Completed, from JNTU College Of Engineering Kukatpally Hyderabad. M.E.(Power Systems), from Osmania University College Of Engineering, Hyderabad and Ph.d. From JNTU Hyderabad.
Having 29 years of Teaching and Research Experience at OUCE, OUCT, JNTUH CEA, JNTUH CES and JNTUH CEH.
Officer In-Charge Examinations from April 2007 to May 2009 at JNTUH CE Hyderabad. (Autonomous)
Addl. Controller of examinations from August-2010 to October 2013, JNTUH.
Co-convener, Ts- ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Maths)]-2015 [Engineering Common Entrance Test-2015].
Vice principal JNTUH CES from august – 2015 to October - 2016.
Head dept. Of EEE, JNTUH CEH, from October – 2016 to February-2018.
Co-convener, TS- ECET [FDH & B.Sc.(Maths)]-2017 [Engineering Common Entrance Test-2017].
Regional Co-Ordinator TSLPRT-2018.
Principal I/c JNTUH CEH from 31-Jan-2020 to 5th –May-2020
Vice Principal JNTUH CEH from February-2018 to 24th –June-2021.
Principal JNTUHUCES from 25th –June-2021 to 27th June-2022
Principal JNTUHUCER from August 2023 to February 2024
Membership in Academic & Professional Committees:
1. Expert member in university selection committee 2016
2. Member of governing body (University Nominee) of 10 JNTUH affiliated colleges.
3. Chairman Board of Studies of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTUHCEH (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
Member Board of Studies (University Nominee) To
4. Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
5. Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
6. Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
7. Vaagdevi College of Engineering (Autonomous), Warangal.
8. MLR Institute of Technology (Autonomous).
9. Governing Body Member to MLR Institute of Technology (Autonomous).
10. G. Pullareddy Engineering College (Autonomous),
11. Osmania University College of Engineering
Expert Member APPSC for Selection of AEE - 2011 (Electrical) and Selection of Polytechnic College Lecturers-2012.
Member Board Of Studies Department of EEE, Osmania University ( Affiliated Colleges) from 2020 to till date.
Member board of studies department of E.E.E, JNTUA College of engineering,ananthapur-2019 to till date.
Membership in Professional Bodies:
1. Life Member System Society of India.
2. Member Indian Society for Technical Education.
Conferences/symposiums organized:
1. Co-ordinatior for Eye-2005, Organized at Dept. of EEE, JNTUCE-Anantapur on 9th dec. 2005.
2. Co-ordinatior for PRAGNYA-2kd, Organized at Dept. OF EEE, JNTUH CEH-Hyderabad. On 12th & 13th March 2010.
3. Convener for International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Icrieee-2017) Organized By Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Hyderabad
Member System Society of India:
Presented about 35 Research Papers In National & International Conference In India and Abroad. Published 30 Research Papers In National & International Journals.
Guidedd 75 M. Tech project, 30 B.Tech Projects, Supervising 8 Reasearch Scholors.
Phd awaded - 3, Phd. Submitted-3 and ongoing 5
Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Power System Reliability, JNTU Hyderabad (2004-2008)
B.Tech. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering , JNTU CE Hyderabad with First (1991-1995)
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
1. |
Asst. Professor, Osmania University College of Technology, Hyderabad, 500 007 Telangana, India. (1997 - 2003-06-30) |
2. |
Lecturer, Osmania University College of Engg., Hyderabad, 500 007 Telangana, India. (26-06-1995 - 1997-06-30) |
1. |
Professor, JNTUH College of Engg., Hyderabad, 500 085 Telangana, India. (2011 - Till Date) |
2. |
Assoc. Professor, JNTUH College of Engg., Hyderabad, 500 085 Telangana, India. (2006 - 2010) |
3. |
Assoc. Professor, JNTU College of Engg., Anantapur, 515 002 Andhra Pradesh, India (2003 - 2006) |
1 .
