Mob. +91-7981684732.
Associate Professor in Civil Engineering, JNTUH University College of Engineering, Science and Technology Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Specialization:Civil Engineering with Geotechnical Engineering Major.
B.Tech(Civil Engineering, 4 Years Degree), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India, 1991-1995.
M.Techin Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering Specialisation), Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, 1995-1997.
Ph.D-Regular Scholar (Geotechnical Engineering), Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, 2001-2005.
Member of Institution of Engineers, India.
Member of Indian Geotechnical Society, India.
Member of Indian Society for Technical Education, India.
(Total 25 Years out of which Post Ph.D Experience is 17 Years in Teaching and1 Year Industry)
July’1997 to Nov’1997, Assistant Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati, India.
Nov’1997 to July’1998, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India.
July’1998 to Dec’2000, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
Jan’ 2001 to De’ 2004, Project Assistant, Ocean Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Jan’ 2005 to Aug’ 2005, Project Associate, Ocean Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Sept’2005 to Jan’2006, Geotechnical Engineer, Keller Ground Engineering India Pvt. Ltd, India, Chennai, Head office Singapore.
Feb’2006 to Nov’ 2006, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, India.
Nov’ 2006 to Sept’2012, Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India.
Sept’2012 to July’2014, Professor and Chair of Post Graduate Studies, Civil Engineering Department, Adama Science and Technology University, Adama, Ethiopia.
July’2014 to July’ 2017, Professor ofCivil Engineering and Head of the School of Building and Civil Engineering Higher Education, Fiji National University, Fiji Islands.
July’2017 to Feb’2018, Assistant Professor & Head of Civil Engineering Department, JNTUH University College of Engineering Manthani, Peddapalli, Telangana, India.
Feb’2018 to Oct’2022, Associate Professor & Head of Civil Engineering Department, JNTUH University College of Engineering Manthani, Peddapalli, Telangana, India.
Oct’2022 to Till Date, Associate Professor in Civil Engineering Department, JNTUH University College of Engineering Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Curriculum Design for B.E (Hons) Civil Engineering, Fiji National University, Fiji Islands,
Curriculum Design for M.Sc (Geotechnical Engineering), Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia.
Curriculum Design for M.Tech (Geotechnical Engineering), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India.
Curriculum Design for B.Tech (Civil Engineering), Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India.
Developed Laboratory Test facility for B. Tech Civil Engineering Program at JNTUHCEH and Fiji National University.
M.Tech Geotechnical Engineering Program Coordinator
IV B Tech Class Coordinator, JNTUHCEH Hyderabad
Deputy Warden for Boys Hostel, JNTUH Hyderabad
Officer in charge of Academic Section, JNTU Kakinada
Faculty in charge of Geotechnical and Highway Engineering Laboratory, JNTUH.
Additional Controller of Examinations, JNTUH Hyderabad
Chair Post Graduate Studies of Geotechnical Engineering, ASTU Adama, Ethiopia
Head of School- Building and Civil Engineering, Fiji National University
Program Leader, SBCE, CEST, Fiji National University
Deputy Warden for Boys Hostel, JNTUHCE Manthani
Head of the Civil Engineering Department, JNTUHCE Manthani
Journal/Book Reviewer/Ph.D Thesis Examiner
Member of Board of Studies, Civil Engineering, Amity University, India.
Reviewer Canadian Geotechnical Engineering,
ReviewerApplied Ocean Research, ELSEVEER;
Reviewer Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A;
Reviewer Journal of Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering (ASOE);
ReviewerJordan Journal of Civil Engineering;
ReviewerJournal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC);
ReviewerJournal GRADEVINAR (Journal of the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers); Geomechanics and Engineering - An International Journal;
ReviewerAfrican Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development;
ReviewerJournal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
ReviewerAn International Journal of Computers and Concrete - Techno Press.
Reviewed a Text Book entitled “Geotechnical Engineering” for Universities Press, India.
Adjudicated the Ph.D thesis for Renowned Universities, NITs and IITs in India.
Awards/Merit Scholarship
Telugu Vignana Parithosikam
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Fellowship.
Institute Fellowship for Ph. D at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras), India.
Best Teacher Award from the Adama Science and Technology University, Ethiopia.
Research Field:
Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Coastal Erosion Studies, Highway Geotechnics, Soil-Structure Interaction, Ground Characterisation, Soil Stabilisation and Improvement Techniques for Highway and Building Projects.
List of Publications
(A) Journal Publications
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S. and Sundar, V. (2007). Performance of caisson in soft clay under cyclic lateral loading. Geotechnical Engineering, South Asian Geotechnical Society, Thailand, Vol 38, Numb 1, pp: 16-23.
Narasimha Rao, S. and Darga Kumar, N. (2007). Lateral Earth Pressures on Caissons in Marine Clay under Cyclic Loading, Journal of Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Taylor & Francis Publishers, Volume 25, Issue 1 January 2007 , pp: 15 – 35.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S, (2010) Earth Pressures on Caissons in Marine Clay under Lateral Loads – A Laboratory Study. Vol. 32, 2010, pp: 58-70. Journal of Applied Ocean Research, Elsevier.
N. Darga Kumar,and R. Ratna Prasad(2011). Influence of Fibre Size on Bearing Capacity Ratio in Low Friction Cohesionless Soil. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering,ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 212-215.
T. L. Ramadas, N. Darga Kumar and G. Yesuratnam(2011). Geotechnical characteristics of three expansive soils treated with lime and fly ash. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 46-49.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S, (2011). Lateral Capacity of Cylindrical Caissons in Shore Protection – A Laboratory Study.Coastal Engineering Journal,World Scientific Publishing Company, Vol.53, No.4 (2011) 1-31.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S (2012). Lateral Load: Deflection Response of an Embedded Caisson in Marine Clay. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp.1-31.
Durgaprasad, J. Subba Rao, P. and Darga Kumar, N. (2012)."Building Bayesian
networks for problems of risk due to natural hazards", Nat. Hazards Rev. 2012.13:247-259. ASCE, (doi:
Sathish Kumar, R., Darga Kumar, N. and Janardhana, M (2012). “Rice Husk Ash Stabilized Compressed Earth Block-A Sustainable Construction Building Material – A Review”. International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Volume 3, Jan-June 2012, Issue 1, pp.01-14.
Ramadasu, T L, Darga Kumar, N, and Yesuratnam, G (2012). A study on strength and swelling characteristics of three expansive soils treated with CaCl2. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Applications. Vol.1, Issue.1,Jan-June, 2012.
C. Lavanya, A. Sreerama Rao and , N. Darga Kumar (2012). Influence of Admixture on Shear Parameters of Copper Slag. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol.1 Issue 10, December- 2012, ISSN: 2278-0181. Pp: 1-6.
Ratna Prasad, R., Darga Kumar, N., and Janardhana, M (2013) Effect of Fly Ash on CBR and DCPT Results of Granular Sub Base Subjected to Heavy Compaction. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 5, May-2013, ISSN 2229-5518. Pp: 51-56.
C. Lavanya, A. Sreerama Rao and, N. Darga Kumar (2013). Study on Coefficient of Permeability of Copper slag when admixed with Lime and Cement. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 7, Issue 6 (Jul. - Aug. 2013), PP 19-25.
Hari Prasad, D and Darga Kumar, N (2014). Coastal Erosion Studies—A Review, International Journal of Geosciences, 2014, 5, 341-345. Published Online March 2014 in SciRes.,
Shiva Prashanth Kumar, K., Rajashaker, A. and Darga Kumar, N (2014). Influence of Plunger Friction on CBR of CL soils. Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 26(3), pp.307-325.
Shiva Prashanth Kumar, K., Raj Kiran Nanduri P M B. and Darga Kumar, N (2014). Validation of Predicted California Bearing Ratio Values from Different Correlations. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), e-ISSN: 2320-0847 P-ISSN: 2320-0936 Volume-03, Issue-08, pp-344-352.
Ratna Prasad, R., and Darga Kumar, N. (2015). “Laboratory Investigation of Compaction Characteristics of Fly ash Granular soil”. International journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2015, ISSN: 2319- 8753(Online), ISSN: 2347- 6710(Print), pp: 9868- 9874.
Durusoju Hari Prasad, Muni Reddy, M. G., Darga Kumar, N. (2015). A Study on Coastal Erosion Modelling using GIS and Remote Sensing Technologies Case Study: Andhra Pradesh Coast, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol.8, No.2, pp.285-291, ISSN 0974-5904.
Ratna Prasad, R. and N. Darga Kumar (2015). Effect of Fly Ash on CBR Results of Granular Sub Base Subjected to Modified Compaction. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 29 Number 1, ISSN: 2231-5381, Pp.35-40.
Ratna Prasad R and Darga Kumar N (2015). Development of Empirical Relations between Angle of Shearing Resistance and CBR Values of Fly Ash-Granular Soil. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 4 Issue 11, pp. 56-63.
Shiva Prashanth Kumar, K and Darga Kumar, N (2016). Evaluation of consolidation Parameters in CH Soils, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 10, No. 4, pp:515-528.
Darga Kumar, Nand Ravi Kant Singh (2016). Oedometer Based Collapse Potential of Cement Admixed Loess Soil. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 09, No. 01, February 2016, P.P.204-210.
Sathish Kumar, R., Janardhana, M and Darga Kumar, N. (2016). Mechanical properties of sustainable soil blocks stabilised with rice husk ash, cement and lime. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2016, pp.207-222.
Shiva Prashanth Kumar and Darga Kumar, N (2016). Use of CPT and DCP Based Correlations in Characterization of Subgrade of a Highway in Southern Ethiopia Region", International Journal of Geo-Engineering (2016) 7:11, pp.1-15, DOI 10.1186/s40703-016-0025-8.
Hari Prasad D, Muni Reddy M G and Darga Kumar N (2016). Coastal Erosion Modelling for Visakhapatnam Coast, Andhra Pradesh State using Geospatial and Remote Sensing Techniques, Andhra University Journal of Engineering, Vol 2(1), pp.37-44.
Durusoju Hari Prasad, M. G. Muni Reddy, N. Darga Kumar (2016). Coastal Erosion Study: A Case Study of Andhra Pradesh Coast, Page 4-6, Aug-2016 - GIS India Journal.
Durusoju Hari Prasad, N. Darga Kumar, M. G. Muni Reddy (2016). A Study on Coastline Change: Visakhapatnam Coast, Andhra Pradesh State, Journal of GIS India, Vol.25, N0.12, December 2016, pp.6-10, ISSN: 0972-5776.
Shiva Prashanth Kumar, K., Ashok Kumar, M and Darga Kumar, N (2017). Prophecy of Plate Load Test Response from Theory of Elasticity Solution and CBR Test, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 11, No.3, pp. 335-345.
Sathish Kumar, R., Janardhana, M and Darga Kumar, N. (2017). Analytical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Stabilised Compressed Earth blocks using Rice husk ash. Journal of the International Masonry Society Masonry International,Vol 29. No 3. 2016/17,Pp.85-92.
Meseret Getnet, M., James Wambua, K., Zachary Abiero-Gariy and N. Darga Kumar (2017). Factors Affecting the Self-Healing Efficiency of Cracked Concrete Structures. American Journal of Construction and Building Materials 2017; 2(3): 86-92., doi: 10.11648/j.ajcbm.20170203.13
Sathish Kumar, R., Janardhana, M and Darga Kumar, N. (2017). “Strength and erodibility characteristics of compressed stabilized earth blocks using rice husk ash and lime”, Journal of Structural Engineering (JoSE), CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC), Chennai, India, pp.1-6, Volume No.44, Issue No.4, October - November 2017.
