Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Speech Recognition, IIT-Madras, Chennai- 600036 (1998-2002)
M.Tech. in Computer Science & Technology, Andhra University College of Engg. VisakhakaPatnam (1990-1992)
B. Tech. in Civil Engg., K.L. College of Engineering (1985-1989)
Professional Experience
1. |
Senior Professor, JNTUH College of Engg. Science & Technology Hyderabad (2016 - Till Date) |
2. |
Professor, JNTUH College of Engg. Hyderabad (2013 - 2016) |
3. |
Professor, School of Information Technology (SIT), JNTUH (2007 - 2013) |
4. |
Associate Professor, JNTU Head Quarters (2006 - 2007) |
5. |
Associate Professor, JNTU College of Engg. Hyderabad (2003 - 2006) |
6. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engg. Hyderabad (2002 - 2003) |
7. |
Lecturer/Assistant Professor, JNTU College of Engg. Hyderabad (1992 - 2002) |
1 .
Dr.Kamakshi Prasad V, 2.Automatic Text Independent Speaker Recognition Using Source Feature,Modeling Automation, Lambert Academic Publishing
2 .
Dr.Kamakshi Prasad V, 1. Evolutionary Computing Based Cryptographic Key Management, A New Approach, Lambert Academic Publishing
International Journals |
1 . |
Kande Archana, Kamakshi Prasad, A Systematic Review of Abnormal Behavior Detection: Convolution Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Models, Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Jan, 2022 |
2 . |
Yadala Sucharitha, Y Vijayalata, V Kamakshi Prasad, Predicting Election Results from Twitter using Machine Learning Algorithms, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications, ISBN No.2666-2566, Vol No.14, Issue No.1, pp.246-256, Bentham Science Publishers, 2021 |
3 . |
Yadala Sucharitha, Y Vijayalata, V Kamakshi Prasad, User Connectivity and Event Popularity based Re-Tweet Prediction in Social Networks, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISBN No.2278-3075, Vol No.9, Issue No.3, pp.365-370, 2020 |
4 . |
Yadala Sucharitha, Y Vijayalata, V Kamakshi Prasad, An Evolutionary Framework for Invariant Events Identification in Micro-blogs, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, ISBN No.1943023X, Vol No.12, Issue No.08(S), pp.118-126, Scopus indexed, 2020 |
5 . |
Sayed Amin Ahmadi Olunabadi, Avula Damodaram, V Kamakshi Prasad, PVS Srinivas, Malicious Node Detection Methodologies in MANETS, Int. Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISBN No.2278-3075, Vol No.9, Issue No.5, March, 2020 |
6 . |
Sayed Amin Ahmadi Olunabadi, Avula Damodaram, V Kamakshi Prasad, PVS Srinivas, Congestion Control through IDA Process for Malicious Node in MANETS, Int. Jouranal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISBN No.2277-3878, Vol No.8, Issue No.6, March, 2020 |
7 . |
Nagendar Yerukala,V. Kamakshi Prasad, Allam Apparao, Performance and Statistical Analysis of Stream Ciphers in GSM Communications, The Journal of Communications Software and Systems, Vol No.6, Issue No.1, Scopus , 2020 |
8 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kumar, V Kamakshi Prasad, BDALT: Bilateration and Double Anchor-based Localization Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks using Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Received Signal Strength (RSS) -A Hybrid Technique, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), ISBN No.2249 – 8958, Vol No.8, Issue No.6, Scopus , August, 2019 |
9 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kumar, V Kamakshi Prasad, DALT: Double Anchor-Based Localization Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks Using RSS and AoA Measures, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISBN No.ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol No.8, Issue No.10, August, 2019 |
10 . |
Sayed Amin Ahmadi Olunabadi, Avula Damodaram, V Kamakshi Prasad, PVS Srinivas, A review of congestion control with EDA shortest path and Malicious detection in real-time traffic, Int. journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering in Technology (IJARCET), ISBN No.2278-1323, Vol No.8, Issue No.11, Nov, 2019 |
11 . |
Sayed Amin Ahmadi Olunabadi, Avula Damodaram, V Kamakshi Prasad, PVS Srinivas, Congestion Control through EDA with shortest path, Int. Journal of Engineering and Advance Technology (IJEAT), ISBN No.2249-8958, Vol No.9, Issue No.2, Dec, 2019 |
12 . |
Yadala Sucharitha, Y Vijayalata, V Kamakshi Prasad, Emergent Events Identification in Micro-blogging Networks using Location Sensitivity, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, ISBN No.1943023X, Vol No.11, Issue No.08(S), pp.596-607, 2019 |
13 . |
Nagendar Yerukala, G.Padmavathi, Venu Nalla,V. Kamakshi Prasad, Alternating Step Generator using FCSR: A New Stream Cipher, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, Vol No.12, Issue No.5, 2019 |
14 . |
Venkatrama Phani Kumar S, Kamakshi Prasad, A novel approach for adaptive multimodal biometric system, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Vol No.16, Issue No.6, 2019 |
15 . |
Nagendar Yerukala,V. Kamakshi Prasad, Allam Appa Rao, G.Padmavathi, Applications of Stream ciphers in wireless communications, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol No.6, Issue No.6, 2018 |
16 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kumar, V Kamakshi Prasad, A New Framework for Effective Processing of WSN Application Generated Big Data, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, IJETSR, ISBN No.2394 – 3386, Vol No.4, Issue No.7, July, 2017 |
