Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Structural Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India (2003-2010)
M.Tech in Structural Engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad with First Class with Distinction (1993-1995)
B.E. (Civil) in Civil Engineering, University of Mysore with First Class with Distinction (1986-1991)
Professional Experience
1. |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTUH (2007 - 2013) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU (1997 - 2007) |
1 .
Dr K.U.Muthu, Dr Azmi Ibrahim, Dr Maganti Janardhana, Sri M.Vijayanand, Prestressed Concrete, M/s PHI Learning Private Limited, 978-81-203-5169-1, 2016
2 .
Dr K.U.Muthu, Dr H Narendra, Dr Maganti Janardhana and Sri M.Vijayanand, Indeterminate Structural Analysis, M/s I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 978-93-82332-60-2, 2014
3 .
Dr K.U.Muthu, Dr Azmi Ibrahim, Sri.M.Vijayanand, Dr Maganti Janardhana, Basic Structural Analysis (3rd Edition), M/s I.K.Internatinal Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 9789385909573, 2017
International Journals |
1 . |
Purushotham Reddy K., Chandra Mohan Rao B.D.V., anardhan Yadav Maganti, Swamy Naga Ratna Giri P., Comparative studies on LC3 based concrete with OPC & PPC based concretes, Materials Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER, Vol No.43, Part 2, pp.2368-2372, 2021 |
2 . |
ManikantaDamma, Durga PrasadRavella, Sri Rama Chand, Janardhan Yadav M., Mechanical and durability characteristics of high performance self-compacting concrete containing flyash, silica fume and graphene oxide, Materials Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER, Vol No.43, Part 2, pp.2361-2367, 2021 |
3 . |
S Kavya Sree, B D V Chandra Mohan Rao, Maganti Janardhan Yadav, P. Swamy Naga Ratna Giri, Experimental studies on mechanical and durability characteristics of LC3 concrete, IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ISBN No.1091 (2021) 012075. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1091/1/012075, 2021 |
4 . |
K Almas, B D V Chandra Mohan Rao, Maganti Janardhan Yadav, P Swamy Naga Ratna Giri, Performance studies on limestone calcined clay based concrete, IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ISBN No.1091 (2021) 012076. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1091/1/012076, 2021 |
5 . |
Raghavender Chinthakunta, Ravella Durga Prasad, Sri Rama Chand M, Janardhan Yadav M., Performance evaluation of self-compacting concrete containing fly ash, silica fume and nano titanium oxide, Materials Today: Proceedings, ELSEVIER, Vol No.43, Part 2, pp.2348-2354, 2021 |
6 . |
Sathish Kumar, R., Janardhana Maganti, Darga Kumar, N., Mechanical properties of sustainable soil blocks stabilised with rice husk ash, cement and lime, International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.207-222, 2016 |
7 . |
Sathish Kumar, R., Janardhana Maganti, Darga Kumar, N., Analytical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Stabilised Compressed Earth blocks using Rice husk ash, Journal of the International Masonry Society Masonry International, Vol No.29, Issue No.3, pp.85-92, 2016 |
8 . |
Maganti Janardhana, Robin Davis P., S.S.Ravichandran, A.M.Prasad, D.Menon, Calibration of a hysteretic model for glass fibre reinforced gypsum wall panels, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Vol No.13, Issue No.2, pp.347-355, june, 2014 |
9 . |
Sathish Kumar, R., Darga Kumar, N., Janardhana, M, Rice Husk Ash Stabilized Compressed Earth Block-A Sustainable Construction Building Material – A Review, International Journal of Civil Engineering & Technology (IJCIET), Vol No.3, Issue No.1, January- June, 2012 |
10 . |
M.Chandrasekhar, M.V.Seshagiri Rao, Maganti Janardhana, Analytical Modelling on the Stress-Strain Behaviour of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Technology and Humanities, Vol No.2, pp.19-24, 2011 |
11 . |
M.Chandrasekhar, M.V.Seshagiri Rao, Maganti Janardhana, A Comparative study on the stress-strain behaviour of standard grade HFRSCC under confined and unconfined states, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.162-170, July, 2011 |
12 . |
Chandrasekhar M, M.V. Seshagiri Rao, Maganti Janardhana, Studies on stress-strain behaviour of SFRSCC and GFRSCC under axial compression, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering., Vol No.4, Issue No.6, pp.855-858, October, 2011 |
