Research Projects
Design of energy monitoring and management system using IoT, funded by TEQIP-3 - 8.15L (2020 - 2021)
Development of coal mine safety monitoring and alerting system using iot to mitigate coal mine accidents, funded by TEQIP-3 - 19.9L (2020 - 2021)
Development of Avalanche forecasting system using IoT to mitigate Avalanche hazards, funded by TEQIP-3 - 19.5L (2020 - 2021)
EEG based interpretation of human brain during yoga and meditation using novel machine learning algorithms, funded by TEQIP-3 - 3L (2019 - 2021)
Artificially finding the direction of arrival using neural network, funded by TEQIP-3 - 3L (2019 - 2021)
Recognition of unconstrained hand written characters of Telugu script, funded by UGC MRP - 11.75L (2010 - 2013)
A.RAJANI, A method of interpreting human brain activity during meditation using Electroencephalogram ,GOI, 2021 |
A.RAJANI, UVC automatic tube light ,GOI, 2022 |
International Journals |
1 . |
A.RAJANI, EEG based interpretation of human brain activity during Yoga and meditation using machine learning: a systematic review, Elsevier journal, ISBN No.17443881, Vol No.43, Issue No.5, Elsevier , 2021 |
2 . |
A.RAJANI, Naturopathic and Yogic intervention in the management of coronary artery disease: A systematic review, European journal of molecular and clinical medicine , ISBN No.25515-8260, Vol No.7, Issue No.9, pp.2257-2269, 2020 |
3 . |
A.RAJANI, Bio medical signal processing using deep learning, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, ISBN No.0974-6455, Vol No.13(2), pp.26-29, 2020 |
4 . |
A.RAJANI, Automation algorithm to detect and quantify Electrocardiogram waves and intervals, Elsevier journal, ISBN No.1877-0509, Vol No.151 , pp.941-946, Procedia computer science, 2019 |
5 . |
A.RAJANI, Detection of cardiac arrhythmia using Fuzzy logic, Informatics in medicine unlocked, ISBN No.2352-9148, Vol No.100257, Elsevier , 2019 |
6 . |
A.RAJANI, Performance analysis of AODV with multi radio in Hybrid wireless mesh network, Eleventh IC on WOCN, ISBN No.21517703, Issue No., pp.1-5, Oct, 2014 |
7 . |
A.RAJANI, Automatic generation control using Fuzzy logic, 8th IASTED IC on CA, ISBN No., May, 2006 |
National Journals |
1 . |
A.RAJANI, Localization of snow avalanches from infrasound signatures using acoustic vector sensor, IUP journal EEE, ISBN No.09741704, Vol No.9, Issue No.2, pp.42-52, April, 2016 |
2 . |
A.RAJANI, Digitization of Electrocardiograph data sheet through image processing techniques, IUP journal of EEE, ISBN No.09741704, Vol No.9, Issue No.2, pp.116-127, April, 2016 |
3 . |
A.RAJANI, A signal processing framework for the infrasound signature generated by Snow Avalanches, Journal acoustical society of Indi, ISBN No.09733302, Vol No.42, Issue No.2, pp.77-83, ASI, April, 2015 |
International Conference |
1 . |
A.RAJANI, IoT based wearable monitoring structure for detecting abnormal heart, IEEE IC on Sustainable energy and future electric transportation , ISBN No.9781728156811, pp.1-4, IEEE Xplore, March, 2021 |
2 . |
A.RAJANI, Direction of arrival estimation by using artificial neural networks, 3rd IC on Intelligent Communication Technologies and virtual mobile networks, ISBN No.97873811183, Issue No.doi: 10.1109/ICICV50876.2021.9388514, pp.1360-1363, IEEE Xplore, 2021 |
3 . |
A.RAJANI, Localization of ECG QRS waves through spectral estimation of heart rate, Advances in decision sciences, image processing, security and compter vision , ISBN No.978-3030-24321-0, pp.107-114, International Springer nature, 2020 |
4 . |
A.RAJANI, Efficient obstacle detection and guidance system for the blind (Haptic shoe), Advances in decision sciences, image processing, security and compter vision , ISBN No.8303023173, Vol No.4, pp.266-271, International Springer nature, 2020 |
5 . |
A.RAJANI, ioT base monitor and control of office area using ZYBO, Advances in decision sciences, image processing, security and compter vision , ISBN No.030243173, Vol No.LAIS,4, pp.139-146, International Springer nature, 2020 |
6 . |
A.RAJANI, Sensor based quality check and automated fuel level indication system, 3rd IC on Recent developments in Control automation & power engineering, ISBN No.9781728120683, pp.164-168, IEEE Xplore, 2019 |
7 . |
A.RAJANI, Simulation study of DoA estimation of Snow Avalanches, International symposium on Acoustics, Nov 17-19th, 2016 |
8 . |
A.RAJANI, A signal processing framework for the infrasound signature generated by Snow Avalanches, ACOUSTICS , ASI, Nov 10-15, New Delhi, 2013 |
9 . |
A.RAJANI, Automatic generation of PID controller using Fuzzy logic, 8th IC on DAS, pp.120-127, 2006 |
National Conference |
1 . |
A.RAJANI, Flight vehicle stabilization using Fuzzy logic, NSC, dec, 2007 |
Workshop |
Image and Video Processing in SSP 1-2 (2020) | Adaptive signal processing in SSP 1-2 (2017) | Biomedical Signal Processing in SSP 1-1 (2017) | Analog Communications in IDP 2-2 (2017) | Adaptive signal processing in SSP 1-2 (2018) | Radar Systems in IDP 4-1 (2018) | Radar Signal Processing in SSP 1-1 (2018) | Digital Signal processing in Reg, IDP, IDDMP,IIDDMP 3-2 (2018) | Biomedical Signal Processing in IDP 4-1 (2019) | Signals and Systems in Reg, IDP, IDDMP,IIDDMP 2-1 (2019) | Digital Signal processing in Reg, IDP, IDDMP,IIDDMP 3-2 (2019) | Probability theory and stochastic process in Reg, IDP, IDDMP,IIDDMP 2-1 (2020) | Digital Image Processing in Reg, IDP, IDDMP,IIDDMP 4-1 (2021) | Adaptive signal processing in IDP 4-2 (2021) | System design through IoT in DSCE,SSP,ES III (2022) |