17 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kumar, V Kamakshi Prasad, Index based Localization Technique for Ad Hoc Sensor Networks, International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science, IJIACS, ISBN No.2347 – 8616, Vol No.6, Issue No.7, July, 2017 |
18 . |
K. Sreenivas,V. Kamakshi Prasad, Improved Image tamper Localisation using Chaotic maps and Self-recovery, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol No.49, pp.164-176, Elsevier publications, Nov, 2017 |
19 . |
Appala Naidu Tentu, Venkaiah V.Ch., Kamakshi Prasad V, CRT based Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes, Int. J. Security Networks, Inderscience, 2017 |
20 . |
K. Sreenivas,V. Kamakshi Prasad, Fragile Watermarking Schemes for Image Authentication: A Survey, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, a Springer Journal, March, 2017 |
21 . |
V. BharaniPriya,V. Kamakshi Prasad, A New Algorithm to find best splitting criteria for Web page classification, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSR-JEN), Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.88-90, 2017 |
22 . |
Ananda Kumar Kinjarapu, Subhashini Narra, Dr. Kamakshi Prasad Valurouthu, Writing Order Recovery from Telugu Character Images, International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS), ISBN No.2394-1065, Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.347-355, April, 2016 |
23 . |
Ravi Kumar Gedela and Kamakshi Prasad Valurouthu, Digital Transformation with Service Oriented Architecture and Performance Considerations, International Journal of Computer Applications(IJCA), ISBN No.0975 - 8887, Vol No.146, Issue No.6, pp.37-45, July, 2016 |
24 . |
Ravi Kumar Gedela and Kamakshi Prasad Valurouthu, Evidence Informed Performance Modelling of Complex Business Process using Queuing Petri Net (QPN), International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS), ISBN No.2394-1065, Vol No.3, Issue No.6, pp.462-469, June, 2016 |
25 . |
Kavitha Donepudi,V. Kamakshi Prasad, J.V.R. Murthy, Fast graph Isomorphism Testing for Graph based Data Mining with Improved Canonical Labeling, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.1816-949x,, Vol No.11, Issue No.7, pp.1586-1597, Scopus , 2016 |
26 . |
D. Kavitha,V. Kamakshi Prasad, J. V. R. Murthy, Finding Frequent Subgraphs in a Single Graph based on symmetry, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975-8887, Vol No.146, Issue No.11, July, 2016 |
27 . |
D. Kavitha,V. Kamakshi Prasad, J.V.R. Murthy, Significant Subgraph Mining with Representative Set, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No.0974-6846, Vol No.9, Issue No.44, November, 2016 |
28 . |
AppalaNaidu Tentu, Kamakshi Prasad V, VenkaiahV.Ch, Multi-Stage Secret Sharing Schemes Based on Asmuth's bloom sequence, Int. J. of Networking and Communication Engineering, Vol No.8, Issue No.3, pp.21-27, 2016 |
29 . |
K. Sreenivas,V. Kamakshi Prasad, Chaotic Maps Based Scheme for Image Authentication, CIIT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, ISBN No.0974-971., Vol No.8, Issue No.10, pp.355-388, 2016 |
30 . |
Venkatramaphanikumar S, V Kamakshi Prasad, Multi Feature Based Fingerprint Recognition with Score Fusion, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.0973-9769, Vol No.10, Issue No.8, pp.20393-20402, Research India Publication, 2015 |
31 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kuamr, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Driver Behavior Analysis and Prediction Models: A Survey, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, ISBN No.3328-3333, Vol No.6, Issue No.4, 2015 |
32 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, M.N.Seeta Ramanath, V.Kamakshi Prasad, Optimizing and Generating Dynamic intricate Cluster Construction in MANET using Integer Liner Programming with Rough Set Model Technique, International journal of computer science and information Technologies, ISBN No.0975-9646, Vol No.5, Issue No.6, 2014 |
33 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, M.N.Seeta Ramanath, V.Kamakshi Prasad, Secure Mobile Adhoc Routing Using Clusters Confronations with Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISBN No.2277-128X, Vol No.4, Issue No.10, pp.627-635, October, 2014 |
34 . |
Raghavendra Sankaramanchi, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Ch. Shilpa Chakra, Mamidi Kiran Kumar, A New Computing System With Particle Communication And Optical Computing, 1st International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowlegde Technologies-2014, ISBN No.9789351072980, pp.101, elsevier, December, 2014 |
35 . |
M. Sadanandam and Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Robust features for GMM Based Language Identification System, International Journal of Speech Technology, Vol No.17, Issue No.2, pp.99-105, 2014 |
36 . |
Venkatramaphanikumar S,V KamakshiPrasad, Nonlinear Classification with Modified 2DDTW, National Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-93-83635-01-6, pp.56-61, 2014 |
37 . |
Ananda Kumar Kinjarapu, Jagadeeswara Rao Enni and Kamakshi Prasad Valurouthu, Robust and Efficient Fully Parallel 2D Thinning Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications , ISBN No.0975 - 8887, Vol No.85, Issue No.5, pp.1-6, Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, January, 2014 |
38 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, M.N.Seeta Ramanath, V.Kamakshi Prasad, DSCAM with Rough sets Generic SSL-DES-96, International journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISBN No.2319-5940, Vol No.2, Issue No.5, May, 2013 |
