Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, JNT University, Hyderabad (2002-2007)
M.Tech in Power Systems, NIT, Warangal with First (1994-1996)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering , University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad-7 with First with distinction (1987-1991)
Board of Intermediate Education in MPC, Govt. Pingle Women’s college, Waddepally, Warangal with First with distinction (1985-1987)
Board of Secondary Education in Mathematics, Social Sciences, , Fatima Girls High School, Fatimanagar, Warangal with First with distinction (1984-1985)
Professional Experience
Industrial Experience
1. Manager, M/s. Instruments & Controls Ltd., Punjagutta, Hyderabad. (1999 - 2001)
2. Deputy Manager, M/s. Instruments & Controls Ltd., Punjagutta, Hyderabad . (1999 - 1999)
3. Deputy Manager, M/s. Gem Cables & Conductor Ltd., Somajiguda, Hyderabad. (1997 - 1999)
Teaching Experience
1. |
Visiting faculty Assistant Professor., Osmania University College of Engg., Hyderabad (24-05-2000 - 30-04-2001) |
2. |
Visiting faculty Assistant Professor., Osmania University College of Engg., Hyderabad (24-11-1999 - 23-05-2000) |
3. |
Visiting faculty Assistant Professor., Osmania University College of Engg., Hyderabad (06-09-1999 - 23-11-1999) |
1. |
Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad (2013 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad (2006 - 2013) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad (2001 - 2006) |
Research Projects
Method and system for providing power resilience during and aftermath of disasters using Intentional Islanding (Centre for Disaster Management in Electrical Engineering), funded by TEQIP-III - Rs 78 lakhs (2013 - 2021)
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Method and system for providing power resilience during and aftermath of disasters using Intentional Islanding ,Indian patent office, 2024 |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Method And Circuit For Operating OEWIM Using Dual Inverter Fed With Modulated Carrier Based Dpwm ,Indian patent office, 2023 |
1 .
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Basic Electrical Engineering, M/s Sanguine Technical Publishers, 2011
International Journals |
1 . |
Dr.A.Jayalaxmi, M.Ankush kumar, Comparative Analysis of Artifical Intelligent Controllers Based Intentional Islanding Algorithem for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) in Disaster Management, Electric Power Components and systems, ISBN No.(Print) (Online) Journal homepage:, Vol No.DOI:, Issue No.1532-5008 print / 1532-5016 online, Traylor & Francis, November, 2022 |
2 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi ,M. Ankush Kumar, Real Time Implementation of Intentional Islanding Algorithm for Distributed Energy Resources, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology , Springer, April, 2021 |
3 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ankush Kumar, Machine Learning based Intentional Islanding Algorithm for DERs in Disaster Management, IEEE Access, Vol No.09,2021, pp.85300-85309, IEEE JOURNAL, 2021 |
4 . |
Dr.A.Jaya Laxmi and M.Ankush Kumar, DC-DC Converter for RES-Based Smart Resilient LVDC Distribution System, DC-DC Converters for Future Renewable Energy Systems-Energy Systems in Electrical Engineering, ISBN No.978-981-16-4387-3, Issue No.2199-8582, pp.223-232, Springer, 2021 |
5 . |
T. Sukanth, Improvement of Power Quality in Underground Coal Mines Using Controllers, AMSE JOURNALS-AMSE IIETA publication, Vol No.78, Issue No.03, pp.274-288, January, 2018 |
6 . |
A.V.V. Sudhakar, A hybrid LR-secant method-invasive weed optimization for profit-based unit commitment, International Journal on Power and Energy Conversion (Inderscience), Vol No.09, Issue No.01, 2018 |
7 . |
Power Restoration based on Intentional Islanding algorithm for distributed energy resources in disaster management, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation , Taylor & Francis, 2018 |
8 . |
Hardware for classification of Power Quality problems in 3-phase system using microcontroller, Journal of Cogent Engineering , ISBN No.ISSN: 2331-1916, pp.1-11, Taylor & Francis, 2018 |
9 . |
I. Kranthi Kiran, Performance comparison of FACTS controllers for transmission pricing diminution’, Cogent Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN: 2331-1916, Vol No.05, Issue No.01, pp.1-22, Taylor & Francis, March, 2018 |
10 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi Kiran, Optimal location of TCSC using particle swarm optimization technique considering transmission pricing, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy , ISBN No.ISSN: 2196-5625, Springer , 2018 |
11 . |
Data Mining for classification of Power quality problems using WEKA and the effect of attributes on classification accuracy, Journal of Protection and Control of Modern Power systems, Springer (open), 2018 |
12 . |
S.V. Padmavathi, Power System Security improvement by means of Fuzzy Adaptive Gravitational Search Algorithm based FACTS under fault condition, Journal of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer , 2018 |
13 . |
P. Sadanandam, Performance Comparison of Asymmetric Carrier Random and Dual Random PWM Algorithms for Variable Speed Drives, Asian Power Electronics Journal (APEJ), Vol No.12, Issue No.01, October, 2018 |
14 . |
Influence of thyristor-controlled series capacitor on wheeling cost incorporating the impact of real and reactive power losses, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences , 2018 |
15 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, B. Damala Rajesh babu, M.T. Naik, A Prototype Model of Augmented Solar Tracking System for Electric Vehicles, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, International Science,, ISBN No.0974-5572 , Vol No.10, Issue No.16, 2017 |
16 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, A.V.V. Sudhakar, K. Chandram, Profit based unit commitment for GENCO’s using Lagrange Relaxation-Differential Evolution, Engineering Science and Technology an International Journal , pp.738-747, Elsevier, 2017 |
17 . |
A.V.V. Sudhakar, Equal incremental Fuel Cost Approach for Multi Area Operation of Power System, Iraq Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol No.13, Issue No.01, 2017 |
18 . |
D. Venugopal, Applications of shuffled Bat Algorithm for optimal sizing and location of thyristor controlled series compensators, Journal of CPRI, ISBN No.ISSN No. 0973-0338, Vol No.13, Issue No.03, pp.433-446, September, 2017 |
19 . |
Classification and Characterisation of power Quality Problems in three phase system, Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN: 1582-4594, November, 2017 |
20 . |
P. Sadanandam, Dual Random Pulse Width Modulation Based Spread Spectrum Modulation, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, ISBN No.ISSN : 0974-5572, Vol No.10, Issue No.38, 2017 |
21 . |
P. Sadanandam, Investigation and Spectral Analysis of Space Vector Based Advanced Bus - Clamping PWM for Induction Motor Drives, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , ISBN No.ISSN 2250-2459, Vol No.07, Issue No.01, December, 2017 |
22 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, J. Bangarraju, V. Rajagopal, Power Quality Enhancement using Power Balance theory based DSTATCOM, Journal of Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Vol No.14, Issue No.01, pp.1-10, March, 2016 |
23 . |
M. Ankush Kumar, Incorporation of LVDC Concept in IEEE Recommended Practice System for Interconnecting DERs in Secondary Distribution System, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol No.07, Issue No.06, June, 2016 |
24 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Modelling, simulation & analysis of induction motor using artificial intelligent controller, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation , ISBN No.ISSN: 0228-6203, Taylor & Francis, August, 2016 |
25 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, T. Sukanth, Dr. S. Jayanthu, Power Quality Improvement in Underground Mining using DSTATCOM, International Journal of Electrical and electronics Engineering, Vol No.08, Issue No.02, December, 2016 |
26 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Ch. Radha Charan, P. Sangeetha, Optimised Energy Efficient Solution with Stand Alone PV system, International Journal of Science and Technology, Global Research and Development Services, 2016 |
27 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Gopal, Enhancement of Power System Dynamics using A Novel Series Compensation Scheme, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN: 2249-6645, Vol No.05, Issue No.01, January, 2015 |
28 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V. Padmavathi, Saratkumar Sahu, Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm Based Power System Security Analysis Using FACTS, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.05, Issue No.01, 2015 |
29 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V. Padmavathi, Saratkumar Sahu, Comparison of Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm with Genetic Algorithm Based power system security Analysis using FACTS, International Journal of Electrical Systems, February, 2015 |
30 . |
I. Kranthi Kiran, ‘Line-by-Line’ Embedded Transmission Pricing Methodologies, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , Vol No.10, Issue No.02, pp.29-34, March, 2015 |
31 . |
S.V. Padmavathi, Particle Swarm Optimization Based Composite Power System Reliability Analysis Using FACTS, International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Vol No.03, Issue No.02, April, 2015 |
32 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S. Asha Kiranmai, Data Extraction for Classification and Characterization of power quality problems, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2015 |
33 . |
T. Sukanth, Dr. S. Jayanthu, Power Quality Improvement in Underground Mining, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol No.04, Issue No.06, June, 2015 |
34 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Improving Congestion of Transmission system by Optimal placement of FACTS devices, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, ISBN No.1582-4594, Vol No.15, Issue No.02, July, 2015 |
35 . |
Optimized Power Flow Tracing Based Contract Path Method’ for Transmission pricing, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences , ISBN No.ISSN: 1995-0772 , Vol No.09, Issue No.15, pp.32-37, November, 2015 |
36 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V. Padmavathi, Saratkumar Sahu, Adaptive Fuzzy Particle Swarm Optimization Coordination of FACTS Devices to Enhance the Power System Security, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.15, Issue No.03, pp.231-241, 2015 |
37 . |
S.V. Padmavathi, Application of Gravitational Search Algorithm to Improve Power System Security by Optimal Placement of FACTS Devices, Journal of Electrical Systems , Vol No.11, Issue No.03, pp.326-342, 2015 |
38 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, A.V.V. Sudhakar, K. Chandram, Bidding Strategy in Deregulated Power Market Using Differential Evolution Algorithm, Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, Vol No.03, pp.37-46, 2015 |
39 . |
Role of Smart Grid in Disaster Management, 102nd Indian Science Congress , January, 2015 |