Shiva Prashanth Kumar, K and Darga Kumar, N (2017). Effect of RBI Grade 81 on Strength Characteristics of Clayey Subgrade. ?Geo-Engineering (2017) 8:24, Springer Journals, DOI 10.1186/s40703-017-0061-z, pp.1-11.
Darga Kumar, N. and R. Ratna Prasad (2018). Changes in Gradation of Fly ash Blended Granular Soil Due to Compaction. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJSER), Thomson Reuters, ISSN 2348 – 8034, pp. 267-277.
Ramadasu, T.L., Darga Kumar, N. and K. Suresh (2018). A Study on OMC and MDD Variations in Black Cotton Soil with Additives. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJSER), Thomson Reuters, ISSN 2348 – 8034, pp. 35-47.
Gajendra, V. and N. Darga Kumar (2018). Study on Performance Evaluation of Soil Stabilized Pavement Using Geotextiles. Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJSER), Thomson Reuters, ISSN 2348 – 8034, pp. 135-142.
Bomidi. Varaprasada Rao, B., Parma Kumari, K. and Darga Kumar, N (2018). Geotechnical Characteristics of Expansive soil blended with lime, calcium chloride and fly ash: An experimental comparative evaluation. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 11, October 2018, pp. 517-523, ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316.
Ramadasu, T L. and Darga Kumar, N (2018). A Study on Improvement of Strength Properties of BC Soils with Additives. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018, pp. 702–717, ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316.
Bomidi. Varaprasada Rao, B., Padma Kumari, K. and Darga Kumar, N (2018). Strength Behaviour of Different Lime Treated Expansive Soils with Range Analysis. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Vol.9, Issue 11, November 2018, pp.2826-2833, ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316.
Prashanth Kumar, K and Darga Kumar, N (2019). Revisiting the CPT Based Characterizations of a Highway Sub grade. Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An International Journal, Taylor & Francis, Manuscript ID: TGEO-2018-0007.R1. ISSN: 1748-6025 (Print) 1748-6033 (Online). pp.1-11.
Varaprasada Rao, B., K. Padma Kumari and N. Darga Kumar (2019). Evaluation of Compaction and Strength Behaviour of Different Expansive Soils Stabilized with Lime. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 16, Issue 3 Ser. III, PP 77-80.
Varaprasada Rao, B., K. Padma Kumari and N. Darga Kumar (2019). Individual Effect of Lime, Calcium chloride and Fly ash on the Strength Behavior of Expansive Soil. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 16, Issue 4 Ser. II, PP 66-71, DOI: 10.9790/1684-1604026671.
Prashanth Kumar, K and Darga Kumar, N (2019). Influence of randomly mixed coir fibers and fly ash on stabilization of clayey subgrade. International Journal of Geo-Engineering, Springer Open Access, Manuscript No. GEOE-D-18-00037, pp.1-13, (2019) 10:3,
Ramadasu, T. L., Darga Kumar, N., Reddy, V. B. and Sudha (2020). Variation of California bearing ratios of Black cotton soils with additives, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, Vol. 27, pp: 1055-1060.
Lavanya, C and Darga Kumar, N (2021). Effect of Lime Stabilized Copper Slag Cushion on Swelling Behaviour of High Plastic Clay, Geotechnical Research, ICE Publishing., E-ISSN 2052-6156.
(B) Book Chapters
Darga Kumar, N., Nagendra Prasad, K. and Mallikarjuna Rao, K (1998). Mechanisms Governing theBbehaviour of Fly Ash – Black Cotton Soil Mixtures. Problematic Soils, Yanagisawa, Moroto & Mitachi (eds) © 1998 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 54109971. pp. 271-274.
NarasimhaRao, S., Darga Kumar, N., Sundar, V (2004). Influence of Cyclic load on model caisson seawalls embedded in marine clay. Cyclic behaviour of soils and liquefaction phenomena. Triantafyllidis(ed)© 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 90 5809 620 3. pp. 425-429.
Darga Kumar N, Ravikant R Singh, Faijal Ali and Efray’im (2017). Development of Classification Charts for Q index of Shale from the Parameters. Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soilsand Shales (ATMSS), Springer International Publishing, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering,, pp. 281- 287.
Lavanya, C., and Darga Kumar, N. (2021). Study on CBR of Lime and Cement Stabilized Copper Slag Cushion Laid Over Expansive Soil. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol.137, Pp: 129-139, Springer Nature Singapore, Pte Ltd. 2021, doi.10.1007/978-981-33-6466-0. [].
Darga Kumar, Nand Lavanya, C (2021). A Geotechnical Study on Breached Summer Storage Tank. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol.134, Pp:471-482, Springer Nature Singapore, Pte Ltd. 2021, [].
Ramanjaneyulu, B. and Darga Kumar, N (2022). Influence of CaCl2 on Compaction and CBR Characteristics of Gypsum (CaSO2.2H2O) Stabilized High Plastic Clay. Ground Characterization and Foundations. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol.167, Pp:109-118. [].
Darga Kumar, N and Lavanya, C (2023).A Geotechnical Study on Failed Base Slab of Molasses Tank. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 295: Foundation and Forensic Geotechnical Engineering , doi: 978-981-19-6358-2, 524210_1_En, (Chapter 28). [in Press].
(C) International Conference Proceedings
Darga Kumar, N., Nagendra Prasad, K. and Mallikarjuna Rao, K (1998). Mechanisms governing the behaviour of fly ash – black cotton soil mixtures. Problematic soils, Yanagisawa, Moroto & Mitachi (eds) © 1998 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 54109971. pp. 271-274.
Darga Kumar, N.,NarasimhaRao, S., Sundar, V., Santhanam, M. (2004). Design of pressure cell for measurement of lateral earth pressure. International e-Conference on Modern trends in foundation engineering and Geotechnical challenges and solutions. IIT Madras, Jan’ 26-30, 2004. Published in CD-ROM (Displayed in Web URL: Theme: No 6 Experimental techniques S.No 6.4).
NarasimhaRao, S., Darga Kumar, N., Sundar, V (2004). Influence of Cyclic load on model caisson seawalls embedded in marine clay. Cyclic behaviour of soils and liquefaction phenomena. Triantafyllidis(ed)© 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 90 5809 620 3. Pp. 425-429.
Darga Kumar, N., NarasimhaRao, S., Sundar, V (2004). Performance of Caisson type of seawall embedded in soft clay. International Symposium on Engineering practice and performance of soft deposits. Osaka, Japan. June 2-4,2004. Pp. 525-530.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S., Sundar, V (2004). Studies on model caissons embedded in marine clay for coastal protection wall. ASME 200423rd International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) Conference. Vancouver, Canada. 20-25 June 2004. Paper No. OMAE2004-51396, Volume 3, pp.765-772, ISBN: 0-7918-3745-9,
Darga Kumar, N., NarasimhaRao, S., Sundar, V (2004). Lateral bearing capacity prediction of caisson type of seawall in difficult sub soil conditions. 15th South East Asian Geotechnical Conference on Development in Geotechnical engineering for practice. Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 22-26, 2004. Pp.259-264.
Darga Kumar, N., Nagendra Prasad, K. and Mallikarjuna Rao, K. (2004). Strength and compressibility behaviour of expansive clay-fly ash mixtures. International conference on geosynthetics and geoenvironmental engineering. IIT Mumbai, Dec. 8-10, 2004. Pp.223-228.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S (2007). Experimental Studies on Model Caissons in Soft Clay under Lateral Cyclic Loading. 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Thessaloniki, Greece, June 25-28’ 2007. Paper No.1769.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S, (2011). A Model Study to Propose Cylindrical Caisson as Coastal Defence Structure. Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation and Highway Engineering 2011. Geotechnical and Highway Engineering — Practical Applications, Challenges and Opportunities (With CD-ROM), Proceedings of the 3rd and 5th International Conference, Semarang, Indonesia, 18 – 20 May 2011, pp: 515-520.
T. L. Ramadas, N. Darga Kumar and G. Yesuratnam (2011). Swelling and strength characteristics of expansive soil treated with stone dust and flyash. Proceedings of theXV Europian Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XV ECSMGE), Pp: 659-664, doi: 10.3233/978-I-60750-801-4-659, 12-15 Sept’2011, Athens, Greece.
Hari Prasad, D., Darga Kumar, N., and Sreekanth, S. (2012). Integration of Image Sensors and Image Data Processing. Proc. of International Conference on Recent Advances in Design, Development and Operation of Micro Air Vehicles (ICRAMAV-2012), 10-12 Dec’2012, JNTU Hyderabad, India, pp.95-115.
K. Shiva Prashanth Kumar, N. Darga Kumar and E. C. Nirmala Peter (2013). Environmental Sustainable and Cost Effective Rice Husk Utilization in Reduction of Cr (VI) Concentration. Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Technology Towards the Development of East Africa (ICST 2013), May 17-19, 2013, Bahir Dar University, Institute of Technology, Ethiopia. Paper was presented as Poster Presentation.
K Shiva Prashanth Kumar, N Darga Kumar and P M B Raj Kiran (2014). “Prediction of wind for Adama City Using Gumbel’s Frequency Approach” Symposium on Adaptation to Climate Change for water Energy and Environment, Hawasa University, Ethiopia.
Tejaswi I, Kaparthi GNV, Maganti Janardhana, Darga Kumar N, Sathish Kumar R (2015). A Comparative Study on the Properties of Stabilized Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized with Pozzolanic Cements. Proceedings of 12th North American Masonry Conference on May 17-20, 2015, Civil Engineering Department at the University of Colorado Denver, Paper No.0242.
Faijal Ali, Ravikant R Singh, Darga Kumar N, Ravindra Chand, Atinesh V Prasad, Sanjay Prasad (2016). “Assessment of Damages Caused by Tropical Cyclone Winston to Structural Buildings in VitiLevu, Fiji”, Second International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE), Osaka City, Japan, Paper No. 2764, pp. 478-483, Nov.21-23, 2016, ISBN Number: 978-4-9905958-7-6 C3051.
Ravikant R Singh, Faijal Ali, Darga Kumar N, Sanjay Prasad, Atinesh V Prasad, Ravindra Chand (2016). “Assessment of Damages Caused to Infrastructure due to Geotechnical Failures by the Tropical Cyclone Winston in VitiLevu, Fiji”, Second International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE), Osaka City, Japan, Paper No. 2763, pp. 472-477, Nov.21-23, 2016, ISBN Number: 978-4-9905958-7-6 C3051.
D. Hari Prasad, N. Darga Kumar, M. G. Muni Reddy (2016). Shoreline Transformation Study of Visakhapatnam Coast, Andhra Pradesh State: Geospatial Approach, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Innovations in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, i-CAM2K16, pp.26-28. 10-11December 2016, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India.
Darga Kumar N, Ravikant R Singh, Faijal Ali and Efray’im (2017). Development of classification charts for Q index of shale from the parameters. Proceedings of International Workshop on Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soilsand Shales (ATMSS), 18-20 Jan’2017, Switzerland, Springer International Publishing, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52773-4_32, pp. 281- 288.
Ravikant R Singh, Darga Kumar, N and Faijal Ali (2017). Effect of saturation on strength behavior of soapstone. Proceedings of Third International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE), USQ, Brisbane, Australia, Nov.13-16, 2017, ISBN: 978-4-9905958-9-0 C3051, pp.321-326. (SCOPUS & ESCI Journals).
Atinesh Vijay Prasad, Darga N Kumar (2018). Assessment of Quality of Different Aggregates for Road Construction in the Central division of Fiji, 8th Int. Conf. on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov.20-22, 2018, ISBN: 978-4-909106001 C3051, pp.451-456.