39 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, P.Kamakshi Prasad, Y.Vishnutej, P.NarendraKumar, DSCAM with Rough Sets Generic SSL-DES-96, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering , Vol No.2, Issue No.5, May, 2013 |
40 . |
B. N. Gajbhiye and V. Kamakshi Prasad, Model for Defence R&D Scientific and Engineering Software Development, ,Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE), ISBN No.ISSN: 2301-3559, Vol No.1, Issue No.3, pp.319-322, 2013 |
41 . |
M. S. Rudramurthy, V. Kamakshi Prasad, R. Kumaraswamy, Voice Activity Detection Algorithm Using Zero Frequency Filter Assisted Peaking Resonator and Empirical Mode Decomposition. J. Intelligent Systems, Vol No.22, Issue No.3, pp.269-282, 2013 |
42 . |
Ch Mahesh, Dr. K Ravindra, Prof. V Kamakshiprasad, A frame Work for the Integrity Analysis of Instrument Landing System, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISBN No.2250-2459, Vol No.2, Issue No.7, July, 2012 |
43 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao , Extracting Incidental and Global knowledge through Compact Pattern Trees in Distributed Environment, JRS2012, August, 2012 |
44 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao , Association Rules Extraction form Incremental Databases through ICPT, International Journal on Computer Science & Engineering(IJCSE), ISBN No. ISSN 2229-5631 , pp.538-547, 2012 |
45 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao, Association Rules Extraction from Incremental Databases through ICPT, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering(IJCSE), ISBN No.ISSN 2229-5631, Vol No.4, Issue No.4, pp.559-568, 2012 |
46 . |
Gopalkrishna Joshi, Narasimha H Ayachit, Kamakshi Prasad V, Analysis Of Relative Importance Of Data Quality Dimensions For Distributed Systems, IJCES , ISBN No. ISSN:2250:3439, Vol No.2, Issue No.11, pp.16-28, November, 2012 |
47 . |
Gopalkrishna Joshi, Narasimha H Ayachit, Kamakshi Prasad V, On Relative Importance of Data Quality Dimensions for cooperative Information Systems, Archives Des Sciences, Vol No.65, Issue No.12, pp.551-558, December, 2012 |
48 . |
M. Sadanandam, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. V. Janaki, Text Independent Language Recognition using DHMM, International Journal of Computer Applications 48(7), pp.42-45, June, 2012 |
49 . |
M. Sadanandam, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. V. Janaki, Automatic Language Recognition System Using New Features And Their Weightage, Recent Science: International Journal of Advanced Computing, Vol No.35, Issue No.7, pp.380, 2012 |
50 . |
M. Sadanandam, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. V. Janaki, DHMM Based Automatic Language Identification System, International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Vol No.6, pp.93-97, 2012 |
51 . |
D Jayaram, CRK Reddy Kamakshi Prasad, M Swamy Das, An Overview of Optical Character Recognition Systems Research on Telugu Language, International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology , ISBN No.ISSN 2221-8386, Vol No.2, Issue No.9, September, 2012 |
52 . |
A.Nagesh. V.Kamakshi Prasad, New Feature Vectors for Automatic Text Independent Language Identification, IJCSC, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, pp.553-558, 2011 |
53 . |
M Nagaratna, P V S Srinivas, V Kamakshi Prasad ,C Raghavendra Rao , Computation of Multiple Paths in MANETs Using Node Disjoint Method, International Journal of Computer Science Issues , Vol No.8, Issue No.3, pp.550-554, May, 2011 |
54 . |
M.Nagaratna, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. C. Raghavendra Rao, Computation of Group Discovery algorithm in MANETs, International Journal of Multimedia, Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, June, 2011 |
55 . |
V. Bharanipriya& V. Kamakshi Prasad, Web Content Mining Tools: A Comparative Study International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.211-215, January-June , 2011 |
56 . |
M Nagaratna, Dr. Raghavendra C Rao and Dr. Kamakshi V Prasad, Node Disjoint Split Multipath Multicast Ad-hoc on-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (NDSM-MAODV), International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) 26(10) , pp.1-12, July, 2011 |
57 . |
M. Nagaratna, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. C. Raghavendra Rao, Performance Evaluation of Mesh - Based Multicast Routing Protocols in MANETs, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol No.2, Issue No.7, July, 2011 |
58 . |
M. Nagaratna,Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. C. Raghavendra Rao , Performance Evaluation of Tree - Based MulticastRouting Protocols in MANETs, InternatIonal Journal of Computer Science and Technology(IJCST) , Vol No.2, Issue No.3, pp.558-562, September, 2011 |
59 . |
A.Jagna, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad, Rule-based Order-Independent Parallel Algorithm for Binary Image Thinning, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN 0973- 4562, Vol No.6, pp.315-329, November, 2011 |
60 . |
A.Nagesh. V.Kamakshi Prasad, GMM Spectral Vectors Distribution for Language Identification, IJIP, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.63-74, 2010 |
61 . |
A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad, An efficient Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm and its Performance Evaluation, Technology Spectrum JNTU, ISBN No.ISSN: 0974-6854, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, pp.27-30, July, 2010 |
62 . |
A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad, New Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , Vol No.5, Issue No.4, pp.64-67, April, 2010 |
63 . |
A.Jagna and V.Kamashi Prasad, An efficient Two-pass Parallel Binary Image Thinning Algorithm, IUP Journal of Computer Science, Vol No.4, Issue No.2, pp.40-48, April, 2010 |
64 . |
A.Nagesh. V.Kamakshi Prasad, Spectral Vectors Distribution Classifiers for Language Identification, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.15-22, 2009 |
65 . |
D. N. Mallikarjuna Rao and Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Link State Generation Using Antnet Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol No.1, Issue No.4, pp.409-412, 2009 |
66 . |
R. Selvarani, T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Estimation of Defect proneness Using Design complexity Measurements in Object- Oriented Software, IEEE Computer Society Washington, 2009 |
67 . |
P. V. R. R. Bhogendra Rao, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Design of Run time Architectures for Real time UML Models an Actor Centric Approach, InterJRI Computer Science and Networking, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, December, 2009 |
68 . |
Santosh L Deshpande, N.Y.Ayachit. V.Kamakshi Prasad, Time Efficient security For Broadcast Networks, IJCSS, 2008 |
69 . |
T.Venugopal , DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, An Efficient and fast Shape Based Image Using Truncated Fourier Descriptors, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, 2008 |
70 . |
T.Venugopal , DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, A Novel Approach to shape Based Image Retrieval Integrating Adapted Fourier descriptors and freeman code, IJCSNS , Vol No.8, Issue No.6, 2008 |
71 . |
T.Venugopal ,B.RameshNaik, DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, Image Retrieval Using Adapted Fourier descriptors, communicated to IJSISE , 2008 |
72 . |
P.V.S.Srinivas , V.Kamakshi Prasad, C.Raghavendra Rao, Backup Path Discovery Method in Mobile AdhocNetworks, ACST, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.91-99, 2008 |
73 . |
P.V.S.Srinivas, V.Kamakshi Prasad, C.Raghavendra Rao, Performance Evaluation of Backup Path Discovery Algorithm in Mobile Adhoc networks, IJ-ETA-ETS, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.28-42, 2008 |
74 . |
P.V.S.Srinivas, V.Kamakshi Prasad, C.Raghavendra Rao, Security Challenges for Routing Protocol in Adhoc Networks, IJAER, Vol No.3, Issue No.11, pp.1424-1439, 2008 |
75 . |
P.V.S.Srinivas, V.Kamakshi Prasad, C.Raghavendra Rao, Multi path source Routing in Mobile Adhoc Networks, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-6972, Vol No.1, Issue No.1-3, pp.79-85, 2008 |
76 . |
Santosh L Deshpande, N.Y.Ayachit. V.Kamakshi Prasad, The time efficient security for broadcast NetworksInternational Journal of Computer Science and Security, ISBN No.ISSN 1955-1553, Vol No.2, Issue No.2, April, 2008 |
77 . |
K.Venkateshwara Rao. V.Kamakshi Prasad. C.R. Rao, Digital Image compression using data association, IJMM-RIP , Vol No.1, Issue No.1, 2007 |
78 . |
K. Venkateswara Rao, V. Kamakshi Prasad and C.R. Rao, International Journal on Mathematical Manuscripts, (IJMM), Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.1-9, 2007 |
79 . |
V. Kamakshi Prasad, T. Nagarajan and Hema A. Murthy , Automatic segmentation of continuous speech using minimum phase group delay function, Speech Communications, Elsevier Science, Vol No.42, Issue No.3-4, pp.429-446, April, 2004 |
80 . |
V. Kamakshi Prasad , Minimum phase signal derived from root cepstrum, IEE Electronic letters, Vol No.39, Issue No.12, pp.941-942, 2003 |
81 . |
V. BharaniPriya, V. Kamakshi Prasad, A New Algorithm to find best splitting criteria for Web page classification, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSR-JEN), Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.88-90 |
National Journals |
1 . |
Venkatrama phanikumar S, V Kamakshi Prasad, A Novel Approach For Fingerprint Recognition With Dynamic Time Warping, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol No.74, 2015 |
2 . |
Ch. Mahesh, Dr. K. Ravindra, Prof. V. Kamakshiprasad, The Role of Communication, Navigation and Surveillance In Civil Aviation-a Comparative Study, Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISBN No.0975 – 6779, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.1-5, October, 2012 |
3 . |
K. Venkateswara Rao, C R Rao and V Kamakshi Prasad, Projective geometry tool for Canonical cover, The ICFAI Journal of Computer Science, Vol No.1, Issue No.2, pp.71-75, V Kamakshi Prasad, October, 2007 |
International Conference |
1 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kumar,V. Kamakshi Prasad, ALTAR: Area-based Localization Techniques using AoA and RSS measures for Wireless Sensor Networks, 4th IEEE International Conference, Singapore, Dec, 2019 |
2 . |
Yadala Sucharitha, Y Vijayalata, V Kamakshi Prasad, Analysis of Early Detection of Emerging Patterns from Social Media Networks: A Data Mining Techniques Perspective, International conference on Soft computing and Signal Processing (ICSCSP-2019), Advanced Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), pp.15-25, 2019 |
3 . |
Raghavendra Rao Sankaramanchi, V Kamakshi Prasad, Kumara Chandra Singarapu, Tejaswini Thallapalli, Sandeep Sagar, Shilpa Chakra Chidurala, Upender Gaddam, Shrawan Kumar, Integrating and introducing CERN and NCBI data science to understand quantum realm computations, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference (ANNIC 2018) , Vol No.1310, October, 2018 |
