Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Alternate Fuel For I.C. Engine ( Bio Diesel ), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (1997-2000)
M.Tech in Energy Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad with First Class with Distinction (1990-1992)
AMIE in Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineers (India) (1984-1988)
Professional Experience
Industrial Experience
1. Assistant Engineer, Sunku Auto Limited, Hyderabad (1992 - 1994)
1. |
Professor, JNT University, Hyderabad (2006 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur (2000 - 2006) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur (1994 - 2000) |
1 .
Dr.K Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Internal Combustion Engine
2 .
Dr.K Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Engineering Mechanics ( Static’s & Dynamics )
3 .
Dr.K Vijaya Kumar Reddy, Reliability Engineering & Quality Engineering
International Journals |
1 . |
Effect of Hybrid MWCNTs/Graphene on Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Unidirectional E-Glass/Epoxy Composite, ELSEVIER, Science Direct, Materials Today: Proceedings 18 (2019), ISBN No.ISSN: 2214-7853, pp.1540-1547, 2019 |
2 . |
Evaluation of Distortion and Residual Stresses in Dissimilar Metal Laser Welds, Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, Springer Science+Bussiness Media,LLC, Part of Springer Nature 2019, , ISBN No.ISSN: 2196-7229, 09 August , 2019 |
3 . |
Integration of Onsite Renewable Energy Sources and To Validate Zero Energy Buildings, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISBN No. ISSN: 2278-3705, Vol No.8, Issue No.11, pp.1400-1403, September , 2019 |
4 . |
Effect of Combustion Chamber Geometry on Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen Enriched Diesel Engine, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), ISBN No.ISSN: 0976-6340, Vol No.09, Issue No.6, pp.383-401, June , 2018 |
5 . |
Effect of Piston Bowl Geometry on Performance and Emissions with Mahua Biodiesel Blend, SAE Technical Paper 2018-28-0057, July , 2018 |
6 . |
Experimental Investigation on performance Characteristics of Diesel Engine Using Neem Oil Methyl Ester and its Diesel Blends, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET), ISBN No.ISSN: 2395-1990, Vol No.04, Issue No.1, pp.472-477, January - February, 2018 |
7 . |
Performance Characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using Esterified Cotton Seed Oil, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Technology (IJMET), ISBN No.ISSN: 0976-6340, Vol No.09, Issue No.3, pp.892-898, March , 2018 |
8 . |
Performance Characteristics of a Variable Compression Ratio Engine Using Esterified Neem Oil, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) , ISBN No.ISSN: 2320-2882, Vol No.06, Issue No.1, pp.1338-1345, March , 2018 |
9 . |
Experimental Emission Analysis of DI Diesel Engine Using Neem Oil Methyl Ester and its Diesel Blends, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT), ISBN No.ISSN: 2277-9655, Vol No.07, Issue No.3, March , 2018 |
10 . |
Effect of Fiber Orientation on the Mechanical Behavior of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid NanoComposites Containing Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Technology (IJMET) , ISBN No.ISSN: 0976-6340, Vol No.09, Issue No.6, pp.383-401, June , 2018 |
11 . |
Effect of Fiber Orientation on the Mechanical Behavior of E-Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composite Materials, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD), ISBN No.ISSN: 2249-6890, Vol No. 08 , Issue No.4, pp.379-396, August , 2018 |
12 . |
Characterization of fully and partially penetrated Nd: YAG laser-weld dissimilar metal joints, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32 (2), Springer, , ISBN No.ISSN: 1976-3824 (online), pp.615-621, 2018 |
13 . |
Effect of Combustion Chamber Geometry on Performance and Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen Enriched Diesel Engine, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) , ISBN No.ISSN: 0973-4562, Vol No.13 , Issue No.10, pp.7998-8004, Research India Publication, 2018 |
14 . |
Fuzzy Genetic Optimization of Dissimilar Metal Weld Joints, ELK Asia Pacific Journals , ISBN No.978-93-85537-06-6, , ARIMPIE, 2017 |
15 . |
Effect of speed on tensile strength and hardness of friction welded joint, International Journal of Research, Vol No.volume 04, Issue No.Issue 08, pp.1561-1565, July , 2017 |
16 . |
Effect of Slag on Coconut Sheath Reinforced Composite, International Journal of Research, Vol No.volume 04 , Issue No.Issue 14, pp.2822-2826, November , 2017 |
17 . |
Experimental Investigations of Performance and Emission Characteristics of CI Diesel Engine Using Plastic Oil Blends, International Journal of Latest Engineering and Management Research (IJLEMR), ISBN No.ISSN: 2455-4847, Vol No.Volume 02, Issue No.Issue 12, pp.43-50, December, 2017 |
18 . |
Effects Of CNG Induction In The Engine At Various Blends and Injections Pressures: An Experimental Investigation, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (IARJSET), Vol No.4, Issue No.9, September, 2017 |
19 . |
An Experimental Evaluation on CI Engine – Karanja Oil with Diesel Blends as Fuel Subjected to EGR Effect, Anveshana’s International Journal Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (AIJREAS), Vol No.2, Issue No.4, April , 2017 |
20 . |
Effect of Karanja Oil as an IC Engine Fuel in Combination with Diesel in CI Engine : An Experimental Investigation, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology (IJMET), Vol No.8, Issue No.5, pp.1-9, May , 2017 |
21 . |
Experimental Studies on Double Pipe Heat Exchanger for Heat Transfer Enhancement by Using Nanofluids, International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology (IJSIET), Vol No.4, May , 2017 |
22 . |
Effect of Fuel Injection Pressure on a CI Engine with Karanja Blends in Combination with Diesel : An Experimental Investigation, International Journal of Engineering, Technology, Science and Research (IJETSR), Vol No.4, Issue No.5, May, 2017 |
23 . |
The Effect of Turbocharging on Performance and Emission Characteristics for LHR Engine Using Alcoholic Blends of Biodiesel: Review, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol No.5, Issue No.7, July , 2017 |
24 . |
A Review on Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Heat Exchanger with Different Inserts, Science Direct, 2016 |
25 . |
Transient Analysis of Smart Composite Laminate Plates Using Higher Order Theory, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Vol No.7, Issue No.6, pp.166-174, November – December , 2016 |
26 . |
Comparative Study of Use of CNG with Bio Fuels in Diesel Engines, International Journal of Science & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol No.7, Issue No.6, June, 2016 |
27 . |
A Review of Hydrogen Combustion Technology Applied to DI Diesel Engines, International Journal of scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol No.7, Issue No.6, June , 2016 |
28 . |
A Review of Porous-Media Combustion Technology Applied to IC Engines, International Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), Vol No.5, Issue No.special 2, pp.491-494, 11-12 Feb, 2016 |
29 . |
CFD Analysis of Gas Cooler for Assorted Design Parameters, IJESRT, Vol No.4, Issue No.6, June, 2015 |
30 . |
Experimental Investigation on natural Convection Heat Transfer from Inclined Square Ducts, International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, June, 2015 |
31 . |
Effect of CNG flow rate on the performance and emissions of a Multi-coated diesel engine under dual-fuel mode, International Journal of Ambient Energy, April, 2015 |
32 . |
Effect on Performance, Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engine with Varied Piston Bowl Geometry, Int. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol No.3, Issue No.5, pp.22-27, sep - oct, 2015 |
33 . |
Effect on Performance, Combustion Characteristics of Diesel Engine Enriched with Hydrogen with Varied Piston Bowl Geometry, Int. Journal of Mechanical & Technology, Vol No.6, Issue No.10, pp.39-47, oct, 2015 |
34 . |
Experimental Investigation on Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Inclined Square Ducts, Int. Journal of Thermal Technologies, ISBN No.ISSN 2277-4114, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, June, 2015 |
35 . |
Performance and Analysis of Diesel Engine at Various Injection Timings under Various Cooling rates during Shorter Injection Period, Int. Journal of Elsevier(Science Direct), pp.1672-1681, Feb, 2015 |
36 . |
A Review on Solar Water Distillation Using Sensible and Latent Heat, Int. Journal of Elsevier(Science Direct), pp.365-372, Nov, 2015 |
37 . |
Experimental validation and combustion chamber geometry optimization of Diesel Engine by using Diesel-RK, IJMET, Vol No.6, Issue No.2, Feb, 2015 |