G.N.Srinivas, S.Narasimha, Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments, BS Publications, 978-93-5230-192-8, 2018
International Journals |
1 . |
G.N Srinivas, K. Raju, Evaluation of distribution system Reliability in the presence of multiple DGs, Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation,Med. J. Model. Simul., Vol No.10, pp.17-28, 2018 |
2 . |
B.Gopal , K.Krishna Murthy , G.N.Srinivas, Multilevel- UPQC for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System Integrated with PV System, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering(IJETAE), Vol No.7, Issue No.6, pp.413-419, June , 2017 |
3 . |
B.Gopal , K.Krishna Murthy , G.N.Srinivas, Integration of UPQC with PV Energy Storage System for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System, ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ITSI-TEEE), Vol No.5, Issue No.1-2, pp.13-19, JULY, 2017 |
4 . |
B.Gopal , K.Krishna Murthy , G.N.Srinivas, Multilevel- MCUPQC Integrated with PV System for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems(JARDCS), ISBN No.ISSN 1943023X., Vol No.9, Issue No.18, December, 2017 |
5 . |
Surender Kumar Yellagoud, Purnachandra Rao Talluri, G.N.Srinivas, An Application of Fast Learning Radial Basis Function Networks for an Accurate Estimation of Fault Location in Electrical Distribution Networks, International Journal of soft Computing , Vol No.12, Issue No.1, pp.72-78, 2017 |
6 . |
T.Giri Babu, G. N. Sreenivas, Enhancement of ATC with FACTS device using firefly Algorithm, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562 , Vol No.12, Issue No.20, pp.10269-10275, 2017 |
7 . |
K.Naresh, G. N. Sreenivas, Bidding Behavior of Generators under Deregulated Environment, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN2250-2459, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, pp.127-132, december, 2017 |
8 . |
G.N.Srinivas, K.Raju, Distribution System Reliability with Distributed Generation Based on Customer Scattering, International Journal of Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol No.13, Issue No.2, June, 2015 |
9 . |
G.N.Srinivas, K.Raju, Reliability Evaluation of Distribution System Considering Distributed Generation, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Electronic and Communication Engineering , Vol No.9, Issue No.7, pp.659-664, 2015 |
10 . |
L. Rajasekhar Goud, D. Subbarayudu, G.N.Srinivas, M. Sivasatyanarayana, Electrostatic field effect on the movement of metallic particles in three phase common enclosure gas insulated busduct with and without image charges, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562 , Vol No.10, Issue No.14, pp.34453-34457, 2015 |
11 . |
B.Gopal , K.Krishna Murthy , G.N.Srinivas, Power Quality Improvement Using UPQC Integrated with Distributed Generation Network, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering (IJECEECE), Vol No.8, Issue No.7, pp.1209-1217, November, 2014 |
12 . |
Surender Kumar Yellagoud, T. PurnachandraRao, G.N.Sreenivas , Evolving trends for enhancing the accuracy of fault location in power distribution networks, ” International Journal of Recent Research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJRREEE), Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.1-10, December , 2014 |
13 . |
G.N.Srinivas, Power system Deregulation-Recent trends, one day workshop on “Power system Deregulation-Recent trends, July, 2014 |
14 . |
B.Gopal, P.KrishnaMurthy, G.N.Sreenivas , A Review on UPQC for power Quality Improvement in Distribution System, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Vol No.13, Issue No.7, pp.49-56, 2013 |
15 . |
G.N.Sreenivas, A.Yashoda Devi, K.Suresh kumar , “Genetic Algorithm Optimized Power flow Control With FACTS Devices”, I-manager’s journal on Embedded Systems, Vol No.1, Issue No.4, pp.17-27, January , 2013 |
16 . |
B.Gopal, P.KrishnaMurthy, G.N.Sreenivas , Power Quality Improvement using 24 Pulse Bridge Rectifier For an Isolated Power Generation, International Journal of Advances and Innovative Research(IJAIR), Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.32-38, AUGUST, 2012 |