Ramadasu, T. L., Darga Kumar, N. and Suresh, K (2018). A Study on OMC and MDD Variations in Black cotton Soil with Additives. Proceedings of First international Conference on civil Engineering Practices & trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), 21-22, Dec’2018, Dep’t. of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India., pp.36-52. ISSN 2348 – 8034.
Gajendra, V. and Darga Kumar, N (2018). Study on performance evaluation of soil stabilised pavement by using geotextiles. Proceedings of First international Conference on civil Engineering Practices & trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), 21-22, Dec’2018, Dept. of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India., pp.154-161. ISSN 2348 – 8034.
Darga Kumar, Nand Ratna Prasad, R (2018). Changes in Gradation of Fly Ash Blended granular Soil Due to compaction. Proceedings of First international Conference on civil Engineering Practices & trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), 21-22, Dec’2018, Dept. of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India., pp.9-22. ISSN 2348 – 8034. (Key Note Speaker).
Darga Kumar, N.and Ramadasu, T.L (2019). Dry density water content curves for high plastic clays treated with fly ash, stone dust and combinations. Proceedings of 34th International conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, held during 31 March-3April, 2019 at Annapolis, Washington D.C., USA, pp: 173-184, ISSN 1091-8043.
Darga Kumar, N.and Lavanya, C (2020). Effect of Strip Load Location and Width on Horizontal Stress of Non-Yielding Wall. Proceedings of International Conference on Civil Engineering Aspects for Sustainability (IConCES 2020), heldduring 28th – 29th February, 2020, at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Lavanya, C and Darga Kumar, N (2020).Foundation Types for Land and Offshore Sustainable Wind Energy Turbine Towers, E3S Web of Conferences Vol.184, 01094 (2020), 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Aspects for Sustainable Energy (ICMED 2020), Hyderabad, India, July 10-12, 2020 ICMED 2020, eISSN: 2267-1242, Article Number 01094, Published Online on 19th August 2020.
Lavanya, C and Darga Kumar, N (2021).SLRA and MLRA Based Correlations of Geotechnical Parameters of Fine-Grained Soils. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1126 (2021) 012084, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1126/1/012084, Pp: 1-12.
(D) National Conference Proceedings (30)
Manohara Reddy, R., Prasad, K. N., Mallikarjuna Rao, K. and Darga Kumar, N (1997). Fly ash as a resource material for use in road construction. Proceedings of the National conference on advances in materials of construction and construction methods. 22-23 Aug, 1997. Tirupati. pp. 65-69.
Darga Kumar, N.,Nagendra Prasad, K. and Mallikarjuna Rao, K (1999).Water resources conservation - role of fly ash.Proceedings of National seminar on water resources management for sustainable development.March 12-13, Tirupati. pp. 139-142.
Darga Kumar, N. and Nagendra Prasad, K (1999).Fly ash Disposal Techniques. Proceedings of All India conference on environmental pollution and strategies for control andabatement.16-17 July, 1999.Tirupati. Pp: 54-56.
Darga Kumar, N. and Nagendra Prasad, K (1999). Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries. Proceedings of All India conference on environmental pollution and strategies for control and abatement. 16 -17 July 1999. Tirupati. Pp: 39-40.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S., Sundar, V (2003). Studies on earth pressures in model caisson embedded in marine clay. Indian Geotechnical conference on Geotechnical engineering for Infrastructural development, IIT Roorkee, 18-20, Dec 2003.Pp.153-156.
Darga Kumar, N., Narasimha Rao, S., Sundar, V (2004). Lateral deflection of a caisson in marine clay. National Symposium on advances in Geotechnical engineering.IISc Bangalore, July 22-23, 2004. Pp. 179 -184.
Darga Kumar, N.,NarasimhaRao, S., Sundar, V (2004). Experimental p-y curves for caissons in marine clay. Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering, 7-9 Dec 2004, NIO, Goa; pp.231-239.
Darga Kumar, N., NarasimhaRao, S., Sundar, V (2004). Lateral resistance factors for caissons in marine clay. IGC-2004, NIT Warangal, 17-19 December 2004. Pp. 599-602.
NarasimhaRao, S., Darga Kumar, N., HemaLatha, K. and Nagendra Kumar, B. (2005). Geotechnical Investigations of Tsunami Damaged Structures along the Indian Coast. National Conference on Case Studies in Geotechnical Engineering, Geopractice-2005, IISc, Bangalore, India.July 25-26, 2005.
Ramadasu, T L, Darga Kumar, N and Aparna, G (2010) Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soils Treated with Stone Dust and Fly Ash. Pp.557-560, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference-2010, held at IIT Bombay. ISBN:978 – 0230332072.
T. L. Ramadasu, N. Darga Kumar & G. Yesuratnam (2011). The Effect of CaCl2 and Na2SiO3 Chemicals on Properties of CH Soil. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference-2011 (Geochallenges), Pp.781-784, Paper No. L-352. Dec 15-17, 2011 Kochi, Kerala, India.
C. Lavanya, A.Sreerama Rao, & N.Darga Kumar (2011). A Review on Utilization of Copper slag for various Geotechnical Applications. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference-2011 (Geochallenges), Pp.445-448, Paper No.H-212. Dec 15-17, 2011 Kochi, Kerala, India.
Darga Kumar, N., and Hari Prasad, D. (2012). GIS and Remote Sensing Based Rajiv AwasYojana Project (RAY): A case Study on Kiron Ki Dhani Slum in Jaipur. Proc. of National Conference on Recent Advances in Geo-Sciences, Engineering and Technology (NCRAGE), 20-21 Dec’2012, JNTU Kakinada, pp. 3-5.
Lavanya, C., SriramaRao, A, and Darga Kumar, N. (2012). Influence of Admixture on Compaction Characteristics and CBR of Copper Slag. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2012), IIT Delhi, New Delhi, Paper No.B 264.
Ramdasu, T. L., Darga Kumar, N., and Yesuratnam, G (2012). Influence of MgCl2 and KCl on Strength, CBR and Swelling Properties of Expansive Soil. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2012), IIT Delhi, New Delhi, Paper No.G 734.
Durusoju Hari Prasad, N. Darga Kumar, M.G. Muni Reddy and G. Naresh (2014). Shoreline change prediction using statistical methods – WLR and EPR. Proceedings of Two-Day National Conference on Water, Environment and Society (NCWES-2014), 30th June to 1st July, 2014, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad. Pg.70-73.
Durusoju Hari Prasad, Muni Reddy, M.G., and Darga Kumar, N. (2015). Shoreline Morphological Study using GIS and Remotely Sensed Data for Andhra Pradesh Coast. Paper ID: 01 006. Proceedings of A Two-Day National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (NCRTST-2015) 25-26 February, 2015, Organized by JNT University Hyderabad College of Engineering, Nachupally (Kondagattu), Karimnagar -505 501, T.S., India.
Ratna Prasad, R and Darga Kumar, N (2015). Compaction Characteristics of Fly Ash – Granular Soil. Paper ID: 01 005. Proceedings of A Two-Day National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (NCRTST-2015) 25-26 February, 2015, Organized by JNT University Hyderabad College of Engineering, Nachupally (Kondagattu), Karimnagar -505 501, T.S., India.
Ramadasu, T. L., Darga Kumar, N. and Yesuratnam, G. (2015). Effect of Flyash (FA) on Geotechnical Properties of CH soils. Paper ID: 01 004. Proceedings of A Two-Day National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (NCRTST-2015) 25-26 February, 2015, Organized by JNT University Hyderabad College of Engineering, Nachupally (Kondagattu), Karimnagar -505 501, T.S., India.
C. Lavanya, A. SriramaRao and N. Darga Kumar (2015). Study on Load – Settlement Behaviour of Copper Slag-Cushioned Expansive Soil Bed. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Pune, Maharastra, India. Pproceedings of IGC, Dec 2015.
Rao, B V., Kumari, P. and Darga Kumar, N. (2016). Comparative study on the effect of lime treatment on different expansive soils. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2016), 15-17 December, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, Paper ID: 513.
Durusoju Hari Prasad, Muni Reddy, M.G., and Darga Kumar, N and Rama Tammu (2016). Shoreline Modelling using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Visakhapatnam Coast Andhra Pradesh State, 2nd National Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Reconstruction of Sustainable Society, VNRVJIET, Hyderabad, India, pp. 22-29.
Lavanya, C and Darga Kumar, N (2017) Use of copper slag in road construction. Proceedings of Two-Day National Conference on Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (RICE 2017), December 15-16 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad, India, 297-302.
Darga Kumar, N and C. Lavanya (2017) Failure of Pavements-Causes, Steps to Improve and Stabilisation of Roads on Poor Subgrade Soils. Proceedings of Two-Day National Conference on Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (RICE 2017), December 15-16 2017, GRIET, Hyderabad, India, pp.286-296.
Darga Kumar, N., Srikanth,G., Naga Sruthi, G., Sai Deekshith, G., Sneha, S. (2020). Non-Destructive and Conventional Tests on Hardened Concrete for Quality Check of Construction. Proceedings of One Day Seminar on Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield. Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam, Local Center, Telangana, 11th March 2020.
Darga Kumar, N., Sumathi, B., Rajitha, M., Srilatha, K., and Hinduja, E. (2020). Rock Mass Classification Systems: RSR and Rock Tunneling Quality Index Q-System. Proceedings of One Day Seminar on Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield. Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam, Local Center, Telangana, 11th March 2020.
Darga Kumar, N and Lavanya, C (2020). Problematic Soils - Foundations on Fill and Backfilling. Proceedings of One Day Seminar on Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield. Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam, Local Center, Telangana, 11th March 2020.
Ramanjaneyulu, B. and Darga Kumar, N (2020). Influence of CaCl2 on Compaction and CBR Characteristics of Gypsum (CaSO2.2H2O) Stabilized High Plastic Clay, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2020), 17-19 Dec’2020, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India. Theme.1, Pp:110-120.
Lavanya, C., and Darga Kumar, N. (2021). Study on CBR of Lime and Cement Stabilised Copper Slag Cushion Laid Over Expansive Soil. Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 137,, Vol.5, Pp:129- 139, Springer Nature Singapore , Pte Ltd. 2021.
Darga Kumar, Nand Lavanya, C (2021). A Geotechnical Study on Breached Summer Storage Tank. Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 134,, Vol.2, Pp:471-482, Springer Nature Singapore, Pte Ltd. 2021.
Ph.D Supervision
Supervised 7 Ph. D Thesis and 3 Ongoing.
Masters Thesis Supervision
Supervised 31 M. Tech/M.Sc Thesiss.
(A) Research Supervision – List of Students
Ph.D Thesis: 6(Awarded) + 1 (Submitted) + 3 (Ongoing)
Name of the Ph.D Scholar
Research Topic
Main Guide
T. L. Ramdas
A Study on Improvement of Geotechnical Properties of Three Different Swelling Soils Using Admixtures
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. G. Yesu Ratnam
Awarded Feb’ 2014
Ch. Lavanya
Utilisation of Industrial Waste Products in Road Pavement
Dr. A. Sri Rama Rao
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Awarded June’ 2015
D. Hari Prasad
Coastal Erosion Modeling Using GIS and Remotely Sensed Data for Andhra Pradesh
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. M. G Muni Reddy
Awarded Nov’ 2017
R. Ratna Prasad
Studies on Utilization of Fly ash in Granular Soil for Pavement Construction
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Awarded Nov’2017
R. Sateesh Kumar
Stabilized Compressed Earth Block Using Waste Materials
Dr. M. Janardhana
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Awarded May 2018
B Vara Prasada Rao
Comparative study on the effect of lime treatment on different expansive soils and their Mapping
Dr. K. Padma Kumari
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Awarded October 2021
V. Gajendra
Subgrade Characterisation and Improvement
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Stabilization of High Plastic Clays Using Admixtures
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
A. Srinivas
Geotechnical Stability Aspects of Coastal Defence Structure
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
G. Venkatesh
Highway Geotechnics
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
(B) M. Tech/M.Sc(TVET) Thesis Supervised/Supervising
Name of the M. Tech Student
Thesis Title
Year of Completion
Main Guide
S. Chandra Mohan
Geotechnical Based Analysis of Failure of Flexible Pavement from Kavali to Kaligiri in SPSR Nellore District, AP State.