40 . |
Integration of Standalone Photovoltaic system for Domestic Loading, National Conference on High Voltage Engineering, ISBN No.978-81-928278-0-3, June, 2015 |
41 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi Kiran, Influence of improvement of generation dispatch together with generation scheduling on wheeling cost, Journal of Electrical Systems(JES), ISBN No.ISSN:1112–5209, Vol No.10, Issue No.01, pp.93-116, March, 2014 |
42 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Optimal Allocation of FACTS devices with multiple objectives using simple Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimisation Method, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 2231-1963, Vol No.07, Issue No.02, pp.393-402, May, 2014 |
43 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Congestion Management by Optimal choice and Allocation of FACTS controllers using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering , ISBN No.ISSN: 2231-2307, Vol No.04, Issue No.03, July, 2014 |
44 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, G.V. Nagalakshmi, Design a Hybrid wind Generator for Grid Integration and Memory Management, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, ISBN No.ISSN 2320-088X, Vol No.03, Issue No.09, pp.633-639, September, 2014 |
45 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Neural Network based Dynamic Performance of Induction Motor Drives, Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp.539-551, Springer , 2014 |
46 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Dynamic Performance of Induction Motor Drive using Hybrid Controller, International Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering, Vol No.08, Issue No.01, pp.331-346, 2014 |
47 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, A Comparative Performance Analysis Of Artificial Intelligence Techniques For Induction Motor Drive, International Journal of Electrical Engineering, pp.1-9, 2014 |
48 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, Dr. M.P. Soni, Distribution System With DVR And DG, International Journal of Electrical Engineering , 2014 |
49 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Improvement Of Stability Of HVDC Transmission System Using Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), International Journal on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI)), ISBN No.ISSN:1995-0772 , December, 2014 |
50 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Stabilisation of HVDC Transmission system using PI controller, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 3159-0040,, Vol No.01, Issue No.05, December, 2014 |
51 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Comparison of the Performance of Induction Motor Drive using Artificial Intelligent Controllers, Asian Power Electronics Journal, Vol No.08, Issue No.03, December, 2014 |
52 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Power Transfer Capability Improvement to HVDC transmission System using ANFIS Controller, Asian Power Electronics Journal, Vol No.08, Issue No.03, December, 2014 |
53 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, J. Bangarraju, V. Rajagopal, DSP Algorithm based Enhanced Phase Locked Loop Scheme for DSTATCOM, Asian Power Electronics Journal, Vol No.08, Issue No.03, December, 2014 |
54 . |
S.V. Padmavathi, Saratkumar Sahu, Power System Security Analysis Using Firing Angle Control Model of FACTS Devices, International Journal of Darshan Institute on Engineering Research and Emerging Technologies, Vol No.03, Issue No.02, 2014 |
55 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi Kiran, Optimized Multi-Utility Wheeling with Economic Generation Dispatch, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.14, Issue No.03, pp.316-323, 2014 |
56 . |
A review on Design of Standalone Photovoltaic Systems and different tracking technologies, National conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy, June, 2014 |
57 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi I. Kranthi Kiran, Power Flow Based Contract Path Method for Transmission Pricing, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), ISBN No.2231-2307, Vol No.3, Issue No.6, January, 2014 |
58 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi P.M. Menghal N. Mukhesh, Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drive using Neuro Controller, International Journal on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol No.10, Issue No.2, January, 2014 |
59 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy, P.V.N.Prasad, Reliability improvement of distribution system : A hybrid approach based on GA and NN, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), ISBN No.2231-2307, Vol No.2, Issue No.6, January, 2013 |
60 . |
Dr. A.Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya Dr.M.P.Soni, Design of Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) for Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), Vol No.4, Issue No.2, pp.52-57, February, 2013 |
61 . |
Dr. A.Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya Dr.M.P.Soni, Direct and Indirect Control Strategies of DSTATCOM Power Factor Controller, International Journal of Engineering Research Applications (IJERA), Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.1970-1975, February, 2013 |
62 . |
Dr. A.Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya Dr.M.P.Soni, Design of DSTATCOM as Voltage Controller with Direct and Indirect Control Strategies, International Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology (IJESAT), Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.15-20, February, 2013 |
63 . |
Dr. A.Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya Dr.M.P.Soni, Interline Power Quality Conditioner (IUPQC) for Power Quality Improvement, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.480-484, April, 2013 |
64 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, AVV. Sudhakar Dr. K. Chandram, Multi Area Economic Dispatch using Secant Method, International Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol No.8, Issue No.4, pp.744-751, March, 2013 |
65 . |
Dr. A.Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya Dr.M.P.Soni, Optimal Placement of Distribution Generation in Radial Distribution System, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Electrical and Electronics (IJETEE), Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.74-80, April, 2013 |
66 . |
Dr. A.Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya Dr.M.P.Soni, Optimal Voltage Regulators Placement in Radial Distribution System using Fuzzy Logic, International Journal of Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Vol No.2, Issue No.4, pp.331-338, April, 2013 |
67 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V.Padmavathi Saratkumar Sahu, Optimal Placement of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor to Reduce the Transmission loss, International Journal of Engineering Research, ISBN No.2319-6890, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.101-105, April, 2013 |
68 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V.Padmavathi Saratkumar Sahu, Application of Unified Power Flow Controller to Enhance the Power System Transient Stability, ISST Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ISBN No.0976-7363, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.1-6, June , 2013 |
69 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V.Padmavathi Saratkumar Sahu, Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) to Enhance the Optimal Power Flow, International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), Vol No.3, Issue No.5, May, 2013 |
70 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi P.M. Menghal, Application of Artificial Intelligence Controller for Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drives, Asian Power Electronics Journal, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, September, 2013 |
71 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Application of HVDC with FACTS Controller for Stabilization of power Transmission Capability, International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering (IJEE), pp.662-669, January, 2012 |
72 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy P.V.N.Prasad, Optimal Number and Location of DGs to Improve Reliability of Distribution System using Genetic Algorithm, International Review on Modeling and Simulation s (IREMOS), Vol No.5, Issue No.2, pp.561-567, April, 2012 |
73 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao Mostafa Kazeminehad, Modeling And Control Of Hybrid Photovoltaic Wind Energy Conversion System, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, (IJAET), ISBN No.2231-1963, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.192-201, May, 2012 |
74 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Direct Torque Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator based Wind turbine under Voltage Dips, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, (IJAET), ISBN No.2231-1963, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.711-720, May, 2012 |
75 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy, P.V.N.Prasad, Power Quality Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal Placement and Power Generation of DGs using GA and NN, European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR), ISBN No.1450-216X, Vol No.69, Issue No.3, pp.326-336, 2012 |
76 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy P.V.N.Prasad, Optimal Number and Location of DGS to Improve Power Quality of Distribution System Using Particle Swarm Optimization, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application (IJERA), ISBN No.2248-9622, Vol No.2, Issue No.3, pp.3077-3082, May, 2012 |
77 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Modulation and control Techniques of Matrix Converter, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, (IJAET), ISBN No.2231-1963, Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.711-720, May, 2012 |
78 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Prathap Raju, Soft Switched DC-DC PWM converters, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, ISBN No.2278-0181, Vol No.1, Issue No.6, pp.1-9, August , 2012 |
79 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V.Padmavathi Saratkumar Sahu, Particle Swarm Optimization Based control settings of TCSC for improving reliability of Composite Power System, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975-8887, Vol No.55, Issue No.14, pp.36-39, October, 2012 |
80 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Comparison of the Performance of DTC of Induction Generator in Wind Energy Conversion System With PI and Neural Controllers, International Journal by ELSEVIER, Vol No.2, pp.275-281, AASRI Procedia, 2012 |
81 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Comparison of the Performance of Vector control and direct power control of induction generator in wind energy conversion system, International Journal by ELSEVIER, Vol No.2, pp.268-274, AASRI Procedia, 2012 |
82 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, I . Swathi, Stability enhancement Of HVDC system using fuzzy based STATCOM, International Journal by ELSEVIER, Vol No.2, pp.205-215, AASRI Procedia, 2012 |