17 . |
G.N. Sreenivas, , P.Sangeetha, , A.Anil Kumar, E.Vidyasagar , “Reliability Evaluationof Distribution Systems”, The IUP Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering. , Vol No.IV, Issue No.2, pp.52-65, April, 2011 |
18 . |
Peyman Mazidi, G.N.Sreenivas , Reliability Assessment of A Distributed Generation Connected Distribution System, International Journal of Power system operation and Energy Management, Vol No.1, Issue No.2, pp.80-87, 2011 |
19 . |
G.N. Sreenivas, T. Giribabu , Application of Series FACTS Devices to a radial Distribution System and Analysis using a Line Flow Based Algorithm”, ” I-Manager Journal on Electrical Engineering, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.62-75, January , 2010 |
20 . |
G.N. Sreenivas, A.Prasad Raju, V.Sankar , Reliability Evaluation of Generator Systems Using SPICE”, International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research( Research India Publications) , Vol No.5, Issue No.14, pp.2471-2480, 2010 |
21 . |
Y. Surendar Kumar Yellagoud, Sreenivas Reddy Malu, A.V.R.S Sarma , G.N. Sreenivas, “Digital Computation of Fault Location on Electrical Power Transmission Lines”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Industrial applications. , Vol No.3, Issue No.III, pp.311-324, August, 2010 |
22 . |
G.N. Sreenivas, K Aswini, T. Giribabu , Modelling and Simulation of Engine driven Induction Generator Using Hunting network method, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol No.4, Issue No.4, pp.90-96, June, 2009 |
23 . |
T.Purushotham Reddy, G.N.Sreenivas, V.Sanker, Reliabilty Analysis of Distribution System Using Lognormal Distribuion for Down Times, Journal of System Science and Engineering.,, Vol No.15, Issue No.1, pp.49-56, June, 2007 |
24 . |
S.R.REDDY, P.V.PRASAD , G.N.SRINIVAS, Design of PI and Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Distribution Static Compensator, International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS), Vol No.9, Issue No.2, pp.465-477 |
25 . |
S.R.REDDY, P.V.PRASAD , G.N.SRINIVAS, Simulation and Comparison of Twenty Five Level Diode Clamped & Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter, Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Vol No.14, Issue No.1, pp.95 |
National Journals |
1 . |
S.R.Reddy, P.V.Prasad , G.N.Srinivas, Balanced and Unbalanced Voltage Sag/Swell Compensation Using DVR Based on Energy storage device, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.15, Issue No.1, pp.82-90, March, 2016 |
2 . |
Surender Kumar Yellagoud, Purnachandra Rao Talluri, G.N.Srinivas, An ANFIS Based Fault Location In Power Distribution Networks, Journal Of Power and Energy System, Vol No.36, Issue No.3, 2016 |
International Conference |
1 . |
S.R.REDDY, P.V.PRASAD , G.N.SRINIVAS, Power quality Enhancement using Particle swarm optimization based shunt active power filter, IEEE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems First International Conference in Advances in Electrical and Computer Technologies 2019 (ICAECT-2019 Springer conference), April, 2019 |
2 . |
K.Naresh, G. N. Sreenivas, Bidding Behavior of Generators under Deregulated Environment, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN2250-2459, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, pp.127-132, December, 2017 |
National Conference |
1 . |
G.N.Srinivas, S. Jagadish Kumar, Harmonic Compensation in Distribution System using Four Pole based Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter, NCRTST 2015, February, 2015 |
2 . |
G.N. Srinivas, S.Rajender, P.V.Prasad, Modified Synchronous Reference Frame Based Control Method DSTATCOM for Voltage Sag Mitigation, NSC-2014, November, 2014 |
3 . |
B.Gopal, Pannala Krishna Murthy, G.N Srinivas , The potential Benefit of DG Integrated UPQC for power Quality Improvement in Distribution System –A Review, AAPPS-13 , Oct , 2013 |
4 . |