Dr. K. Lakshmana Rao
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
T. Srinivasa Rao
Studies on Stabilisation of Clayey Subgrade for Pavement Using RBI Grade 81 Admixtures.
Dr. P. Sravana
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Posanna, M
A Geotechnical Study on Utilisation of Fly ash in the Pavement Construction
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Aparna, G
Adsorption Characteristics of Cr(VI) onto Zero-Valent Iron in Batch and Fixed Bed Column Systems.
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. P. Hari Prasad Reddy
Dr. T. Sashidhar
Amruth Praveen Kumar
Pullout Behaviour of Anchors Embedded in Sand with and without Suction.
Dr. E. Saibaba Reddy
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Raghava Sharma, R V S
Influence of Compaction on CBR and Strength Characteristics of Fly ash Gravelly Sand Mixtures
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Santa Leela, R
A Study on Influence of Randomly Mixed Coir Fibres on CBR values of Clayey Subgrade Stabilised with Flyash.
Dr. P. Sravana
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Gowtami, M
A Study on Use of Cement in the Construction of Pavements on the Compressible Red Soil
Dr. P. Sravana
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
P.R.Prasad Gowrineni
A Study on Compressibility and Strength Characteristics of BC Soil Treated with ZycoSoil
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Sindhuri, K
A Study on Influence of Cement on Collapse Potential of Soil
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Solomon Getahun
Housing Construction Cost Affordability in Adama Town
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Mohammed Mustafa Ali
Lateral Deflection of a Pile Modeled Using ANSYS
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Venkata Seshavataram, K
Assessment of Liquefaction Potential in Visakhapatnam City Area
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. Neelima Sathyam
Mohammed Faiz Siddiuqui
Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Building Resting on Sloping Ground
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Solomon Getahum
Housing Construction Cost Affordability in Adama Town
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Selamu , Yirgalem, Muluken Solomon, and
Yohannes, T.
Development of Traditional House into Modernizing Way
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Ashebir Atinafu,
Firew Bekele, and
Shanko Ayele
Producing Synthetic Aggregates from Clay Soil, Industrious Fine Slag and Wastes from Different Materials
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Yalemwork Bekele,
Shurala Ergedo, and
Tadesse Atalay
The Use of Scoria/Red Ash as a Replacement Material for River Sand in Concrete Production
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Hailu Bogale,
Workinesh Firdisa, and
Fitsum Tekleyesus
Efficacy of Interlocked Sustainable Soil Block for Low-Cost Housing
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Moges W/Aregay,
Hawultie Adimassie, and
Asefa Terefe
Low Cost Manually Operated Cold Press Simple Machine
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Efa Jaleta,
Merga Birasa, and
Tegegn Tesgera
Investigating the Application of Wasted Plastic Bottle Brick as a Brick Masonry in Building Construction House in case of Adama City
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Tesfaye Assegidew,
Wondesen Gezahegn,
Ermias Gugsa, and
Tariku Wondimagegn
Bamboo Structure and Precast Concrete Wall Reinforced with Split Bamboo and Chicken Wire Mesh for the Construction of Low-Cost House.
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Mustefa Abdulshukure,
Semenesh Getachew, and
Tigist Aemiro.
Low-Cost Straw Bale Block with Appropriate Technology
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Fikadu Adore,
Girma Hussein, and
Moti Nebiyu.
Constructing Weather Friendly House Lodge in the Rift Valley of Ethiopia.
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Hamza Ahmed
Total Quality Management in Construction Industry through ISO 9000.
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Satya Narayana, P.
Correlations of Geotechnical Parameters.
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Md. Farooq Ali
A parametric study on thickness of flexible pavement using AASHTO design
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. P. Sravana
Compaction and Shear Characteristics of Clay Stabilized with Building Bound Waste
Nov’ 2019
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. G V Narasimha Reddy
Kanaka Lakshmi
Development of SPT N Charts
June 2022
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
A. Pradyumna Reddy
Model Studies n Use of Coal Mine Waste in Clay Soil as Fill Material for Embankments and Foundations
Dr. M. Padmvathi
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Mohammed Sami Uddin
Stabilization of Clayey Soils Using Coal Mine Waste and Polycon
Dr. M. Padmvathi
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Hari Krupa
Analysis of Laterally Loaded Pile Using PLAXIS
Compaction and CBR Characteristics of Clay Stabilized with Building Bound Waste
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Dr. V. Padmavathi
Sai Pavani
Analysis of laterally loaded pile
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Axial capacity of pile
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Bearing capacity analysis of layered soils
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Stability Analysis of Well Foundations
Dr. N. Darga Kumar
Sai Pavan
Chandra Mohan
(A) Courses Taught at Under Graduate Level: (B. Tech/BE/B.Sc)
(i). Geotechnical Engineering
(ii). Foundation Engineering
(iii). Geomechanics/Soil Mechanics
(iv). Advanced Foundation Engineering
(v). Soil Dynamics
(vi). Mechanics of Solids
(vii). Engineering Geology
(viii). Fluid Mechanics
(ix). Engineering Mechanics/Applied Mechanics
(x) Environmental Science
(xi). Geoenvironmental Engineering.
(xii) Soil and Site Improvement
(xiii). Earthquake Engineering
(xiv). Reinforced Concrete Structures
(xv). Highway Engineering and Design Applications
(xvi). Design and Analysis of Timber Structures
(xvii). CAAD
(xviii). Ports, Harbor and Basic Coastal Engineering
(B) Courses Taught at Post-Graduation Level: (M. Tech/M. Sc/M. E)
(i). Ground Improvement Techniques
(ii). Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundations
(iii). Soil Stabilization and Pavement Design
(iv) Rock Mechanics and Engineering
(v) Advanced Soil Mechanics
(vi) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
(vii) Earth and Rock fill Dams & Slope Stability.
(viii) Pavement Analysis and Design
(ix) Advanced Foundation Engineering
(x) Opening in Rock Mass
(xi) Research Methods
(xii) Subsurface Investigation and Instrumentation
Geotechnical Engineer, Keller Ground Engineering India Pvt Ltd, Sept 2005 – Jan 2006.
Carried out Consultancy jobs relevant to Soil and Pavement Material Testing in the laboratory and in-situ.
Consultancy Activities/Services Involved Apart from Academic and Research
Project Name
Year of Project
Amount (RS.)
Pile Load Test at Bhanur, Hyderabad.
Bharat Dynamics Limited, Hyderabad.
Testing of Undisturbed and Disturbed Soil Samples for Earth Bund Construction at Geeskonda, Warangal.
M/S. JCPL-MEIL-KBL Consortium Warangal.
Soil Investigation for Proposed Compound Wall Construction at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad.
Garrison Engineer, Air Force Academy, Hyderabad.
Soil Investigation for proposed Multipurpose Hall Construction near Agriculture Marketing Yard at Guntur.
Commissioner and Director Agricultural Marketing Yard, Guntur.
4, 57,855.00
Soil Investigation for proposed cinema theater complex at Nizamabad.
Sri. GVV Prasada Rao, Managing Director & Owner of the Theater Complex, Nizamabad.
Soil Investigation for proposed earth bund construction at Jurala, Mahaboobnagar Dist.
M/S. Patel- V – Arks – JV, Hyderabad.
2,59, 205.00
Soil Investigation for proposed Elevated Storage Reservoir at Nizamabad.
Executive Engineer, Public Health Department, Nizamabad.
Soil Investigation for Renovation of the existing machinery shed.
EPE Process Filters & Accumulators Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad.
Testing of undisturbed and disturbed soil samples of borrow area for proposed earth bund construction at Jurala, Mahaboobnagar Dist.
M/S. Patel- V – Arks – JV, Hyderabad.
Soil Investigation for construction balancing tunnel facility of 125 T capacity rotor.
BHEL, Hyderabad.
Soil Investigation and Remedial Measures for Failed Molasses Tank Foundation at Yadgir, Karnataka.
Professional Surveyors & Loss Adjusters Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad.
Soil Investigation for proposed STP at Nizamabad
L & T, Nizamabad.
Laboratory Testing of Soils for Various Organizations of each project cost below Rs. 50,000.
Public & Private Organizations.
2009 to
SBC Report for Girls hostel JNTUHCEJ.
M/S VCR Associates Engineers and Contractors.
SBC Report for Boys hostel JNTUHCEJ.
M/S SRICO Projects Pvt.Ltd., Hyderabad.
Concrete cube testing for Bethel church Peddapalli.
Chairman Bethel church Peddapalli.
Soil Testing for Breached summer storage tank Nuzendla, Narsaraopet.
Executive Engineer, RWS&S Division Narsaraopet, Guntur Dist.
Aggregate testing for CC Road Construction.
M/S Shrusti works and Constructions.
SBC Report.
M/S RVPR Constructions Pvt.Ltd Hyderabad.
Vetting of water tank design.
M/S ASM Associates Hyderabad.
Inspection of RCC Pavement.
ALP Addriyala Project RG-III , SCCL.
Concrete cube testing.
United Systems and Projects India Pvt.Ltd, Hyderabad.
Concrete cube testing.
United Systems and Projects India Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad.
Inspection of RCC Pavement near TG 4 underground.
ALP Addriyala Project, RG-III area, SCCL.
Proof checking of Bearing Capacity of Well foundations – Construction of Important New Railway Bridges across the River Vynatheya, AP State.
M/S BSCPL – BEKEM RE [JV], Hyderabad & South-Central Railway Secunderabad Division, Vijayawada.
Proof checking of Bearing Capacity of Well foundations – Construction of Important New Railway Bridges across the River Vasista, AP State.
M/S BSCPL – BEKEM RE [JV], Hyderabad & South-Central Railway Secunderabad Division, Vijayawada.
Site inspection for identification of soil and rock proportions – Construction of Minority Residential School (Girls) at Shamshabad (V&M) in Rangareddy District, Telangana.
Telangana State Education Welfare Infrastructure Development Corporation (TSEWIDC), Hyderabad, Telangana.
Site visit for identification of soil and rock proportions – Construction of Dormitory, Classrooms and Toilet Block for KGBV Shankarapally (V & M), Ranga Reddy District, Telangana.
Telangana State Education Welfare Infrastructure Development Corporation (TSEWIDC), Hyderabad, Telangana.
Soil Investigation & Bearing capacity of proposed 1000 Ton Coal Handling Plant at Sreerampur Coal Mine.
Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., TS.
Soil Investigation & Bearing Capacity of Coal Handling Plant at RG-II Area.
Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., TS.
Concrete Mix Designs for Construction of CC Roads, Culverts, Water Tanks.
Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., TS.
Jan-July 2020
Inspection of Termination levels and Lateral Stability Analysis of Wells for Bridge Structure on Gowthami River, AP State
South Central Railway Vijayawada, AP State, India.
June 2020
Inspection of Foundation Quality of 100 m High Transmission Tower, All India Radio, Adilabad, TS.
All India Radio, Adilabad, TS, India.
July 2020
CBR testing of Soils for laying of Roads
Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., TS.
July 2020
Inspection of 1200000 Liter Capacity Elevated Water Storage Reservoir at Peddapally
Peddapally Municipality, Peddapally, TS.
July 2020
Bearing Capacity of Foundation Soil for Construction of 20000 Liter Capacity Elevated Water Storage Reservoir at Goleti
Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., TS.
August 2020
Stability Analysis of Well Foundations Constructed on Gowthami River
ROKERA Company Limited
June, 2020
1, 30,000.00
Stability Analysis of Well Foundations Constructed on Gowthami River
ROKERA Company Limited
October, 2020
1, 30,000.00
Inspection, Identifications of Reasons of Failure of CC Road and Remedies to Repair
Singareni Colliries Company Limited, TS
November 2020
The amount generated for the college through Industrial Consultancy Projects during 2019-22
From (Month & Year)
To (Month & Year)
Amount Generated through Industrial Consultancy Projects (Rs)
April 2019
March 2020
April 2020
March 2021
April 2021
March 2022
April 2022
8th June 2022
Principal Investigator for the JNTUH TEQIP-III Sponsored Research Project on “Physico-Chemical Characterization of Coal Ash and its Geotechnical Applications, 2019.
Principal Investigator for the Internal Research Project Sponsored by Fiji National University titled “Lateral Load Capacity of Timber Poles Embedded in Soapstone”, 2016.
Principal Investigator for the Internal Research Project Sponsored by Fiji National University titled “Development of Correlations Between Dynamic Cone Penetration Resistance, CBR and In-situ Dry Density of Tropical Residual Soils in Viti Levu, Fiji”, 2016.
Co-Investigator for the Internal Research Project Sponsored by Fiji National University titled “Investigating the Littoral Transport of Sediment along the Nasese Coastline, Suva, Fiji Islands”, 2016.
Co-Investigator: Cyclone Damage Assessment of Infrastructure of Viti Levu, Fiji Islands, 2016.
Co-Investigator for the Department of Science and Technology (DST, New Delhi, India) Sponsored Research Project entitled “Stabilized Compressed Earth Blocks Using Rice Husk Ash and their Applications to Load Bearing Walls”. The cost of the project is USD 30000. The duration of the project is 3 years (2013 -2016).
Principal Investigator for the National Thermal Power Corporation Sponsored Project on “Geotechnical Testing of Pond Ash and Bottom Ash Samples for Ash Dyke Construction”. Completed in 2012.
Principal Investigator: “Geotechnical Investigations of Failed Molasses Tanks”, 2010.
Coordinator for the One Week Workshop on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering Infrastructure Projects”, conducted for IV B. Tech Civil Engineering Students of GMR Institute of Technology Rajam, Srikakulam by the ISTE student chapter and Civil Engineering Association during 29th July – 7th Aug, 2006.
Co-coordinator for the One-day Programme on “Principals meet and Workshop on Quality Assurance in Technical Education through ISO Certification”, 25th March’2008 held at JNTU Kakinada.
Treasurerfor the 1-day National Seminar on “Soil Problems in Construction Engineering” held at JNTU Kakinada in Civil Engineering Department during 19th Oct’2008, Organised by IGS Kakinada Local Chapter.
Treasurer for the 1-day Seminar on “Recent Advances in Geotechnical Engineering” held at JNTUH in Civil Engineering Department during 19th, Sept 2009.
Treasurer for the 1-day Workshop on “Geotechnics for Infra-Irrigation and Tall Structures” held at JNTUH in Civil Engineering Department during 21st, Nov 2009.
Co-Convenerforthe Sthapathya-10, National Level Student Event Organised by the Department of Civil Engineering at JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad during 30-31 March 2010.
Treasurer for the 1-day Symposium on “Selected Topics in Geotechnical Engineering (STINGE-2010)”, held at JNTUH in Civil Engineering Department during 4th Nov, 2010.
Coordinator for the free Coaching Classes conducted for “SC/ST/OBC/Minority Candidates aspiring APPSC- Assistant Executive Engineer posts”, sponsored by JNTUH-PIU & CARD Unit, held during 24-01-2011 to 20-02-2011.
Co-Convenerforthe Sthapathya-11, National Level Student Event Organised by the Department of Civil Engineering at JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad during 25-26 March 2011.
Co-Convener for the Sthyrya – 2018, National Level Student Event Organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, Telangana.
Coordinator for the 1-Day workshop on“Road Designing by MX-Roads”, held on 21-03-2018, organized bythe Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, Peddapalli Dist.,Telangana.
Coordinator for the 2-Day workshop on“Design Concepts of Buildings and Bridges”, held during 22nd-23rd March’2019, Organized bythe Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, Peddapalli Dist., Telangana.
Co-Convenerfor the 2-Day Boot Camp on “Artificial Intelligence” held during 7-8, Jan’2019 organized by the JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, on behalf of J-Hub, JNTU Hyderabad.
Co-Convenerfor the 2-Day Hack-Elite on “Agri-Tech and Water Conservation” held during 9-10, Jan’2019 organized by the JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, on behalf of J-Hub, JNTU Hyderabad.
Convener for the 2-Day National level student workshop on“Design Concepts of Buildings and Bridges” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUHCE Manthani, Pedapalli, Telangana during 22-23 March’2019.
Coordinator for the 6-Day UGC sponsoredShort Term Course on “Ground Improvement Methods and Assessment of their Quality Control”, held during 16-21 Sept’ 2019 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
Coordinator for the 6-Day UGC sponsoredShort Term Course on Raising Awareness on Laboratory Soil Testing to the Young Faculty for Better Teaching and Practice”, held during 4-9 Dec’ 2019 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
Coordinator for the 5-Day AICTE sponsoredFaculty Development Program on “Foundation Engineering”, held during 3-7 Feb’ 2020 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
Coordinatorfor the TEQIP-3 Sponsored 2-Day workshop on “Outcome Based Education and Research Methods for Engineering Faculty” held during 28-29 March 2020 at JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, Peddapalli Dist., Telangana, India.
Convenerfor the One Day Seminar on “Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield” held on 11th March 2020 at JNTH College of Engineering Manthani, Sponsored by the Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam Local Center.
Convener for the One Day National Conference on Mining Sciences -2022 in the theme of “Emerging Trends in Mining Industry and Engineering”, held on 07-07-2022, organized by the Department of Mining Engineering, JNTUH University College of Engineering Manthani, Peddapalli Dist., Telangana.
Participated in the “Induction Training to Young Teachers” a 3-week AICTE sponsored Staff Training Programme from 01-11-2000 to 17-11-2000 held at Shanmugha College of Engineering, Thanjavur, and Tamilnadu, India.
Participated a 1-week Course on “Engineering Seismology and Seismic Hazard Assessment” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai during 12th -16th Feb’2007.
Participated a 4 week “11th Orientation Course for College Teachers” organized by UGC Academic Staff College, J.N.T. University, Hyderabad, during 5 – 31, May’ 2007.
Participated a 1-week Course on “Recent Advances in Flexible Pavement Engineering” organized by Department of Civil Engineering during 16th -21st July’2007.
Participated a 2 week “Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship”, 14- 24, March’2008, Organized by Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Hyderabad and National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) held at JNTU Kakinada.
Participated a 3-week advanced training programme on “Application of Geomatics in Urban Transportation Planning and Management” held at St. Peter’s University in Chennai, during 13th Oct to 1st Nov’2008.
Participated a 6 days’ certificate course in “Train the Trainer Programme”, conducted by the Times Group, Times of India, Hyderabad during March’2009.
Participated a 2-week training programme on “Total Station Surveying & Other Advanced Surveying Techniques” held at NIT Calicut during 18-29, May 2009.
Participated a 1-week training programme on “Quality Assurance and NBA Accreditation for Technical Institutions” held at NITTTR at Chandigarh, during 20-24 July, 2009.
Participated a 1 week short course on “Geotechnology for Infrastructure Development”, 4-8, Jan’ 2010, (1week), S V National Institute of Technology Surat, Surat.( AICTE, India).
Participated a 1-week short course on “Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Earth Sciences”, 15-20, Nov’2010 (1 week), Centre for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Bangalore. (MES, India).
Participated a 1-week short course on “Geotechnical Aspects of Earthquake Engineering”, 8-11 March, 2011 (1 week), Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Participated a 3-week Refresher Course on “GIS Based Engineering Applications”, 18 July to 6 Aug 2011(3 weeks), UGC Academic Staff College, JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
Attended a 2-day training on First Aid organized by Fiji National University, Fiji, 2014.
Attended a 1-day training on Talent management organised by Fiji National University, Fiji, 2016.
Attended a 7day Winter School on “From Modeling Towards Better Prediction in Geotechnics” organized by Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 22-27 Jan 2017.
Attended a Two-week AICTE sponsored Staff Development Program on “Present Scenario of Treatment of Waste in India: Challenges, Issues and New Techniques of Treatment” held during 13-25 November 2017, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeevani Engineering College, Kopargaon, Ahmed Nagar Dist, Maharashtra.
Attended a one-week AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course on “Technological Advancements in Construction Materials” during 8-13 Jan 2018, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India.
Attended a One Week AICTE-ISTE Sponsored FDP on “Air Pollution Measurement and Its Control Strategies” held during 11-16 June 2018, organized by the VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
Attended a Two Week STTP on “Soil Identification & Classification through Laboratory & Filed Testing”, held during 9-20 July 2018, organized by the NITTTR Kolkata, India.
Attended a 6-Day AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course on “Research Avenues in Coastal Engineering” held during 14-19, Jan’2019 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering Kollam, Kerala.
Attended a 3-Day FDP on Student Induction, sponsored by the AICTE, New Delhi, held at KITS Warangal, Telangana, during 16-18 May 2019.
Attended a 2-Day National Workshop on “Quality Enhancement Measures in Higher, Technical, Professional and Management Educational Institutions with special focus on NIRF India Rankings” held at JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, on 18th & 19th October 2019.
Attended a Indian Geotechnical Conference on “Geotechnics for Infrastructure Development & Urbanisation”, held during 19-21 Dec’ 2019, SVNIT Surat, Gujarat State, India.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Basics of Soil Mechanics” to the IV B. Tech Civil Engineering Students of GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam towards a 1-week workshop on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering Infrastructure Projects”, organized by ISTE student chapter and the Civil Engineering Association of GMRIT during 29 July – 7 Aug, 2006.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Lab Testing” to the IV B. Tech Civil Engineering Students of GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam towards a 1-week workshop on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering Infrastructure Projects”, organized by ISTE student chapter and the Civil Engineering Association of GMRIT during 29 July – 7 Aug, 2006.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Site Investigations” to the IV B. Tech Civil Engineering Students of GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam towards a 1-week workshop on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering Infrastructure Projects”, organized by ISTE student chapter and the Civil Engineering Association of GMRIT during 29 July – 7 Aug, 2006.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “In-situ Evaluation of Dynamic Soil Parameters” to the students and faculty of Civil Engineering Department at GMR Institute of Technology Rajam, Srikakulam, AP on 21- 04-2008.
Delivered a Lecture on “Soil Investigation & Classification and Assessment of SBC and Types of Foundations”, held at NAC Hyderabad towards Civil Works Training Programme to the Civil Works Engineers of AP State organized by Rajiv Vidya Mission (Sarva Shiksha Abhyan) Hyderabad during 19- 21 Oct’ 2009.
Delivered a Lecture on “Soil Characterisation” at ESCI Hyderabad (Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad) towards continuing professional development programme on “Flexible Pavement and Overlays-Design, Construction and Maintenance” held during 6-9 Dec’ 2010.