38 . |
Theoretical Investigation on Combustion Chamber Geometry of DI Diesel Engine to improve the performance by using Diesel-RK, IJITEE, Vol No.4, Issue No.10, March, 2015 |
39 . |
Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Combustion in Di Diesel Engine by using Diesel-RK, Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, Feb, 2015 |
40 . |
Theoretical Investigations on Spray travel of gas cooler, International Journal of Research & Development Organizations, Vol No.2, Issue No.6, June, 2015 |
41 . |
Performance and Analysis of Diesel Engine at Various Injection Timings under various Cooling Rates during Shorter Injection Period, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, INPRESSCO, June, 2014 |
42 . |
The impact on Combustion, Performance and Emissions of CI Diesel Engine using Hydrogen And Duel Fuel Operation – A Review, Int. Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol No.4, Issue No.12, pp.333-337, Dec, 2014 |
43 . |
Performance Analysis of Air Filters for Diesel Engine: An Experimental Approach, IJREAS, ISBN No.ISN: 2249-3905, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, Feb, 2014 |
44 . |
Inter laminar Shear Strength of Polycarbonate Toughened Epoxy – Bamboo Fiber Composites, Int. Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.156-159, March, 2014 |
45 . |
Finite Element Analysis of Epoxy (Ly-556) Glass Fiber Filled Aluminum Circular Section Hollow Column, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol No.4, Issue No.7, July , 2014 |
46 . |
Fabrication and Analysis of Mechanical Properties of FRP Composites, IJMET, Vol No.5, Issue No.8, August, 2014 |
47 . |
Finite Element Analysis of Epoxy-Graphite Powder, Epoxy-Ms Powder, Epoxy-Ms Lathe Scrap (Ms Flakes ) Filled In A Circular Hollow Aluminum Column, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Vol No.4, Issue No.9, September, 2014 |
48 . |
Effect of Kevlar Fiber Ly-556 Epoxy Resin on Tensile, Impact, Compressive and Flexural Strength Properties of Fiber Reinforced Plastics, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), Vol No.10, Issue No.10, October, 2014 |
49 . |
The Effect of compression ratios on performance and emission of a diesel-CNG dual fuel engine with hydrogen addition, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol No.ME 44, Issue No.2, The Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh, December, 2014 |
50 . |
Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine using CNG under Dual Fuel Mode with Exhaust Gas Recirculation, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, Vol No.14, Issue No.2, 2014 |
51 . |
Reduction of oxides of Nitrogen Emissions in single cylinder dual fuel engine using exhaust gas recirculation and varying pressures, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Vol No.5, Issue No.5, May, 2014 |
52 . |
Effect of Injection pressure on performance and emissions of CNG Diesel dual fuel engine, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology ( IJEST), Vol No.6, Issue No.6, June, 2014 |
53 . |
Effect of CNG flow rate on the performance and Emissions of Mullite coated Diesel Engine under Dual Fuel Mode, International Journal of Ambient Energy, April, 2014 |
54 . |
Effect of Thermal Insulation on the performance and emission Characteristics of a CNG-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine, International Journal of Engineering Studies, Vol No.6, Issue No.1, 2014 |
55 . |
Experimental Study on Free Convective Heat Transfer from Vertical Square Ducts, International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Technology, pp.538-542, IEEE, 33344, July, 2014 |
56 . |
Influence of welding speed on the melting efficiency of Nd: YAG laser welding, Advances in production Engineering and Management, Vol No.9, Issue No.3, September, 2014 |
57 . |
Evaluation of Nd: YAG Laser Welding Efficiencies for 304L Stainless Steel, International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2014), Vol No.6, pp.1731-1739, ELSEVIER, Dec, 2014 |
58 . |
Experimental Study on Free convective Heat Transfer from Vertical Square Ducts, ICCTET, pp.538-542, July, 2014 |
59 . |
Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Arrays using Different Techniques, IJERT, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, July, 2014 |
60 . |
Investigations into Emission Characteristics of LHR engine using Palm Stern Methyl Ester Oil with a modified piston geometry, IJAIEM, ISBN No.ISSN 2319 - 4847, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.78-82, Feb, 2014 |
61 . |
Performance evaluation of LHR engine using Palm Stearn Methyl Ester Oil with a selected configuration of piston geometry, IJRET, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, Feb, 2014 |
62 . |
Determination of the Optimum parameters for Laser Welding of 0.5 mm Thick Dissimilar Metals, International Symposium on Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology from Industry (AMETI 2014), Dec, 2014 |
63 . |
Characterization and Optimization of Nd: YAG Laser Weld Joints of Dissimilar Metals, 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, AIMTDR, Dec, 2014 |
64 . |
Estimation of Weld Pool Geometry and Cooling Rate in laser Welding, 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, AIMTDR, Dec, 2014 |
65 . |
Experimental Investigations with Crush Box Simulations for Different Segment Cars using LS-DYNA, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.E-ISSN 2277 – 4106, P-ISSN 2347 – 5161, Issue No.Special issue 2, pp.671-672, Feb, 2014 |
66 . |
Manufacturing and Characterization of Long Paslmyra Palm/Borassus Flabellifer Petiole Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites, International Conference on Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, ICIAME 2014, Vol No.14, pp.252-259, ELSEVIER, 2014 |
67 . |
Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Thysanolaena Maxama (Boom Grass) Long Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites, International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterisation (ICMPC 2014), Vol No.6, pp.1006-1016, ELSEVIER, 2014 |
68 . |
An Experimental Evaluation of Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of One year Dried Palm Fruit Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites, Indian Science Cruiser, Kolkata, Vol No.28, Issue No.1, Jan, 2014 |
69 . |
Imperata Cylindrica/Sacred Grass Long Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites – An Experimental Determination of Properties, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol No.612, pp.131-137, Trans Tech Publications Inc., Switzerland, August, 2014 |
70 . |
Biomaterial Applications Macro to Nanoscales, Chapter 6: An Experiential Observation of Disparity in Mechanical Properties of Turmeric Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites, Apple Academic Press, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, September, 2014 |
71 . |
Static bending behavior of functionally graded plates subjected to Mechanical Loading, JJMIE, Vol No.8, Issue No.4, pp.193-206, july, 2014 |
72 . |
Analysis of Functionally Graded Material Plates using Higher-Order shear deformation theory subjected to thermo-mechanical loadings, Journal of Mechanics of material and structures, 2014 |
73 . |
Free Vibration behavior of functionally graded plates using Higher-Order shear deformation theory, Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (JASE), Vol No.17, Issue No.3, pp.231-241, June, 2014 |
74 . |
Static Bending Behavior of Functionally Graded Plates Subjected to Mechanical Loading, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol No.8, Issue No.4, pp.169-176, August, 2014 |
75 . |
Torsional Transient Response analysis of Synchronous Motor driven Multistage Centrifugal Pump using Finite Element Analysis, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol No.9, Issue No.1, pp.52-79, 2014 |
76 . |
Experimental Investigation on performance evaluation of a Single Basin Solar Still using different energy absorbing materials, ASME, June-July, 2014 |
77 . |
Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates Using Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol No.12, Issue No.1, pp.23-41, October, 2013 |
78 . |
Advanced Fuzzy Logic Controller for Tracking the Maximum Power Point of PV Arrays, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol No.2, Issue No.11, November, 2013 |
79 . |
Reduction of Diesel Engine Emissions and Its Analysis by using Exhaust Gas Recirculation at various cooling rates, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Vol No.3, Issue No.2, August, 2013 |
80 . |
Engine Emissions at various Cetane Numbers with Exhaust Gas Recirculation, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Vol No.8, Issue No.6, Sep-Oct, 2013 |
81 . |