83 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Rayudu.K, G.Yesuratnam, Dedeepya.Y, Genetic algorithm optimization of generator reactive power, International Journal by ELSEVIER, Vol No.2, pp.192-198, AASRI Procedia, 2012 |
84 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K.Sandhya, Dr. M.P.Soni, Design of PI and fuzzy controllers for DVR, International Journal by ELSEVIER, Vol No.2, pp.149-155, AASRI Procedia, 2012 |
85 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P M Menghal, Adaptive Nero-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) based simulation of induction motor drives, International Review on Modeling and Simulation (IREMOS), ISBN No.1974-9821, Vol No.5, Issue No.5, pp.2007-2016, October, 2012 |
86 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K.Ram Mohan Reddy , Implementation of Custom Power Product DSTATCOM in Power Sector, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences, ISBN No.2278-6252, Vol No.1, Issue No.5, pp.43-55, November, 2012 |
87 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P M Menghal, Artificial Intelligence Based Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drives, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE), ISBN No.2278-1676, Vol No.3, Issue No.5, pp.37-45, Decemeber, 2012 |
88 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Stability Enhancement of HVDC system using PI based STATCOM, International Review of Automatic Control (IREACO), Vol No.5, November, 2012 |
89 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Modeling and Control of Variable Pitch and Variable Speed Wind Turbine by using Matrix Converter, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), ISBN No.0975 – 8887, 2011 |
90 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P M Menghal, Real Time control of Electrical Machine and Drives: A Review, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET) , ISBN No.2231-1963, Vol No. 1, Issue No. 4, pp.112-126, September, 2011 |
91 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Enhancement of Power Transmission Capability of HVDC System Using FACTS Controllers, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET) , ISBN No.2231-1963, Vol No.1, Issue No.5, pp.401-416, November, 2011 |
92 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Dr. G. Tulasi Ram Das, Detection of Power Quality Disturbances Using Wavelet Transforms, International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol No.Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.61-66, April, 2010 |
93 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao , Neural Controller Based Direct Torque Control Of Induction Generator In Wind Energy Conversion System, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Systems (IJEEES), ISBN No.ISSN: 0974- 4967, Vol No.Vol. 03, Issue No.Issue No 01, September, 2010 |
94 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P M Menghal, Real Time Simulation: Recent Progress and Perspective, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Systems (IJEEES) , ISBN No.0974- 4967, Vol No.Vol. 03, Issue No.Issue No 01, September, 2010 |
95 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, M. P. Soni, Power Quality enhancement in Distribution systems using Dynamic Voltage Restorer, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Systems (IJEEES) , ISBN No.0974- 4967, Vol No.Vol. 04, Issue No.Issue No 01, October, 2010 |
96 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi kiran, Wheeling and Wheeling cost computation methodologies, International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Systems (IJEEES) , ISBN No.0974- 4967, Vol No.Vol. 04, Issue No.Issue No 01, October, 2010 |
97 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Dr. G.Tulasi Ram Das, Detection of High-Impedance faults in Transmission lines using Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Asian Research Publishing Network, May, 2009 |
98 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Dr. G.Tulasi Ram Das, Wavelet based Neural Networks for Detection, Classification, Localization and Controlling of Voltage Sags using Interline Power Quality Conditioner, International Journal of Engineering Research & Industrial Applications (IJERIA), Vol No.Vol. 1, No. VI, pp.309-328, Ascent Publication, 2008 |
99 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Dr. G.Tulasi Ram Das, Distinction Between Transient and Permanent Faults Using Wavelet Transform, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562 , Vol No.Vol. 3, Number 11, pp.1523-1534, Research India, 2008 |
100 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Dr.G.Tulasi Ram Das, Dr. K. Uma Rao., Role of PI & Fuzzy Controllers in Unified Power Quality Conditioner, International Journal of Engineering &Applied Sciences, Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN), Pakistan. April 2007, pp.1931-1941, April, 2007 |
101 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Dr. G.Tulasi Ram Das, Detection, Classification, Localization and Controlling of voltage Swells using IUPQC through Wavelet based Neural Networks, International Journal of Applied Theory and Information Technology (JATIT), April, 2007 |
102 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Different control strategies for Unified Power Quality Conditioner at load side, 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2006), Marina Mandarin, Singapore, May, 2006 |
103 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design of New Hybrid Fuzzy Controller for Direct Torque Control Based Induction Motor Drives, International Conference on PEITSICON 2005 Calcutta, January, 2005 |
104 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P M Menghal, Fuzzy based Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drive, International Journal on Mechanical & Automobile (IJMAE), ISBN No.0974-231X |
National Journals |
1 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Harmonic Analysis of Induction Motor Drive using Neural Network, i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, September, 2013 |
2 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Enhancement of Power Transmission Capability of VSC-HVDC System Using Fuzzy controller, i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, March, 2012 |
3 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Stability of VSC-HVDC System Using Fuzzy Controller, The Indian Journal of Technical Education, (Special Issue for NCEVT’12), April, 2012 |
4 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Dr Tulasi Ram Das, Diagnosis of Power Quality Disturbances Using Wavelet Transforms, i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, June , 2010 |
5 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Direct Torque Control Of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator In Wind Energy Conversion System, 4 th issue of Hindustan Journal, ISBN No.0975-8445 |
International Conference |
1 . |
Dr.A.Jayalaxmi, Eswaraiah G, Protection of DC Bus Using Solid-State DC Breaker, 2nd International conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation , Issue No.DOI: 10.1109/SeFeT55524.2022.9909364, IEEE, August, 2022 |
2 . |
Dr.A.Jayalaxmi, Eswaraiah G, Protection of DC Line with Distributed Generator in Intentional Islanding Mode, International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems(ICAISS-2022), ISBN No.978-1-6654-8961-4, Issue No., pp.1257-1261, IEEE, November, 2022 |
3 . |
Dr.A.Jaya Laxmi, S Venkateshwarlu and G manohar, Enhancement of Low Voltage Ride Through Capability of Doubly fed Induction Generator Based Wind Turbine Fuzzy Logic ControllerUsing, E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01047 (2021), ICMED, 2021 |
4 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Dr. Prashant Menghal, Artificial Intelligence Based Real Time Control of Induction Motor Using dSPACE Controller, International Conference on Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation & Control, Springer, February, 2020 |
5 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Dr. Prashant Menghal, Dynamic Modelling, Simulation & Analysis of High Power Induction Motor, IEEE First International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy and Control (STPEC), pp.1-6, September, 2020 |
6 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Dr. P.M. Menghal, Real Time Control of Induction Motor Drives, 3rd Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering, January, 2019 |
7 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P. Sadanandam, P. Poonam Upadhyay, Modulated Frequency Triangular Carrier (MFTC) based Space Vector PWM technique for spreading Induction Motor Acoustic noise spectrum, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Springer India, March, 2019 |
8 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Power System Security Analysis using FACTS devices by means of Intelligent and Hybrid techniques under different loading conditions, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical & Electronics Engineering , July, 2019 |
9 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, An improved active frequency drift islanding detection using fuzzy logic technique, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials , December, 2019 |
10 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Optimal Use of Power Generated by Renewable Energy Sources Using Linear Programming Method, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials , December, 2019 |
11 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Intentional Islanding and power restoration in distribution network using Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Logic Technique, International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, December, 2019 |
12 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Pratapa Raju, IOT based Online Load Forecasting using Machine Learning Algorithms, 3rd International Conference on Computing and Network Communications, pp.551-560, Elsevier, 2019 |
13 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Real Time Control of Induction Motor Using Neural Network, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology , 2018 |
14 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, A.V.V. Sudhakar, K. Chandram, Optimal bidding strategy in de-regulated power market using invasive weed optimization, International Conference on Signals, Machines and Automation, February, 2018 |
15 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Ch. Anjamma, R. Pradeep, Y. Shiva kumar, Design, Modeling and Simulation of an AC Microgrid Protection System with Centralised Protection Unit, International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Electronics, Power, Smart Grids & Advanced Computing Technologies, March, 2018 |
16 . |
98. A. Jaya Laxmi, Modulated Frequency Triangular Carrier (MFTC) based Space Vector PWM technique for spreading Induction Motor Acoustic noise spectrum, International Conference ICETE-2019 held at Osmania University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2018 |
17 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P. Sadanandam, P. Poonam Upadhyay, Fuzzy based Random Pulse Width Modulation Technique for Performance Improvement of Induction Motor, 5th IEEE International Electrical Engineering Congress, March, 2017 |