Delivered a Lecture on “Geotechnics in Road Projects” held at AP Academy of Rural Development, Hyderabad towards “Training Programme on Planning and Implementation of PMGSY for the Panchayati Raj Engineers” held during 6-11 June’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Road Failures Reasons and Subgrade Strengthening” held at AP Academy of Rural Development, Hyderabad towards “Training Programme on Planning and Implementation of PMGSY for the Panchayat Raj Engineers” held during 6-11 June’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Laboratory Session on Soil Testing” held at ESCI Hyderabad (Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad) towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 7-9 June’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Soil Characterisation and Laboratory Session on Soil Testing” held at ESCI Hyderabad (Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad) towards continuing professional development programme on “Testing of Civil Engineering Materials - Latest Techniques” held during 7- 9 June’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Earthquake Effects on Soil and Foundations” held at Rural Development Department, Bhubaneswar in Orissa conducted by ESCI Hyderabad towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 5-7 Sept’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Reinforced Earth Structures” held at Rural Development Department, Bhubaneswar in Orissa conducted by ESCI Hyderabad towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 5-7 Sept’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Geosynthetics in Highway Engineering” held at Rural Development Department, Bhubaneswar in Orissa conducted by ESCI Hyderabad towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 5-7 Sept’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Earthquake Effects on Soil and Foundations” held at Rural Development Department, Bhubaneswar in Orissa conducted by ESCI Hyderabad towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 8-10 Sept’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Reinforced Earth Structures” held at Rural Development Department, Bhubaneswar in Orissa conducted by ESCI Hyderabad towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 8-10 Sept’ 2011.
Delivered a Lecture on “Geosynthetics in Highway Engineering” held at Rural Development Department, Bhubaneswar in Orissa conducted by ESCI Hyderabad towards continuing professional development programme on “Soil Investigations and Ground Improvement Techniques in Infrastructure Development” held during 8-10 Sept’ 2011.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Civil Engineering Role in Infrastructure Development” in the event of DAM 2K12 organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India held during 9-10 March 2012.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Role of Civil Engineers in Geotechnical Engineering” to the students of Civil Engineering, Anurag Group of Institutions (Formerly CVSR College of Engineering) Hyderabad, India on 14 March 2012.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Aspects in Infrastructure Development” as a resource person in connection to the institute and industry interaction organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India on 28 March 2012.
Delivered a Lecture on “Material Characterisation and Quality Application” in a continuing professional development programme on “Testing of Civil Engineering Materials - Latest Techniques”, organized by the ESCI Hyderabad (Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad) held during 27-30 March 2012.
Delivered a Lecture on “Soil Investigation and Soil Stabilisation” in a customized training programme for the civil engineer of Punjab state power corporation Ltd, organized by the ESCI Hyderabad (Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad) held during 9-14 April 2012.
Delivered a Lecture on “Soil Characterisation” in a continuing professional development programme on “Testing of Civil Engineering Materials - Latest Techniques”, organized by the ESCI Hyderabad (Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad) held during 16-18 August 2012.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Testing Techniques” to the members of Fiji Institution of Engineers, Fiji in February 2015.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Collapse Potential of Loess Soils and Cement Influence” to the Staff and students of Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Jan 2017.
Delivered an Expert Lecture as a resource person on “Liquefaction Potential Assessment for Environmental Sustainability” in a two-week AICTE sponsored Faculty Development Program “Present Scenario of Treatment of Waste in India: Challenges, Issues and New Techniques of Treatment”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeevani Engineering College, Kopargaon, Maharashtra, India during 13-25 November 2017.
Delivered a Guest Lecture as a resource person on “Characterization of Soils by Laboratory and Field studies” in a one-week Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Concepts in Civil Engineering Fields (EC2EF-2-17)”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India during 11-16 December 2017.
Delivered an Expert Lecture as a resource person on “Geotechnical Design Parameters in Foundation Design” in a one-week Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Concepts in Civil Engineering Fields (EC2EF-2-17)”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India during 11-16 December 2017.
Delivered a Keynote Lecture on “Geotechnics in Highway Engineering Practice” in a Two-Day National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (RICE-2017)”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India during 15-16 December 2017.
Delivered an Expert Lecture as a resource person on “Strength and Erodibility Characteristics of Stabilised Compressed Earth Blocks and their Application in Masonry Wall” in a one-week AICTE sponsored QIP Short Term Course on “Technological Advancements in Materials for Construction”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India during 08-13 Jan 2018.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Foundation Engineering Practices in Infrastructure Development” on 29-01-2018 in connection to the Indian Geotechnical Society student chapter seminar organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Malla Reddy Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Concepts of Earth Slope Stability and Retaining Walls” on 03-02-2018 in connection to the Society of Civil Engineers, Indian Concrete Institute Student Chapter, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Samskruti College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Practices in Civil Engineering Projects” on 27-08-2018 in connection to the Professional Developmental activities of the Department of Civil Engineering, Vignan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Delivered an Invited Talk on “In-Situ Difficult Soil and its Modification Methods” in a One Day National Symposium on Recent Trends in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, held on 10th Sept’2018, organized by the CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.Telangana.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Soil Engineering and Load Carrying Capacity of Foundations” in connection to the Professional Developmental activities of the Department of Civil Engineering, Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal, Telangana on 24th Sept’2018.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Significance of Ground improvement Methods in Civil Engineering” in connection to the Professional Developmental activities of the Department of Civil Engineering, CVSR College of Engineering, Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, Telangana on 27 Nov’2018.
Delivered a Guest lecture on “IoT Applications in Civil Engineering and Importance of Project Based Learning”, in a 3 Week Refresher Course on “Internet of Things” organized by the UGC HRDC-JNTU Hyderabad during 3-23, Dec’2018.
Delivered a Key Note Lecture on “Changes in Gradation of Fly Ash Blended granular Soil Due to Compaction” in a First International Conference on Civil Engineering Practices and Trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), held during 21-22, Dec’2018 at CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Delivered an expert lecture as resource person on “Lateral Capacity and Deflection of Pile Foundations of Coastal Structures” in a 6-Day AICTE Sponsored QIP Short Term Course on “Research Avenues in Coastal Engineering” held during 14-19, Jan’2019 organized bY the Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering Kollam, Kerala.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Geotechnical Aspects in Ground Improvement” in the Department of Civil Engineering at Madanapalli Institute of Technology and Science, Madanapalli, AP, India on 22-02-2019.
Delivered anInvited Lecture on “Geotechnics in Sustainable Environment and Civil Engineering Construction” in a Two-Day National Conference on Emerging Technologies and Environmental Sustainability (NCETES-2019) held during 27-28 June’ 2019, organized by the GLOBAL Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Engineering Education – Curriculum and its Importance” in a Two-Week student Orientation program held during 06-17, August’ 2019, organized by the University College of Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda, Telangana State.
As a resource person delivered a Lecture on “Laboratory and In-Situ Characterization of Soil” in a 6-Day UGC sponsoredShort Term Course on “Ground Improvement Methods and Assessment of their Quality Control”, held during 16-21 Sept’ 2019 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS..
As a resource person delivered a Lecture on “Liquefaction of Soil and its Assessment” in a 6-Day UGC sponsoredShort Term Course on “Ground Improvement Methods and Assessment of their Quality Control”, held during 16-21 Sept’ 2019 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
As a resource person delivered a Lecture on “Determination of Shear Characteristics of Soil by Triaxial Test” in a 6-Day UGC sponsoredShort Term Course on “Raising Awareness on Laboratory Soil Testing to the Young Faculty for Better Teaching and Practice”, held during 4-9 Dec’ 2019 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
As a resource person delivered a Lecture on “Determination of Shear Characteristics of Soil by UCS and Direct Shear Test” in a 6-Day UGC sponsoredShort Term Course on “Raising Awareness on Laboratory Soil Testing to the Young Faculty for Better Teaching and Practice”, held during 4-9 Dec’ 2019 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
As a resource person delivered a Lecture on “Pile Foundations - Pile Group Capacity and Settlements” in a 5-Day AICTE sponsoredFaculty Development Programon “Foundation Engineering”, held during 3-7 Feb’ 2020 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
As a resource person delivered a Lecture on “Well Foundations - Scour Depth, Bearing Capacity and Settlements” in a 5-Day AICTE sponsoredFaculty Development Programon “Foundation Engineering”, held during 3-7 Feb’ 2020 at UGC HRDC JNTU Hyderabad, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on“Problematic Soils and Geotechnics in Civil Engineering Construction” in a One Day Seminar on “Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield” held on 11th March 2020 at JNTH College of Engineering Manthani, Sponsored by the Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam Local Center, Peddapalli Dist., Telangana.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Construction Practices and Load carrying Capacity of Single and Group of Piles”in a One Week National Workshop on “Recent Advances in Construction Engineering” (RACE-2020) held during 16th March to 21st March 2020, organized by the Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jayamukhi Institute of Technological Sciences, Narsampet, Warangal-506332, (T.S), INDIA.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Evaluation of Seepage and Stresses in Soil Due to Self Weight and Applied Loads”, in a Webinar Series on “Soil Mechanics”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, Karimnagar, TS, in Association with ACCE(I) Karimnagar Center, held on 06-05-2020.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Evaluation of Consolidation Characteristics of Soil and their Applications”, in a Webinar Series on “Soil Mechanics”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, Karimnagar, TS, in Association with ACCE(I) Karimnagar Center, held on 08-05-2020.
Delivered a Guest lecture on “Evaluation of Shear Strength Characteristics and Application of Shear Strength of Soil”, in a Webinar Series on “Soil Mechanics”, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, Karimnagar, TS, in Association with ACCE(I) Karimnagar Center, held on 09-05-2020.
Delivered a Invited lecture on “Load Carrying Capacity of Piles in Cohesive and Cohesionless Soils Subjected to Horizontal Loads” in a Webinar held on 20-05-2020, organised by the Department of Civil Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Gurugram, India.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Formulate and Identify Assessment Methods of Vision, Mission, PEOs, PSOs and COs & To Apply for Research Funding with Proper Approach”3- Day Workshop on Outcome Based Education, held during 27-29 May’2020, organized by the Narasimha Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Shear Strength of Cohesive and Cohesionless Soils” in a Two Day International Online “Capacity Building Program” for Faculty and Scholars on “Civil Engineering Practices”, IOCBP-2020, held during 28-29 May’2020, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati, AP, India.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Conservation of Biodiversity”, on the Occasion of World Environment Day (WED) held on 05-06-2020, Organized by the Institution of Engineers India, Ramagundam Local Center, Ramagundam, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering” in a 5 – Day online FDP on Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (RICE-2020) held during 22-26 July’ 2020, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Recent Developments in Offshore Foundations and Lateral Capacity of Piles” in a One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (AGE-2020)”, held during 27-31, July 2020, organized by the Dept. of Civil Engineering, KITS Warangal, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “In-Situ Testing of Soil and Interpretation of Geotechnical Design Parameters”, in a One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Stability of Slopes and Dumps in Open Pit Mines”, held during 3-8, August 2020, organized by the Department of Mining Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Design and Construction of Dumps in Open Pit Mines and Slope Stabilization”, in a One Week Online Faculty Development Program on “Stability of Slopes and Dumps in Open Pit Mines”, held during 3-8, August 2020, organized by the Department of Mining Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Engineers for a Self Reliant India”, on the occasion of 53rd Engineers Day, organized by the Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam Local Centre, Ramagundam, Telangana, held on 15-09-2020. .
Delivered a Lecture on “Pull - Out Behaviour of Model Suction Caissons in Sand”, in a Webinar organized by the SRM Institute of Science and Technology, SRM University, Chennai, Tamilnadu held on 23-9-2020.
Delivered a Lecture on “Some Observations from Case Studies Relevant to Geotechnical and Structural Failures”, in a One Day Webinar organized by the Dept. of Civil Engineering, Younus College of Engineering and Technology, Kollam, Kerala held on 06-11-2020.
