Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in CSE - Data Mining, JNTU Kakinada (2004-2011)
M.Tech in CSE, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad with First class with distinction (2002-2004)
B.E in CSE, Gulbarga University with First class with distinction (1995-1999)
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
1. |
Assistant Professor, Intell Engineering College, Anantapur (2001-08-10 - 2003-05-31) |
1. |
Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (2017 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (2014 - 2017) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (2003 - 2014) |
Research Projects
“ Design, Construction and Analysis of Comprehensive Dataset for Emotion Detection using multiple biometrics”, funded by UGC - 11.37 lakh (2015 - 2019)
Ponnada Naga Ramya, I. Ravi Prakash Reddy, Supreethi KP, METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR TRACKING MEDICAL SUPPLIES IN PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY CHAIN ,Office of the controller General of patents, Designs & trade Marks, Ministry of commerce & Industry, Government of India , 2023 |
1 .
Naga Ramya Ponnada, I. Ravi Prakash Reddy, K. P. Supreethi , Land Registry System Using Blockchain and Aadhar Authentication., Archers & Elevators Publishing House, 978-81-19385-82-9, 2023
2 .
Naga Ramya Ponnada, Ravi Prakash Reddy, K. P. Supreethi , Ethereum Dapp to Track Medical Supplies in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 978-620-6-68669-9, 2023
International Journals |
1 . |
Maher Alrahhal, K. P. Supreethi , Integrating machine learning algorithms for robust content-based image retrieval, International Journal of Information Technology , ISBN No.s41870-024-02169, Vol No.16, Issue No.7, Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management, September, 2024 |
2 . |
Maher Alrahhal, K. P. Supreethi , Enhancing image retrieval accuracy through multi-resolution HSV-LNP feature fusion and modified K-NN relevance feedback, International Journal of Information Technology , ISBN No.s41870-024-02000, Vol No.16, Issue No.5, Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management, June, 2024 |
3 . |
Ponnada Naga Ramya, I.Ravi Prakash Reddy, Supreethi K P, Enhancing Pharmaceutical Security: Integrating IBCDS With Onion Encryption, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISBN No.1992-8645, Vol No.102, Issue No.10, pp.4489-4506, Little Lion Scientific, May, 2024 |
4 . |
Pappula Madhavi, Supreethi K.P., A Metaphorical Analysis of Different Encoding Techniquesfor Spatial-Temporal Data, International Journal of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING, ISBN No.2149-6799, Vol No.11, Issue No.11, pp.302-308, IJISAE , July, 2023 |
5 . |
Pappula Madhavi, K. P. Supreethi , Multi-dimensional STAQR Indexing Algorithm for Drone Applications, Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, ISBN No.978-3-031-36402-0, pp.611-619, Springer, Cham, June, 2023 |
6 . |
D.Mamatha Rani, Supreethi K P, Bipin Bihari Jayasingh, Task Scheduling Methods in Edge-Cloud Environments for Emerging Applications, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, ISBN No. 2348-1269, Vol No.10, Issue No.4, pp.376-382, Atman Research Centre co, October, 2023 |
7 . |
D.Mamatha Rani, Supreethi K P, Bipin Bihari Jayasingh, Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Task Scheduling in Cloud, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISBN No. 1992-8645, Vol No.101, Issue No.22, pp.7094-7104, Little Lion Scientific, November, 2023 |
8 . |
Akarapu Swarna, Venkata Krishna, Supreethi K P, Age Classification based on Symmetric Patterns of Complete Circular and Elliptical Structures (CCES) Relying on Machine Learning Classifiers., Graphics, Vision and Image Processing, ISBN No.1687-398X, Vol No.23, Issue No.1, pp.1-14, ICGST, March, 2023 |
9 . |
Pappula Madhavi, Supreethi K P, STAQR Tree indexing for spatial temporal data with altitude, GIS Science Journal, ISBN No.ISSN NO: 1869-9391, Vol No.9, Issue No.11, pp.1490-1500, GS Journal, December, 2022 |
10 . |
Maher Alrahhal, Supreethi K P, COVID-19 Diagnostic System Using Medical Image Classification and Retrieval: A Novel Method for Image Analysis, The Computer Journal, ISBN No.1460-2067, Vol No.65, Issue No.8, pp.2146-2163, The British Computer Society , august, 2022 |
11 . |
Akarapu Swarna, Venkata Krishna, Supreethi K P, Age classification using isometric and anisometric cross diagonal -local direction ternary matrix”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISBN No.1817-3195, Vol No.100, Issue No.16, pp.5291-5307, Little Lion Scientific, August, 2022 |