18 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Pratapa Raju, A novel load management algorithm for EMU by implementing demand side management techniques using ANN, International conference on electrical and computing technologies and applications, November, 2017 |
19 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Improving Voltage Stability by Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based on Genetic Algorithm and Linear Programming Technique, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques , March, 2016 |
20 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi Kiran, Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor Effective Incremental Transmission Pricing Determination, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques , March, 2016 |
21 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Optimal reactive Power Research to improve Voltage Stability, International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies, March, 2016 |
22 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Based On Particle Swarm Optimization and LP Technique, International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends, March, 2016 |
23 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Voltage Stability Enhancement Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and LP Technique, International Conference on Emerging Technological Trends, March, 2016 |
24 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ankush Kumar, Application of Intentional Islanding Algorithm for Distributed Energy Resources in Disaster Management, IEEE International Conference on “Power System Technologies ", Australia, September, 2016 |
25 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Application of Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Voltage Profile Improvement, Recent Trends in Power Systems and Drives , October, 2016 |
26 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, T. Sukanth, S. Jayanthu, Mitigation of Power quality problem in Underground mine using Different Control Strategies, IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, December, 2016 |
27 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Induction Motor Drives, 4th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp.403-416, Springer India, 2015 |
28 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ramesh, Enhancement of Power Transfer Capability of HVDC Transmission System Using Fuzzy Logic Controller, 4th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer India, 2015 |
29 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Genetic Algorithm and Linear Programming Approach for Minimizing Power Loss, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communications and Optimization, January, 2015 |
30 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, M. Ankush Kumar, Design of PV – Wind Hybrid Micro Grid System for Domestic Loading, I-manager’s International Conference on Engineering and Technology, April, 2015 |
31 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, M. Ankush Kumar, SVPWM Based Converter for PMSG Based Wind Power Generation System, Fourth International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems, December, 2015 |
32 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, A.V.V. Sudhakar, K. Chandram, Multi Area Economic Dispatch with Tie line Loss using ?-concept and Tie line matrix, IEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, pp.352-357, December, 2015 |
33 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ankush Kumar, Rama Krishna, Yakanna, Implementation of DC Lighting & Fan Loads in a Solar Powered Home, Fifth International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, December, 2015 |
34 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Ankush Kumar, Himaja, Implementation of Solar Powered DC Pumping System for Irrigation, Fifth International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, December, 2015 |
35 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, N. Mukhesh, Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drive Using Artifical Intelligent Controller, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication Calcutta, India, February, 2014 |
36 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Comparative Analysis for Various Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied to Induction Motor Drives, International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering (CCPE) Chennai, India, February, 2014 |
37 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. V. Naga Lakshmi, V. Viswanatha Reddy, Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Multiple Distributed Generators using Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing (CNC) Chennai, India, February, 2014 |
38 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. V. Naga Lakshmi, S. Vijender Reddy, Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Distributed Generation in Distribution Network using Ant Colony Search Algorithm, International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network and Computing (CNC) Chennai, India, February, 2014 |
39 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Prasanth Menghal, Neural Network based Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drive, IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy & Control (ICPEC 2013) Dindigul, India, February, 2013 |
40 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V. Padmavathi, Saratkumar Sahu, Power System Security Enhancement through the coupled model of Unified Power Flow Controller, International Conference on Energy & Power Engineering (ICEPE), Coimbatore, India, ISBN No.978-93-82208-63-1, February, 2013 |
41 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy, P.V.N.Prasad, Power Loss Reduction and Reliability Improvement of Radial Distribution System by Distributed Generator Using Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm, IEEE- International Conference on Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology (ICRDPET 2013) EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India, ISBN No.978-1-4673-4948-2, March, 2013 |
42 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Prasanth Menghal, Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Based Dynamic Simulation of Induction Motor Drives, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2013) Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad, India, ISBN No.978-1-4799-0020-6, July, 2013 |
43 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, J. Bangaraju, V. Rajgopal, Shunt Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement Using Reduced Sensor Switching Control Strategy, by Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS-2013), October, 2013 |
44 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Venkata Padmavathi S, Saratkumar Sahu, Modeling and Simulation of Static Var Compensator to Enhance the Power System Security, 2013 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia) GITAM, VIZAG., Decemeber, 2013 |
45 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, P.M. Menghal, Neural Network Based Dynamic Performance of Induction Motor Drives, 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing on Problem Solving (SOCPros-2013) Greater Noida Extension Centre of IIT Roorkee , Decemeber, 2013 |
46 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Fuzzy logic based indirect vector control of induction generator in wind energy conversion system, International conference on Power, Signals, Control and Computations (EPSCICON-2012) Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, January, 2012 |
47 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M Ramesh, Fault Identification in HVDC using Artificial Intelligence – Recent Trends and Perspective, International conference on Power, Signals, Control and Computations (EPSCICON-2012) Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, January, 2012 |
48 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M Ramesh, A. Anjana Devi, Application of HVDC with FACTS Controllers for Stabilization of Power Transmission Capability, Recent Advances and Challenges in Energy 2012 (RACE-2012), Manipal Institute of Technology, January, 2012 |
49 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Optimal location of UPFC under single contingencies using GA, International Conference on Renewable Energy Utilisation (ICREU-2012) at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, January, 2012 |
50 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M Ramesh, Stability of Power Transmission Capability of HVDC System using FACTS Controllers, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI – 2012), Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Sri Shakthi Nagar, Coimbatore, India, January, 2012 |
51 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. V. Nagalaxmi, V. Venkata Ramana, Optimal Allocation and Contingency Analysis of Embedded Generation Deployment in Distribution Network using Genetic Algorithm, International Conference on Computing Electronics & Electrical Technologies (ICCEET 2012) Noorul Islam University , March, 2012 |
52 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P.V. N. Prasad, S. Chandrasekhar Reddy, Reliability improvement of Distribution Systems by Optimal Placement of DG’s using PSO and Neural Network, International Conference on Computing Electronics & Electrical Technologies (ICCEET 2012) organized by Noorul Islam University, March, 2012 |
53 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Manohar, HVDC Connection of Offshore Power Plants, International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tirupati, June , 2012 |
54 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy, P.V.N.Prasad, Power Quality and Reliability Improvement of Distribution System by Optimal Number, Location and Size of DG’s Using Particle Swarm Optimization, IEEE Seventh International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS)”, IIT, Madras, August , 2012 |
55 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Prasanth Menghal, Imaan Aflaki, Comparative approach to different AI based simulation of Induction Motor, AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System 2012 Hong Kong, China, September, 2012 |
56 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Sandhya, M.P.Soni, Design of PI and FUZZY Controllers for Dynamic Voltage Restorer(DVR), Hong Kong, China International conference on Power and Energy System 2012, September, 2012 |
57 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K.Rayudu, G.Yesuratnam, Y.Dedeepya, Genetic Algorithm optimization of Generator Reactive power, AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System 2012 Hong Kong, China, September, 2012 |
58 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M.Ramesh, I.Swathi, enhancement of HVDC system using FUZZY based STATCOM, AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System 2012 Hong Kong, China, September, 2012 |
59 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Yerra Srinivasa Rao, Comparison of the performance of DTC of Induction Generators in wind energy conversion system with PI & Neutral controllers, AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System 2012 Hong Kong, China, September, 2012 |
