Plane in Reinforced Soil Walls |
2014 |
Govinda Rao, P |
Determination of Shear Parameters using Simple Shear Test |
2013 |
Krishna Karthik, S. |
Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall considering stress dependent angle of shearing resistance. |
2012 |
Sreenivasulu, J. |
Sorption Studies on Lead Contaminated soil |
2009 |
Bala Padmaja, S |
Effect of Nickel Contaminant on Sorption Capacity in Clay Soil |
2009 |
Kathyayani, B.K |
A Study on Solid Waste Management and Design of Engineered landfill and Composting in L.B. Nagar Municipality |
2006 |
Narasimha Rao, D. |
Liquefaction studies on stabilized flyash |
2006 |
Lakshmi, I |
Stabilisation of Expansive Soil with Ferric Chloride and Rice Husk Ash |
2006 |
Jyothirmai, M. |
Stabilisation of Expansive Soil with Aluminium Chloride and Rice Husk Ash |
2006 |
Mallikarjuna Rao, B |
Sorption of Copper and Chromium metal contaminant in Soil |
2005 |
Sujeeth Kumar, B.V. |
Sorption of Cadmium and Manganese metal contaminant in Soil |
2005 |
P. Raja Shekar Reddy |
Effect of Reinforcement on the performance of Reinforced Sand Beds in Improving Bearing Capacity |
2020 |
Akshay Kumar Jha |
Analysis of Geosynthetics Reinforced Slope of Rail/Road Embankment |
2018 |
Bala Padmaja, S |
Slope Stability Analysis using catastrophic theory |
0 |
Y.V. Shiva Bhushan |
Bearing capacity of reinforced foundation on desiccated clays |
0 |
M.C. Venkata Subbaiah |
Analysis of Extensible sheet reinforced soil wall considering Kinematics |
0 |
Bala Padmaja, S |
Slope Stability Analysis using catastrophic theory |
0 |
Active member of Geotechnical Counsultancy division of Civil Engineering Departments which is generating cuonsultancy amount of Rupees Four to Five Millions per Annum for the JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad.
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Florida International University,
Miami, Florida, USA
, 18-08-2014 to 25-12-2015 Post Doctoral research |
Technology and Science,
, 09-10-2013 to 14-10-2013 |
Contact : |
Dr. G Venkata Narasimha Reddy
Professor of Civil Engineering and Principal
Civil Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad
Official Email: