 | Dr.A.Rajani, Professor and Head of ECE organizing a session on “Internships in areas viz., IIOT, Ethernet Drivers etc.,”, invited the speaker Dr.Krishna Nagarajan, Founder CouthIT Infotech Pvt.Ltd. for internships to students on 4th May, 2023 @ 4:00PM at Seminar Hall ECE Dept. |
 | Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept. organizing a Talk on “Wifi Evolution in IoT” by Mr.Surya Nallaparaju, Senior Manager – IC Design on 15-04-2023 @ 2:00PM, Seminar hall of ECE Dept. |
 | Dr.L.Pratap Reddy, Professor of ECE is the speaker to the Talk “GLobal view of Digital Signal Processing” on 23-02-2023 @ 3:30pm to 5:00pm organizing by Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept. |
 | Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor) is organizing a Seminar on “Baby Cry- design of Infant Cry Analysis and Classification System to Access Neonatal health Status from an Infant’s Cry by Prof. Hemant A. Patil, ISCA, Distinguished Lecturer(DL) in Coordination with IEEE Student Branch, on 07th December 2022 in CRC Seminar hall, JNTUH UCEH |
 | Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor) organizing a Seminar on “Autonomous Vehicle & VLSI” by Dr. Rajagopalan Srinivasan, NVIDIA,USA on 19th December 2022 in CRC Seminar hall, JNTUH UCESTH |
 | Dr. K. Anitha Sheela (Professor) conducting a Seminar on “Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging Informatics” by Dr. Santhosh University of South Dakota, USA in Coordination with IEEE Student Branch, on 21st November 2022 in CRC Seminar hall, JNTUH UCESTH |
 | A Faculty Development Program/Short Term Course on “Analog IC Design- Circuit and Layout Design Methodologies using Cadence Design Flow” during 11th-14th August, 2017 In collaboration with Entuple Technologies, Bangalore |
 | The Department of ECE , JNTUH CEH, is Organizing a One - Week Faculty Development Program on " Advanced Embedded System Design on Zynq Ultra Scale using Vivado " from 30th July to 3rd August, 2018 for the benefit of faculty members and Research Scholars |
 | Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept. organizing a Talk on “Wifi Evolution in IoT” by Mr.Surya Nallaparaju, Senior Manager – IC Design on 15-04-2023 @ 2:00PM, Seminar hall of ECE Dept. |
 | Induction session by Dr.Asha Rani, Professor of ECE and TBI Founder on “Innovation and Design Thinking as a part of Ideathon” on 04-01-2023 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm. |
 | Dr. T. Satya Savithri (Professor) is organizing a Two days' Workshop on “Applied Python & IoT with Raspberry Pi” in coordination with Physitech Pvt . Ltd. from 16th December, 2022 to 17th 2022 |
 | Dr.L.Pratap Reddy, Professor of ECE is the speaker to the Talk “Overview of Probablity Theory and Stochastic Process” on 11-01-2023 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm organizing by Dr.A.Rajani, Professor & HoD of ECE Dept. |
 | Digital Eco Systems- Technologies and Challenges An interactive session on "Digital Ecosystems - Technologies and Chllanges" is scheduled on 14th December @2.30 PM in Room No G-12, ECE Department. |
 | Build Your Idea Quickly: MATLAB & Simulink for Hardware Integration & IoT |
 | Dr. P. Chandrasekhar Reddy (Professor) Organizing workshop on Research Areas for Research scholars in ECE Department, JNTUH UCEH on 29th March, 2022 |
 | Dr. D. Srinivasa Rao,Professor of ECE Dept. - A Ten-Days National Training Programme on “ C programming and data structures” sponsored by TEQIP-III,JNTUH during 27th Jan 2020 to 6th Feb 2020 |