Sunil kumar.M, S.Jagadish kumar, G.N Srinivas , Performance Comparision of Passive and Active Power Filters For a Non-Linear Load, AAPPS-13, Oct , 2013 |
5 . |
G.N.Sreenivas, P.Gopi Krishna, T. Gowri Manohar , Voltage Stability Constrained available transfer capability computations in the deregulated power system using radial basis function neural network, National Conference – EAR 2008, May, 2008 |
6 . |
G.Ramanath Goud, G.N.Sreenivas, Evaluation of Certain Reliability Indices of Radial Distribution Systems, National Conference RTEE-05 , August, 2005 |
7 . |
K.Mallikarjunrao, G.N.Sreenivas, V.Sanker, Evaluation of Certain Reliability Indices of Distribution System using “NON-MARKOVIAN DOWN TIMES, NSE -2005, November, 2005 |
Workshop |
7 . |
G.N.Srinivas, MOOCS and Open Educational Resources, three days TEQIP-III Sponsored Faculty Development Programme (FDP), January, 2018 |
7 . |
G.N.Srinivas, NBA Accreditation, in three days TEQIP-III Sponsored National workshop on “NBA Accreditation , December, 2017 |
7 . |
G.N.Srinivas, NBA &NAAC Accreditation, three days TEQIP-III Sponsored National workshop on “NBA &NAAC Accreditation, November , 2017 |
7 . |
G.N.Srinivas, Recent trends in Power System Protection, three days workshop on “Recent trends in Power System Protection”, November, 2014 |
7 . |
7 . |
G.N.Srinivas, PSOC, in 3-day workshop on PSOC, November, 2006 |
7 . |
G.N.Srinivas, Distribution and Automation Recent trends, Workshop on “Distribution and Automation Recent trends ", Oct , 2005 |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Conference on International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICRIEEE-2017), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad (Autonomous), Kukatpally, Hyderabad., 29-12-2017 to 30-12-2017 |
Co-ordinated |
5. |
Coordinated for a Symposium on PRAGNYA-2KD, JNTUH CEH-HYDERABAD, 12-03-2010 to 13-03-2010 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a FDP on MOOCS and Open Educational Resources, JNTU Hyderabad, 05-01-2018 to 07-01-2018 |
2. |
Participated in a Workshop on NBA Accreditation (SAR Filling and Preparedness for Assessment), JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad, 14-12-2017 to 16-12-2017 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on NBA &NAAC Accreditation,Organized by Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), LUCKNOW (U.P.), 09-11-2017 to 11-11-2017 |
Honors & Professional Activities
Telugu Vignana Parithoshakam, State govt., 1990
Professional Activities
1. Expert member in University Selection Committee 2016
2. Member of Governing body (University Nominee) of 10 JNTUH affiliated colleges.
3. Chairman Board of Studies of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, JNTUHCEH (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
4. Member Board of Studies (University Nominee) to Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
5. Member Board of Studies to Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
6. Member Board of Studies (University Nominee) to Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Hyderabad.
7. Member Board of Studies (University Nominee) to Vaagdevi College of Engineering (Autonomous), Warangal.
8. Member Board of Studies to MLR Institute of Technology (Autonomous).
9. Governing body member to MLR Institute of Technology (Autonomous).
10. Member Board of Studies to G.Pullareddy Engineering College (Autonomous),Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.
11. Governing body member to Joginpally B.R. Engineering College (Autonomous), Moinabad,R.R.Dist.
12. Governing body member to Nalgonda Institute of Technology& Sciences, Nalgonda.
13. Member Confidential committee EAMCET-2010.
14. Expert member APPSC for selection of AEE-2011 (Electrical) and selection of Polytechnic college lecturers-2012.
15. Expert member for selection of faculty for RGUKT from 2009 to 2014.
16. Member Taskforce Committee constituted by Govt. of A.P. in the year-2012 for inspecting private engineering colleges.