12 . |
Pappula Madhavi, Supreethi K P, A QUALITATIVE STUDY OF SPATIO-TEMPORAL INDEXING TECHNIQUES FOR GEO-SPATIAL DATA: A REVIEW ON SPATIOTEMPORAL INDEXING METHODS, Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, ISBN No.ISSN (Online): 0493-2137, Vol No.54, Issue No.07, pp.604-619, CNKI, July, 2021 |
13 . |
B.Satish, Supreethi.K.P, An Independent Condensed Nearest Neighbor Classification Technique for Medical Image Retrieval, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Vol No.12, Issue No.3, Springer, March, 2021 |
14 . |
M.Alrahhal, Supreethi.K.P, Full Direction Local Neighbors Pattern (FDLNP) A Novel Method for Multimedia Image Retrieval System using Ensemble Classifiers on Distributed Framework, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol No.12, Issue No.1, The Science and Information Organization, January, 2021 |
15 . |
Akarapu Swarna, Venkata Krishna, Supreethi K P, Age Classification Based on Relative Features Derived on Circular and Elliptical Neighborhoods using Machine Learning Classifiers, Design Engineering, ISBN No.0011- 9342, Issue No.9, pp.1845-1868, Rogers Media Publishing, December, 2021 |
16 . |
M.Alrahhal, Supreethi.K.P, Multimedia Image Retrieval System by Combining CNN With Handcraft Features in Three Different Similarity Measures, International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Processing, Vol No.10, Issue No.1, pp.1-23, IGI Global, January, 2020 |
17 . |
B.Satish, Supreethi.K.P, RELEVANCE FEEDBACK BAYESIAN NETWORK IMAGE RETRIEVAL BASED ON SIFT- MODIFIED LBP BOF, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JATIT), ISBN No.1992-8645, Vol No.94, Issue No.1, pp.179-187, December , 2016 |
18 . |
B.Satish, Supreethi.K.P, A Methodical Study of Content based Medical Image Retrieval in Current Days, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology- F:Graphics & vision, ISBN No.0975-4172, Vol No.16, Issue No.2, pp.27-45, Global journal, February, 2016 |
19 . |
Swapan Kumar Samaddar , K.P.Supreethi, A Survey on Query Optimization for Databases”, International Journal of Information Technology and Management Research , Vol No.9, Issue No.1, pp.62-95, june-dec, 2015 |
20 . |
Ch Shylaja , K.P.Supreethi, SPATIO-TEXTUAL SIMILARITY JOIN, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) , Vol No.5, Issue No.4, pp.21-29, july, 2015 |
21 . |
Saba Mohammadi , K.P.Supreethi, Survey paper on music browsing, International Journal on Computer Science and Technology, ISBN No.2229-4333, Vol No.5, Issue No.1, pp.169-173, March, 2014 |
22 . |
M.Santhosh Kumar, K.P.Supreethi, Survey of meta clustering algorithm, International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, ISBN No.0973-4414, Vol No.7, Issue No.2, pp.173-179, serial publications, January-June, 2014 |
23 . |
Azeem Mohammad , K.P.Supreethi, Heuristics Search Techniques in Video game path finding – A survey of issues and techniques, International Journal of Research, vol.1, issue7, ISBN No.ISSN 2348-6848, Vol No.1, Issue No.7, pp.851-859, august, 2014 |
24 . |
Tirivangani BHT Magadza, Addlight Mukwazvure, K.P Supreethi, Exploring Sentiment Classification Techniques in News Articles”, International Journal of Information Technology and Management Research , Vol No.8, Issue No.1, pp.55-58, june-dec, 2014 |
25 . |
. V.V.V.Satyanarayana, K.P.Supreethi, Pareto-Based Dominant Graph to Answer Top-K Queries: A Survey of Issues, International Journal of Information Technology and Management Research, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, pp.38-46, serial publications, July-December, 2013 |
26 . |
Ch Harika , K.P.Supreethi, Visibility optimization for data visualization: A Survey of Issues and Techniques, International journal of Computer Science & Communication , ISBN No.0973-7391, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, pp.177-183, serial publications, September, 2013 |
27 . |
B. Bhargavi , K.P.Supreethi, Graph pattern mining: A survey of issues and approaches, International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Vol No.5, Issue No.2, pp.401-407, serial publications, July-December, 2012 |
28 . |
B.Venkata Praveen Babu Reddy, K.P.Supreethi, Evaluating the maximum facts for Information provided on the Web, International Journal Power, Control, Signal & Computation, ISBN No.0976-268X, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.124-127, April- June, 2011 |
29 . |