4 . |
Mamidi Kiran Kumar,V. Kamakshi Prasad, TASLT: Triangular Area Segmentation based Localization Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks using RSSI and AoA Measures - A New Approach, 3 rd IEEE International Conference, 2018 |
5 . |
Nagendar Yerukala, G.Padmavathi, Venu Nalla,V. Kamakshi Prasad, LFL-A New Stream Cipher for Secure Communications, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research(IEEE-ICCIC 2018), Dec, 2018 |
6 . |
D. Kavitha,V. Kamakshi Prasad, J.V.R. Murthy, Frequent and Significant Patterns Mining Using Approximate Patterns for Protein Structure Analysis, International Journal of Research, Vol No.5, Issue No.6, March, 2018 |
7 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, M.N.Seeta Ramanath, V.Kamakshi Prasad, Generating Optimized Dynamic Secured Mobile Adhoc Network with Optimized Modular Function, IEEE-WISPNET, March, 2016 |
8 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, M.N.Seeta Ramanath, V.Kamakshi Prasad, Optimal Reliable Routing Path Identification in MANET with FTR-AHP Model, IEEE-SYSCON, IEEE, April, 2016 |
9 . |
K. Srinivas, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Improved block encoding method for image self-recovery approach, 5th International Conference on Information Communication & Embedded Systems, February, 2016 |
10 . |
K.S.R. Radhika, C.V. Rao, Dr.V. Kamakshi Prasad, Enhancement of AWiSS spatial resolution with SVM learning, h IEEE international Advanced Computing Conference, Febrauary, 2016 |
11 . |
M Sadananadam, Dr. V Kamakshi Prasad, Role of formants for Text Independent Language Recognition, The World Congress on Engineering 2016 (WCE 2016), 2016 |
12 . |
Krishna S.R.M, Kamakshi Prasad. V, Seeta Ramanath M.N, Generating Secured Mobile Ad-Hoc Network with Optimized Modular Function, IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference., 2016 |
13 . |
S.R.M.Krishna, M.N.Seeta Ramanath, V.Kamakshi Prasad, Security in MANET Routing Tables with FMNK Cryptography Model, IEEE-EESCO, ISBN No.978-4799-7678-2, IEEE, 2015 |
14 . |
Appala Naidu Tentu, Banita M, Venkaiah V.Ch., Kamakshi Prasad V, New secret sharing scheme for Hierarchical Access structures with threshold Changeability, 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), pp.1910-1916, Aug, 2015 |
15 . |
M. Sadanandam, V. Kamakshi Prasad and E.Jagadeeswararao, Language Identification using new Features: A Significance of Rough k-means Clustering Algorithm, 1st International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowlegde Technologies-2014, ISBN No.9789351072980, pp.6, elsevier, December, 2014 |
16 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, C. Raghavendra Rao and V. Kamakshi Prasad, Hungarian Method For Compact Pattern Tree, 1st International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowlegde Technologies-2014, ISBN No.9789351072980, pp.59, December, 2014 |
17 . |
M. Sadanandam, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. V. Janaki and E. Jagadeeshwar rao , New Features Using Fuzzy C-Means Alogorithm For Automatic Language Recognition, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (2014 IEEE ICCIC), December, 2014 |
18 . |
Venkatramaphanikumar S, Dr. V Kamakshi Prasad, Nonlinear Face Classification with Modified 2DDTW, Sixth International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, pp.223-227, 2014 |
19 . |
44. Raghavendra Sankaramanchi, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Ch. Shilpa Chakra, Mamidi Kiran Kumar, A New Computing System With Particle Communication And Optical Computing, The 1st International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowlegde Technologies-2014, ISBN No.9789351072980, pp.101, Elseiver, December, 2014 |
20 . |
Venkatramaphanikumar S, V Kamakshi Prasad, Gabor based face recognition with dynamic time warping, Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), pp.349-353, 2013 |
21 . |
Ch. Mahesh, Dr. K. Ravindra, Dr.V. Kamakshi Prasad, A new approach for collision avoidance system of micro air vehicle using Hidden Markov model, ICRMAV-2013, ISBN No.9789351071693, elsevier, December, 2013 |
22 . |
D. Kavitha,V. Kamakshi Prasad, J.V.R. Murthy, An Improved canonical Labeling for Frequent Subgraph Mining, IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (ICACT),, Feb, 2013 |
23 . |
Ravi Kumar Gedela, FareignDuyu, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Evidence Informed Layered Queuing Model (EILQM) for Performance Management of Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (ESOA) Applications 2013, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2013), January, 2013 |
24 . |
Rudramurthy M.S, Kamakshi Prasad V, Kumaraswamy R, voice activity detection algorithm using zero frequency filter assisted peaking resonator and empirical mode decomposition (EMD), International Conference on Communication, VLSI and Signal Processing (ICCVSP-2013) , 2013 |
25 . |
Sadanandam, M. and Kamakshi Prasad, V, Automatic Text Independent LID using Reduct Set of Feature Vectors, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2013), July, 2013 |
26 . |
Venkatramaphanikumar S, Dr. V Kamakshi Prasad, Gabor Based Face Recognition with Dynamic Time Warping, Sixth International IEEE Conference on Contemporary Computing , August, 2013 |
27 . |
M. Sadanandam and Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, GMM Based Language Identification System Using Robust features, 15th International conference on speech and computer, SPECOM-2013, September, 2013 |
28 . |