13 . |
Devdas Menon, K.V.Sivaraman, Maganti Janardhana., Improved codal recommendations for design of RC dog-legged stairs supported on transverse landing edges, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Chennai, Vol No.37, Issue No.5, pp.316-320, December -January , 2010 |
National Journals |
1 . |
Sathish Kumar, R., Janardhana Maganti, Darga Kumar, N., Strength and erodibility characteristics of compressed stabilized earth blocks using rice husk ash and lime, Journal of Structural Engineering (JoSE), CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC), Chennai, India, Vol No.44, Issue No.4, October - November, 2017 |
2 . |
Chandrasekhar M., Seshagiri Rao M.V, Janardhana Maganti, Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete and its Structural Application as Wall Panel, Indian Concrete Institute Journal, Vol No.15, Issue No.4, pp.15-20, Jan –March, 2015 |
3 . |
Janardhana Maganti, Rambabu V.V, Rajender G, Laxmi Narasaiah U, Ramakanth R, Studies on the interaction between various Superplastisizers and Portland Pozzolana Cement, Indian Concrete Institute Journal, Vol No.12, Issue No.4, pp.32-36, Jan –March, 2012 |
4 . |
Anil Kumar Mandali, Sujith M. S, B. N Rao, Maganti Janardhana, Reliability Analysis of Counterfort Retaining Walls” Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol No.11, Issue No.1, 2011 |
5 . |
M V S Rao, K.R.M Rao, M.Janardhana and B.R.Kumar, High Fly Ash Concretes with Rice Husk Ash as an Admixture, Journal of Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata, ISBN No.0373-195, Vol No.Vol.80, pp.57-63, August, 1999 |
International Conference |
1 . |
Janardhana Maganti, Sankar Ravi Prakash D., Compatibility of Modified Ligno Naphthalene Melamine Sulphonate Based Superplasticizer with Site Blended Portland Pozzolana Cements, Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering (ICETCE-2014), Hyderabad, India., 06th to 08th January, 2014 |
2 . |
G.Sailaja, N.Seetharamaiah, M.Janardhana, Modeling the Dynamic Behaviour of MR fluid damper for Structural Vibration Mitigation, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (AMMT)., December, 2014 |
3 . |
Janardhana Maganti, V.Siva Prasada Raju, Compatibility of Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde and Lignosulphonates based Superplasticizer with Portland Slag Cements, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (SCMT 3), Kyoto, Japan, 18th to 21st August, 2013 |
4 . |
Maganti Janardhana, Jogi Naidu P., Hymavathy K., Structural Behaviour of an RC Building on Sloping Ground Under Earthquake Load, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Rourkela, India, 20th to 22nd December, 2013 |
5 . |
Chandrasekhar M, Seshagiri Rao M.V., Janardhana Maganti, Structural Behavior of Glass Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Wall Panels, Proceedings of the BEFIB2012 - 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Guimarães, Portugal., 19th to 21st September, 2012 |
6 . |
Chandrasekhar M, Janardhana Maganti, Seshagiri Rao M.V., Behavior of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Load Bearing Wall Panels, Proceedings of the BEFIB2012 - 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Guimarães, Portugal, 19th to 21st September, 2012 |
7 . |
Naveena D, Janardhana Maganti, Ravindra Gettu, Compatibility Studies of Blended Superplasticisers on Ordinary Portland Cements partially replaced with Fly ash, Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Materials and Structures (AMAS 2011), Puducherry, India, pp.296-302, 3rd and 04th February, 2011 |
8 . |
Rambabu V.V., Maganti Janardhana, Ravindra Gettu , Study of the Compatibility between a Superplasticizer and Portland Pozzolona Cements, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Concrete, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (ACSGE-2009), BITS Pilani, Pilani, India., 25th to 27th October, 2009 |
9 . |
Prasad A.M, Menon D, Janardhana M, Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum Wall Panels with Concrete Infill – Research and Construction, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Construction, Hyderabad, India, pp.799-808, February 07th -09th, 2008 |
10 . |
