Prof. VijayaKumari Gunta, began her career as a member of faculty, JNTU, in the year 1992. Specialized in Computer Science and Engineering, she holds a Ph.D degree from University of Hyderabad. Her Teaching interests include, Algorithms, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Compiler Design and Parallel Algorithms. Her research interests include Algorithms, Cryptography and Artificial Intelligence , Reasoning.
Beyond her academic contributions, Prof. VijayaKumari has served as Head, Department of CSE for two terms, Nodal Officer TEQIP-I and II Phases for four years,Coordinator Centre for e-Learning Solutions (CEEL), Director Academic Staff College, Director Academic Audit Cell and OSD to the Vice-Chancellor (Affiliation Matters), Chairperson Board of Studies of CSE, Director J-Hub(JNTUH Innovation Hub).She is presently the Director of Infrastructure Support and Development. (DISD)
She has served on the program committee of premier International Conferences in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Network Security such as ICISS, KBCS and was the Organizing Chair of ICISS 2008.
Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D in Computer Science- Artificial Intelligence, University of Hyderabad (1998-2002)
M.Tech in Computer Science, JNTU Hyderabad with I (1995-1998)
B.E in Computer Science and Engineering, MVSR Engg College , Osmania University with I (1988-1992)
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
1. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU Hyderabad (1992 - 2003) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTU Hyderabad (2003 - 2006) |
3. |
Professor, JNTU Hyderabad (2006 - Till Date) |
1. |
Professor, JNTU (2006 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTU (2003 - 2006) |
3. |
Lecture/Assistant Professor, JNTU (1992 - 2003) |
Research Projects
Development of Integer Based Homomorphic Encryption Techniques with Application for Cloud Computing, funded by Department of Information Technology - Rs. 48.48 Lakhs (2012 - 2015)
Advanced Data Structures in CSE Mtech(CS) - I sem (2024-25) | Artificial Intelligence in CSE B.Tech -III-2 (SEC A) (2024-25) | DATA STRUCTURES in B.Tech(CSE)-IDP II YEAR -I semester (2022-23) | DATA STRUCTURES in (CSE)-Reg II YEAR -I semester (2022-23) | MACHINE LEARNING in CSE III-Ii (2022-23) | Design and Analysis of Algorithms in CSE II-II (2016-17) | Design and Analysis of Algorithms in B.Tech CSE (Reg & IDMP) II-II (2016-17) | Compiler Design in B.Tech CSE (Reg & IDMP) III-I (2016-17) | ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES in B.Tech CSE II Year - I Semester (2014-15) | Parallel and Distributed Algorithms in CSE M.Tech CS- II Sem (2013-14) | Formal Languages and Automata Theory in CSE I (2012) | Parallel and Distributed Algorithms in CSE I (2012) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Head
, Dept. Of CSE, JNTU Hyderabad, 2006 - 2008
Project/Research Guidance
D. Sirisha |
New Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms for Workflows in Heterogeneous Computing Environments |
2021 |
Y. Govinda Ramaiah |
2016 |
Suresh Kumar |
Resolution of time in NLP |
2010 |
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
University of Tokyo,
, 16-09-2013 to 21-09-2013 HPC- Hardware and Software Innovations and Design Considerations- Next Generation ExaScalar System |
Rekin Super Computer Lab JAPAN,
, 16-09-2013 to 21-09-2013 Visit world fastest Super Computer K-Super Computer |
Microsoft Corporation,
, 08-07-2011 to 13-07-2011 Judge - Software Design Contest - Imagine Cup |
Blekinge Indtitute of Technology,
, 12-04-2010 to 15-04-2010 Extension of bilateral relationship |
Arun K. Pujari, G.VijayaKumari, Abdul Sattar, “INDU: An Interval & Duration Network”, In the proceedings of sixteenth Australian Conference on AI, pp 291-303, 1999, Springer Verlag, N.Foo (Ed) LNCS 1747.
G. VijayaKumari, Arun K Pujari, “Maximality of Pre-Convex (PC) in INDU”. In the proceedings of International Conference on KBCS 2000, pp 459-469, 2000.
G. VijayaKumari, Arun K Pujari, “Enforcing local consistency in INDU”, In the proceeding of International Conference on KBCS, 2002 pages 513-523.