Single Cylinder 4 Stroke VCR Diesel Engine Performance and Analysis at various Blends of Fuels under various cooling rates, International Journal Of Innovative Research & Development (IJIRD), Vol No.2, Issue No.8, August, 2013 |
82 . |
Buckling Analysis of functionally grade material Plates using Higher order shear deformation theory, Journal of Composites, Journal of Composites, Vol No.2013, October, 2013 |
83 . |
Quasi-Static crush behavior of Aluminum and Steel circular tubes with through-hole discontinuities, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, July, 2013 |
84 . |
Influence of laser welding process parameters of weld pool geometry and duct cycle, Advances in production engineering and management, Vol No.8, Issue No.1, March, 2013 |
85 . |
Investigations into Head Impact for Headliner design without counter measures, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol No.2, Issue No.9, September, 2013 |
86 . |
Experimental Investigation on LHR extended expansion DI Diesel Engine Emission controlling injection timing, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol No.1, Issue No.6, January, 2013 |
87 . |
Development of Empirical model for prediction of surface roughness using regression and ANN Method, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol No.6, Issue No.5, pp.2041-2052, November, 2013 |
88 . |
Optimization of Machining process in Turning using Anova & S/N method, International Journal of Engineering Associates, Vol No.2, Issue No.5, 2013 |
89 . |
Development of empirical model for prediction of surface roughness in turning operation, IJITCE, Vol No.3, Issue No.7, July, 2013 |
90 . |
Single Cylinder 4 stroke VCR Diesel Engine Performance and analysis at various blends of fuels under various cooling rates, IJIRD, Vol No.2, Issue No.8, August, 2013 |
91 . |
Thermal Design of Attendant Control Panel for Avionics through CFD, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol No.6, Issue No.10, October, 2013 |
92 . |
Thermal Management of Ethernet Switch Box, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol No.6, Issue No.10, October, 2013 |
93 . |
Engine Emissions at various Cetane Numbers with Exhaust Gas Recirculation, IOSR-JMCE, Vol No.8, Issue No.6, October, 2013 |
94 . |
Evaluation of emission characteristics on CI Diesel Engine using Palm Stearn Methyl Ester, IJ-ETA-ETS, Vol No.6, Issue No.1, June, 2013 |
95 . |
Investigations on Material Casualty of Plates Under Impact Load Conditions, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), Vol No.2, Issue No.9, September, 2013 |
96 . |
Experimental Investigations on Composite Material Casualty of Plates under Multi-Fragment Impact Load Conditions, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Vol No.3, Issue No.3, September, 2013 |
97 . |
Investigations Into Head Impact For Headliner Design Without Counter Measures, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol No.2, Issue No.9, September, 2013 |
98 . |
Rollover Stability Analysis of Commercial Vehicle, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management(IJAIEM), Vol No.2, Issue No.9, September, 2013 |
99 . |
Investigations Into Performance And Emission Characteristics of LHR CI Diesel Engine For Patchy Speed Operations, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Vol No.2, Issue No.7, July, 2013 |
100 . |
Experimental Investigation on LHR CI Diesel Engine with varied Operating Parameters and its Simulation, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol No.2, Issue No.5, April, 2013 |
101 . |
Experimental Investigation on LHR Extended Expansion DI Diesel Engine Emission Controlling Injection Timing, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol No.1, Issue No.6, January, 2013 |
102 . |
A Comparative Evaluation of the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Internal Combustion Engine with Compressed Natural Gas as Alternative Fuel, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol No.3, Issue No.10, 2013 |
103 . |
Experimental Investigation of Spark Ignition engine operating on different Hydrogen-CNG-blends, International Journal of Computer applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, April-Sept, 2013 |
104 . |
Experimental Investigation on LHR Extended Expansion DI Diesel Engine Performance Controlling Injection Timing, International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME), Vol No.1, Issue No.2, 2013 |
105 . |
Prediction of Deflection and Stresses of Laminated Composite Plate with an Artificial Neural Network Aid, IJASE, Vol No.11, 2013 |
106 . |
Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded material plates using Higher Order Shear Deformation Theory, Journal of Composites, Vol No.2013, 2013 |
107 . |
Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates using Higher-Order Shear Deformation Theory, IJASE, 2013 |
108 . |
Emissions Analysis of Diesel Engine By substituting CNG under dual fuel mode, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering (ICACSE), January, 2013 |
109 . |
Effect of Magnesia Stabilized Zirconia (Mg-PSZ) on the performance and Emission Characteristics of DI Diesel Engine, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, August, 2013 |
110 . |
Prediction of Deflection and Stresses of Laminated Composite Plate with an Artificial Neural Network Aid, International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, Vol No.11, Issue No.4, 2013 |
111 . |
Buckling analysis of functionally graded material plates using higher order shear deformation theory, Journal of composites, Vol No.2013, 2013 |
112 . |
Performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition (CI) engine with dual fuel operation (diesel + compressed natural gas (CNG), journal of petroleum technology and alternative fuels, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, pp.24-29, Febuary, 2013 |
113 . |
Prediction of Surface Roughness in End Milling of P20 Mould Steel Using Artificial Neural Networks, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Vol No.5, Issue No.1, pp.7-13, 2012 |
114 . |
The State of the Art Research on Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engines, Int. Journal of Earth Science, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974 – 5904, January, 2012 |
115 . |
Radial Basis Function Neural Networks in Prediction and modeling of Diesel Engine Emission biodiesel blends under varying Operating Conditions, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol No.5, Issue No.3, March, 2012 |
116 . |
CFD analysis of combustion and emissions to study the effect of compression ratio and biogas substitution in a diesel engine with experimental verification, International Journal of Engg. Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0975- 5462, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, February, 2012 |
117 . |
Performance of cooling hot gas discharge spray cooler with flow parameters variation, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol No.5, Issue No.5, May, 2012 |
118 . |
Heuristic approach based similarity coefficient for machine cell formation in a Flexible Cellular Manufacturing System, Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Mechanical Engineering, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, October, 2012 |
119 . |
Experimental Analysis of Crimped Spiral shaped Condenser Coil of Vapour Compression Refrigeration System, Engineering Today, Vol No.14, Issue No.7, July, 2012 |
120 . |
Bending Analysis of Laminated Composite Plates using Fine Element Method, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, 2012 |
121 . |
Analysis of Emission Characteristics on Compression Ignition Engine using Dual Fuel Mode for Variable Speed, International Journal of engineering Research and development, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, pp.23-27, October, 2012 |
122 . |
Torsional Critical Speed analysis of A Complex Train (Multi stage Centrifugal Pump - VFD Motor Gear Box) using Finite Element Analysis, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applicable Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol No.2, Issue No.5, 2012 |
123 . |
Torsional Steady State Analysis of Complex Train (Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump - VFD Motor-Gear) Box Using Finite Element Analysis, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, 2012 |
124 . |
Effect of Injection Pressure on the Emission and Performance of Diesel engine using Non Edible Rice bran oil [NERBO], International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, October, 2012 |
125 . |
Performance Analysis of CI Engine with Dual Fuel Mode for different Speeds, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), Vol No.2, Issue No.8, pp.9-12, August, 2012 |
126 . |