60 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Yerra Srinivasa Rao, Comparison of the performance vector control and Direct power control of Induction generator in wind energy conversion system, AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System 2012 Hong Kong, China, September, 2012 |
61 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, S.V. Padmavathi, Saratkumar Sahu, Available Transfer Capability Enhancement by using Particle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm based FACTS Allocation, 2012 Asia Pacific Conference on Post Graduate Research in Microelectronics & Electronics (PRIMEASIA 2012) BITS Hyderabad, Decemeber, 2012 |
62 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K.Rayudu, G.Yesuratnam, Y.Dedeepya, Multi Objective Comparison of GA and LP Techniques for Generator Reactive Power Optimisation, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology, Murthal. Delhi 2012 IEEE Fifth POWER INDIA Conference, , Decemeber, 2012 |
63 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Control of DC Link Voltage in grid-connected wind energy conversion System, International Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering & Advanced Computing (ICNEAC-2011) Swarnandhra College of Engineering and Technology , Narsapur, July, 2011 |
64 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M Ramesh, Artificial Intelligence Based Stability in HVDC System-A Review, First International conference on Power Electronics and Controls (ICEPEC 2012), PSG College of Technology Coimbatore , India, November, 2011 |
65 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Enhancement of power system performance using TCSC, International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies (ICORET-2011), held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil nadu, Decemeber, 2011 |
66 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P. M. Menghal, Real Time Simulation: Recent Progress & Challenges, IEEE 2nd International conference on Power, Signals, Control & Computation (EPSCICON 2012), Vidya Academy Of Science & Technology, Thrissur, India, January, 2011 |
67 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Modeling and controller design of wind energy conversion system with Matrix converter, International conference & Workshop on Emerging trends in Technology 2011 (ICWET-2011) Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai., February, 2011 |
68 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P. M. Menghal, Real Time Simulation: A Novel Approach in Engineering Education, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2011) Vi Institute of Technology, Chennai, IEEE and Marthandam college of Engineering and Technology, Kanyakumari, India pp., April, 2011 |
69 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Vector control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in wind energy conversion System, International Conference on Machine Intelligence Application to Power, Signal Processing, Communication and Control (MIPSCCON-2011) GMR institute of Technology, Rajam., April, 2011 |
70 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, S.Chandrashekhar Reddy, Power Quality and Reliability Improvement By Distributed Generation in Distribution System, International Conference on Energy, Water & Environment (ICEWE), Bhubaneswar, September, 2011 |
71 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi,, Dr Tulasi Ram Das, M. Sushama, Classification of power quality disturbances using fuzzy expert system, 1st International Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies (ICAECT 2010) MIT, Manipal, Karnataka. INDIA,, January, 2010 |
72 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Control and Design Simulation of Four-Leg Inverter for UPS Application, International Multi Conference on Intelligent Systems & Nanotechnology (IISN-2010) INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KLAWAD (ISTK) - Jagadhri, Haryana (INDIA)., February, 2010 |
73 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi Kiran, Cost of Wheeling and wheeling cost methodologies in Deregulated Electricity Industry, First International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems and Management (IISM 2010), RVS College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu., June , 2010 |
74 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, M. P. Soni, Direct and Indirect Control Strategies of Dynamic Voltage Restorer, International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering – CCPE Chennai, India Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), June , 2010 |
75 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P. M. Menghal, Transient Behaviors Of DC Motor Using Controller: Teaching and Research, International Conference On Electrical Power And Energy Systems (ICEPES – 2010), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Bhopal., August , 2010 |
76 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, M. P. Soni, Impact Of DSTATCOM And DVR In Distribution System, International Conference On Electrical Power And Energy Systems (ICEPES – 2010) P476), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Bhopal., August , 2010 |
77 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, P. M. Menghal, Real Time Control of Electrical Machine Drives: A Review, IEEE International Conference on Power, Control & Embedded Systems (ICPCES- 2010) to be held at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT), Allahabad, November, 2010 |
78 . |
22. A.Jaya Laxmi, Dr Tulasi Ram Das, M. Sushama, Custom Power Solutions By DVR, Dstatcom & SSTC, International Conference on “Intelligent Systems And Networks (IISN-08) JAGADRI, Haryana, February, 2008 |
79 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi , G. Tulasi Ram Das, M. Sushama, Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Mitigation of Voltage Sag using Wavelets, International conference on Intelligent Systems and Networks (IISN)- Jagadhri, Haryana , February, 2007 |
80 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi , G. Tulasi Ram Das, M. Sushama, Mitigation of Voltage Sags with Dynamic Voltage Restorer using Wavelets, International Conference on “Recent Advancements & Applications of Computers in Electrical Engineering” RACE-2007, Bikaner, Rajasthan, March, 2007 |
81 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, High Speed Fault Identification in a HVDC system using Wavelet Modulus Maxima, Second International conference on Industrial & Information Systems (ICIIS-2007), University of Peredinya, Sri Lanka , August , 2007 |
82 . |
20. A. Jaya Laxmi , G. Tulasi Ram Das, M. Sushama, Ch. Prasanth Babu, High Speed Fault Identification in a HVDC system using Wavelet Modulus Maxima, International conference MS’07 held in Calcutta, Decemeber, 2007 |
83 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, G.Tulasi Ram Das, M. Sushama, K.Uma Rao, M.Aruna Bharathi, K.Rayudu, Improving the Quality Of Power using UPQC Through Wavelet Transforms, International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS – 2007), Decemeber, 2007 |
84 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Comparison of PI & ANN controllers for Unified Series Shunt Compensator (UPQC), IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi, April, 2006 |
85 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Unified Power Quality Conditioner for improving different Power Quality Problems, International Conference on PEITSICON 2005, Calcutta, January, 2005 |
86 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Multifunction of a Unified Power Flow Controller, 5th International R&D Conference, Central Board of Irrigation & Power Bangalore, India, February, 2005 |
87 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Comparison of PI & Fuzzy control strategies of Unified Power Quality Conditioner, International Conference Recent Advances of Computer Applications to Electrical Engineering IIT Rourkee, Uttar Pradesh, India, September, 2005 |
88 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Analysis & Simulation of Unified Power Quality Conditioner with various control strategies, 68th Annual Meeting of Institution of Engineers ( Khairatabad), October, 2005 |
89 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design of PI & Fuzzy control strategies for Unified Power Quality Conditioner at load side, International Seminar and tutorials at Central Power Research Institute, Banglore, Decemeber, 2005 |
90 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design, Control and Simulation of Unified Power Flow Controller using MATLAB, 4th IASTED Conference on Energy and Power Systems at Rhodes, Greece, Europe, June , 2004 |
91 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design & Compensation Strategy for Unified Power Quality Conditioner, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET 2004), Kalinga University, Bhubaneshwar, Decemeber, 2004 |
92 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, C. Radhakrishna, J. Amarnath, Detection of transmission line fault using Artificial Neural Network, International Conference on Energy, Automation and Information Technology 2001 at IIT, Kharaghpur, Decemeber, 2001 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Eswaraiah G, A Review paper on AC/DC Micro-Grid Protection, All India Seminar on Load Management in Electrical Power Systems in India, March, 2020 |
2 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, Kranthi kiran, Optimal electric power wheeling for effective load management, All India Seminar on Load Management in Electrical Power Systems in India, March, 2020 |
3 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, P. Soumya, R. Pradeep, G. Saisiri, D. Shivani, Analysis of Anti Islanding Techniques in distributed Energy Resources, All India Seminar on Policies of Governments, Paradigms Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Electrical Power in India, February, 2020 |
4 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, P. Soumya, R. Pradeep, B. Sateesh, D. Vyshnavi, Design and Develop a Priority Based Converter for Micro grid, All India Seminar on Policies of Governments, Paradigms Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Electrical Power in India, February, 2020 |
5 . |
Dr. A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Rayudu, G. Yesuratnam, Artificial Intelligence Techniques Application to Reactive Power Dispatch for Voltage Profile Improvement, All India Seminar on Policies of Governments, Paradigms Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Electrical Power in India, February, 2020 |
6 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, S. Asha Kiranmai, Detailed Classification of Various Categories of Power Quality Problems, National Conference on Power Distribution (NCPD), DSD-CPRI, Bangalore, February, 2014 |
7 . |
S.V. Padmavathi, Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution Approach to analyze power system security using Unified Power Flow Controller, National conference on Innovative Techniques in Power Engineering & Drives, March, 2014 |
8 . |
Modeling and control of Wind energy conversion system with Back to Back Converters, national conference on Recent trends in Power Systems and Power Electronics (NCPSPE-2012 ) BVC Engineering College, Amalapuram, A.P, February, 2012 |
