Courses Offered
S.No Course Specialization Category Course Duration Course Type Intake
1 B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering U.G Program 4 Full-Time 60
2 M.Tech Computer Science P.G Program 2 Full-Time 18
3 M.Tech Cyber forensics and Information Security P.G Program 2 Full-Time 18
4 M.Tech(PTPG) Computer Science P.G Program 3 Part-Time 30
5 IDP B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering + M.Tech. P.G Program 5 Full-Time 60
6 IDDMP IDDMP with B.Tech.CSE + M.Tech. & M.Sc. in Computer Science P.G Program 5 Full-Time 20
7 IDDMP IDDMP with B.Tech.CSE + M.Tech. & M.Sc. in Software Engineering P.G Program 5 Full-Time 20
8 IDDMP IDDMP with B.Tech.CSE + M.Tech. & M.Sc. in AI & ML Integrated Double Degree Masters Programme(IDDMP) 5 Full-Time 20
9 B.Tech CSE - AIML Computer Science & Engineering ( Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) U.G Program 4 Full-Time 60