Performance And Emission Characteristics on a Low Heat Rejection Extended Expansion DI Diesel Engine, International Journal on Mechanical and Automobile Engineering (IJMAE), Vol No.17, Issue No.1, pp.27-39, August – September, 2011 |
127 . |
Modeling of Machining Parameters in CNC End Milling using Principal Component Analysis Based Neural Networks, Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online), Vol No.2, Issue No.3, International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), 2011 |
128 . |
Performance and emission evaluation of methanol blended fuels in SI engines, global journal of mechanical engineering and computational science, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.5-8, 2011 |
129 . |
Experimental evaluation of a diesel engine with blends of diesel –plastic pyrolysis oil, International journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Vol No.3, Issue No.6, pp.5033-5040, June, 2011 |
130 . |
Performance, emission analysis and wear characteristics of valves of I.C Engine fueled with methyl esters of cotton seed oil and its blends, International Journal of Multidispl. Research & Advcs. in Engg, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.329-344, July, 2011 |
131 . |
Integration of renewable energy sources in Zero energy buildings with economical and environmental aspects by using HOMER, International journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Vol No.9, Issue No.2, pp.212-217, January, 2011 |
132 . |
Higher order theory for free vibration analysis of Functionally graded material plates, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.ISSN 1819-6608, Vol No.6, Issue No.10, pp.105-111, October, 2011 |
133 . |
Hydrogen Fuel Generation and Storage, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0974 – 6846, Vol No.4, Issue No.6, pp.717-720, June, 2011 |
134 . |
Design of Ethernet Switch Cabinet using MSC-NASTRAN, Indian Journal of Science & Technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0974 – 6846, Vol No.4, Issue No.4, pp.436-439, April, 2011 |
135 . |
Performance Analysis and Wear of I.C. Engine Valve and Seat Inserts using Jatropha Methyl Esters, International Journal of Engg. Research & Indu. Appls (IJERIA), ISBN No.ISSN 0974 – 1518, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, pp.177-181, August, 2011 |
136 . |
Performance, Emission Analysis and Wear Characteristics of Valves of I.C. Engine fueled with Methyl Esters of Cotton Seed Oil and its blends, International Journal of Multi Discipl. Research & Advcs. In Engg. (IJMRAE), ISBN No.ISSN 0975 – 7074, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.329-344, July, 2011 |
137 . |
Introduction to bio-diesel, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology, Vol No.2, Issue No.3, pp.243-245, July, 2011 |
138 . |
Computer Simulation of Biogas-Diesel Duel Fuel Engine exhaust gas emission, Determination of mole fractions of constituents in exhaust, International Journal of Applied Engg. Research, ISBN No.ISSN: 0973- 4562, Vol No.6, Issue No.14, pp.1733-1744, 2011 |
139 . |
Influence of carbon dioxide and methane of Biogas in Biogas-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine, International Journal of Applied Engg. Research, ISBN No.ISSN: 0973- 4562, Vol No.6, Issue No.9, pp.1189-1199, 2011 |
140 . |
Geometrically non-linear Analysis of functionally Graded material plates Using Higher Order Theory, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 2141 – 2820, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.279-288, April, 2011 |
141 . |
Vibration analysis of Composite Laminated Plates using Higher-order shear deformation theory with Zig-Zag Function, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974- 6846, Vol No.4, Issue No.8, pp.960-966, August, 2011 |
142 . |
Effect of thickness ratio on Nonlinear Static behaviour of Skew Bidirectional FRP Laminates with Circular Cutout, International journal of applied engineering research, ISBN No.ISSN 0976– 4259, Vol No.1, Issue No.4, pp.923-932, 2011 |
143 . |
Nonlinear Thermal Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates Using Higher Order Theory, Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN 2222-2871, Vol No.2, Issue No.5, pp.1-13, 2011 |
144 . |
Fracture Analysis of Adhesively Bounded Single Lap Joint with four layered angle ply anti-symmetric adherends, International Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, ISBN No.ISSN 0973- 6083, Vol No.6, Issue No.2, pp.185-199, 2011 |
145 . |
Fracture Analysis of Adhesively Bounded Single Lap Joint with four layered [+?/-?]S adherends, International Journal of applied engineering research, ISBN No.ISSN 0976 – 4259, Vol No.1, Issue No.4, pp.951-960, 2011 |
146 . |
Optimization of surface roughness in CNC end milling using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0975 – 5462, Vol No.3, Issue No.8, pp.102-109, 2011 |
147 . |
Individual a change management initiatives for better work life balance, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974-6846, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, July, 2011 |
148 . |
Optimization of surface roughness in CNC end milling using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.8, pp.102-109, 2011 |
149 . |
Application of design of experiments and artificial neural networks for stacking sequence optimizations of laminated composite plates, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.6, pp.295-310, 2011 |
150 . |
Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Varying the Condenser FINS Spacing on Vapor Compression Refrigeration System Performance, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, July-December, 2011 |
151 . |
Investigation on Performance of Compression Ignition Engine Fuelled with Vegetable Oil-ethanol Emulsions, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0974-3154, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, pp.329-342, 2011 |
152 . |
Analysis of LHR Extended Expansion Engine with Variable Speed Operation for Different Compression Ratios, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), Vol No.11, Issue No.1, pp.121-128, 2011 |
153 . |
Investigation of Combustion Parameters for different Injection timings on a LHR Extended Expansion Diesel Engine, International Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical and Electronics Engg., (IJACEE), Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.90-95, 2011 |
154 . |
Investigation on Performance and Exhaust Emissions for Different Compression Ratios of LHR Extended Expansion Engine, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), Vol No.11, Issue No.1, pp.132-137, 2011 |
155 . |
Performance Analysis of 4- stroke SI Engine using CNG as an Alternative fuel, Indian Journal of Science and Technology , ISBN No.ISSN 0974-6846 , Vol No.4, Issue No.7, pp.801-804, July, 2011 |
156 . |
Effect of injection pressure on diesel engine performance with Sea lemon oil, Indian journal of science and technology, Vol No.4, Issue No.8, pp.907-909, August, 2011 |
157 . |
Influence of Carbon Dioxide and Methane of Biogas in Bogas-Diesel Dual Fuel Engine, IJAER, Vol No.6, Issue No.9, 2011 |
158 . |
Simulation And Analysis Of Combustion Parameters For Different Compression Ratios On A LHR Extended Expansion DI Diesel Engine, International Journal of Engineering Sciences Research (IJESR), ISBN No.ISSN: 2230-8504, Vol No.2, Issue No.5, October, 2011 |
159 . |
Higher Order theory for free vibration analysis of functionally graded material plates, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol No.6, Issue No.10, October, 2011 |
160 . |
Properties and performance evaluation of direct injection diesel engine with blends of ambadi oil methyl ester and diesel, international journal of applied engineering research, Vol No.6, Issue No.13, pp.1651-1660, January, 2011 |
161 . |
Fuzzy Modeling for Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI 304 Stainless Steel, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol No.6, Issue No.11, pp.1687-1700, 2011 |
162 . |
Effect of fuel injection pressure on full load performance of diesel – producer gas dual fuel engine, Indian journal of science and technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.10, pp.1056-1061, October, 2010 |
163 . |
Performance Appraisal of a Stationary Diesel Engine with Different Pistons, International journal of Recent Research in Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 2076 – 5061, Vol No.2, Issue No.4, pp.75-79, 2010 |
164 . |
Design and Analysis of vibration test bed fixtures for space launch vehicles, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974 – 6846, Vol No.3, Issue No.5, pp.592-595, May, 2010 |
165 . |
Experimental Investigation into Rheological Property of Copper oxide nano Particles suspended in propylene Glycol Water based fluids, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.ISSN : 1819 – 6608, Vol No.5, Issue No.6, pp.29-34, June, 2010 |