Maganti Janardhana, A. Meher Prasad, Devdas Menon, Ductility of Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum Wall Panels subjected to Cyclic (Reversed) Loading, Proceedings of the 7th International RILEM Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete:Design and Applications (BEFIB 2008), Chennai, India, pp.803-812, 17th – 19th September, 2008 |
11 . |
M.Janardhana, A.M.Prasad, D.Menon, Behaviour of glass fibre reinforced gypsum wall panel under cyclic lateral loading, Proceedings of the 4th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-4), Melbourne, Australia, pp.707-711, 26th -28th September, 2007 |
12 . |
B.Bhanu Prabha, K.Ravi, Maganti Janardhana, Seshagiri Rao Prof. M.V., Behaviour of Concretes made with Manufactured Sand, Proceedings of the 3rd Structural Engineers World Congress – 2007, (SEWC-2007), Bangalore, India, 02nd -07th November, 2007 |
13 . |
Maganti Janardhana, A.Meher Prasad, Devdas Menon, Studies on the behavior of glass fiber reinforced Gypsum wall panels, Proceedings of the 100th Anniversary Earthquake Conference and 8th U.S National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (8NCEE),San Francisco, USA, Paper No.1326, April 18th -22nd, 2006 |
14 . |
Maganti Janardhana, M.V.Seshagiri Rao, R.Prashant Kumar, P.Sreenivas Chakravarthy, Effect of Combination of Admixtures on the Setting Times of Concrete, Proceedings of ICFRC International Conference on Fiber Composites, High Performance Concretes and Smart Materials, Chennai, India, pp.767-775, 8th -10th January, 2004 |
15 . |
M.Vasundhara, Maganti Janardhana, M.V.Seshagiri Rao, Strength Characteristics of Normal Concrete Using High Volume of Flyash as an Additional Ingredient, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Concrete and Construction, Hyderabad, India, pp.657-666, 16th -18th , December, 2004 |
16 . |
M.V.Seshagiri Rao, M.Janardhana, M.Swaroopa Rani, Strength Characteristics of High Volume Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of International Conference on Civil Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, pp.120-125, 23rd -25th July, 2001 |
17 . |
A.Prasada Rao, M.Janardhana, M.Venkata Reddy, Effect of Support Settlements on Stresses in Plate Like Double Layer Space Grids, Effect of Support Settlements on Stresses in Plate Like Double Layer Space Grids, Singapore, pp.689-695, 10th -14th November, 1997 |
National Conference |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Workshop on Seismic Design and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Buildings, JNTU Hyderabad, 09-12-2017 |
Organized a Workshop on Advances in Concrete Technology and Good Construction Practices, JNTUHCEH, 26-05-2016 |
Organized a Training on Creative Teaching of Structural Analysis, JNTU, Hyderabad, 17-12-2007 to 22-12-2007 |
Co-ordinated |
3. |
Coordinated for a Training on Advances in Concrete Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad, 22-11-2010 to 27-11-2010 |
Honors & Professional Activities
Co-recipient of "The Best Paper on Construction Techniques Award", Indian Concrete Institute, 2015
Co-recipient of "Brij Mohan Lal Memorial Medal", The Institution of Engineers (India), 2000
Structural Analysis I in Civil Engineering 2nd Year B.Tech, 2nd Sem (2024) | Structural Engineering - II (Steel) in Civil Engineering 3/4 B.Tech (Reg) 2nd Sem (2022-23) | Earthquake Resistant Design of Buildings in Structural Engineering 5/5 IDP (2023-24) | CAD Lab in Civil Engineering 3/4 B.Tech (Reg) 2nd Sem (2022-23) | Advanced Structural Analysis in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) 4/5 IDP 2ndSem (2022-23) |
Project/Research Guidance
Sri S.GangaRam |
Strength and Durability Characteristics of Recycled Aggregate Concrete |
2021 |
Smt. G.Sailaja |
Experimental Investigation of Structural Vibrations using Magnetorheological (MR) Fluid Damper |
2019 |
Sri R. Sathish Kumar |
Stabilised Compressed Earth Blocks Using Rice Husk Ash and Their Application as Load Bearing Wall |
2018 |
Sri M. Chandrasekhar |
Behaviour of Fibre Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete and its Application as Wall Panels |
2013 |
Dr Maganti Janardhana is actively involved in the Structural Engineering consultancy services of the JNTU Hyderabad. As a team member he offers his services to various Goverment and private organisations.
Cover Page of Text Book 1, Co-Authored Download
Cover Page of Text Book 2, Co-Authored Download
Cover Page of Text Book 3, Co-authored Download