Subrat Kumar Dash, Sanjay Rawat, G. Vijaya Kumari, and Arun K. Pujari, “Masquerade Detection Using IA Network”, In the proceeding of Applications of Constraint Satisfaction and Programming to Computer Security Problems. First International Workshop Sitges, Spain, 1st October 2005, pp 18-30.
S. Suresh Kumar, Dr. G. Vijaya Kumari, “Performance of parts of speech tagging in Telugu A Survey” In the proceedings of International Conference on Information Science Technology and Management(CISTM-07) July16-18, 2007, Published by: Information Institute Publishing, Washington DC ISBN: 978-0-9772107-8-7, PP: 8.1-8.9
Suresh Kumar Sanampudi, Dr.G.Vijaya Kumari, “Reasoning with Event Durations in Natural Language Text” International Journal , IUJCS Vol. II No. 3 Pages 51-61, July 2008.
S. Suresh Kumar, Dr. G. Vijaya Kumari, “Event Ordering in Multi-Document Summarization Using Binary TCN”, In proceedings of Second International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI-2010), Jan-16-18 2010, pp: 286-293, ISBN: 978-81-8489-540-7 Published in Springer LNCS Organized by IIIT Allahabad & IIT Kanpur.
S. Suresh Kumar, Dr. G. Vijaya Kumari, “Temporal Reasoning in Natural Language Text: A Survey”, publication in the proceedings of International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), issue February 2010. Vol 1(4) USA pg: 53-57, ISSN: 0975 - 8887. Published by Harvard University Press.
Y GovindaRamaiah, G VijayaKumari, “State-of-the-art and Critique of Cloud Computing”, Proceedings of National Conference on Next Generation Computing and Information Security, IMS, Noida. pp. 50-60, 2011.
Y.GovindaRamaiah, G.Vijayakumari, “Efficient public key generation for homomorphic encryption over the integers ”3rd International Conference on Advances in Communications, Networks and Computing, CNC-2012, Janahanlal Stephen(Ed.), LNICST, pp 262-268, Springer 2012.
Y. Govinda Ramaiah, G Vijaya Kumari, Efficient Public key Homomorphic Encryption Over Integer Plaintexts, International Conference on Information Security and Intelligent Control (ISIC 2012) August 14-16, 2012 Yunlin, Taiwan.
Y. Govinda Ramaiah, G. Vijaya Kumari, “Towards Practical Homomorphic Encryption with Efficient Public key Generation”, International Journal on Network Security, Volume 3, Issue 4, Oct 2012, ACEEE, USA, pp.10-17
Y. Govinda Ramaiah, G. Vijaya Kumari, “Complete privacy Preserving Auditing for Data Integrity in Cloud Computing”, 2013 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), IEEE Computer Society, July 2013, pp. 1559-1566.
Ratnakumari Challa, VijayaKumari G, Sunny B, Secure Image Processing using LWE Based Homomorphic Encryption, Proceedings of IEEE ICECCT, pages 804-809, Vol 2, ISBN 978-1-4799-6084, 2015.
D Sirisha,Vijaya Kumari G, A New Heuristic for Minimizing Schedule Length in Heterogeneous Computing Systems, Proceedings IEEE ICECCT, pages 821-827, Vol 2, ISBN 978-1-4799-6084, 2015.
Y. Govinda Ramaiah, G. Vijaya Kumari, “A new Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the integers using smaller public Key”, International Journal on Electronic Security and Digital Forensics Vol8, N0.4, 2016, pp 303-331.
D. Sirisha , G. Vijayakumari, “ Exploring the Efiicacy of Branch and Bound strategy for scheduling Workflows on Heterogeneous Computing Systems”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, Vol 93, 2016, pp315-323, Elsevier.
Ratnakumari Challa, VijayaKumari G “ An Efficient LWE Based Additively Homomorphic encryption with shorter public key.” In 4th ICACNI, Springer AISC( Advances in Intelligent Systems & Computing Series No 11156).
Ratnakumari Challa, VijayaKumari G “ Reed-Muller Code based Symmetric Key Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme.” In 12th International Conference on Information System Security (ICISS 2016) – Springer Verlag LNCS 10063.
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