Dr. G.K. Viswanadh is presently working as Senior Professor of Civil Engineering and Director UGC-HRDC and Director, IQAC, JNTUH. He has vast experience in academics, research, consultancy, administration and examinations. He worked as the Head of Civil Engineering (2006-2008), Director of Evaluation (2008-2011) and Director, Academic & Planning (2011-2013), OSD to Vice-Chancellor (2014 to 2018) and presently the Director UGC-HRDC (2018 - till date). He worked as the Nodal Officer for the world bank project TEQIP-1 for JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad during 2003-08. He worked as the Convener/Co-convener / Coordinator for various recruitment and admissions tests conducted by the university.
Dr.Viswanadh’s research interests are in the areas of Integrated Water Resources Management, Watershed Management, Rainwater Harvesting, Management of Lift Irrigation Schemes and GIS Applications in Water Resources Management. Dr.Viswanadh has published 226well-researched scholarly papers at National and International journals and conferences, guided 14Ph.Dsand 25 M.Techdissertations. At present, he is guiding 7 Ph.D.scholars and a large number of M.Tech. students. He has organized 23 national conferencesand workshops besides being a member of organizing committees for several seminars and workshops at National and International levels. He has delivered 103 lectures at various Institutions/organizations. Dr.Viswanadh has attended 34 national and 16 International seminars/conferences.
He has been associated with several MHRD and AICTE R&D Projects. Dr.Viswanadh has completed 18 research & consultancy projects and has been actively involved in several Industrial Consultancy Projects like Third Party Quality control of Irrigation projects, Comparative Evaluation of Minor irrigation Projects, NFFWP works, Fire safety for High rise hospitals, Design of mini hydel stations etc. He authored / edited 5books in his field of water resources engineering. He is the Technical Paper Reviewer for the Civil Engineering Journal published by Institution of Engineers, and Journal of Spatial Hydrology several. He is also a Fellow of Institution of Engineers and a member of 06 professional bodies and 16 advisory committees. He worked as the coordinator for AICTE faculty Development programs for the year 2019-20 to 2021-22.
He received the Young Engineer Award in 1996, and the Kancha Reddy Memorial Award for the Best Paper published in IWWA in 2007. He received State Level Best Teacher Award from the Govt. of AP for the year 2010 and Best Director Award 2013 from Education Expo Academic Brilliance Awards, Best research paper award – 2018 from the Research world and Lifetime Golden achievement award-2020 Bhrat Rattan publishing house.
Dr.Viswanadh visited several countries for dissemination of his research outputs and for exchange of ideas, to name a few - Omaha USA ( 2006), Hawaii USA (2007), Thailand (2009), Sri Lanka (2011), Hong Kong ( 2011), Urbana Champaign IL , USA (2012), AIT Bangkok (2013), US Flight Academy, Texas, USA (2013), San Francisco, USA (2014), New York, USA (2015), Florida, USA (2016), Washington, USA (2017), New York , USA(2018). He presented his research papers in the international conferences in all these countries.
As a Director of the UGC Human Resource Development Center in JNTU Hyderabad, he conducted several programs to train the faculty members across the country (10351 faculty members in fours years of time 2018-22) and the center has been identified as the High performing Training Center during his period as Director among the 66 HRDCs across the country. Dr.Viswanadh has coordinated 9 Orientation programs of three/four week duration, 9 Faculty Induction Programs of one month duration, 4 Refresher courses of two/three weeks duration and 19 short term & Faculty Development programmes, 1 Entrepreneurship development program, 3Professional Development Programme and 10 webinars for the faculty members across India and 6 training programs to the Metro water board engineers.