Delivered a Lecture on “Different Materials, Tests and QC & QA for Earthen Dam”, in an Online In-House Training Programme on “Planning, Design and Construction of Earthen Dam”, held during 25-27 November 2020, Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) Hyderabad, TS, India.
Delivered an invited lecture on” SmartMeasurement in Geotechnical Engineering “in an AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Smart Sensing Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring, held during 18 – 23 March, 2021organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Delivered a Lecture on “Recent Innovations in Geotechnical Testing Methods” as a resource person in a National Level 3 Days Faculty Development Program on “Innovation, Entrepreneurship & its Relevance in Civil Engineering”, held during 10-12, May’ 2021, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, St. Martin’s Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Chief Guest and also Delivered a Lecture on “Applications of AI and ML in Geotechnical Engineering” in an International Online Five-Day Faculty Development Program on “Soft Computing in Civil Engineering”, held during 27-31 May 2021, Organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College”, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Delivered an Invited lecturer on “Ecosystem Restoration of Coal Mine Degraded Lands” as a invited speaker on the occasion of World Environment Day (WED), held on 5th June 2021, organized by the Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Ramagundam Local Centre, Telangana State.
Delivered a lecture on “Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Geotechnical Engineering” as a resource person in aTwo-Day National Level Webinar on “Potential Challenges and Novel Approaches in Geotechnical Engineering”, held during 11-12 June 2021, organized by the Dept. of Civil Engineering, Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, Puttur, Chittor Dist, Andhra Pradesh.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Geotechnical Parameters and Models in ANSYS FEM Analysis” as a resource person in a 6 Day Training Program on “ANSYS Software & Its Applications in Geotechnical Domain”, held during 14-19 June 2021, organized by the Dept. of Mining Engineering, Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous), Hyderabad, Telangana.
Delivered an Invited talk on “Environmental Issues and Role of Geotechnical Engineer” in a National Level Webinar on “Environmental Issues and Role of Geotechnical Engineer”, on 26-06-2021, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, Guntur Dist., Andhra Pradesh.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Creative Concepts in Civil Engineering for Nation Building” in a Webinar Series Organized by the Global Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, TS on 08-08-2021.
Deivered a technical talk on “Role of Geotechnics in Rural Roads and Stabilization of Soft Subgrades Using Locally Available Materials” A Seminar on “New Technologies”, District Rural Roads Seminar Week 15-22 August 2021, organized by the Panchayati Raj Engineering Department, Peddapalli Division, TS. Date: 21-08-2021.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Environment Conservation via Sustainable Practices”, in a Residential & Online Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Environmental Laws, Policies and Sustainable Practices in Mining”, held during 25-27, August’ 2021, organized by the Mining Division, Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad, India.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Ecological Restoration in Mining Projects”, in a Residential & Online Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Environmental Laws, Policies and Sustainable Practices in Mining”, held during 25-27, August’ 2021, organized by the Mining Division, Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad, India.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Geotechnics in Civil Infrastructure Engineering” in an online webinar organized by the Dept. of Civil Engineering, REWA University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India on 26-08-2021.
Delivered an Invited lecturer on “Engineers for Skill Development and Employment in Combating Covid” as a invited speaker on the occasion of 54th Engineers Day, held on 15th Sept’ 2021, organized by the Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Ramagundam Local Centre, Telangana State.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Geotechnics and Methods of Slope Stability Analysis”, in an Online Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Design and Monitoring of Slope stability in Mining & Infrastructure Projects”, held during 15-17, Sept’ 2021, organized by the Mining Division, Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad, India.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Slope Stability Challenges in Infrastructure and Slope Stabilization”, in an Online Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Design and Monitoring of Slope stability in Mining & Infrastructure Projects”, held during 15-17, Sept’ 2021, organized by the Mining Division, Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad, India.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Geotechnical Aspects in Seismic Design of Structures”, in an AICTE Sponsored Online Short-Term Training Programme on “Seismic Design of Multistory Buildings: IS1893-2016”, held during 4-12, October’ 2021, organized by the UGC - HRDC, JNTU Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad and GRIET Hyderabad.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Sensors and Monitoring Systems in Geotechnical Research and Slope Stability Analysis”, in a 5 Day Faculty Development Program on “Advancements in Civil Engineering Research (ACER 2021)” organized by the Dept. of Civil Engineering, in association with Institution of Engineers India Student Chapter, Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad during 25-29 October’ 2021.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Construction Practice and Stability Aspects of Well Foundation”, in a webinar organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, Tamilnadu on 3rd November 2021.
Delivered an Invited lecture on “Sustainable Practices of Foundation Engineering”, in a 11th Annual National Workshop on “Sustainable Technologies in Civil Engineering Perspectives and Strategies (STEPS-2021)”, held during 24th Nov 2021, organized by the Centre for Sustainable Technologies for Eco Social Resilience to Global Climate Change (CST-ERG) and Centre for Water Resources Engineering & Management, Department of Civil Engineering, GRIET, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “In-Situ Characterization of Soil and Its Behaviour Under Dynamic Loads”, in a 5 Day AICTE sponsored ATAL Academy Online Faculty Development Programme on “Geomechanics for Structural Engineers”, held during 1-5 December 2021, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala.
Delivered an Invited Inaugural Lecture on “Developments in Civil Engineering from Ancient Era to Present” on the occasion of Inauguration of Civil Engineering Association held on 4th Dec 2021, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Narsimha Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Role of SDL and PBL in Enhancing the Lifelong Learning Skills of Engineering Graduates” in a AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction/Refresher Programme on “Pedagogy and Research Methodologies”, held during 21-28 December 2021, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, GRIET, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “Civil Engineering Innovations and Construction of Double D Shaped Well Foundation on Gowthami River” in a Student Development Program, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, K S R M Engineering College, Kadapa, AP State, held on 25th Jan’ 2022.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Design Considerations for Optimization of Haul Road Design”, in a Mixed Mode Online/Offline Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Optimization of Resources in Opencast Mining Projects”, held during 09-11, Feb’2022, organized by the Mining Division, Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad, India.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Foundation Types & Geotechnical Considerations in Foundation Design” in a 3 Week Induction Training Program conducted for Technical Managers of Madhya Pradesh State Building Development Corporation (MPBDC), held during 13th June to 3rd July, 2022 organized by the National Academy of Construction (NAC), Hyderabad, TS.
As resource person delivered a lecture on “How to Develop Research in Institutions of Higher Education 5-Day FDP on “Enhancing Research Eco-System in the Campus”, organized by the R & D Cell, Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, 22-26 Aug’2022.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Soil Investigation-Classification of Soils and Site Selection of Bridges” in a 5 Day in House Basic Program on “Planning, Design and Construction of Minor Bridges and Culverts, organized by the Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad, TS, during 22-26 Aug 2022.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Advancements in Foundation Practices for River and Ocean Structures” in a 3 Day Professional Development Program for Faculty on “Advanced Applications of Geological and Geotechnical Aspects in Civil Engineering”, held during 15-17 Sept 2022, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Hyderabad, TS.
Delivered a Guest Lecture on “National Education Policy 2020 - An Overview”,on the occasion of National Education Day, organized by the Institutions Innovation Cell and Department of Civil Engineering on 11-11-2022 at Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Slope Stability Challenges & Stabilization Techniques” in a Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Design & Monitoring of Bench & Dump Slopes for Stability in Mining & Civil Engineering Projects”, held during 28-30 November 2022 at Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Geotechnical Characteristics and Slope Stability Analysis Methods” in a Continuing Professional Development Programme on “Design & Monitoring of Bench & Dump Slopes for Stability in Mining & Civil Engineering Projects”, held during 28-30 November 2022 at Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad.
Delivered an expert lecture on “Milestones in Soil Investigation and Site Selection of Long Span Bridges” in an Advanced Programme on “Planning, Design & Construction of Long Span Bridges”, held during 5-7 Dec’2022 and organized by the Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Sponsored by NRIDA, Government of India, New Delhi.
Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Offshore Geotechnical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (2001-2005)
M. Tech in Geotechnical Engineering, S V University College of Engineering Tirupati with First Class (1995-1997)
B.Tech in Civil Engineering, JNTU College of Engineering Anantapur with First Class (1991-1995)
Professional Experience
Industrial Experience
1. Geotechnical Engineer, Keller Ground Engineering Ind. Pvt. Ltd, Chennai (2005 - 2006)
2. Project Associate, IIT Madras (2005 - 2005)
Teaching Experience
1. |
Professor (on lien), Adama Science and Technology University (2012 - Till Date) |
2. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad (2009 - 2012) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engineering Kakinada (2006 - 2009) |
4. |
Assistant Professor, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam (2006 - 2006) |
5. |
Lecturer, Shanmugha Engineering College, Thanjavur (2000 - 2000) |
6. |
Lecturer, S V University College of Engineering Tirupati (1998 - 2000) |
7. |
Lecturer, JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad (1997 - 1998) |
1. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad (2006 - Till Date) |
2. |
Lecturer, JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad (1997 - 1998) |
Research Projects
Compressed Earth Blocks and their Sustainability, funded by DST, India - 14.7 Lakhs (sanctioned in 2013 duration of 3 years)
1 .
Darga Kumar, N, Lavanya, C , Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering:Foundation and Forensic Geotechnical Engineering :A Geotechnical Study on Failed Base Slab of Molasses Tank. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature Singapore, Pvt Ltd. , 2366-2565 , 2366-2557, 2023
2 .
Ramanjaneyulu, B., Darga Kumar, N , Ground Characterization and Foundations.:Influence of CaCl2 on Compaction and CBR Characteristics of Gypsum (CaSO2.2H2O) Stabilized High Plastic Clay, Springer Nature Singapore, Pvt Ltd. , 2366-2565 , 2366-2557, 2022
3 .
Darga Kumar, N, Lavanya, C , A Geotechnical Study on Breached Summer Storage Tank. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Springer Nature, Singapore, Pve Ltd. , 2366-2565 , 2366-2557, 2021
4 .
Lavanya, C.,, Darga Kumar, N, Study on CBR of Lime and Cement Stabilized Copper Slag Cushion Laid Over Expansive Soil., Springer Nature Singapore, Pvt Ltd. , 2366-2565, 2366-2557, 2021
5 .
Darga Kumar N,, Ravikant R Singh, , Faijal Ali , Efray’im , Development of Classification Charts for Q index of Shale from the Parameters. Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS),, Springer International Publishing, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering,, 1866-8755, 2017
6 .
NarasimhaRao, S.,, Darga Kumar, N, Sundar, V , Influence of Cyclic load on model caisson seawalls embedded in marine clay. Cyclic behaviour of soils and liquefaction phenomena., Triantafyllidis(ed)© 2004 Taylor & Francis Group, London, , ISBN 90 5809 620 3, 2004
7 .