Y. Prathima, K.P.Supreethi, A Survey paper on concept based text clustering, International Journal of Research in IT & Management, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.45-60, July , 2011 |
30 . |
Y.V.Siddartha reddy, K.P.Supreethi, Naive bayes classifiers programmed in SQL, Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences , ISBN No.2229-6913, Issue No.5, pp.173-187, December, 2011 |
31 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, S, Anitha Kumari, Improving performance of Text Categorization: Using Multi Feature Co-selection Clustering Technique and L-square Machine Learning, International Journal of Computer Science and Communication, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, serial publications, January, 2010 |
32 . |
S.Anitha Kumari, K.P.Supreethi, M.Srinivas, Improving the accuracy and performance of the classifiers using SV,VMFS and LSI techniques, IETECH Journal of Information Systems, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, 2010 |
33 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Improving the Page Ranking with Spam Control, Journal of Neural Computing Systems, ISBN No.0974-4401, Vol No.3, Issue No.1-2, pp.43-50, January-December, 2010 |
34 . |
Supreethi.K.P , E.V.Prasad, A Novel Document Representation model for Clustering, International Journal of Computer Science and Communication, ISBN No.0973-4391, Vol No.1, Issue No.2, pp.523-525, serial publications, July-December, 2010 |
35 . |
. M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Combining the Classifiers and LSI Method for Efficient and Accurate Text Classification, International Journal of Information Technology & Knowledge Management, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.263-267, serial publications, December, 2009 |
36 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Improving the Classifiers Performance Using Best Feature Selection Method (VM) and Meta Classifier, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.127-129, november, 2009 |
37 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Efficient Clustering (LCL) for application to web mining, International Engineering and Technology Journal of Information System, ISBN No.0973-8096, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.30-36, 2009 |
38 . |
B.Raghavendra Reddy, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, A Fast and Efficient Hybrid Clustering Algorithm by combining Incremental and Hierarchical Algorithms, IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.41-47, ICFAI press, January, 2008 |
National Journals |
1 . |
P.Praveen Kumar, K.P.Supreethi, Feature selection algorithms for classification and clustering, National Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, January-June, 2011 |
International Conference |
1 . |
M.Alrahhal, Supreethi.K.P, Content-Based Image Retrieval using Local Patterns and Supervised Machine Learning Techniques, Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI), ISBN No.978-1-5386-9346-9, IEEE, February, 2019 |
2 . |
B.Satish, Supreethi.K.P, Content Based Medical Image Retrieval using Relevance Feedback Bayesian Network, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication,Computer and Optimization Techniques, ISBN No.978-1-5386-2361-9/17, pp.424-430, IEEE conference proceedings, December, 2017 |
3 . |
Varsha Pullabhotla, K.P.Supreethi, “Adaptive Pre-processing and Regression of Weather Data”, fourth International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, , GNITC, Hyderabad, India, 22-23 july, 2016 |
4 . |
Addlight Mukwazvure, K.P.Supreethi, A Hybrid Approach to Sentiment Analysis of News Comments, ICRITO2015- fourth International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization, AIIT, Noida,India, 2-4 sep, 2015 |
5 . |
K.P.Supreethi, Pammi Kavitha, Medical Image Retrieval using visual and semantic features, ADVCOMP 2014 - The Eighth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, Rome, Italy, August, 2014 |
6 . |
K.P.Supreethi, B Venkat Raman , Swathi Sowmya Bavirthi, Face Recognition: A Robust Approach, International Conference on Internet Technologies and society, Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, pp.131-133, November-December, 2013 |
7 . |
K.P.Supreethi, D.Kalpana, XML query processing using Boolean Twigs, International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Systems, Coimbatore, India, December, 2013 |
8 . |
Zarina Sultana, K.P.Supreethi, Patch-based Categorization and Retrieval of Medical Images, Third International Conference on Advances in Communication, Network, and Computing, Chennai,India, pp.341-346, Springer Publications, February, 2012 |