Padmashree Desai, Jagadeesh Pujari, N. H. Ayachit, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Classification of archaeological monuments for different art forms, Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), August, 2013 |
29 . |
Ch. Mahesh, Dr.V. Kamakshi Prasad, Markov Model for Continuity Analysis of Instrument Landing System, Navigation and Communication (NAVCOM) sponsored by NERTU, OU and DRDO , December, 2012 |
30 . |
Mr. Ch Mahesh, Dr. K. Ravindra, Prof. V. Kamakshi Prasad and Dr. R. Rajeshwara Rao, An Efficient Air Traffic Management for Weather Prediction Using Hidden Markov Model (HMM), ICRMAV-2012, elsevier, December, 2012 |
31 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao, Extracting Incidental and Global Knowledge through Compact Pattern Trees in Distributed Environment, Proc.7th International Conference of Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, ISBN No.LNAI 7414, pp.242-247, August, 2012 |
32 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao, Mining Frequent Patterns through Incremental Compact Pattern Tree, Proc. RITS International Conference on Advancements in Engineering & Management, pp.53-58, February, 2012 |
33 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao, Short Term Knowledge Extraction through Compact Pattern Trees, Proc. International Conference on Computer Science and Informatics, pp.25-30, March, 2012 |
34 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. Kamakshi Prasad, C. Raghavendra Rao, Periodic Knowledge Discovery through Parallel Paradigm, In: Proc. Second IEEE International Conference on Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), pp.838-842, 2012 |
35 . |
Gopalkrishna Joshi, Narasimha H Ayachit, Kamakshi Prasad V, Data Semantic Issues in Improving Data Quality, Proc. Of International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), IEEE Catalog Number CFP1295F-PRT, ISBN No. ISBN 978-1-4673-1849-5, pp.280-283, April, 2012 |
36 . |
M. Sadanandam, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. V. Janaki , Text Independent Language Recognition System for Indic Languages with new Features, IEEE international Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, 2012 |
37 . |
M. Nagaratna, Dr. C. Raghavendra Rao, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Node disjoint Split Multipath Protocol for Unified Multicasting through Announcements (NDSM-PUMA), Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology CSIT-2011, pp.373-380, July, 2011 |
38 . |
K. Swarupa Rani, V. KamakshiPrasad , C. Raghavendra Rao, Distributed Methodology of CanTree Construction, Proc. 5th International Workshop, Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence, ISBN No.LNAI 7080, pp.363-372, December, 2011 |
39 . |
A.Jagan, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad, Rule-based Parallel Thinning Algorithm and its performance Evaluation, International conference on Digital Convergence ICDC 2011, pp.318-323, February, 2011 |
40 . |
A.Jagna, K.Ananda Kumar and V.Kamashi Prasad, An OrderIndependent Two-Pass Parallel Algorithm For Image Thinning, Internal conference on Systemic Cybernetics and Informatics, pp.554-556, January, 2011 |
41 . |
A.Nagesh. V.Kamakshi Prasad, Automatic Language Identification using MFCC and VQ, ICSPORCSAA09, 2010 |
42 . |
Santosh L Deshpande.N.Y.Ayachit. V.KamakshiPrasad, Evolutionary Computing Based secure key management Protocol, ICCCNT, 2010 |
43 . |
Santosh L Deshpande.N.Y.Ayachit. V.KamakshiPrasad, Predicate Routing Algorithm-some new aspects, 2009 |
44 . |
T.Venugopal, DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, Improved Performance in Image Retrieval using combinations of evidences, IEEE IACC, 2009 |
45 . |
P.V.S. Srinivas,V. Kamakshi Prasad and C. Raghavendra Rao, Improving QoS in MANETs through Multipath routing, International conference on Emerging trends GOA, May, 2009 |
46 . |
A.Jaganand V.Kamashi Prasad , Image Thinning Methodologies, International conference systemic Cybernetics and Informatics, pp.641-643, January, 2009 |
47 . |
A.Nagesh. V.Kamakshi Prasad, Usefulness of Spectral Vectors for Automatic Language Identification, ICGTA-08, 2008 |
48 . |
T.Venugopal, DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, Image Retrieval on parallel Multicomputers, ICACT, 2008 |
49 . |
P.V.R.R. Bhogendra Rao and V. Kamakshi Prasad , Component based mapping of real-time UML model to run-time architecture, Proc. Of International conference on Computational intelligence and multi-media applications, pp.22-23, February, 2008 |
50 . |
T.Venugopal, DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, Adapted Zernike moments Based moments Retrieval, ICQMOIT-IBS, 2008 |
51 . |
Santosh L Deshpande. N.Y.Ayachit. V.Kamakshi Prasad, A New Predicate Routing Algorithm, HPCNCS, Vol No.2, Issue No.3, 2007 |
52 . |
J.V.S. Srinivas, P.V.R.R. Bhogendra Rao, V. Kamakshi Prasad, Parallel Implementation of Backpropagation on Master Slave Architecture, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (iccima), Vol No.1, pp.217-221, 2007 |
53 . |
Gopalkrishna Joshi, Narasimha H Ayachit, Kamakshi Prasad V, Data Management in e-Goverance Through Push-Pull Technique: A Case Study, The Value of Knowledge: At the Interfact, Papers Presented at 1st Global Conference on The Value of Knowledge, ISBN No.ISBN 978-1-904710-45-5, pp.69-74, 2007 |
54 . |
Santosh L Deshpande.N.Y.Ayachit. V.Kamakshi Prasad, Graph Based secure key Management Scheme, ISBN No. CISTM 2005, July, 2005 |
55 . |
