  • Dr. M. Thirumala Chary, "Mother Teresa Excellence award" by International Economic Society in 2012.
  • Dr. M. Thirumala Chary, "Rashtriya Gaurav award" by Indian Friendship Society in 2011. 
  • Dr.Ch.Venkata Ramana Reddy, "Teaching Excellence Award" by "Indus Foundation" - 2015
  • Dr. B. Rama Devi, "Best Indian Citizen" by "The Friendship Forum" in 2017.
  • Biogrpahicla sketch of Dr. B. Rama Devi included in "Asian Admirable achievers" in 2017
  • Mr. Syed Riyaz, Research Scholar in Chemistry  awarded  “YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD” by Indian Council of  Chemists for best paper presentation at Osmania University during Dec. 2011
  • Mr. T. Ashok Kumar, Research Scholar in Chemistry awarded 'Best Young Scientist Award" in ICRACACE-2016.
  • Dr. Ch. Venkata Ramana Reddy, Professor of Chemistry received “State Award to Meritorious Teacher” by Telangana State Government for 2021.
  • Dr. B. Rama Devi, Professor & Head, received “State Meritorious Teacher award” by Telangana State Government for 2022.
  • Dr. B. Rama Devi received “Certificate of participation on Capacity Development program for college Principals and administrators - an interactive dialogue on governance leadership and management” held in Golden Jubilee hall, JNTUH during 27-29th April 2023.
  • Dr. B. Rama Devi received "Certificate of participation on Capacity Development program for college Principals and administrators" – an interactive dialogue on governance leadership and management”  Organised by Institute of Academic Excellence in collaboration with JNTUH.
  • Dr. T. Ashok Kumar received "Certificate of Appreciation" during ICRACACE-22, for successful organization of the 2nd International Congress on Recent Advances in Chemistry And Chemical Engineering, December 13-15, 2022.





1) Synthetic Organic Chemistry

2) Inorganic Chemistry

3) Analytical Chemistry

4) Biomedical Chemistry