9 . |
Bhargavi.B, K.P.Supreethi, An Efficient Computation of Reachability Labeling for Graph Pattern Matching, Second International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics, Italy, pp.58-62, October, 2012 |
10 . |
G.Raju, K.P.Supreethi, End-to-end security design for wireless sensor networks, International Conference on Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods (AMCM2011),Tirupathi,India, January, 2011 |
11 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Efficient Text Categorization Using LCL Algorithm and Machine Learning, IEEE International conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Virudhanagar, Tamilnadu, India, pp.595-600, January, 2009 |
12 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Improving the Classifiers Performance Using Blend of Classifiers, IEEE International conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Virudhanagar, Tamilnadu, India, January, 2009 |
13 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Spam Filter Design Using HC, SA, TA Feature Selection Methods, International Conference on Web Sciences, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India, ISBN No.978-81-907839-9-6, pp.161-167, January, 2009 |
14 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Combine the Classifiers and Dimensionality Reduction Method for Efficient and Accurate Text Classification, International Conference on Intelligent systems and Control, Coimbatore,India, February, 2009 |
15 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Topic Specific Text Filtering Using Combination of Variance Mean Based Feature Filtering and Rough Set, International Conference on Intelligent systems and Control, Coimbatore, T.M, India, ISBN No.978-0230-63762-7, pp.182-191, February, 2009 |
16 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Combination of Incremental and Hierarchical Clustering Application to Web Mining, International Conference On Data Management, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P, India, ISBN No.978-0230-63760-3, pp.273-282, February, 2009 |
17 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Improving the Classifiers Performance Using VM Based Filtering Method and Fusion of Classifiers, International Conference on Data Management, RajNagar, Ghaziabad, U.P, India, pp.185-194, February, 2009 |
18 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Efficient Text Categorization Using Blend of MFCC Technique and Machine Learning, IEEE International Conference on Advance Computing Conference”, Patiala, India, March, 2009 |
19 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Efficient Text Classification Using Best Feature Selection, Combining Methods, International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information. Designing Information Environments, San diego, California, Vol No.5617/2009, pp.437-446, Springer Publications, Jul, 2009 |
20 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Improving Web Text Classifiers Performance Using Machine Learning, Advances in Computing (ACM), February, 2008 |
21 . |
M.Ravi Kumar, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Building Accurate Classifier Using JEP, Advances in Computing (ACM), February, 2008 |
22 . |
S.Anitha Kumari, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, FAQ Retrieval Using Semantic segments, Advances in Computing (ACM), February, 2008 |
23 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Multilingual Text Categorization Using Lsquare and LPI Techniques, ”, International Conference on Quantitative Methods, operations and Information Technology for Managerial Decision Making, October, 2008 |
24 . |
M.Srinivas, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, MFCC and ARM Algorithms for Text Categorization, International conference on Computing, Communication and Networking, Karur, Tamilnadu, India, December, 2008 |
25 . |
K.P.Supreethi, E.V.Prasad, Web document clustering technique using case grammar structure, Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, ISBN No.978-0-7695-3050-5, pp.98-102, IEEE Computer society, December, 2007 |
26 . |
B.Raghavendra, K.P.Supreethi, Dr.E.V.Prasad, Combining Incremental and Hierarchical Algorithms for fast and efficient data clustering, Soft computing and Intelligent Systems, Vol No.3, pp.28-32, December, 2007 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Ch. Archana, K.P.Supreethi, Community profiling for social networks, National Conference on Recent INnovations in Engineering and Technology, Karnataka, ISBN No.978-1-63041-810-6, pp.124-127, May, 2014 |