V. Kamakshi Prasad, T. Nagarajan and Hema A. Murthy, Continuous speech recognition using automatically segmented data at syllabic units, ICSP, pp.235-238, 2002 |
56 . |
T. Nagarajan, V. Kamakshi Prasad and Hema A. Murthy , The minimum phase property of the magnitude spectrum and its applications to speech segmentations, 6th Biennial Conference on Signal Processing and Communications , July, 2001 |
57 . |
V. Kamakshi Prasad and Hema A. Murthy , An automatic algorithm for segmenting and labeling a connected digit sequence, International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Vol No.3, pp.1033-1036, October, 2000 |
58 . |
V. Kamakshi Prasad, Hema A. Murthy and C. Chandra Sekhar, A new approach to connected digit recognition problem using minimum phase group delay function, International Conference on Multimedia Processing and Systems (ICMPS, pp.174-177, August, 2000 |
59 . |
M. Sadanandam, Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Dr. V. Janaki, A. Nagesh , Text Independent Language Recognition System Using DHMM with new Features, IEEE –ICSP’2012 |
60 . |
Mr. Ch Mahesh, Dr. K. Ravindra, Prof. V. Kamakshi Prasad and Dr. R. Rajeshwara Rao, An Efficient Air Traffic Management for Weather Prediction Using Hidden Markov Model (HMM), ICRMAV-2012 |
61 . |
Mr. BommisettyRajaramaNarasimham, Prof. V Brahmaji Rao and Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad, Materials, Devices, Mechanisms and Controls of Nano Air Vehicles-Challenges Ahead, ICRMAV-2012 |
62 . |
Mr. B. R. R. Narasimham, Prof. V Brahmaji Rao and V. Kamakshi Prasad, PrasadNanoTechonological and Computational Aerodynamics of micro air vehicles, ICRMAV-2012 |
63 . |
Dr. V. Kamakshi Prasad and Chillarige Aditya, Gray Image Segmentation Using Expectation Maximization Approach, ICRMAV-2012 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Gedela R.K.; Duyu F.; Cullen M.; Cadavez J.; Prasad V.K , Maximizing the business value from silos: Service based transformation with service data models, India Conference (INDICON), pp.1-8, 2011 |
2 . |
T.Venugopal, Dr. V.Kamakshi Prasad, Performance Improvement in Image Retrieval using Dempster-Shafer Theory, ICCVGIVP, 2009 |
3 . |
P.V.S. Srinivas,V. Kamakshi Prasad and C. RaghavendraRao, Impact of BPD Protocol on QoS in MANETs, NCCEM’09 JALGAON, March, 2009 |
4 . |
T.Venugopal , DrV.Kamakshi Prasad, Modified Approach to shape Representation and Retrieval, CCCA-SRIT, 2008 |
5 . |
V. Kamakshi Prasad, Hema A. Murthy and C. Chandra Sekhar, Connected digit recognition using minimum phase group delay functions, Procs. Of National seminar on Information evolution and Indian Languages, pp.15-16, November, 1999 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Conference on Fourth International conferernce on Computational Intelligence & Informatics (ICCII-2020), JNUTH College of Engg. Hyderabad, 14-02-2020 to 15-02-2020 |
Organized a Conference on Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Informatics (ICCII-2017)”, Dept of CSE, JNTUHCEH, 25-09-2017 to 27-09-2017 |
Organized a Conference on First International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Informatics (ICCII-2016), Dept.of CSE, JNTUH CEH, 28-05-2016 to 30-05-2016 |
Organized a Conference on First International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies (ICRSKT-2014), JNTU Hyderabad, 10-11-2014 to 11-11-2014 |
Organized a Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies, JNTU Hyderabad, 09-11-2014 |
Organized a Conference on 38th National Systems Conference-(NSC2014), JNTU Hyderabad, 05-11-2014 to 07-11-2014 |
Organized a Workshop on Mentoring Skills and Thinking Skills for Engineering Faculty, JNTU Hyderabad, 18-07-2014 to 19-07-2014 |
Organized a Conference on 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Design, Development and Operation of Micro Air Vehicles (ICRAMAV-2014), JNTU Hyderabad, 05-05-2014 to 07-11-2014 |
Organized a Conference on First National Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (NCRAM-2014), JNTU Hyderabad, 12-03-2014 to 13-03-2014 |
Organized a Workshop on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies, JNTU Hyderabad, 10-11-2013 to 11-11-2013 |
Co-ordinated |
12. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Applications of Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery and Pattern Recognition, UGC Academic Staff College, JNTUH, 17-06-2013 to 06-07-2013 |
15. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Artificial Neural Networks, JNTUH, Hyderabad., 03-12-2006 to 24-12-2006 |
16. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Digital Image Processing, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 17-01-2005 to 05-02-2005 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a FDP on Information System and Management, JN TUHCEH, 01-06-2015 to 05-06-2015 |
2. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on Creativity and Innovation Management in Research, ESCI Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 04-02-2013 to 08-02-2013 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on Rough Sets And Knowledge Engineering, GVP Engineering College Visakhapatnam, 09-11-2012 to 11-11-2012 |
4. |
Participated in a FDP on -, Indian School of Business (ISB- Hyderabad), |
5. |
Participated in a FDP on -, 3. Indian Institute of Management (IIM- Kozhikode), |
Honors & Professional Activities
State Award to Meritorious Teacher, Government of Telangana, 2020
Professional Activities
1. Fellow of Institute of Engineers (FIE)
2. Life Member, ISTE ( Indian Society for Technical Education)
3. Fellow of Computer Society of India (FCSI)