9 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, G.Manohar, Modular Multilevel Converters-A Review, BVC Engineering College, Amalapuram, A.P. national conference on Recent trends in Power Systems and Power Electronics (NCPSPE-2012 ) , February, 2012 |
10 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Hybrid Algorithm for MPPT of Wind Energy Conversion System, National Conference on National Power Sector Scenario - prospects, Challenges and Opportunities (NPSS-2012) Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, April, 2012 |
11 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M Ramesh, Stability of VSC-HVDC System Using Fuzzy Controller, National Conference on Emerging Vistas of Technology in 21st Century “FUTURISTIC TRENDS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING” (NCEVT’12), April, 2012 |
12 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Modeling of FACTS controllers for load flow studies, National conference on Electrical Sciences (NCES-12), at Annamacharya Institute of Technology & Science, Rajampet, Cuddapah, A.P, September, 2012 |
13 . |
A Jaya Laxmi, P. M.Menghal, Artificial intelligence Based Simulation of Induction Motor Drive, Michael Faraday IET India Summit, Kolkata, India, November, 2012 |
14 . |
A . Jaya Laxmi, P. M. Menghal, State of the Art of Intelligent Control of Induction Motor Drives, Michael Faraday IET India Summit, Kolkata, India, November, 2012 |
15 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, M. Sushama, Generalized PWM algorithm for VSI fed induction motor drives based on unique zero sequence signal over the entire modulation region, Annual IEEE India Conference INDICON 2011 BITS, Pilani, Hyderabad , Decemeber, 2011 |
16 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Comparison of Shunt FACTS devices to improve power system transient stability, National Conference on Recent Trends and Practices in Electrical Engineering-Future prospects and challenges (RTPEEP-11) at Kamala Institute of Technology & Science, Huzurabad, Karimnagar, March, 2011 |
17 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, K. Ram Mohan Reddy, A Custom Power Product DSTATCOM, A National Conference RTPEEP – 2011 organised by Kamala Institute of Technology and Sciences, Huzurabad, Warangal, March, 2011 |
18 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Direct Torque Control of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator in Wind Energy Conversion System, National Conference on Energy, Systems and Control, April, 2011 |
19 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, I. Kranthi Kiran, Embedded Wheeling cost Methodologies in Deregulated Electricity Industry, National Conference on Special Electrical Machines and Systems (SEMS 2010) organized by BHEL, Corporate R&D Division, Hyderabad , February, 2010 |
20 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, M. P. Soni, Mitigation of Voltage Sag/Swell Using DVR, Ernakulam, Kerala, India National Conference conducted by Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT 2010),, May, 2010 |
21 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, M. P. Soni, Impact of DVR on the Dynamic Performance of Distribution System, National conference -CPEDS 2010, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP., May, 2010 |
22 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Gopal, Optimal Location of Static VAR compensator Device for reducing damping oscillations, National conference on Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering (NCEEE-10) 1. Dept of Electrical & Electronics Engg., Adams Engg., College, Paloncha, Bhadrachalam, Andhra Pradesh., June , 2010 |
23 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, K. Sandhya, M. P. Soni, Power Quality improvement in Distribution system using DSTATCOM, National conference Power Systems Today (PST 2010), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP., June , 2010 |
24 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, J. Bangarraju, K. Rayudu, Application of Decoupled Feed Forward Control to a Permanent Magnet Motor Drive Based on three phase voltage source PWM Rectifier to Improve Power Quality, 73rd Annual General Meeting held at Institution of Engineers, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, October, 2010 |
25 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, D. Venugopal, Optimal location of TCSC in Multimachine transmission system using Genetic Algorithm, National level conference on Advanced Power System (NCAPS-10) K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik, Maharashtra , November, 2010 |
26 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Y. Sreenivasa Rao, Direct Power Control of Grid connected Doubly fed induction generator, National level conference organized by Institution of Engineers (INDIA) , Chandrapur, Decemeber, 2010 |
27 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, Dr. K. Uma Rao, Dr. M. Sushama, N. Tejasri Devi, Hardware Implementation of Single Phase Dynamic Voltage Restorer, 16th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2010) University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad., Decemeber, 2010 |
28 . |
A.Jaya Laxmi, Dr Tulasi Ram Das, K. Chandana, M. Sushama, Classification of Power Signal Disturbances Using Wavelet Based Neural Network, IEEE Power India Conference (POWERCON-08) IIT Delhi, India, October, 2008 |
29 . |
A. Jayalaxmi, K.Rayudu, J.Bangarraju, G.Tulasi Ram Das, K.Uma Rao, Voltage Sag Compensation by Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer, 3rd National Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies (AECT 2009) Dept of Electrical & Electronics Engg, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University., April, 2008 |
30 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design and control strategy of Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (EAR-2005), , Decemeber, 2005 |
31 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design & Control of Power Quality using Active Power Quality Conditioner, Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (EAR-2004), Department of Electrical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur , Decemeber, 2004 |
32 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Adaptive Unified Power Flow Controller for improvement of Transient Stability performance, Twelth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2004) held at IIT, Chennai, Decemeber, 2004 |
33 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Design, Control and Simulation of Unified Power Flow Controller, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Power System Operation and Control at Gayathri Vidhya Parishad College of Engineering, VIZAG, Decemeber, 2003 |
34 . |
A. Jaya Laxmi, G. Tulasi Ram Das, K. Uma Rao, Control Strategy of Unified Power Flow Controller, National Conference on Digital Convergence for Quality Education conducted by Computer Society of India at Guru Nanak Engineering College, Hyderabad, Decemeber, 2003 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Conference on National Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (NCRSE-2014), JNTUH College of Engineering in collaboration with Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad., 27-06-2014 to 28-06-2014 |
Organized a Refresher Course on Artificial Intelligence and its applications to Power Systems, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad-85., 24-06-2013 to 13-07-2013 |
Organized a Refresher Course on Recent Trends in Deregulation of Power Systems, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 13-06-2011 to 02-07-2011 |
Organized a Workshop on Effective Communication and Soft Skills for Academicians, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 17-01-2011 to 22-01-2011 |
Organized a Workshop on e-learning & effective teaching, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 24-09-2010 to 25-09-2010 |
Organized a Refresher Course on Real Time Operation and Control of Power Systems, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 16-02-2009 to 06-03-2009 |
Organized a Refresher Course on Advances in Power Electronics and their applications to drives and Power Systems, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 10-11-2008 to 29-11-2008 |
Organized a Refresher Course on Advances in Power Electronics and their applications to drives and Power Systems, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 07-11-2005 to 26-11-2005 |
Presented |
1. |
Presented a paper in Latest Trends and Challenges in Electric Vehicle Technology and Battery Management Systems-Advancements in Research in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre-JNTUH Kukatpally,Hyderabad, 04-10-2021 to 12-10-2021 |
Resource Person |
1. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on one week technical workshop, Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, 12-02-2016 to 18-02-2016 |
2. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on one day Technical Fest (CAPAREENZIA-2k13)., Narsimha Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, 14-08-2013 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Workshop on Technology Enhanced learning for Academic Administrators – HoDs, UGC – HRDC, JNTUH, 18-11-2019 to 20-11-2019 |
2. |
Participated in a Workshop on Women Conclave, Infosys Technical Round Table at Infosys Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad., 22-03-2019 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on Advances in Clean Energy Conversion Technologies and Materials for Energy Storage Applications, Sri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra and Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, 24-01-2019 to 25-01-2019 |
4. |
Participated in a Workshop on Leadership & Research Challenges for Profession Women (Take Command, Be empowered and own your future), Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering (A), OU, 04-01-2019 to 05-01-2019 |
5. |
Participated in a Workshop on Achieving Excellence in Engineering Education, Institution of Engineers (India), Himachal Pradesh State Centre, Shimla, 24-05-2018 to 28-05-2018 |
6. |
Participated in a Workshop on NBA Workshop on SAR filling through Active Instructional Methods, UGC Auditorium JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 14-12-2017 to 16-12-2017 |
7. |
Participated in a Workshop on NBA Workshop on SAR filling through Active Instructional Methods, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Port Blair, 29-11-2017 to 30-11-2017 |
8. |
Participated in a Workshop on Public Participation in Promoting Integrity and Eradicating Corruption, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 05-11-2016 |
9. |
Participated in a Conference on International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS-2016), R.L. Jalappa Instituted of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore, 11-02-2016 to 13-02-2016 |
10. |
Participated in a Conference on Fifth International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER)-2015, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India., 15-12-2015 to 17-12-2015 |
11. |
Participated in a Conference on Fourth International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS), NIT, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India, 07-12-2015 to 08-12-2015 |
12. |