166 . |
Performance analysis on modeling of loop heat pipes using artificial Neural Networks, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974 – 6846, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.463-467, April, 2010 |
167 . |
Parametric study of electrical Discharge machining of AISI 304 stainless steel, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0975-5462, Vol No.2, Issue No.8, pp.3535-3550, 2010 |
168 . |
A study on bio mass in power generation, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974 – 6846, Vol No.3, Issue No.6, pp.64-65, June, 2010 |
169 . |
Prediction of C.I. Engine Performance and NOx Emission Using Canfis, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, Vol No.5, Issue No.5, pp.763-778, 2010 |
170 . |
Vendor Selection in the context of E – Manufacturing using Hierarchal Fuzzy Topsis – ROC Algorithm, International Journal of Multi displ. Research & Adves. In Engg. (IJMRAE), ISBN No.ISSN 0975 – 7074, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.341-354, April, 2010 |
171 . |
Investigations on Supplier Selection for e – Manufacturing: A Case Study, Int. Journal of Business Insights and Transformation, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.63-77, April-September, 2010 |
172 . |
Experimental Investigation into Rhelogical Property of Copper Oxide Nano Particles Suspended in Propylene Glycol water based Fluids, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.ISSN 1819-6608, Vol No.5, Issue No.6, pp.29-34, June, 2010 |
173 . |
Comparison of Performance Characteristics of Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Blends of Cotton Seed Oil, Palm Oil, Neem Oil with Diesel, International Journal of Engg. Research & Indu. Appls (IJERIA), ISBN No.ISSN 0974 – 1518, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.41-50, 2010 |
174 . |
Analysis of Thermodynamic Characteristics of Loop Heat Pipe using CFD, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, Vol No.5, Issue No.18, pp.2999-3006, 2010 |
175 . |
Performance Analysis of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Jatropha Oil, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, Vol No.5, Issue No.6, pp.1017-1024, 2010 |
176 . |
A Study on biomass in power generation, Indian journal of science and technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0974-6846, Vol No.3, Issue No.6, pp.687-688, 2010 |
177 . |
Synthesis of Biodiesel, International journal of science and technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0975-5462, Vol No.2, Issue No.8, pp.3936-3941, 2010 |
178 . |
Hydrogen Storage in Wind Turbine Tower – A Review, IEEE, 2010 |
179 . |
Effect of fuel injection pressure on diesel engine performance and emission using blend of mahua oil, international journal of manufacturing science and engineering, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.11-15, 2010 |
180 . |
Production of bio-diesel from Neem oil, international journal of engineering studies, ISBN No.ISSN: 0975-6469, Vol No.1, Issue No.4, pp.205-302, January, 2009 |
181 . |
Performance Evaluation of a low Heat Rejection CI Engine using Vegetable oils, International Journal of Multi displ. Research & Adves. In Engg. (IJMRAE), ISBN No.ISSN 0975 – 7074, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.53-70, November, 2009 |
182 . |
Application of Soft computing for the Prediction of Warpage of Plastic Injection Molded Parts, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, Greece, ISBN No.ISSN 1791-2377, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.56-62, 2009 |
183 . |
Performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine with castor oil, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974 – 6846, Vol No.2, Issue No.10, pp.25-31, October, 2009 |
184 . |
Suppler Selection Methods ANP vs AHP in the Context of e-Manufacturing: Case Studies, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, 2009 |
185 . |
Experimental Studies in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Palm Oil as Alternate Fuel, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973 – 4562, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, pp.1385-1390, 2009 |
186 . |
Performance Analysis of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Cotton seed Oil, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973 – 4562, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, pp.1259-1264, 2009 |
187 . |
Comparison of Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions from Neat and Transesterified Cotton Seed Oil, International Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (JJMIE), ISBN No.ISSN 1995 – 6665, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.190-197, September, 2009 |
188 . |
Performance Emission and Combustion Characteristics of Sea Lemon oil and its Diesel Blends in a Diesel Engine, International Journal of Agric & Bio Eng, Vol No.2, Issue No.3, pp.1-7, September, 2009 |
189 . |
Study of the Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a Diesel Engine using Sea Lemon oil based fuels, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN:0974 – 6846, Vol No.2, Issue No.4, pp.43-47, April, 2009 |
190 . |
Prediction of Surface Roughness in Turning using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, International Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN 1995 – 6665, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.162-167, December, 2009 |
191 . |
Application Of Taguchi And Response Surface Methodology For Biodiesel Production From Alkali Catalyzed Transesterification Of Waste Cooking Oil, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, pp.1169-1184, 2009 |
192 . |
Supplier Selection Methods ANP vs AHP in the context of e – Manufacturing: Case Studies, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, Vol No.2, Issue No.II/III/IV, 2009 |
193 . |
Experimental Studies in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Palm Oil as Alternate Fuel, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, pp.1385-1390, 2009 |
194 . |
Performance Analysis of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Using Cotton Seed Oil, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, pp.1259-1264, 2009 |
195 . |
Comparison of Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions from Neat and Transesterified Cotton Seed Oil, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (JJMIE), Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.190-197, 2009 |
196 . |
Bio-Diesel Development and Characterization of JOME and PPME using as a Fuel in C.I. Engines, International Journal on Mechanical and Automobile Engineering (IJMAE), Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.48-59, 2009 |
197 . |
Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Fueled With CSOME and its Blends With Diesel, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems (IJEEES), Vol No.1, Issue No.2, pp.49-56, 2009 |
198 . |
Application of Taguchi and Response Surface Methodology for Biodiesel Production from Alkali Catalysed Transesterification of Waste Cooking Oil, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol No.4, Issue No.7, 2009 |
199 . |
Comparison of Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions from Neat and Transesterified Cotton Seed Oil, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (JJMIE), ISBN No.ISSN: 1995-6665, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, 2009 |
200 . |
Bio-Diesel Development and Characterization of JOME and PPME using as a Fuel in C.I. Engines, International Journal on Mechanical and Automobile Engineering (IJMAE), ISBN No.ISSN: 0974-231X, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, 2009 |
201 . |
Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Fueled With CSOME and its Blends With Diesel, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems (IJEEES), ISBN No.ISSN: 0975-4830, Vol No.1, Issue No.2, 2009 |
202 . |
Quota Allocation to Distributors of the Supply Chain Under Distributors Uncertainty and Demand Uncertainty by Using Fuzzy Goal Programming, International Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN 1995 – 6665, Vol No.2, Issue No.4, pp.215-226, December, 2008 |
203 . |
Simulation of Surge Effect in Supply Chain for Demand Uncertainty at the End Customer, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973 – 4562, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.61-72, 2008 |
204 . |
Eigen value Reanalysis of Damped Structures Using Higher order Sensitive Derivatives, An International Research Journal of Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Vol No.1, Issue No.2, pp.72-79, October-December, 2008 |
205 . |