4. International Association of Engineers ( IAENG)
5. International Association of Computer Science & Information Technology (IACSIT)
6. Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) |
Soft Computing in CSE M.Tech.(PTPG), III Sem (2014) | Computer Graphics in CSE B.Tech. 3rd Year, II Sem (2014) | Data Warehousing & Data Mining in CSE B.Tech. 4th Year, I Sem (2014) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Director Innovative Technologies Center
, JNTU Head Quarters, 2012 - 2013
2. Director of Evaluation
, JNTU Head Quarters, 2017 - 2021
3. Head of the Department, CSE
, JNTUH College of Engg. Hyderabad, 2014 - 2017
4. Coordinator
, JNTUH Head Quarters, 2004 - 2006
5. Additional Controller of Examinations (ACE)
, JNTU Head Quarters, 2004 - 2007
6. Coordinator, TEQIP-II
, JNTUH College of Engg. Hyderabad, 2013 - 2014
7. Additional Controller of Examinations (ACE)
, JNTU Head Quarters, 2008 - 2011
8. Controller of Examinations (CE)
, JNTU Head Quarters, 2011 - 2012
Project/Research Guidance
Mr. Mamidi Kiran Kumar |
Design and Implementation of Area based Localization Techniques using AoA and RSSI measures for WSN |
2021 |
Mr. P Venkat Reddy |
Innovative Design of Parallel Computer Interconnection Networks and their Performance Evaluation |
2021 |
Ms. Yadala Sucharitha |
Emerging Event Detection and Tracking from social media using Support Vector Machine |
2021 |
Mr. Yerukala Nagendar |
Novel framework of stream cipher by combining LFSR and FCSR primitives |
2021 |
Mr. Seyed Amin Ahmad Olonabadi |
Study and some observation of congestion control mechanisms and detection of malicious nodes in MANETS |
2020 |
Ms. K S R Radhika |
Image Classification by improving spatial temporal resolutions and wider swath using pattern based fusion techniques |
2020 |
Mr. Ravi Kumar Gadela |
Performance prediction of SOA application Using QPN and validation with BOCR model |
2019 |
Ms. D Kavitha |
Symmetry based improved frequent subgraph mining algorithms for Graph mining |
2018 |
Mr. Ch Mahesh |
Position Computation for GPS data using DWT-HMM models |
2018 |
Mr. Karanam Srinivas |
Image Authentication Schemes based on Chaotic Maps |
2018 |
Mr. Venkatrama Phani Kumar S |
A Novel Frame Work for Adaptive Multi Modal Bio Metric System |
2017 |
Mr. Appalanaidu T |
Design and Analysis of Threshold Cryptographic Techniques for Information Security using various Access Structures |
2017 |
Mr. S R M Krishna |
Optimized and Secured Routing Communication for Mobile Ad hoc Networks Using Novel Models. |
2017 |
Mr. K Ananda Kumar |
Automatic Hand Written Character Recognition System |
2016 |
Mr. Rudramurthy MS |
Speaker recognition in uncontrolled environment |
2016 |
Mr. M Sadanandam |
Automatic Text Independent Language Recognition |
2014 |
Mr. Joshi GopalKrishna |
Optimization of data quality dimensions of distributed and co-operative information systems |
2014 |
K Swaroopa Rani |
A Study on Tree Based Association Rule Extraction System |
2013 |
Mr. Akkaladevi Nagesh |
Automatic Text Independent Language Notification |
2012 |
Ms. M . Nagaratna |
A Novel Enhanced Mutlicast Routing Protocols in MANETS |
2012 |
Mr. P.V.R.R Bhogendra Rao |
Object Oriented Design and Reliability Analysis of Software for Real-Time Systems |
2011 |
Mr. Deshpande Santhosh Laxman |
Evolutionary Computing based Secure Key Management Scheme |
2011 |
Mr. Amgoth Jagna |
Some Algorithm for Image Thinning Using Spatial Domain Processing |
2011 |
Mr.P.V.S Srinivas |
Designing an Effective-Assured Communication System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
2010 |
Ms.R Selvarani |
Design Quality Metrics for Object Oriented Software System |
2010 |
Mr. Rajeswar Rao Ramisetty |
Automatic Text Independent Speaker Recognition Using Source Feature |
2010 |
Mr. T Venu Gopal |
Shape Based Image Retrieval using Adapted Fourier Distributors |
2009 |
Ms. V Janaki |
A Study of Some Problem in the Security of Files and Images |
2009 |
Mr.K.Venkateswar Rao |
Dependencies Extraction Process-Knowledge Discovery |
2009 |
Shalini Teroju |
Discovering Emerging Topics in Social Streams via Link-Anomaly Detection |
2015 |
Lavan Pamu |
Automation of the Internal activities in the CSE Department |
2015 |
Raju Paridi |
Automation of the External activities of the Department of CSE |
2015 |
S Dilip Kumar |
A new Methodology for Generating an Effective Frequent Pattern Tree from CAN Tree |
2015 |
J Gopala Krishna |
Speech Recognition System Using New Features |
2015 |
T.P. Sumbureru |
Using Tweets for Prediction of Stock Markets |
2015 |
Ch. Ravalika |
Online Fee Payment System of JNTUHCEH |
2014 |
V. Sowjanya |
Train Travel Information System |
2014 |
P. Lakhan |
Preventing Private Information Inference Attacks on Social Networks |
2014 |
Ravi kumar Gedala |
Quality of service(QOS) management of Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) Application |
2008 |
#01. JNTU Online Examination Systems
Year: 2005
Place: JNTU, Hyderabad
#02. Automation of Entrance Examinations
Year: 2008
Place: JCECEB, Jharkhand
#03. Project:Online Registration System
Year: 2009
Place: JNTU, Hyderabad
#04 Project: Online payment system for convocation to issue original degree
Year: 2010
Place: JNTU, Hyderabad
Contact : |
Prof. V Kamakshi Prasad
Senior Professor
Computer Science & Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad
Department of Computer Science & Engg.
JNTUH College of Engineering Science and Technology
JNTUH Campus
Hyderabad, Telangana 500085
Official Email:
Alternate Email:
Phone: 040 23158662 Ext. 4444 |