Participated in a Workshop on Digital Signal Processors Controlled Power Electronic Converters and Drives, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Warangal., 28-09-2015 to 30-09-2015 |
13. |
Participated in a Conference on I-manager’s International Conference on Engineering and Technology(IICET), Poovar Island Resorts, Trivandrum, Kerala., 10-04-2015 to 11-04-2015 |
14. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power Electronic Applications for Renewable Integration, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur., 30-03-2015 to 31-03-2015 |
15. |
Participated in a Workshop on Recent Trends in Renewable Energy Utilisation Systems, Centre for Energy & Centre for Educational Technology, IIT, Guwahati., 23-01-2015 to 24-01-2015 |
16. |
Participated in a Workshop on NBA accreditation (Under TEQIP - II), Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 12-12-2014 |
17. |
Participated in a Workshop on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IITM, Chennai., 09-12-2014 to 10-12-2014 |
18. |
Participated in a Conference on 1st International Conference on Science, Engineering and Management Research-2014 (ICSEMR-2014), Veltech Multitech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Shakuntala Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai, Tamilnadu., 27-11-2014 to 29-11-2014 |
19. |
Participated in a Conference on 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS-2013), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,India at Kathmandu, Nepal, 28-10-2013 to 30-10-2013 |
20. |
Participated in a Conference on IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2013), Hyderabad International Convention Center, Hyderabad, India, 07-07-2013 to 10-07-2013 |
21. |
Participated in a Workshop on High Voltage Engineering, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad., 06-03-2013 to 08-03-2013 |
22. |
Participated in a Symposium on Microgrids: Laboratory to real markets, Mahindra Satyam Danube Auditorium, Hyderabad organized by IEEE Power and Energy, Hyderabad section., 22-02-2013 to 23-02-2013 |
23. |
Participated in a Tutorial on Power Electronics and Smart Grid, BITS, Pilani, Hyderabad, 15-12-2012 |
24. |
Participated in a Conference on AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System, Hong Kong, China., 04-09-2012 to 05-09-2012 |
25. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Modern Control Techniques for Power Systems, VNR VJIET, Hyderabad., 18-06-2012 to 30-06-2012 |
26. |
Participated in a Conference on International Conference on Energy, Water and Environment held (ICEWE-2011), Bhubaneshwar, 17-09-2011 |
27. |
Participated in a Conference on 16th National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2010), University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad., 14-12-2010 to 16-12-2010 |
28. |
Participated in a Tutorial on Virtual High Voltage Laboratory, Department of EEE, JNTUH College of Engineering (Autonomous), JNTUH, Hyd, 28-08-2010 |
29. |
Participated in a Conference on 1st International conference on Intelligent Information Systems and Management (IISM-2010), RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 10-06-2010 to 12-06-2010 |
30. |
Participated in a Conference on National Conference on Special Electrical Machines and Systems (SEMS 2010), BHEL, Corporate R&D Division, Hyderabad, 16-02-2010 to 17-02-2010 |
31. |
Participated in a Seminar on Power System Security, Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 14-09-2009 to 15-09-2009 |
32. |
Participated in a Seminar on Smart Power Grids, Institution of Engineers, A.P. state center, Hyderabad, 15-07-2009 to 16-07-2009 |
33. |
Participated in a Conference on National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer and Network Technologies, Departments of Computer Science and Information Science and Engineering, PDIT & TB Dam, Hospet, 19-09-2008 to 20-09-2008 |
34. |
Participated in a Seminar on Indo US Engineering Faculty Leadership Institute on Electric Energy and Power, Global Education Center, Infosys Technologies Ltd., Mysore, Karnataka, 07-07-2008 to 11-07-2008 |
35. |
Participated in a Workshop on Quality Assurance and ISO:9000 certification, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, 05-03-2008 |
36. |
Participated in a Conference on International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS – 2007), Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, 12-12-2007 to 14-12-2007 |
37. |
Participated in a Seminar on Model Based Design for Embedded Control Systems, M/s Cranes Software International Ltd., & M/s Mathworks Ltd., at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad, 24-10-2007 |
38. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power Quality, Department of Electrical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, 28-09-2007 to 29-09-2007 |
39. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power System Operation & Control, Department of Electrical Engineering, UCE, OU, & EEE, SNIST, 27-11-2006 to 30-11-2006 |
40. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power System Operation & Control, Department of Electrical Engineering, Padmasri Dr. B.V. Raju Institute of Technology, 29-08-2006 to 01-09-2006 |
41. |
Participated in a Conference on 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2006), Marina Mandarin, Singapore, 24-05-2006 to 26-05-2006 |
42. |
Participated in a Conference on International Seminar and tutorials, Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, 20-12-2005 to 22-12-2005 |
43. |
Participated in a Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (EAR-2005), Department of Electrical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur, 10-12-2005 |
44. |
Participated in a Conference on 68th Annual Meeting of Institution of Engineers, Khairatabad, 29-10-2005 |
45. |
Participated in a Workshop on Vector Control of Induction Motor, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 20-10-2005 to 22-10-2005 |
46. |
Participated in a Conference on 5th International R&D Conference, Central Board of Irrigation & Power, Bangalore, 15-02-2005 to 18-02-2005 |
47. |
Participated in a Conference on International Conference on PEITSICON 2005, Calcutta., 28-01-2005 to 29-01-2005 |
48. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Value Education, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 17-01-2005 to 12-02-2005 |
49. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power Quality: Principles, Standards and Solutions, 13th National Power Systems Conference, Department of Electrical Engg., IIT, Chennai, 27-12-2004 to 30-12-2004 |
50. |
Participated in a Conference on Twelfth National Power Systems Conference (NPSC 2004), IIT, Chennai, 27-12-2004 to 30-12-2004 |
51. |
Participated in a Conference on 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET 2004), Kalinga University, Bhubaneshwar, 22-12-2004 to 24-12-2004 |
52. |
Participated in a Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering (EAR-2004), Department of Electrical Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering, Anantapur, 04-12-2004 |
53. |
Participated in a Workshop on Info day – ESTIA NET, National Technical University of Athens, Rhodes, Greece, 30-06-2004 |
54. |
Participated in a Conference on 4th IASTED Conference on Energy and Power Systems, Rhodes, Greece, Europe during June 2004., 28-06-2004 to 30-06-2004 |
55. |
Participated in a Conference on National Conference on Emerging Trends in Power System Operation and Control, Gayathri Vidhya Parishad College of Engineering, VIZAG during December 2003., 24-12-2003 to 25-12-2003 |
56. |
Participated in a Conference on National Conference on Digital Convergence for Quality Education conducted by Computer Society of India, Guru Nanak Engineering College, Hyderabad, 01-12-2003 to 06-12-2003 |
57. |
Participated in a Workshop on Quality Improvement in Product & Process Design using Taguchi Approach, JNTUCEH & PRRMEC, 24-09-2003 to 27-09-2003 |
58. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Energy Conservation & Management, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 24-02-2003 to 15-03-2003 |
59. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on VLSI Design, UGC-ASC, JNT University, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 13-11-2002 to 03-12-2002 |
60. |
Participated in a Conference on International Conference on Energy, Automation and Information Technology 2001, IIT, Kharaghpur, 10-12-2001 to 12-12-2001 |
Honors & Professional Activities
Savitribai Phule Telangana State Award-2024, BC Women’s Association on the occasion of 193rd birthday celebrations of Savitribai Phule , 2024
"Anna University National Award for the Outstanding Academic Teacher" instituted by the Anna University, Chennai, ISTE Faculty National Awards, 2024
State Awards To Meritorious Teachers, Higher Education Department, Government of Telangana on 5th September, 2022 at Ravindra Bharathi Auditorium, Hyderabad, Telangana, India from Sabitha Indra Reddy, Hon’ble Education Minister of Telangana with a Certificate of Merit, Medal and cash award., 2022
AICTE Lilavati Award, AICTE for the outstanding work towards women empowerment in the sub-theme on “Environment, Sanitation and Hygiene” held on 08th March, 2022 at 4:00 P.M. at AICTE Auditorium, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi from Smt. Smriti Irani Ji, Hon’ble Union Minister for Women and Child Development with a cash prize of Rupees one Lakh and a certificate., 2022
Bharat Jyothi Award, India International Friendship Society to be held in a Seminar on “Economic Growth & National Integration held on 27th November 2019 at India International Center, New Delhi., 2019
Best Women Faculty, Telangana Information Technology Association (TITA) Battakamma Celebrations held on 4th October 2019 at Phoneix IT Business Hub, Hi-Tech City, Hyderabad., 2019
Best paper award, Fr. Agnel Alumni Association (FRAMES) held in 3rd Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE 2019) for the paper titled “Real Time Control of Induction Motor Drives” presented in the track “Electrical Machines and Drives” organized by Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology, Vashi, Navi Mumbai held on 4-5 January, 2019., 2019
Outstanding Woman Educator & Scholar Award, In 4th Women’s Day Awards Ceremony held on 8th March, 2017 powered by National Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development (NFED), Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India. , 2017
Oral/Poster presentation Award, “Dynamic Analysis & Artificial Intelligent Control Of Induction Motor Drives” on “Power and Energy” Track held between 11th to 13th December 2014, in 11th IEEE INDICON 2014, at IEEE Pune section, Pune., 2014
Bronze Leaf, High quality research paper on “Available Transfer Capability Enhancement by Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm based FACTS Allocation”, with a rank of Third Decile in 2012 Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics at Hyderabad, India., 2012
Best Technical Paper, titled “Analysis and Simulation of Unified Power Quality Conditioner with various control strategies” presented at the 68th Annual General Meeting held on 29th October, 2005 from the Electrical Engineering Division to receive State Centre Prize of Rs. 500/- and was awarded at 69th Annual Meeting Main Function held on 30th October, 2006., 2006