Application of Artificial Neural networks for the prediction of shrinkage and warpage of plastic injection molded parts, Journal on future Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN 09732-2632, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.21-27, August-October, 2008 |
206 . |
Surface Roughness Prediction Techniques for CNC Turning, Asian Journal of Scientific Research, ISBN No.ISSN 1992-1454, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.256-264, 2008 |
207 . |
Surface roughness prediction techniques, Int. J. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.256-264, May-june, 2008 |
208 . |
Application of Fuzzy Goal Programming Approaches to Distributor Selection in Supply Chain, , International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.ISSN 1816 – 949X, Vol No.2, Issue No.10, pp.1533-1538, 2007 |
209 . |
Four-tired Web Oriented Manufacturing System in the Context of SCM-Six Sigma Perspective, Journal of Institute of Productivity & Management, SCOUR, ISBN No.ISSN 0973 - 6123, Vol No.1, Issue No.2, pp.62-68, July, 2007 |
210 . |
Off Design Performance Analysis of a Turbo Shaft Engine, Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, Vol No.58, Issue No.4, November, 2006 |
211 . |
Performance Characteristics Of A Diesel Engine With Deccan Hemp Oil, International Journal of fuel , Elsevier, April, 2006 |
212 . |
Chemical Resistance and Tensile Properties of Poly Carbonate (PC) Toughened Epoxy – Bamboo Fiber Composites, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol No.25C, Issue No.2, pp.137-142, 2006 |
213 . |
Deccan HEMP Oil as an alternate fuel for Diesel Engines, Journal of Energy & Fuel Users, pp.1-5, Oct – Dec., 2005 |
214 . |
Modeling and MPPT method for solar cells, journal of engineering and applied sciences, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.128-133 |
215 . |
Bitter Almond Oil as an Alternate Fuel For Diesel Engines, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences NISCAIR, New Delhi, IJEMS-1565/06 |
216 . |
Effect of vibration test fixture resonances on vibration testing, international journal of engineering research and technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974-3154, Vol No.3, pp.327-334 |
217 . |
Fuzzy Modeling for Electrical Discharge Machining of Aluminum Alloy, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
218 . |
Performance evaluation of direct injection diesel engine with blends of KUSUM oil methyl ester and diesel, global journal of mechanical engineering and computational science, ISBN No.ISSN: 2249-3468, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.90-94 |
219 . |
Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine with Methyl Esters on Deccan Hemp Oil, Elsevier |
220 . |
Study on emission characteristics of four stroke petroleum engine fuelled with biogas/LPG blends, international journal engineering studies, ISBN No.ISSN: 0975-6469, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.47-55 |
221 . |
CFD Analysis of a Helically Coiled Tube in Tube Heat Exchanger |
National Journals |
1 . |
Effect of Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Horizontal Square Channel, i-manager’s Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, February-April, 2014 |
2 . |
Design and Optimization of Rigid Poly Vinyl Chloride Elbow Using Finite Element Method and Genetic Algorithm, i-Manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.46-50, May-July, 2008 |
3 . |
Design and optimization of Rigid polyvinyl chloride elbow using finite element method and genetic algorithm, Journal on future engineering and technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.46-50, May-July , 2008 |
4 . |
Design and Construction of Efficient Solar Sun Tracking System, i-Manager’s Journal on Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN 0973 – 2632, Vol No.2, Issue No.3, pp.28-34, February-April, 2007 |
5 . |
An Efficient Solar Battery Charger with MPPT Using Micro Controller, i-Manager’s Journal on Engineering and Technology, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.40-47, Nov , 2007 |
6 . |
Investigations on Natural Ventilated Rooms for Thermal Comfort in Tropical Climates of India, Journal of Engineering Today, Vol No.9, pp.11-18, July , 2007 |
7 . |
Simulative comparison of inventory policies used in service oriented distribution centers of supply chain, IE journal, Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering, Navi Mumbai |
8 . |
Experimental Study on Hydrogen Enriched Diesel Engine with Varied Piston Bowl Geometry for Emission Reduction, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, I - Managers, Accepted for publication |
9 . |
Performance Of Diesel Engine With Tobacco Seed Oil As An Alternate Fuel, The Journal of Institute of Engineers (India), Mechanical, Kolkata |
International Conference |
1 . |
Effect of Hybrid mwcnts/grapheme on Tensile Properties of Reinforced Unidirectional E-Glass/Epoxy Composite, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018 |
2 . |
Effect of Fiber Orientations on the Tensile Properties of E-Glass/Epoxy Composites, Proceedings of ICMTS-2017, IIT Madras, 2017 |
3 . |
Experimental Study On Performance, Combustion And Emission of Diesel Engine with Re-entrant Combustion Chamber of Aluminum Alloy, 5th International Conference on Material Possessing and characterization (ICMPC), Science Direct, Materials Today: Proceedings 4 , 2017 |
4 . |
CFD Analysis of a Helically Coiled Tube in Heat Exchanger, 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016), pp.2341-2349, Elsevier Ltd, 2017 |
5 . |
A Review on Enhancement of Heat Transfer Techniques, 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016), pp.1051-1056, Elsevier Ltd, 2017 |
6 . |
A Review on Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Heat Exchanger with Different Inserts, 5th International Conference of Materials Processing and Characterization (ICMPC 2016), pp.1045-1050, Elsevier Ltd, 2017 |
7 . |
Experimental Study on performance, Combustion and Emissions of Diesel Engine with Re-entrant combustion chamber design, ICMPC –GRIET, Hyderabad, 5th International Conference on Material Possessing and characterization, 12-13th March , 2016 |
8 . |
Effect of Re-entrant combustion chamber design on emission of hydrogen enriched diesel Engine, IICAQM – 2016, IIT, Chennai, Indian International Conference on Air quality Management, 15- 16th Feb., 2016 |
9 . |
Effects of Alumina Nano Metal Oxide Blended Palm Stearin Methyl Ester Bio-Diesel on Direct Injection Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions, International Conference on Advanced Material Technologies (ICAMT) – 2016, Dadi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, 27 to 28 December , 2016 |
10 . |
Heat Transfer Enhancement of Butanol in Neem Seed oil Methyl Ester Diesel Blend in a Diesel Engine, 17th ISME Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 3-4th Oct. , 2015 |
11 . |
Influence of Addition of Butanol in Neem Seed Oil Methyl Ester Diesel Blend in a Diesel Engine, 17th ISME Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi, 3-4 October, 2015 |
12 . |
Estimation of Weld Pool Geometry and Cooling Rate in laser Welding, Proceedings of 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, AIMTDR, December, 2014 |
13 . |
Experimental Study of Solar Still with Energy Storage Materials, Proc. Of the ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference o Engineering Systems Design and Analysis,Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014 |
14 . |
Characterization and Optimization of Nd: YAG Laser Weld Joints of Dissimilar Metals, Proceedings of 5th International & 26th All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, AIMTDR, December, 2014 |
15 . |
Determination of the Optimum Parameters for laser Welding of 0.5 mm Thick Dissimilar Metals, Aspects of Mechanical Engineering and Technology for Industry, 2014 |
16 . |
Experimental Investigations with Crush Box Simulations for Different Segment Cars using LS-DYNA, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences (ICAMS) 2014 , January 9-11, 2014 |
17 . |
New Shear Strain Shape Function for Static Bending Response of Exponentially Graded Material Plates for Micro Air Vehicle, ICRAMAV-2014, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.229-235, November, 2014 |
18 . |
Experimental Investigation on performance evaluation of a Single Basin Solar Still using different energy absorbing materials, Proceedings of the ASME 2014, 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability,Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 30- July 2, 2014 |
19 . |
Experimental Investigation on Diesel Engine Using Methyl Fish Oil and Its Diesel Blends, 2nd International conference on advancement in Engineering & Management RITS ICAEM, organized by RITS, 27& 28 Feb , 2013 |
20 . |