2 . |
Alluri Harikanth, K.P.Supreethi, Product review using opinion mining, Conference on Advances in technology and applied Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 28-29 March, 2014 |
3 . |
B.Rohit, K.P.Supreethi, Loan application approval using meta classifier, National Conference on Advances in technology and applied Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 28-29 March, 2014 |
4 . |
Swathi Sowmya Bavirthi, K.P.Supreethi, Index pruning based strategy for evaluating Iceberg queries, National conference on emerging trends of Computing Technologies, March, 2013 |
5 . |
Naga Satyanarayana Vanga, Swathi Sowmya Bavirthi, Supreethi KP, Efficient and effective space items mining with indexed general and compact structure of items, National conference on Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology, October, 2013 |
6 . |
A.Sarath Chandra Raja, K.P.Supreethi, Tuple unit based method for keyword search over relational databases, National conference on emerging information technology and engineering sciences,Rural Engineering college, August, 2012 |
7 . |
K.A.Aravind Kumar, K.P.Supreethi, A Maximal frequent itemset approach for web document clustering, All India seminar on computer network security, pp.33-40, January, 2006 |
8 . |
K.P.Supreethi, P.Aparna, Effective clustering algorithm for web search results, National conference on recent trends in IT, February, 2006 |
9 . |
K.P.Supreethi, B.Sarita, Phrase based knowledgeable document index model for web document clustering, National conference on recent trends in IT, Hyderabad, February, 2006 |
10 . |
G.Gangadhar, K.P.Supreethi, P2P web search engine, National conference on emerging principles and practices of computer science & information technology, ISBN No.81-8424-089-9, pp.121-126, August, 2006 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Co-ordinated |
1. |
Coordinated for a Training on JAVA Programming& Application Development, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 13-07-2016 to 26-07-2016 |
2. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on Architectural design using UML, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 26-02-2015 to 28-02-2015 |
4. |
Coordinated for a Training on Web Designing and Web Programming, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 22-12-2014 |
11. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Software Engineering and Design Patterns, UGC-ASC, JNTUH, 03-03-2014 to 22-03-2014 |
14. |
Coordinated for a Training on NASSCOM-FSIT-TTT, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 20-11-2013 to 26-11-2013 |
18. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on Data Base management Systems, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 21-05-2013 to 31-05-2013 |
20. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on Embedded Game Development, JNTUHCEH, 12-03-2013 to 13-03-2013 |
21. |
Coordinated for a Training on Finishing School on Training in Programming Skills, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 26-02-2013 to 16-03-2013 |
24. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on Web designing and PHP, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 30-11-2011 to 01-12-2011 |
25. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Software Engineering and Design Patterns, UGC-ASC, JNTUH, 18-07-2011 to 06-08-2011 |
27. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on Oracle Applications DBA, Collaboration with CII Hyderabad at Dept. of CSE, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 27-01-2011 |
30. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on Erwin Data Modeller, CSE dept.,JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 09-11-2009 |
32. |
Coordinated for a Workshop on computer awareness for senior citizens", JNTUCE,Anantapur, 28-01-2008 to 30-01-2008 |
36. |
Coordinated for a Symposium on PIXEL national level technical symposium for students, JNTUCE,Anantapur, 21-12-2006 to 22-12-2006 |
Presented |
1. |
Presented a paper in Computing and Communication Engineering, Thalambur, Chennnai, 28-03-2014 |
2. |
Presented a paper in Futuristic areas in computer engineering and Technology, KITS, Huzurabad,, 10-10-2013 to 11-10-2013 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Seminar on Teaching Learning Methodologies, Accenture,Hyderabad, 27-01-2015 |
2. |
Participated in a Conference on Management of Data (COMAD 2014), IIIT, Hyderabad, 17-12-2014 to 19-12-2014 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on Workshop on Image and Speech Processing, IIIT, Hyderabad, 13-12-2014 |
4. |
Participated in a Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies(ICRSKT 2014), JNTUHCEH, Hyderabad, 09-11-2014 to 11-11-2014 |
5. |
Participated in a Workshop on Web Based student, Faculty and Staff Satisfaction survey, Ms. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Banglore, 23-09-2014 |
6. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on the current technology trends in information technology, UGC-ASC, JNTUH, 09-06-2014 to 28-06-2014 |
7. |
Participated in a Training on pedagogy core module, ESCI , Hyderabad, 20-01-2014 to 25-01-2014 |
8. |
Participated in a Conference on XML Query Processing USING Boolean Twigs, Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 19-12-2013 to 21-12-2013 |
9. |
Participated in a Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies(ISRS ), JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 10-11-2013 to 11-11-2013 |
10. |
Participated in a Training on Foundation Skills in IT(FSIT) Master Training Program, JNTUHCE, Hyderabad, 19-08-2013 to 26-08-2013 |
11. |
Participated in a Workshop on Data Base management Systems, IIT, Bombay, 06-05-2013 to 10-05-2013 |
12. |
Participated in a Training on IBM SEED Program -Rational Software Architect, Hyderabad, 07-01-2013 to 09-01-2013 |
13. |
Participated in a Seminar on Market Oriented Cloud Computing, JNTUACE,Anantapur, 27-12-2011 |
14. |
Participated in a Workshop on Digital Learning Technologies, JNTU & CDAC Hyderabad, 04-03-2011 to 05-03-2011 |
15. |
Participated in a Workshop on ASPIRE- “ Software Engineering Practices, JNTUACE, Anantapur, 22-12-2010 to 23-12-2010 |
16. |
Participated in a Workshop on Document Retrieval, JNTU, Hyderabad, 08-07-2010 |
17. |
Participated in a Workshop on Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, JNTUCE,Kakinada, 09-12-2008 to 11-12-2008 |
18. |
Participated in a Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu, 13-12-2007 to 15-12-2007 |
19. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Intranet Applications with JAVA, UGC-ASC,JNTU,Hyderabad, 12-11-2007 to 01-12-2007 |
20. |
Participated in a Tutorial on Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML, IBM Software education,hyderabad, 02-04-2007 to 04-04-2007 |
21. |
Participated in a Workshop on IT workshop, Academic Staff college &School of IT,JNTU,Hyderabad, 03-10-2005 to 08-10-2005 |
Honors & Professional Activities
Academic Titan Achievement Award, Artificial Intelligence Medical & Engineering Researchers Society , 2024
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Deputy warden for UG girls' hostel
, JNTUHCEH, 2020 - Present
, JNTUH UCESTH, 2024 - Present
3. Academic coordinator
, JNTUHCEH, 2022 - 2024
4. Additional Controller of Examinations
, JNTUH, 2023 - 2024
5. HoD,Department of IT
, JNTUHUCESTH, 2023 - 2023
6. Start-up Cell Coordinator
, JNTUHCEH, 2018 - 2023
7. Nodal Officer(Procurement)
, JNTUH - 1.3ATU, 2018 - 2022
8. Officer Incharge of Examinations
, JNTUHCEH, 2015 - 2017
9. Deputy warden for PG girls' hostel
, JNTUHCEH, 2014 - 2016
Project/Research Guidance
Age Classification Using Neighborhood |
2024 |
Download |
Maher Alrahhal |
Multimedia Image Retrieval System Using Machine Learning on Distributed Framework |
2024 |
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Swathi Sowmya Bavirthi |
Optimised R+Tree indexing for Spatio textual skyline queries |
2023 |
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Pappula Madhavi |
Discovering Outliers from spatiotemporal data in large databases |
0 |
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A Sangeetha |
Privacy Preserving Data Mining |
0 |
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Swapna T |
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Ponnada Naga Ramya |
Information Storage Management in Cloud |
0 |
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D Mamatha Rani |
Designing an optimal Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environment |
0 |
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Vadicherla Raju |
Clustering High Dimensional Data |
0 |
Download |
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Amity University,
, 02-02-2019 to 04-02-2019 Paper presentation |
Rome, Italy
, 24-08-2014 to 28-08-2014 Paper presentation |
University of Putra,
, 29-11-2013 to 01-12-2013 Paper presentation |