Professional Activities
1. International Journal Of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Australia.
2. International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, United Kingdom.
EXPERTISE as Subject expert for conducting interviews:
1. Was invited as “Subject expert” for HITAM on .
2. Was invited as “Subject expert” for Bharat Institutions on 12th June, 2011.
3. Was invited as “Subject expert” for Aurora group of Institutions on 24th June, 2011.
4. Was invited as “Subject expert” for Faculty of Science and Technology, Indian Business School-ICFAI foundation for Higher Education (IBS-IFHE) campus, Dontanapalli, Shankarpalli, Hyderabad on 29th June, 2011.
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Director
, UGC Affairs, 2023 - Present
2. Principal
3. Member Secretary Board of Governance (BoG)
4. Local Coordinator
, Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN), JNTUH, 2020 - 2023
5. Head of the Department
, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2021 - 2022
6. Chairman
, Board of Studies, 2021 - 2022
7. Coordinator
, Centre for Energy Studies, 2013 - 2019
8. Chairman
, Board of Studies, 2013 - 2018
9. Coordinator
, University foreign relation, 2009 - 2013
Project/Research Guidance
G V Nagalakshmi |
Degeneration and its impact on power quality, Distributed Generation and Reliability |
2023 |
Asha Kiranmai S |
Analysis and Mitigation of Various Power Quality Problems in Distributed System |
2023 |
Bangarraju Jampana |
Methods to Improve the Power quality of a Distribution system |
2022 |
M Ankush Kumar |
Application of Renewable Energy Technologies in Disaster Management |
2022 |
P. Sadanandam |
Spread Spectrum Modulation Methods for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive |
2021 |
M. Pratapa Raju |
Smart Integration of Distributed Renewable Generation based on Smart Load Management Systems/Techniques |
2021 |
I. Kranthikiran |
Wheeling Cost of Electrical Energy: Economic Strategies |
2020 |
D. Venugopal |
Optimal Location of FACTS devices on the EHT lines using Heuristic Methods to improve the performance of the Transmission network |
2019 |
V. V. Sudhakar |
Intelligent Algorithms for Multi Area operation of power Systems in Deregulated environment |
2019 |
S. Venkat Padmavathi |
Flexible AC Transmission System based Power System Security Analysis |
2019 |
Katuri Rayudu |
Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Using GA, ACO, ABC and BAT Algorith03PHms |
2018 |
M. Ramesh |
Application Of Artificial Intelligence Techniques For Enhancement Of Stability In HVDC Transmission System |
2017 |
Prashant M. Menghal |
Artificial Intelligence Based Real Time Control Of Induction Motor Drives |
2017 |
S. Chandrashekhar Reddy |
Reliability evaluation and Power Quality improvement of distribution systems in Deregulated Environment |
2014 |
Y. Sreenivasa Rao |
Modeling and control of Wind power generation system |
2014 |
"Development of Shunt Active Power Filter(SAPF)" BHEL (R&D), Hyderabad 01/7/2016 to 01/03/2017 for a duration of 9 months of Rs. 5.02 Lakhs.
Development of a GUI based design station for Synchronous Machines, BHEL (R&D), Hyderabad, 09/3/2015 to 08/12/2015 for a duration of 9 months of Rs. 5.4 Lakhs.
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
4th IASTED Conference on Energy and Power Systems,
Rhodes, Greece
, 28-06-2004 to 30-06-2004 For presenting a paper titled "Design, Control and Simulation of Unified Power Flow Controller using MATLAB” |
1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2006),
Marina Mandarin, Singapore
, 24-05-2006 to 26-05-2006 For presenting a paper titled "Different control strategies for Unified Power Quality Conditioner at load side”, |
AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System,
Hong Kong, China
, 04-09-2012 to 05-09-2012 (i) "Comparative approach to different AI based simulation of Induction Motor” (ii) Design of PI and FUZZY Controllers for Dynamic Voltage Restorer(DVR) (iii) Genetic Algorithm optimization of Generator Reactive power (iv) Stability enhancement of HVDC system using FUZZY based STATCOM (v) Comparison of the performance of DTC of Induction Generators in wind energy conversion system with PI & Neutral controllers |
Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India,
Kathmandu, Nepal
, 28-10-2013 to 30-10-2013 For presenting a paper titled "Shunt Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement Using Reduced Sensor Switching Control Strategy” in 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPS-2013) |
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and University of Wollonghong, Australia,
Novotel Northbeach, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
, 28-09-2016 to 01-10-2016 For presenting a paper titled "Application of Intentional Islanding Algorithm for Distributed Energy Resources in Disaster Management” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on “Power System Technologies (POWERCON2016)” |
.CHAIRING OF SESSIONS: (International & National)
(i) Titled “Power Quality And Harmonics” In The 4th IASTED Conference on Energy and Power Systems at Rhodes, Greece, Europe on 28th-30th June, 2004.
(ii) AASRI International conference on Power and Energy System 2012 at Hong Kong, China held on 4-5th Sept, 2012.
(iii) Three day International Conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE-2014) conducted by Institute of Science & Technology and JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad on 15th -17th December 2014.
(iv) Fourth International Conference on Eco-friendly Computing and Communication Systems (ICECCS)to be conducted by NIT, Kurukshetra during 7th and 8th of December-2015 at NIT, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India.
(v) International Conference on Computational Modeling and Security (CMS-2016), conducted by R.L. Jalappa Institution of Technology, Doddaballapur, Bangalore during 11th -13th February 2016.
(vi) National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCRTME-2016) conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 28th-29th April 2016.
(vii) International Conference on Environment and Energy (ICEE-2014) conducted by Institute of Science & Technology and JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad on 15th -17th December 2014.
(viii) International Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Electronics, Power, Smart Grids & Advanced Computing Technologies (IEEPS-2018) conducted by VNR VJIET, Hyderabad on 9th and 10th March 2018.
(ix) 2nd International Conference on Nano Science & Engineering Applications during 4th to 6th October 2018 organised by Centre for Nano Science and Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, JNTUH in collaboration with Centre for Advanced Materials (CAM), Qatar Ucniversity, Qatar. |