Performance Evaluation of a semi-adiabatic low heat rejection diesel engine using Neem oil biodiesel blends, International conference on Alternative Fuels for I.C. Engines, February, 2013 |
21 . |
The Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates Using Free Vibration Simulation, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on recent Advances in Design, Development and Operation of Micro Air Vehicles (ICRAMAV-2013), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad-85, AP, India, 21st -23rd November , 2013 |
22 . |
Investigations Into Head Impact Using Headliner Design With Counter Measures, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on recent Advances in Design, Development and Operation of Micro Air Vehicles (ICRAMAV-2013), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad-85, AP, India, 21st -23rd November , 2013 |
23 . |
Experimental Investigation On LHR Extended Expansion DI Diesel Engine Performance Controlling Injection Timing, Proceedings of the International Conference on International Scientific Academy of Engineering & Technology (ISATE-2013),Thailand, 23rd -24 April, 2013 |
24 . |
Review on Alternative Crops (Feedstock’s) for Biodiesel Production, RIT ICAEM, 28-29 February, 2012 |
25 . |
Crops used for Biodiesel Production Brazil: a Review, RITS ICEAM, 28-29 February, 2012 |
26 . |
Crops used for biodiesel production in brazil: a review, RITS ICAEM-2012:RITS international conference on advancements in engineering and technology, 2012 |
27 . |
Review on alternative crops (feedstock’s) for biodiesel production, RITS ICAEM-2012:RITS international conference on advancements in engineering and technology, 2012 |
28 . |
Experimental Analysis of Vortex Tube, International conference on ‘Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, INCRAME 2011, 21-22 April , 2011 |
29 . |
Fracture analysis of adhesively bonded single lap joints with four layered unidirectional composite adherends, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering held at Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University, 21st and 22nd April , 2011 |
30 . |
Effect of Orifice, Pressured and Cold Mass Fraction on the Performance of Vortex Tube, International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, (ICAET-2011), May 27-28, 2011 |
31 . |
Vibration Analysis Of Functionally Graded Material Plate Using Higher Order Theories, International Conference on Multi Body Dynamics (ICMBD 2011), Organized by K L University, Vijayawada A.P, pp.183-190, 24 – 26 February , 2011 |
32 . |
Free Vibration Analysis Of Composite Laminated Plates Using Higher-Order Theories With Zig – Zag Function, International Conference on Multi Body Dynamics (ICMBD 2011),Organized by K L University, Vijayawada, A.P, pp.191-198, February , 2011 |
33 . |
Mixed mode delamination propagation analysis of Adhesively bonded single lap joint with [0/? //0]Composite adherends, International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Materials and Energy systems, Organized by V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, A.P, pp.28-37, December, 2011 |
34 . |
Prediction of Gas Turbine Combustor Exit Temperature Profiles under varying flow conditions, Proceedings of 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion organized by the Combustion Institute-Indian Section (CIIS), Hyderabad, pp.115, 10-13th December , 2010 |
35 . |
Hydrogen Storage in Wind Turbine Tower – A Review, International Conference on Frontiers in Automobile & Mechanical Engineering {Fame-2010} – Proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore,Chennai, India, 25 to 27 November, 2010 |
36 . |
Combustion and Performance Analysis of CI modified SI Engine using Lean Combustion Technology, Proceedings of 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Combustion organized by the Combustion Institute-Indian Section (CIIS), Hyderabad, 10-13th December , 2010 |
37 . |
Performance of C.I. Engine with Diesel, Neat Biodiesel and 20% Biodiesel – A Comparative Study, Proceedings of the IV National Conference on Trends in Mechanical Engineering, TIME’10, organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, KITS, Warangal, pp.137-141, 30th December , 2010 |
38 . |
Tensile and morphological characterization of turmeric and okra natural fibers, Proceedings of National conference on advances in manufacturing and management, organized by Dept. of Mech. Engg., JNTUH College of Engg., Hyderabad. , 30 – 31st August , 2010 |
39 . |
Effects of diesel – water emulsion and its combustion in diesel engines, International Conference on Computational Methods Engg. & Sciences, Organized by C.B.I.T Hyderabad, pp.665-670, 2009 |
40 . |
Experimental Investigation of Jatropha Oil (Pre-heated blends) in a Direct Injection CI Engine, In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Sciences-2009 (CMES-2009), Organized by CBIT, Hyderabad, pp.671-676, 8th -10th January, 2009 |
41 . |
Transesterification Process of Bio-diesel, In the Proceedings of the Renewable Energy Asia 2008 – An International Conference and 4th Sustainable and Environment Forum, organized at IIT, Delhi, pp.623-631, 11th -13th December , 2008 |
42 . |
Study Of Performance And Emission Characteristics Of A Diesel Engine Using Cotton Seed Oil, And Its Methyl Esters, proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), organized by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.173-178, 6-9 December, 2007 |
43 . |
Study Of Performance And Emission Characteristics Of A Virgin Oil in a Semi-Adiabatic Engine, proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), organized by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.130-135, 6-9 December, 2007 |
44 . |
The State of the Art Research of Nox Reduction in Diesel Engine, proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), organized by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.180-182, 6-9 December , 2007 |
45 . |
A Comprehensive Survey on Bio-Fuels for use in IC Engines, proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), organized by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.368-378, 6-9 December, 2007 |
46 . |
Hydrogen Energy Storage a Preliminary Review, proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), organized by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.379-384, 6-9 December, 2007 |
47 . |
Comparison of Performance Parameters by using Jetropha and Fish oil as Biodiesel, proceedings of the International Conference & XX National Conference on I.C. Engines and Combustion (ICONICE-2007), organized by faculty of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad, pp.617-629, 6-9 December, 2007 |
48 . |
Application of CFD to Improve the Design of a Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Used in Small Aero-Engines, International Conference & Exhibition on Total Engineering, Analysis and Manufacturing Technology (TEAMTECH-2006)., ISBN No.Adjudicated as a BEST PAPER among papers related to CFD, J.N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 28th February, 2006 |
49 . |
Internet Based Condition Monitoring of Multi-Stations Industrial Machines By Using Vibrational Analysis, International Conference in Engineering and Technology-2003, Kalinga Institute Of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India, 19th – 21st December, 2003 |
50 . |
Cascaded Multi-Temperature Latent Heat Solar Thermal Storage Device, International Conference on Energy and Environmental Technologies for Sustainable Development 2003, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India, 2003 |
51 . |
Solar Energy as an Alternative Heat Source for Textile Industrial Processing, Proceedings of International Conference on New Millennium – Alternative Energy Solutions for Sustainable Development, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, 17 – 19, January, 2003 |
52 . |
Use of Advanced ignition Technology for promoting Lean combustion in Spark Ignition engines, 11th I.S.M.E. Conference on Mech. Engg., New Delhi, 8th to 5th Feb., 1999 |
53 . |
A Review on Hydrogen Fuel and Flow Visualization in the Intake Manifold for Hydrogen Injection of CI Engine, International Conference on Environment and Energy(ICEE-2014), JNTUH, Hyderabad, ISBN No.ISBN:978-93-81212-96-7 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Performance Studies on Multi Cylinder Diesel Engine with Neem Oil, National Conference on Frontiers in mechanical Engineering, FIME, 2013 |
2 . |
A Study On Combustion Characterization With Varied Compression Ratios For LHR (EEE) Diesel Engine, Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Under TEQIP-II, Department of Mechanical Engineering Vasavi College of Engineering, Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad, AP, India, 7th to 8th November, 2013 |
3 . |
Effect of dimensional parameters on the performance of vortex tube, national seminar on emerging technologies in mechanical engineering (ETME-2011), pp.88-95, 2011 |
