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Dr. S. Tara Kalyani
Senior Professor & Director of UIIC

Educational Qualifications

1. M.B.A. (Gold Medal), Human Resource Management, School of Management Studies, JNTUH, Hyderabad (2016), AP, India.

2. Ph.D., Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (2008), JNTUH, AP, India.

3. M.E., Industrial Drives and Control, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (1998), JNTUH, Hyderabad, AP, India.

4. B.E., Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1995), Osmania University, Hyderabad, AP India.


 Professional Experience

1. Senior Professor – January 2021 – till date
2. Professor, JNTUH - January 2011 – December 2020

3. Associate Professor, JNTUH - July 2003 – December 2010
4. Associate Lecturer, Govt. Polytechnic, Warangal – November,1996 – July 2003.


Administrative Experience

1. Director, Affiliations and Academic Audit – February 2024 to till date

2. Director, University Industry Interaction Centre June 2021- January 2024

3. Controller of Examinations, Examination Branch, JNTUH, October 2016 – June 2021

4. Chair, EEE Board of Studies, JNTUHCEH, October 2014 - October 2016

5. HEAD, Department of EEE, JNTUHCEH, October 2014 - October 2016

6. Officer In charge of Examinations, Nodal Centre-6 JNTU Examination Branch, February, 2010 – August 2010.

7. Co-ordinator, School of Continuing Distance Education, JNTUH, November 2010 -
November 2012.

8. Deputy Director, UGC-Academic Staff College, JNTUH, September 2009 – August 2010.

9. Assistant Director, UGC-Academic Staff College, JNTUH, October 2008- September 2009



1. University Gold Medal for MBA (PTPG) – 2016.
2. Best paper awards
3. Telugu Vignana Parithoshakam in 10th class from the government.
4. Telugu Vignana Parithoshakam in 7th class from the government.


Additional Activities

1. Coordinator, TGEAPCET- 2024

2. Member, Executive Council, JNTUH – February 2020 – February 2024

3. Co-convener, TSNPDCL Recruitment tests for Sub-Engineers, Asst. Engineers, Jr. Account Officers - notified in 2018

4. Co-convener, TSECET- 2016

5. Coordinator, TSECET- 2012

6. Coordinator, TSECET- 2011

7. General Secretary, JNTUH Teaching Staff Association, 2013 – 2015


Consultancy Project:

Lead for the Third-party evaluation and technical support team for Project Management Unit (PMU) of Hyderabad Traffic Integrated Management Systems (HTRIMS) project for Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and Department of Traffic – Sponsored by GHMC (Rs. 13.28 Lakhs).


Courses organized:

1. Organized 17 refresher courses of 3-week duration, 5 orientation courses of 4-week duration and 6 short term courses for the Engineering College faculty as Assistant Director and Deputy Director of UGC – Academic Staff College, JNTUH, Hyderabad.

2. Organized several seminars/workshops/guest lectures as by inviting professors from country wide IITs, NITs and University Engineering colleges as Head of the Department.

3. As a Head of the department, formed an Industrial Advisory Committee in the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering to improve institute industry interaction.


Session Chair & Keynote speaker at International Conferences

1. ‘Topologies of transformerless PV inverters’ at 4th IET Clean Energy and Technology Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov 14-15, 2016.

2. Session Chair at The 2016 International Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in World Congress on Engineering 2016, London, U.K., 29 June-1July, 2016.

3. ‘Emerging Trends in Power Electronics and Drives’ at College of Engineering and computing, Alghurair University, Dubai, UAE, April 22-25, 2015.

4. Session Chair at Third International Conference on Emerging trends in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Dubai, UAE, April24-25, 2015.


Research Paper presentations in other countries:

1. “NPC full bridge topology for transformerless PV Inverters with improved clamping branch”’ - 4th IET International Conference on Clean energy and Technology, November 2016, Malaysia.

2. “Comparison of Voltage Stability Indices and its Enhancement Using Distributed Generation”, World Congress on Engineering 2016 - Vol I - WCE 2016, June 29 - July 1, 2016, London, U.K.

3. “Evaluation of single phase transformerless photovoltaic inverters” International conference on Emerging trends in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 24-25 April 2015, Dubai, UAE.

4. “Control and performance of UPFC connected to a transmission line”, at IEEE-PES International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC-07), Singapore, December 2007.


List of Research Publications

International Journals/Conferences: 86
National Journals/Conferences: 8


Membership in Professional Organizations

1. Senior Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2. Member of Women in Engineering (WIE)
3. Fellow of Institute of Engineers (FIE)
4. Life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)


Patent Filed

1. 201841036399 A - SPARTAN 6A based online fuzzy & ANN estimators for temperature dependent parameters in feed forward vector controlled asynchronous drive.


Countries Visited

London, Malaysia, Dubai-UAE, Singapore


Contact :
Dr. S. Tara Kalyani
Senior Professor & Director of UIIC
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad

Official Email: tarakalyani@gmail.com
Alternate Email: tarakalyani@jntuh.ac.in