Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
PhD in Civil Engineering, JNTU Ananatapur with -- (2011-2016)
M.E in Structural Engineering, PSG Tech/ANNA University with Distinction (2002-2004)
B.TECH in Civil Engineering, GPREC/SK University with Distinction (1998-2002)
Professional Experience
Research Projects
Influence of Varying Magnetic field strength on the Hydration Properties of Cement PAste, funded by R&D Innovative Project-TEQIP-III,JNTUHCEH - 5.6 Lakhs (sanctioned in 2020 duration of 1 years)
Behaviour of ITZ of HPC, funded by NPIU-TEQIP-III Collabarative Research Scheme - 21.33 LAkhs (sanctioned in 2020 duration of 2 years)
International Journals |
1 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of addition of Magnetic water on the Strength Properties of concrete, The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, ISBN No.0886-9367, Vol No.XIII, Issue No.VII, pp.2808-2816, July, 2021 |
2 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Strength and durability studies of Magnetic water concrete, International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, ISBN No.0886-9367, Vol No.XIII, Issue No.VI, pp.2841-2849, June, 2021 |
3 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Studies on the Impact Strength of Magnetic water concrete, JAC:A Journal of Composition Theory, ISBN No.0731-6755, Vol No.XIV, Issue No.V, pp.1-9, May , 2021 |
4 . |
B.SIva konda Reddy, Zr(IV) functionalized graphene oxide anchored sand as potensial and economic adsorbent for flouride removal from water, Diamond & Related Materials, ISBN No.0925-9635, September , 2020 |
5 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, FEA of Damaged RCC Girder Bridge retrofitted by Internal Post-tensioning Technique, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management , ISBN No.2456-8066, Vol No.5, Issue No.1, pp.23-35, May, 2020 |
6 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Analysis of Irregular High Rised RCC Building by using Tuned Mass Damping system,, International journal of Advanced Engg. Research& Science , Vol No.vol.No.5,Issue-9,-193, SEP 2018 |
7 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, A Study on Optimization of Resources for Multiple Projects by using Primavera ,Vol. 10, No. 2 (2015) 235 - 248 , March 2015 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ,© School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, |
8 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Use of Magnetic Water in Mixing and Curing of Concrete.,IV/I, p: 93-95. Oct-Dec 2014, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies |
9 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of magnetic field exposure time on workability and compressive strength of Magnetic water concrete., IV/III: 120-122. 2013 International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology. |
10 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Optimization of Resources for Multiple Projects,Vol.2,Issuue.2., p.01-13, International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology(IJESIT) of IRACST-Engineering science and technology International Journal,March 2013. |
11 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Development of cement added low lie fly ash based Geoploymer concrete, 2(1),P.1-4, March, 2013. World Journal of science and Technology’ WJST |
12 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Resource Management in Construction Projects-A Case Study , Vol.2,No.4, p.660-665,August2012,IRACST-Engineering science and technology International Journal |
13 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Study of wind load Effects on Tall RCC Chimneys, Vol.III, Issue II, p.92-97, May. 2012 ’International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Technology. |
14 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Finite Element Analysis of Steel and composite railway tie under static and Dynamic loads, Vol.I, Issue II, p.76-81, March. 2012, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, |
15 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of cement addition on compressive strength of low lime based Geoploymer concrete, Vol.2.NO.3, p.69-75, March. 2011, International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, |
National Journals |
1 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Strength and Workability of low lime flyash based Geoploymer concrete, Vol.3.NO.12, p.1188-89. Dec. 2010, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, |
2 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of A/F ratio on strength and workability of low lime based Geoploymer concrete’,Vol.1,p.63-68. May 2011. i-manager’s Journal of Civil Engineering, |
3 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Influence of curing conditions on compressive strength of low lime fly ash based Geoploymer concrete , Vol.II.Issue IV,p.103-109. December 2011, Journal of Engineering research and studies. |
4 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Cement added Low lime based GPC –A new Eco friendly Construction material for Future Decades - May issue. 2012., i-manager’s Journal of Civil Engineering |
5 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of addition of Steel fibers on strength and durability of High Performance concrete, Vol.III. Issue III, p. 01-03. , 2012, Journal of Engineering research and studies |
6 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Influence of Magnetic water on Strength Properties of Concrete. Vol7(1),1-5, January 2014. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, |
7 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Finite Element Analysis of Composite cylindrical shells with and with out cutouts, 2012. i-manager’s Journal of Structural Engineeringmarch-May issue. |
International Conference |
1 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Optimization of concrete mix design using genetic algorithms,,Advancements in Sustainable Materials and Infrastructure,IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science,1086 (2022) 012061,Pg1-11.Oct 2022. |
2 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Impedance based service life assessment of corroded structures with Cross correlation analysis,E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01207 (2021) ICMED 2021,SEP2021 |
3 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Corrosion assessment of structural components using electro mechanical impedance,E3S Web of Conferences 309, 01208 (2021) ICMED 2021,SEP2021 |
4 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Flexural Behaviour of cement added geoploymer concrete,p.1-9,August 2018, 14 th international conference on Concrete Engg.& Technology |
5 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Porosity and Permeability Studies on Magnetic Water Concrete, p.732-737, January 2014., Proceedings of International Conference in Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering, ICETCE-2014, Hyderabad, India. |
National Conference |
1 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of size and positioning of openings on Buckling of Composite CylindricalShells,p.30-33.March. 2012., Proceedings of Ist National conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering(NCAME2012) |
2 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Influence of fiber orientation and number of layers on Buckling of Composite Cylindrical Shells with and without cutouts, p.30-33 April, 2012, Proceedings of National conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology (RAET’12) |
3 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Workability and compressive Strength of Cement added low lime fly ash based Geoploymer concrete, MAY 2012., Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management(SPICON2012) |
4 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Effect of addition of admixture on Workability and Compressive strength of Cement added Low lime based GPC, p.200-210, Feb.2013., Proceedings of ’National conference on New Trends in Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences(NTCE-2013),Hyderabad |
5 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, tudy of wind load effects on tall RC chimneys for various zones of INDIA, p.150-161,FEB.2013. Proceedings of ’National conference on New |
6 . |
B.Siva Konda Reddy, Finite Element Analysis of Hyperbolic Shell cooling Towers’, p.45-54, Jan. 2012, Proceedings of National conference on “Recent Trends in Structural Engineering. |
Workshop |
FEM in Structural Engg in M.Tech Structural Engg 2 (2022) | Prestressed concrete in civil Engg 6 (2023) | Structural analysis -II in civil Engg 5 (2022) | Finite Element Methods in IDP civil Engg 9 (2022) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Project Engineer
, JNTUHCEH, 2009 - 2011
2. Project Engineer
, JNTUCEP, 2008 - 2009
3. Project Engineer
, JNTUCEA, 2007 - 2008
4. TEQIP-I-Assistant Nodal Officer
, JNTUHCEH, 2006 - 2007
Project/Research Guidance
Vijay Kumar. R |
Finite Element Analysis of Hyperbolic Cooling Tower Using Ansys |
2011 |