4 . |
Effect of Methyl Esters of Cotton seed oil as a fuel on the performance of Four Stroke Water Cooled Diesel Engine, National Conference on Advances in mechanical Engineering [AIM-2010], November, 2010 |
5 . |
Response Surface methodology as a predictive tool for C. I. Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions of Methyl Esters of Mahua Oil, i-Manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, pp.51-58, Feb-April, 2009 |
6 . |
Characteristic differences of diesel and Bio- Diesels, National Conferences on IT trends in Engineering applications ( NEC-2009), Dayananda sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, 19-21 March, 2009 |
7 . |
Performance and Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a CI Engine Fueled With CSOME and its Blends With Diesel, Proceedings of National Conference on Energy security for Rural Development (ESRD-2009), Held at Gandhigram rural University, Gandhigram, Tamilnadu. India., 26th Mar , 2009 |
8 . |
Comparison of Mechanical properties between TIG and MIG Weldments, Proceedings of National Conference on Excellence in new technologies in Mechanical Engineering (ENTIME), Held at Mallareddy Engineering College, Secunderabad-14, Andhra Pradesh, India, 12-13th March, 2009 |
9 . |
Evaluation of Vegetable Oils as Fuels for Diesel Engines, Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Mechanical engineering, NCAME-2008, organized by PVPSIT & VRSEC, Vijayawada, pp.54-63, 11th January, 2008 |
10 . |
Study on Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine with Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Particulate Trap, Proceedings of National Conference on Challenges in 2020 – Mechanical Engineering Perspective ( CITTMEP – 2008) organized by AVC College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai, Tamilanadu, India., pp.127-136, 14th – 15th March, 2008 |
11 . |
Contemporary fuel cell – A review, National Conference on Trends in Industrial and Commercial Applications of Electronics (TICAE-2006), Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai, 22nd -24th, March , 2006 |
12 . |
Preliminary Sizing Of Centrifugal Compressor Impeller For Aero Engine Applications, National Seminar on Technological Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (TAME-2005), Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, 2nd December, 2005 |
13 . |
Development Of A Computer Program For The Performance Prediction Of A Turbo-Shaft Gas Turbine Engine, National Seminar on Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering (CAME 2005), JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur , 22nd December, 2005 |
14 . |
When Automobiles become Alcoholic, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging trends in Machine Design and I.C Engines, organized by R.G.M.C.E.T., Nandyal, 14th Feb, 2004 |
15 . |
Effect of Combustion Duration on S.I Engine Performance, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging trends in Machine Design and I.C Engines at R.G.M.C.E.T., Nandyal, 14th Feb, 2004 |
16 . |
Technologies for Low Emission Diesel Engine, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging trends in Machine Design and I.C Engines, Organized by at R.G.M.C.E.T., Nandyal, 14th Feb, 2004 |
17 . |
Fuel Ethanol for Automobile Fuels, Organised by Annamalai University, Dept. of Mech. Engg., Annamalai Nagar, 13th June, 2003 |
18 . |
Mathematical Modeling of Cascaded Latent Heat Thermal Storage device for Solar Applications, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur., Dec 21, 2002 |
19 . |
Improving Supply Chain Performance through Customer Supplier Relationship, National Conference on Advanced Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research & Development at JNTU College of Engg, Anantapur, Dec, 2002 |
20 . |
CFD Analysis of mixing of turbulent Co-axial jets, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous) Anantapur, 21 st Dec, 2002 |
21 . |
Energy Management, Conservation Technology/ Engineering/ People, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous) Anantapur, 21st Dec, 2002 |
22 . |
Study of Scale removal methods in a Concentric tube Heat exchanger, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous) Anantapur, 21st Dec, 2002 |
23 . |
Use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in transport sector, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, 21st Dec , 2002 |
24 . |
Effect of Additives with Alcohols in Surface Ignition Engines, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur., Oct 18, 2001 |
25 . |
Low heat rejection engine – A review, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
26 . |
Development of Modified Diesel Engine Cycle, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
27 . |
Numerical Solutions of Laminar Free Convection between Vertical Flat Plates with asymmetric heating including dissipation, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
28 . |
Analysis of High Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane and Rotor Blades using Streamline Curvature Technique, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
29 . |
Lean Combustion using High Energy Spark Ignition System, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous, Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
30 . |
Effects of catalyst to Alcohol Fueled Engines, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
31 . |
Effect of Alcohols in LHR Engines, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, Oct 18, 2001 |
32 . |
Use of Low cetane fuels in LHR Engine, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur., June 22-23 , 2000 |
33 . |
The Use of vegetable oils in a 4-stroke single cylinder diesel engine, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, June 22-23 , 2000 |
34 . |
Investigation on Esterified Thumba oil in LHR Engine, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, June 22-23 , 2000 |
35 . |
Effect of compression ratio on swirl intensification in a lean burn engine, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, June 22-23 , 2000 |
36 . |
Multicast Routing Algorithm, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), Anantapur, June 22-23 , 2000 |
37 . |
Investigations on the performance of Thumba Oil in the LHR engine, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced trends in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering (Autonomous), June 22-23 2000, Anantapur. , June 22-23 , 2000 |
38 . |
Need for protection devices in modern automobiles, Proceedings of All India Seminar on modern Trends in protection philosophy in electric power apparatus including earthing system, Organized by Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak, March 1st, 1998 |
39 . |
A Novel approach of energy auditing for an industrial plant, Proceedings of National Conference on Industrial engineering towards 21st Century, Organized by SVU College of Engineering, Tirupati. , Jan 31-Feb 02, 1998 |
40 . |
Environmental protection – Role of methanol in petrol engines, Proceedings of Fourteenth National Conference of Environmental engineers, Organized by Institute of Engineers (India), Hyderabad. , 7th to 9th Aug, 1998 |
41 . |
Effects of combustion chamber configuration on engine emissions, Proceedings of National Seminar on environmental pollution causes & remedies – P.E.S., Organized by Institute of Technology, Bangalore. , 8th & 9th Oct., 1998 |
42 . |
The ultimate remedy for pollution, Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental pollution Causes & Remedies, Organized by P.E.S. Institute of Technology, Bangalore. , 8th & 9th Oct., 1998 |
43 . |
Some safety measures to prevent Automobiles Road accidents, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Automobile Engineering, Organized by M.I.T., Anna University, Chennai, 16th to 18th Dec. , 1998 |
44 . |
Experimental study on the use of Biomass in engine using gasifier, Proceedings of 21st National Solar Energy Convention, Organised by Center for New & renewable sources of Energy, Anna University, Chennai. , Dec 22nd and 24th, 1997 |
Workshop |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Executive Council Member
, JNT University, Hyderabad, 2011 - Present
2. Director of Evaluation
, JNT University, Hyderabad, 2007 - 2008
3. Controller of Examinations
, JNT University, Hyderabad, 2005 - 2007
4. Director Academic and Planning
, JNT University, Hyderabad, 2013 - 2014
Project/Research Guidance
Guided 41 Ph.D Scholars |
Till December |
2018 |
Analysis & design of air filter Structure for TECH MAHINDRA Ltd. Cooling Load Analysis for a Cold Storage Plant for “Akshya Consulting Services”, Hyderabad Investigation of various methods for design of Heat Exchanger (After Cooler) in HAT facility – ASL, DRDL,Hyderabad Trailer Design for Transport Department