Darga Kumar, N.,, Nagendra Prasad, K, Mallikarjuna Rao, K , Mechanisms Governing theBbehaviour of Fly Ash – Black Cotton Soil Mixtures. Problematic Soils,, Yanagisawa, Moroto & Mitachi (eds)© 1998 Balkema, Rotterdam, 90 54109971, 1998
International Journals |
1 . |
Lavanya, C , Darga Kumar, N , Effect of Lime Stabilized Copper Slag Cushion on Swelling Behaviour of High Plastic Clay,, Geotechnical Research, ISBN No.E-ISSN 2052-6156 . , Vol No.1, Issue No.9, pp.1-9, ICE Publishing, 2021 |
2 . |
Ramadasu, T. L., Reddy, V. B. and Sudha (, Darga Kumar, N., , Reddy, V. B. , Sudha , Variation of California bearing ratios of Black cotton soils with additives,, Materials Today: Proceedings, ISBN No.ISSN 2214-7853., Vol No.27, pp.1055-1060, Elsevier,, 2020 |
3 . |
Prashanth Kumar, K, Darga Kumar, N , Revisiting the CPT Based Characterizations of a Highway Sub grade. Geomechanics and Geoengineering, An International Journal, ISBN No.. ISSN: 1748-6025 (Print) 1748-6033 (Online), Vol No.1, Issue No.11, pp.167-177, Taylor & Francis, 2019 |
4 . |
Varaprasada Rao, B., , K. Padma Kumari , N. Darga Kumar, Evaluation of Compaction and Strength Behaviour of Different Expansive Soils Stabilized with Lime, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering , ISBN No.e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Vol No.16, Issue No.3, pp.77-80, IOSR journals, 2019 |
5 . |
Varaprasada Rao, B., , K. Padma Kumari, N. Darga Kumar, Individual Effect of Lime, Calcium chloride and Fly ash on the Strength Behavior of Expansive Soil, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), ISBN No.e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, , Vol No.16, Issue No.4, pp.66-71, IOSR journals, 2019 |
6 . |
Prashanth Kumar, K , Darga Kumar, N, Influence of randomly mixed coir fibers and fly ash on stabilization of clayey subgrade. International Journal of Geo-Engineering, International Journal of Geo-Engineering,, ISBN No.GEOE-D-18-00037, Vol No.3, Issue No.10, pp.1-13, Springer Open Access, , 2019 |
7 . |
Darga Kumar, N. , R. Ratna Prasad , Changes in Gradation of Fly ash Blended Granular Soil Due to Compaction, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJSER), , ISBN No. 2348 – 8034, Vol No.1, Issue No.18, pp.267-277, Thomson Reuters, 2018 |
8 . |
Ramadasu, T.L., , Darga Kumar, N, K. Suresh , A Study on OMC and MDD Variations in Black Cotton Soil with Additives, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJSER), , ISBN No.2348 – 8034, pp.35-47, Thomson Reuters, 2018 |
9 . |
Gajendra, V. , N. Darga Kumar , Study on Performance Evaluation of Soil Stabilized Pavement Using Geotextiles., Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJSER), , ISBN No.ISSN 2348 – 8034, pp.135-142, Thomson Reuters, 2018 |
10 . |
Bomidi. Varaprasada Rao, , B., Parma Kumari, K, Darga Kumar, N , Geotechnical Characteristics of Expansive soil blended with lime, calcium chloride and fly ash: An experimental comparative evaluation., International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) , ISBN No.0976-6308 , 0976-6316., Vol No.9, Issue No.11, pp.517-523, IAEME, October, 2018 |
11 . |
37. Ramadasu, T L. , Darga Kumar, N , A Study on Improvement of Strength Properties of BC Soils with Additives, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) , ISBN No.ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316., Vol No.9, Issue No.11, pp.702-714, IAEME, 2018 |
12 . |
Bomidi. Varaprasada Rao, K., B., Padma Kumari,, Darga Kumar, N , Strength Behaviour of Different Lime Treated Expansive Soils with Range Analysis, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), ISBN No.ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316., Vol No.9, Issue No.11, pp.2826-2833, IAEME, November, 2018 |
13 . |
Shiva Prashanth Kumar. M, K. Ashok Kumar, Darga Kumar. N , Prophecy of Plate Load Test Response from Theory of Elasticity Solution and CBR Test, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering,, ISBN No.19930461, Vol No.11, Issue No.3, pp.335-345, Jordan University of Science and Technology, 2017 |
14 . |
Sathish Kumar, M , R. Janardhana,, Darga Kumar. N, Analytical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Stabilised Compressed Earth blocks using Rice husk ash., Journal of the International Masonry Society Masonry International, ISBN No.20569459, 20569467., Vol No.29, Issue No.3, pp.85-92, 2017 |
15 . |
30. Meseret Getnet, , M., James Wambua, K., Zachary Abiero-Gariy , N. Darga Kumar , Factors Affecting the Self-Healing Efficiency of Cracked Concrete Structures, American Journal of Construction and Building Materials, ISBN No.2640-0057, Vol No.2, Issue No.3, pp.86-92, science publishing group., 2017 |
16 . |
32. Shiva Prashanth Kumar, K , Darga Kumar, N , Effect of RBI Grade 81 on Strength Characteristics of Clayey Subgrade., Geo-Engineering (2017) 8:24,, ISBN No. 20929196, 21982783, Vol No.8, Issue No.24, pp.1-11, Springer Journals, 2017 |
National Journals |
1 . |
Sathish Kumar, , M , R., Janardhana, Darga Kumar, N. , Strength and erodibility characteristics of compressed stabilized earth blocks using rice husk ash and lime, Journal of Structural Engineering (JoSE), ISBN No.09700137, Vol No.44, Issue No.4, pp.1-6, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC), November, 2017 |
2 . |
Lavanya, C, Darga Kumar, N , Use of copper slag in road construction., Proceedings of Two-Day National Conference on Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (RICE 2017), , pp.297-302, GRIET, Hyderabad, India,, December, 2017 |
International Conference |
1 . |
Lavanya, C , Darga Kumar, N , SLRA and MLRA Based Correlations of Geotechnical Parameters of Fine-Grained Soils., IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ISBN No.1126 (2021) 012084, pp.1-12, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021 |
2 . |
Darga Kumar, N, Lavanya, C , Effect of Strip Load Location and Width on Horizontal Stress of Non-Yielding Wall., Proceedings of International Conference on Civil Engineering Aspects for Sustainability (IConCES 2020), , February, 2020 |
3 . |
Lavanya, C , Darga Kumar, N, Foundation Types for Land and Offshore Sustainable Wind Energy Turbine Towers, 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacturing Aspects for Sustainable Energy (ICMED 2020), , ISBN No.ISSN: 2267-1242, , Vol No.184, Issue No.01094, E3S Web of Conferences , August, 2020 |
4 . |
Darga Kumar, N. , Ramadasu, T.L, Dry density water content curves for high plastic clays treated with fly ash, stone dust and combinations, Proceedings of 34th International conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, ISBN No.ISSN 1091-8043, pp.173-184, Annapolis, Washington D.C., USA,, April, 2019 |
5 . |
Atinesh Vijay Prasad,, Darga N Kumar , Assessment of Quality of Different Aggregates for Road Construction in the Central division of Fiji,, 8th Int. Conf. on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, ISBN No.978-4-909106001 C3051, pp.451-456, November, 2018 |
6 . |
A Study on OMC and MDD Variations in Black cotton Soil with Additives, Proceedings of First international Conference on civil Engineering Practices & trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), , ISBN No.ISSN 2348 – 8034., pp.36-52, December, 2018 |
7 . |
Gajendra, V. and , Darga Kumar, N , Study on performance evaluation of soil stabilised pavement by using geotextiles, Proceedings of First international Conference on civil Engineering Practices & trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), , ISBN No.ISSN 2348 – 8034., pp.154-161, December, 2018 |
8 . |
Darga Kumar, N , Ratna Prasad, R , Changes in Gradation of Fly Ash Blended granular Soil Due to compaction., Proceedings of First international Conference on civil Engineering Practices & trends (I-CONCEPTS-18), , ISBN No.ISSN 2348 – 8034, pp.9-22, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India., December, 2018 |
9 . |
Darga Kumar N, , Ravikant R Singh,, Faijal Ali, Efray’im , Development of classification charts for Q index of shale from the parameters, Proceedings of International Workshop on Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS), , ISBN No.18668755, 18668763, Vol No.4, Issue No.32, pp.281-288, Springer International Publishing, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering,, 2017 |
10 . |
Ravikant R Singh, , Darga Kumar, N, Faijal Ali , Effect of saturation on strength behavior of soapstone., Proceedings of Third International Conference on Science, Engineering & Environment (SEE), , ISBN No.978-4-9905958-9-0 C3051, pp.321-326, SCOPUS & ESCI Journals, November, 2017 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Lavanya, C.,, Darga Kumar, N, Study on CBR of Lime and Cement Stabilised Copper Slag Cushion Laid Over Expansive Soil., Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, Vol No.5, pp.129-139, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering , 2021 |
2 . |
Darga Kumar, N , Lavanya, C , A Geotechnical Study on Breached Summer Storage Tank., Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019, pp.471-482, Springer Nature Singapore, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 134, 2021 |
3 . |
Darga Kumar, N., Srikanth, G., Naga Sruthi, G, Sai Deekshith, G., Sneha, S. , Non- Destructive and Conventional Tests on Hardened Concrete for Quality Check of Construction., Proceedings of One Day Seminar on Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield, Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam, Local Center, Telangana, March, 2020 |
4 . |
Darga Kumar.N ,, Sumathi.B, Rajitha.K, Hinduja, E. , Rock Mass Classification Systems: RSR and Rock Tunneling Quality Index Q-System., Proceedings of One Day Seminar on Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield. , Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam, Local Center, Telangana, , March, 2020 |
5 . |
Darga Kumar, N , Lavanya, C , Problematic Soils - Foundations on Fill and Backfilling., Proceedings of One Day Seminar on Recent Experiences in Civil Engineering Constructions of Godavari Valley Coalfield, Institution of Engineers India Ramagundam, Local Center, Telangana, , March, 2020 |
6 . |
Ramanjaneyulu, B. , Darga Kumar, N , Influence of CaCl2 on Compaction and CBR Characteristics of Gypsum (CaSO2.2H2O) Stabilized High Plastic Clay, Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC-2020), , pp.110-120, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India, December, 2020 |
7 . |
Darga Kumar, N , C. Lavanya , Failure of Pavements-Causes, Steps to Improve and Stabilisation of Roads on Poor Subgrade Soils., Proceedings of Two-Day National Conference on Recent Innovations in Civil Engineering (RICE 2017), pp.286-296, GRIET, Hyderabad, India,, December, 2017 |
Workshop |
Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations in Geotechnical Engineering 2 (2023) | Ground Improvement in Civil Engineering 8 (2023) | Advanced Soil Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering 1 (2022) | Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering 6 (2023) | Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering in Geotechnical Engineering 3 (2022) | Subsurface Investigation and Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering 2 (2021) | Advanced Soil Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering 1 (2021) | Engineering Rock Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering 2 (2020) | Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering 6 (2020) | Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering 7 (2019) | Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering 7 (2019) | Reinforced Concrete Structures in Civil Engineering 6 (2018) | Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering 7 (2018) | Advanced Foundation Engineering in Civil Engineering 7 (2017) | Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering 6 (2017) |
Project/Research Guidance
B Vara Prasada Rao |
Comparative study on the effect of lime treatment on different expansive soils and their Mapping |
2021 |
R. Sateesh Kumar |
Stabilized Compressed Earth Block Using Waste Materials |
2018 |
D. Hari Prasad |
Coastal Erosion Modeling Using GIS and Remotely Sensed Data for Andhra Pradesh |
2017 |
R. Ratna Prasad |
Studies on Utilization of Fly ash in Granular Soil for Pavement Construction |
2017 |
Ch. Lavanya |
Utilisation of Industrial Waste Products in Road Pavement |
2015 |
T. L. Ramdas |
A Study on Improvement of Geotechnical Properties of Three Different Swelling Soils Using Admixtures |
2014 |
V. Gajendra |
Subgrade Characterisation and Improvement |
0 |
Batchu Ramanjaneyulu |
Stabilization of High Plastic Clays Using Admixtures |
0 |
A. Srinivas |
Geotechnical Stability Aspects of Coastal Defence Structure |
0 |
G. Venkatesh |
Highway Geotechnics |
0 |
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Fiji National University,
Fiji Islands
, 01-07-2014 to 01-07-2017 Teaching Professor |
Adama Science and Technology University,
Adama, Ethiopia
, 01-09-2012 to 01-07-2014 Teaching Professor |