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Mrs. G Vijaya Kumari . Ph.D
Professor(HAG) & Director Infrastructure Support and Development (DISD)

Prof. VijayaKumari Gunta, began her career as a member of faculty, JNTU,  in the year 1992. Specialized in Computer Science and Engineering, she holds a Ph.D degree from University of Hyderabad. Her Teaching interests include, Algorithms, Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Compiler Design and Parallel Algorithms. Her research interests include Algorithms, Cryptography and  Artificial Intelligence , Reasoning. 

Beyond her academic contributions, Prof. VijayaKumari  has served as Head, Department of CSE for two terms, Nodal Officer TEQIP-I and II Phases for four years,Coordinator Centre for e-Learning Solutions (CEEL), Director Academic Staff College, Director Academic Audit Cell and OSD to the Vice-Chancellor (Affiliation Matters), Chairperson Board of Studies of CSE,  Director J-Hub(JNTUH Innovation Hub).She is presently the Director of  Infrastructure Support and Development. (DISD)

She  has served on the  program committee of premier International Conferences in the fields of  Artificial Intelligence and Network Security such as  ICISS, KBCS and was the Organizing Chair of  ICISS 2008. 

Areas of Interest:


Artificial Intelligence-Reasoning


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Contact :
Mrs. G Vijaya Kumari . Ph.D
Professor(HAG) & Director Infrastructure Support and Development (DISD)
Computer Science & Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering , Science & Technology Hyderabad

Official Email: vijayakumari.gunta@gmail.com
Alternate Email: vijayakumari.gunta@gmail.com