Areas of Interest:
Teaching Interests:
Problem Solving with Programming, Algorithms , Discrete Structures and Graph Theory, Data Structures, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Python, Java and C Programming Languages.
Research Interests:
Machine Learning , Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Graph Algorithms, Big Data Analytics,Problem Solving using Programming .
Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, JNTUH with - (2010-2023)
MTech in CS, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad with I with distinction (2008-2010)
BE in CSE, MVSR Engg College, Osmania University with First with distiction (1998-2001)
Professional Experience
1. |
Associate Professor, JNTUH College Of Engineering, Hyderabad (2019 - Till Date) |
2. |
Assistant Professor, JNTUH College Of Engineering, Hyderabad (2003 - 2018) |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Workshop on A One-Week National-Level FDP on Machine Learning, CSE Dept., JNTUH College pf Engg. Hyderabad, 11-04-2016 to 16-04-2016 |
Organized a Workshop on One-week Faculty Development Programme on "Software Engineering",, Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, 22-03-2016 to 27-03-2016 |
Organized a Symposium on Quest'12, CSE Dept., JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 17-03-2012 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Training on WIPRO CERTIFIED FACULTY Training Program, Hyderabad, 03-10-2023 to 20-10-2023 |
2. |
Participated in a FDP on Algorithms, Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, 20-09-2016 to 27-09-2016 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on Machine Learning with Python by IEEE CIS, Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, 15-07-2016 to 16-07-2016 |
4. |
Participated in a Conference on 1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (ICCII-2016), , Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, 28-05-2016 to 30-05-2016 |
5. |
Participated in a Workshop on FDP on Machine Learning and SoftComputing, NIT, Warangal, 28-12-2015 to 09-01-2016 |
6. |
Participated in a Workshop on on Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing, , Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, 21-12-2015 |
7. |
Participated in a Training on Management Capacity Enhancement for Administrators, IIML Noida Campus, 25-05-2015 to 29-05-2015 |
8. |
Participated in a Conference on First International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technologies-2014, Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, 09-11-2014 to 11-11-2014 |
9. |
Participated in a Workshop on Winter School 2012 on Theoretical Computer Science organized by IIIT-Hyderabad, IIIT Hyderabad, 18-12-2012 to 22-12-2012 |
10. |
Participated in a Workshop on ISTE WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY conducted by IIT Bombay, JNTUH COllege of Engineering, 02-02-2012 to 09-02-2012 |
11. |
Participated in a Workshop on Introduction To Robotics conducted by IIT-Bombay, IIT Bombay, 28-01-2010 to 29-01-2010 |
Datastructures in CSE I (BTech II) | Foundations of Artificial Intelligence in all branches I (BTech III) | Machine learning in CSE I (BTech III) | Programming and Problem Solving using C in CSE II (I) | Artificial Intelligence in CSE II (III) | Advanced Data Structures in cse I (II BTech) | High Speed Networks in CS I (MTech) | Network Security and Cryptography in cse I (IV BTech) | Java and Web Technologies in CS I (MTech) | Embedded Systems in CSE I (IV) | Information Retreival Systems in CSE I (I year MTec) | Web Technologies in CSE I (IV) | Computer Networks in CSE II (III) | Computer Organization & Microprocessors in CSE II (II) | Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science in CSE I (II) | Advanced Computer Architecture in CSE I (I year MTec) | Design &Analysis of Algorithms in CSE II (II) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Additional Controller of Examinations, Directorate of Examinations
, JNTUH, 2023 - Present
2. Additional Controller of Examinations, Directorate of Examinations
, JNTUH, 2020 - 2021