17. Member Board of Studies Osmania University College of Engineering -2017
18. Member Doctorial Research Committee-2017 RAYALA SEEMA UNIVERSITY Kurnool.
19. Member Appellate Commottee-2017 of JNTUH.
20. Expert Member in the selection committee for Singareni Collieries Company Limited Management Trainees (Electrical)-2017.
21. Member of Technical Advisory Committee of Central Institute for Rural Electrification (CIRE), Hyderabad.
22. Member to Review Committee for all kinds of Vocational Courses, Board of Intermediate Education, Government of Telangana.
23. Vice Chancellor Nominee to State Level Screening Committee for Jyothibaphule BC Overseas Vidya Nidhi, Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Telangana.
24. Member Academic Committee Board of Technical Education, Government of Telangana.
25. Vice Chancellor Nominee to inspection committee to visit ESCI,Hyderabad. |
Computer Methods In Power Systems in B.TECH II SEM (2018) | Reliability Engineering in M.TECH-EPE I SEM (2018) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Vice Principal
, JNTUH CEH, 2018 - Present
2. Head Dept. of EEE
, JNTUH CEH, 2016 - 2018
3. Vice Principal
, JNTUH CES, 2015 - 2016
4. Addl. Controller of Examinations
, JNTUH, 2010 - 2013
Project/Research Guidance
B. Gopal |
Multilevel Multiconverter unified power quality conditioning system:ML-MCUPQC. |
2019 |
K. Raju |
Reliability evaluation of Distribution system in the presence of distributed generation. |
2018 |
Y. Surender kumar |
Digital computation and analysis of fault location on electrical power distribution lines. |
2018 |
A. Anil Kumar |
0 |
S. Jagadish |
0 |
K. Naresh |
0 |
I Balaji |
Open circuit fault tolerant control for outer switches of Three level rectifiers in wind turbine systems. |
2017 |
V Krupakarachary |
Impact of superconducting fault current limiters on the HVDC Circuit Breakers. |
2017 |
A Eswara babu |
Adaptive power system for managing large dynamic loads. |
2017 |
Gurram Sai prasann Goud |
A Novel Electricity Generation with Green Technology by Plant-E from living plants and bacteria. |
2017 |
1. Chaired a technical session at 2nd International Conference on Advancements In Engineering and Management (ICAEM-2013) Organized by RITS Hyderabad on 27 th and 28 th February-2013 at Hyderabad.
2. Chaired a technical session at International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technology (ICEET-2013) Organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology on 16 th and 17 th December-2013 at Melbourne, Australia.
3. Chaired a technical session at 38th National System Conference (NSC-2014) organized by JNTUH CEH at Hyderabad, during November 5-7, 2014.
4. Chaired a technical session at International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and technology organized by CPRI Hyderabad on 29 th and 30 th January 2015, at Hyderabad.
5. Chaired a technical session at National Conference on High Voltage Engineering organized by JNTUH CEH at Hyderabad, on 19th and 20th June 2015.
6. Chaired a technical session at 10th International Conference on Recent Innovation in Science, Engineering & Management organized by Dhruva Institute of Engineering &Technology at Nalgonda, on 7th July 2017.
7. Chaired a technical session at International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering &Technology- ICRTET-17 organized by Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology at Hyderabad, 28th & 29th July 2017.
8. Chaired a technical session at International Conference on “innovative technologies in Engineering” organized by University college of engineering(Autonomous), Osmania University, Hyderabad, 11th - 13th April 2018.
9. Chaired a technical session at International Conference on “Advances in signal processing, power, Embedded, softcomputing, Communication and control system-ICSPECS-2019 organized by G.Pulla Reddy Engineering College(Autonomous),Kurnool, Andhrapradesh and institute For Engineering Research and publication(IFERP) 11th - 12th January 2019. |
Contact : |
Dr. G.N. Srinivas
Sr. Professor of EEE & Director of UGC-MMTTC, JNTUH.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad
Official Email:
Alternate Email: