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Dr. Eedi Hemalatha
B.Tech.(CSE), M.Tech.(CSE), Ph.D.(CS)(IITH)
Associate Professor, Officer-Incharge-Examinations, GIAN Local Coordinator

I started my career as a Faculty member in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CBIT, Hyderbad in the year 2005 and joined in JNTUHCEH as Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE in the year 2006. My areas of research interest includes Parallel, Concurrent and Distributed Computing, HPC, Grid & Cloud Computing and Parallel Graph Algorithms. Teaching interests include Computer Programming, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Linux Interenals, Scripting Languages, Parallel Computing, HPC, Cloud Computing.

Areas of Interest:

Parallel, Concurrent and Distributed Computing

High Performance Computing

Parallel Graph Algorithms

Machine Learning

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Contact :
Dr. Eedi Hemalatha
Associate Professor, Officer-Incharge-Examinations, GIAN Local Coordinator
Computer Science & Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad
Department of CSE, JNTUH University College of Engineering, Science and Technology Hyderabad, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500085
Official Email: hemamorarjee@jntuh.ac.in
Alternate Email: hemamorarjee@gmail.com